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按分类查找All Windows编程(151) 
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[Windows编程] epgweb

Using the JAV language based IPTV based on the EPG framework, the current network tests pass and the resolution is debugged correctly. (2018-01-17, Java, 16408KB, 下载11次)


[Windows编程] Apptest

Source desktop widget example modeled on the ink weather, high imitation ink weather desktop components, can flip clock and analytical China Weather Network Weather and weather updates to display the corresponding picture according to the weather (2017-01-16, Java, 3023KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] ExpressFast

This project is a small project on the Android Express query source. Can scan automatically or manually enter the express waybill number, support tee up, downwind, EMS, every day, Huitong, peak, Debon, ZJS express the query, check the a sto piece, that you can use. The overall project is good but is a little frenzied ads, all empty places are put on the advertising. Also can be in the search results page save odd convenient query again, and a function of the network, there is no specific study on how to use. Project using API ickd.cn, using the URL into the string of the way query, scanning function is used zxing. (2016-06-06, Java, 2119KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] evbvwqhmsn

俄罗斯开发是知名商业EA evbvwqhmsn第七版,感谢外汇汇友[ F ]的友情提供。 适用于多种货币对:EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/CAD, USD/CHF, USD/JPY。
Russia is a well-known commercial development EA AladdinFX 7th, thank the friends of foreign exchange alliance [F] provide friendship. Applicable to a variety of currency pairs: EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/CAD, USD/CHF, USD/JPY. (2016-05-04, Java, 64KB, 下载16次)


[Windows编程] gmarcket

应用商店-机锋市场完整客户端项目源码 1 可以通过通知栏告知手机上有多少款软件需要更新 2 搜索页可以搜机锋市场内的应用与机锋论坛里的附件 3 注册页面可以根据邮箱来注册 并且有邮箱 密码匹配过滤 4 有装机必备专题 可以一次性下载多个应用 5 主界面包括首页 分类页 排行页和管理页 6 排行页下有应用 游戏 电子书 风向标等几个不同类型的排行 7 分类页有最新 最热 精选 装机必备 等分类 8 应用详情页会显示应用公司 名称 评级 是否安装 简介 大小 版本 下载量 评论 截图 权限等信息 9 登录后会显示个人中心 可以充值购买付费内容 也可以开启云推送 可以在应用详情页评论吐槽 10 支持移动 联通 电信等手机充值卡充值 支持支付宝在线充值 11 支持直接更新或者卸载手机应用注意:本源码不带服务端源码 项目内所有数据直接在机锋网获取 本项目源码为商业源码 售价50专家币 以下截图是项目编译后的工程截图 截图中的功能都已经实现 识货的朋友可以在后台在线充值后下载涉及模块&技术通知栏网络检测支付宝集成登录注册图片缓存文件下载文件扫描充值支付
App store- full client machine front market source project 1 notifications bar told how much money you need to update the software on your phone 2 search page to search the machine front application and machine front forum within the market in the Annex 3 registration page can be registered under the mailbox and have a mailbox password match the filter 4 has installed the necessary thematic can download multiple applications 5 The main interface includes Home Category Page Ranking and management pages There are several other applications Games eBooks benchmark ranking for 6 different types of ranking pages 7 classification page with the latest selection of the hottest must-installed, etc. and 8 application details page displays the application is installed Profile Company Name Rating Size Version Downloads Comments Screenshots permissions and other information 9 will be displayed after login personal center can recharge purchase premium content can be pushed open cloud applica (2016-03-30, Java, 3770KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] cytoscape.src

