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按分类查找All wifi(92) 

[wifi] RuijieWIFI-AutoLogin

Automatically log in to the Ruijie campus WiFi authentication system of Yibin University to prevent accidental disconnection. Theoretically supports all Ruijie system campus networks. (2024-05-06, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)



提供一种更为便捷的方式来连接并登录到CCDX-WIFI. 该工具能够自动搜寻并连接CCDX-WIFI信号, 并利用预设的用户名和密码发送登录请求. 避免了手动连接网络, 访问登录页面和输入账号密码的繁琐步骤. CCDX WIFI LOGIN致力于为用户提供一个更便捷、更高效的校园网连接解决方案。
Provide a more convenient way to connect and log in to CCDX-WIFI The tool can automatically search and connect CCDX-WIFI signals, and send login requests using preset user names and passwords It avoids the tedious steps of manually connecting to the network, accessing the login page and entering the account password CCDX WIFI LOGIN is committed to providing users with a more convenient and efficient campus network connection solution. (2024-03-24, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[wifi] py-net-sockets

This code implements wireless socket communication between a server and client - written in pure python with a user interface for both computers. To recreate what ive done here you ll need two laptops and a network to communicate over. Make sure your IP addresses and subnet masks are correct and networkable. (2023-12-20, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[wifi] TP-Link-Tapo-Pi

control and monitor tp link tapo devices from a raspberry pi 2b connect via ethernet to the main network and wifi to the guest network (2023-12-05, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[wifi] Arduino-Networking-API

一个存储库,用于记录由Arduino以太网库建立的Arduino-Networking API,用于Arduino-WiFi l...,
A repository to document the Arduino Networking API established by the Arduino Ethernet library, adopted for WiFi with the Arduino WiFi library, evolved with Arduino WiFiNINA library and esp8266 WiFi library. (2023-10-19, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[wifi] hubu-wlan-authentication

This is a small command line program written in Go language, which can automatically complete the login authentication operation of the campus network of Hubei University., (2023-09-21, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[wifi] wifi-direct-android-communication

用Java编写的离网通信和文件共享Android移动应用程序,使用蓝牙和Wi-Fi Direct技术...,
Off the grid communication and file sharing Android mobile application written in Java that uses bluetooth and Wi-Fi Direct technology to create a mesh network (2020-03-07, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[wifi] RPi-Router

使用Raspberry Pi的wifi连接通过以太网提供到设备的互联网连接,
Using a Raspberry Pi s wifi connection to provide an internet connection to devices via ethernet, (2023-04-26, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[wifi] BGWiFiConfig

一个为esp8266和esp32设计的简单易用Arduino配网库,可通过api配置 WiFi 网络,支持GET和POST请求配置,可通过默认网页配置 WiFi 网络,可自定义配网页面,可通过OTA网页升级程序固件。,
A simple and easy to use Arduino distribution network library designed for esp8266 and esp32, which can configure WiFi network through api, support GET and POST request configuration, configure WiFi network through default web page, customize distribution network page, and upgrade program firmware through OTA web page., (2022-10-03, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[wifi] Advanced-OTA-on-ESP32

This is an advanced code to perform OTA ( Over The Air ) Firmware update on ESP32 either via Wifi or Ethernet Connection which would also show progress percentage. (2022-05-31, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[wifi] serial2mqtt

Implement a Linux gateway that reads serial port ( USB, serial , bluetooth) commands and transfers to MQTT host. MQTT without ethernet or Wifi on a low cost micocontroller. Don t develop a serial command interface , just use MQTT UI s and features. (2022-03-21, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[wifi] YazFi

在AsusWRT Merlin上扩展来宾WiFi网络的功能,包括SSID->VPN,每个来宾网络单独的子网,对...的针孔访问...,
Feature expansion of guest WiFi networks on AsusWRT-Merlin, including SSID -> VPN, separate subnets per guest network, pinhole access to LAN resources (e.g. DNS) and more! (2023-05-15, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)
