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[Java书籍] 图书借阅系统

It can realize the functions of online library, such as login, exit, lending, returning and inquiry (2019-11-17, Java, 5786KB, 下载0次)


[Java书籍] iBATIS-SqlMaps-2_cn

使用SQL Map,能够大大减少访问关系数据库的代码。SQL Map使用简单的XML配置文件将Java Bean映射成SQL语句,对比其他的数据库持续层和ORM框架(如JDO的实现,Hibernate等),SQL Map最大的优点在于它简单易学。
Using SQL Map can greatly reduce access to relational database code. SQL Map XML Java Bean simple configuration file is mapped into a SQL statement, compared to other database persistence layer and ORM framework (such as JDO, Hibernate, SQL) Map biggest advantage is that it is easy to learn. (2017-09-04, Java, 432KB, 下载1次)


[Java书籍] JavasearchEngine

Network resources are very rich, but how to effectively search for information is a difficult thing. Create search engine is the best way to solve this problem. This book introduces the first Internet search engine based on the system structure, and from the robot, indexing engine, web server, a detailed description of three aspects. In order to more deeply understand the technology, the book also personally implement its own search engine- news search engine. (2011-04-03, Java, 862KB, 下载14次)


[Java书籍] EssentialSNMP

Essential SNMP, Second Edition 个人收藏的基于SNMP的教材是464页的第二版本,是chm格式的。卓越网已经绝版了对于snmp网管开发是一本不可多得的书籍。
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) provides a "simple" set of operations that allows you to more easily monitor and manage network devices like routers, switches, servers, printers, and more. The information you can monitor with SNMP is wide-ranging--from standard items, like the amount of traffic flowing into an interface, to far more esoteric items, like the air temperature inside a router. In spite of its name, though, SNMP is not especially simple to learn. O Reilly has answered the call for help with a practical introduction that shows how to install, configure, and manage SNMP. Written for network and system administrators, the book introduces the basics of SNMP and then offers a technical background on how to use it effectively. "Essential SNMP" explores both commercial and open source packages, and elements like OIDs, MIBs, community strings, and traps are covered in depth. The book contains five new chapters and various updates throughout. Other new topics include: Expa (2011-03-25, Java, 2495KB, 下载14次)


[Java书籍] album

公司软件,0755-33668340. 适合中小企业的CRM公司软件 计算器 china.alibaba.com 节日销售旺季,备货就阿里巴巴 供求信息量大,质优价低,快速成交 正元瑞思软件公司 www.zyrise.net 倾力打造企业安全生产管理平台 安全生产管理软件首选! 28商机网 开家装连锁店
lllfgljfg sdfjkl klj (2009-11-26, Visual C++, 40KB, 下载41次)


[Java书籍] JAVA_xiangmukaifaquanchengshilu

书籍仅仅是第一章内容 (2009-10-07, Java, 1623KB, 下载95次)


[Java书籍] J2ME_webbook

据市场进一步细分为针对企业网应用的J2EE(Java 2 Enterprise Edition)、针对普通PC应用的J2SE(Java 2 Standard Edition)和针对嵌 入式设备及消费类电器的J2ME(Java 2 Micro Edition)等3个版本(如图1所示)。J2 ME推出之后,Motorola公司作为J2ME的主要支持者,第一个在自己生产的手机上移植了 KVM(千字节虚拟机),又领导全球手机厂家制定了MIDP(移动信息设备框架)规范
It is further broken down into the market for enterprise network applications J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition), general PC applications for J2SE (Java 2 Standard Edition) and for embedded devices and consumer appliances J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition) 3 version (as shown in Figure 1). J2 ME after launch, Motorola as the main supporters of J2ME, the first production in their own mobile phones transplant KVM (kilobyte virtual machine), the world' s leading mobile phone manufacturers also developed a MIDP (Mobile Information Device Framework) specification (2009-07-17, Java, 335KB, 下载4次)


[Java书籍] Special_Edition_Using_Java2

本书按照时间安排内容,全书共分为两大部分。前一部分为3周共21天,主要讲解Java的基本概念、图形化编程的思想和方法、线程和动画、Java的声音处理、出错处理、对象串行化、因特网通信以及JavaBeans和数据库编程等高级主题。最后一周为附加的深入篇,主要是扩展了前3周所学的知识,介绍了有关软件开发工具和编程环境,编写小应用程序和Java Server Page以及处理XML文件等有关的技术问题。
In accordance with the timing of the book content, the book is divided into two major parts. The first part of three weeks for a total of 21 days, mainly to explain the basic concepts of Java, graphical programming ideas and methods, thread and animation, Java voice processing, error handling, object serialization, Internet communications, as well as JavaBeans and database advanced topics such as programming. Last week for additional in-depth articles, mainly the expansion of the three weeks prior to knowledge, introduction of the software development tools and programming environment, the preparation of small applications and Java Server Page, as well as deal with XML documents and other relevant technical issues. (2009-02-06, Java, 14071KB, 下载3次)


[Java书籍] aaaa

基础类将帖子提前 放进我的网摘 推荐给好友 我要提问 帖子加分 生成帖子 置顶 推荐(加如何将数转换为数字
Category will be based on early post into the net I picked recommend to friends I would like to post questions to generate extra points Top Recommended posts (plus how to digital converter for digital (2008-12-03, Delphi, 9KB, 下载1次)