Cytoscape是一款图形化显示网络并进行分析和编辑的软件,见图1,它支持多种网络描述格式,也可以用以Tab制表符分隔的文本文档或Microsoft Excel文件作为输入,或者利用软件本身的编辑器模块直接构建网络。 Cytoscape还能够为网络添加丰富的注释信息,并且可以利用自身以及第三方开发的大量功能插件,针对网络问题进行深入分析。 Cytoscape对非盈利性客户免费,在他的官网上有下载地址。[1]
Cytoscape is a graphical display of the network and the analysis and editing software, shown in Figure 1, which supports a variety of network description formats can also be used to Tab tab-delimited text file or Microsoft Excel file as input, or the use of software Editor module itself is built directly into the network. Cytoscape also be able to add rich annotation information for the network, and can use its own and third-party plug-ins developed by a number of features, in-depth analysis of network problems. Cytoscape for nonprofit customers for free, in his official online download address. [1] (2015-04-06, Java, 14801KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] scrollGallery

jQuery scrollGallery 支持左右滚动控制图片浏览器,腾讯图片频道、网易图片新闻、新浪新闻等都有类似效果,本压缩包内含三种方式的滚动代码,根据你的实际需求自由选择,另外,jQuery插件也一同打包,使用更方便。
jQuery scrollGallery support around the scroll control image viewer, picture channel Tencent, Netease Photo News, Sina news, have a similar effect, this archive contains rolling code three ways, depending on your actual needs freedom of choice, in addition, jQuery plugin are packaged together, easier to use. (2014-12-28, Java, 785KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] rte_zh_cn

Rich Text Editor 编辑器及使用实例,比较早的东西了,不知道有没有能用得上,比起FCKeditor、TinyMCE之类要小N多了,加载速度也快,并且支持IE、Mozila、Netscape,缺点是无法定制。不过新版的Rich Text Editor 功能也比较强大了,再此不多介绍了
Rich Text Editor editor and use cases, relatively early stuff, I do not know if I have that can use, FCKeditor, TinyMCE like to be smaller than N and more, loading speed is also fast, and supports IE, Mozila, Netscape, The disadvantage is that can not be customized. But the new version of Rich Text Editor functions are relatively strong, then this little introduction (2014-11-25, Java, 34KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] Traffic_Light

Electronic traffic simulation system is based on the existing road network and its facilities and travel distribution, to be guiding the management of a variety of travel, so that the whole system from the time coordinated as possible. (2014-05-05, Java, 75KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] T-GWAP-DEMO

Analog Dangdang' s e-commerce system, including user registration Login goods browse detailed information, shopping cart, order management, receiving information, the use of the MVC architecture, mysql database, fully functional code Introduction understandable. (2013-04-08, Java, 5948KB, 下载18次)


[Windows编程] 20080309_75cd816d7a2474b0c8c7xMa4zLxC4HLe

电子商务系统是由吉林省明日科技有限公司开发,程序的主要目的就是通过网站来推广互联企业的产品和服务,并使客户随时可以了解企业和企业的产品,为客户提供在线服务和订单处理功能。从长期的战略目标来说,网站不仅仅是产品和服务的推广,而是通过Internet、企业内部网(Intranet)和企业外部网(Extranet),将买家与卖家、厂商和合作伙伴紧密结合在了一起,因而消除了时间与空间带来的障碍。 读者将系统的原程序拷贝到本地计算机后,去掉文件夹的只读属性,按照《安装配置说明书》内容完成配置后,便可在本地计算机上运行网站了。 系统主要分为前台和后台。前台包括产品的展示及会员购物等模块,后台是管理界面,主要包括商品信息、会员信息、订单信息和公告信息的常规设置
this original code is for java developers (2009-07-15, Java, 4135KB, 下载9次)


[Windows编程] byqz

程序名称: 北雨求职招聘系统V2.0.10 软件类别: JSP源码 / 人才交友 软件语言: 简体中文 授权方式: 免费版 系统平台: JSP+MYSQL 程序下载: http://lfbay.com/job.rar程序演示: http://www.lfbay.comhttp://www.lfbay.com 官方网址: http://lfbay.com/ 介绍: 适合大中型人才网或门户网站的人才频道均可,速度快,安全好,功能多! 安装方法: 1把所有文件上传至服务器 2运行setup/index.jsp按提示安装即可
good good goodgoodgoodgood (2009-05-30, Java, 348KB, 下载30次)


[Windows编程] wuziqi

Currently, computer technology and network technology at the core of modern network technology and production in real life can be widely used in the leisure category of online game set interesting, entertaining, interactive and informative and one has already become the majority population leisure. Gobang is a very popular chess games, it can be called the history of our country goes back to ancient times, it can not only enhance the thinking ability and intelligence, and rich in philosophy will help self-cultivation (2009-05-23, Java, 5KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] 263

0.3.1 Beta6 加入防盗功能,避免d3d9.dll被非法盗用! 开启程序后直接进入游戏 家庭用户只需要安装一遍补丁即可,网吧用户需要每次重启或开机时安装一次! 第一次使用或者出现缺少d3dx9_37.dll报错提示请进入补丁目录安装补丁. 游戏中:F5为地图透视,F6为人物透视+显鬼. 如果使用时出现以下情况: 1.Client MFC Application 遇到问题需要关闭.我们对此引起的不便表示抱歉. 2.crossfire.exe应用程序错误 如果在进入游戏画面时出现该问题的话,建议把分辨率调成800*600!
V0.3.1 Beta6 Client MFC Application (2009-04-08, Java, 1276KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] l1j-jp_1551[1]

版本: 1551 c~~4eia) 作者: vala.l1j ,Jh#$mil 日期: 22:51:30, 2009年1月25日 [|YvVA 信息: ]>9 /r# チャット遮断リスト処理を専用クラスに移動。 Ihf)gfHj 1551日方源码
Version: 1551 c ~ ~ 4eia) Author: vala.l1j, J h# $ mil Date: 22:51:30, January 25, 2009 [| Y vVA information: ' ]> 9/r#チャッストトhot deal breakerを専withクラスにmobile. I hf) gfHj 1551 Japanese source (2009-03-15, Java, 3918KB, 下载28次)


[Windows编程] Source_of_supply_and_demand_information_throughout

Personal shop, business yellow pages in one step: Each member has its own shops, corporate members can add to business yellow pages, integrated online payment Email Backgrounds landing Address: Backgrounds landing address directory for the supply and demand adminindex asp [proposed to amend the Backgrounds folder path] default administrator: Username: admin Password: admin Please log in to change my password (2009-03-02, Java, 3659KB, 下载7次)


[Windows编程] 坠落天使

this is a program about corrupt angell which is writed by Java,I had writed it by NETBEAN,you can consult it,only want to open the web it can run very well!it is writed by a story (2005-06-01, Java, 7KB, 下载7次)


[Windows编程] NetMsgServer

TCP/IP是“transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol”的简写,中文译名为传输控制协议/互联网络协议)协议, TCP/IP(传输控制协议/网间协议)是一种网络通信协议,它规范了网络上的所有通信设备,尤其是一个主机与另一个主机之间的数据往来格式以及传送方式。这一程序是服务器端的聊天程序.
TCP/IP is the "transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol," the abbreviation, the Chinese translation of Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) agreement, TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Network intergovernmental agreement) is a network communication protocol, which standardized on the network for all communications equipment, especially one with another host mainframe data exchanges between the formats and modes of transmission. This procedure is the server-chat program. (2005-04-24, Java, 22KB, 下载31次)


[Windows编程] hero_java346888244

IP services to the following features : data applications including office automation systems, WWW, FTP and e-mail. Its transmission is characterized by the sudden-transmitted data stream that is the emergence of irregular, and once the data flow, the flow is very large, often in a short period of time using the entire backbone network bandwidth. (2005-04-24, Java, 298KB, 下载18次)


[Windows编程] 彩森视频网络电台(DQUS版)

为适应网络媒体的发展,满足人们娱乐生活的需要,本系统应用JSP、flashMX2004软件结合flash communication server服务,设计适合大众的视频电台。 主要功能: 1在线NJ视频,电台广播 2.提供公共聊天室 3.管理员功能:添加删除和编辑NJ、管理员、 节目信息、电台公告 4. 电台样式BANNER定义:(修改radio.css样式表)
to adapt to the development of the online media, entertainment meet the daily needs of the application JSP, flashMX2004 software integration services flash communication server, designed for the video public radio. The main functions : an online video NJ, radio 2. Public Chat Room 3. Administrator functions : Add delete and edit NJ, administrators and program information, radio Notice 4. Radio ads style definition : (revised radio.css style sheet) (2005-01-17, Java, 1356KB, 下载30次)