[Java书籍] JAVA222

基础类将帖子提前 放进我的网摘 推荐给好友 我要提问 帖子加分 生成帖子 置顶 推荐(加单 页面风格切换标准风格老版本论坛 如何将数值型字符转换为数字
Category will be based on early post into the net I picked recommend to friends I would like to post questions to generate extra points Top Recommended posts (plus single-page style of the old style switch standard version of the forum how to convert numeric characters for the digital (2008-12-03, Perl, 55KB, 下载1次)



On how to create*. ini files, and tasks to develop the game map as well as the preparation of the relevant map tutorial (2008-11-17, Java, 26033KB, 下载39次)


[Java书籍] 9

Personal collections, java beginner good teaching! This is Chapter 9 and the source of e-books, one after another mass on the back of me to share with you! (2008-10-12, Java, 6520KB, 下载3次)


[Java书籍] java+sql

A simple database operation, use java+ Sql statement to a brief, easy to learn. (2008-06-16, Java, 8057KB, 下载17次)


[Java书籍] J2ME

名称:程序天下:J2ME手机游戏案例精编 随书光盘/电子教程 版本:随书光盘/电子教程 作者:龚剑 出版日期:2008年1月 出版社:电子工业出版社 地区:大陆 语言:普通话 本书的读者对象要求有J2ME语言基础,已经基本掌握用户界面、媒体播放和记录存储的概念和技巧。主要为从事J2ME平台移动增值业务开发的工程技术人员、高校学生和相关技术的爱好者。本书可作为大专院校嵌入式程序开发课程的教材,也可作为J2ME程序开发人员的入门书籍和参考书,比较适合手机游戏中高级开发人员。 图书目录: 第一章 J2ME手机游戏开发基础 第二章 益智猜谜游戏-数独的设计与实现 第三章 射击策略游戏-坦克大战的设计与实现 第四章 棋类游戏-五子棋的设计与实现 第五章 休闲娱乐游戏-连连看的设计与实现 第六章 飞行射击游戏-雷电游戏的设计与实现 第七章 蓝牙游戏-五子棋对战游戏的设计与实现 第八章 角色扮演游戏-剑神的设计与实现 (2008-05-23, Java, 17302KB, 下载452次)


[Java书籍] javascript

本书首先概要介绍Netscape Navigator,即当前流行的Web浏览器版本,JavaScript及其与Java的关系,以及它在Web开发工具Netscape 中的地位,然后重点介绍JavaScript语言的各个方面以及如何将它们应用于Web的实际网景中。本书中提供了一些小的脚本,这些脚本可直接用于读者自己的Web页面。本书还讨论了Java,JavaScript,HTML,Navigator等目前流行的这些词汇的具体含义以及它们之间的关系。本书的附录部分给出了JavaScript语言参考。书中的绝大多数源代码都由HTML写成。本书由浅入深的,实例丰富,是一本学习JavaScript语言的速成指导,本书适用于广大Web设计者、编程者和网络爱好者。
err (2008-04-14, Java, 23287KB, 下载3次)


[Java书籍] Manning-SWTJFaceinAction

Administrator, Hello, I am a student attached upon their arrival in the company, expensive networks need to upload before downloading the original code, I am the newly recruited line, nothing will, and nothing good, but my boss let me in today (2008-04-10, Java, 3399KB, 下载5次)


[Java书籍] en_cn_code

英中繁简编程术语对照表.xls 英中繁简编程术语对照以下是侯捷个人陆续收集整理的有关於我所涉猎的领域的术语对照(英中繁简)。 欢迎所有朋友给我意见(任何意见)。java
programming terminology CRT. Xls British character which controls programming terminology is the following individuals have suggested collection on the finishing touches my terminology in the field of control (which the British character). Welcome to all the friends I have (any opinion). Java (2006-08-15, Java, 28KB, 下载5次)


[Java书籍] LogisticsManager

Logistics Information Network include prospects and the background of two parts, the prospects for membership registration and information browsing, the background is mainly information management interface. The system will process the original copy to your computer, remove the read-only folder attributes, according to the "installation configuration specification" as complete configuration, will be on the local machine running the site. Prospects include : member registration, information publishing and viewing and information search. (2006-08-04, Java, 3762KB, 下载58次)


[Java书籍] 6javaxiaochengxu

这里面总共有6个小程序,分别是: 1.自制网络聊天室 2.网上购物系统的JSP实现 3.图像编辑器 4.简单媒体播放器 5.个人日常事务管理系统 6.商场VIP消费管理系统 7.公司资源预约系统
There are a total of six small programs, namely : 1. homemade Internet chat room 2. the online shopping system JSP 3. Image editor 4. simple Media Player 5 . day-to-day personal management system 6. Shopping Center Management System VIP consumption 7. company Resource Reservation System (2006-05-23, Java, 461KB, 下载155次)


[Java书籍] J2EE_cn

这个指南就是J2EE Tutorial的前身。Java2企业版的成功是显著的。开发者们都强烈要求提供有关使用Java平台编写服务端应用程序的资料。同原来的指南一样,这是一个多实例、易使用的并作为J2EE平台开发的参考
the J2EE Tutorial Guide is the forerunner. Java2 Enterprise's success is notable. Developers who have strongly demanded for the use of the Java platform for the preparation of the server application information. With the original guide, this is no more than one example of easy-to-use and the J2EE platform as a reference (2006-04-30, Java, 2393KB, 下载20次)
