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[界面编程] SkinSharp

最近想玩一下软件界面,百度了半天,发现 SkinSharp 挺强的。可是以前写的好多程序都懒得改源码了,所以想调戏一下 SkinSharp ,在没有源码的情况下,让任何一个 EXE 都可以使用 SkinSharp。本人是很尊重知识产权的,发这个贴子完全是出于技术交流的目的。如果你想使用 SkinSharp 请到官网 http://www.skinsharp.com/htdocs/index.htm 购买。这里玩的 SkinSharp 是1.0.6.6 版的。
Recently want to play the software interface Baidu for a long time, and quite strong SkinSharp. But I used to write a lot of programs are too lazy to change the source code, so I want to take liberties with SkinSharp, in case there is no source, so any SkinSharp an EXE can use. I have great respect for the intellectual property, send this post out the purpose of the exchange of technology. If you want to use SkinSharp Please official website http://www.skinsharp.com/htdocs/index.htm purchase. The play here SkinSharp version (2012-12-01, Asm, 493KB, 下载13次)


[汇编语言] fe

Written in assembly language using the C8051 Ethernet chip BCM5388 driver run a program containing C8051F340, C8051F340 on driver (2012-09-10, Asm, 11KB, 下载3次)


[汇编语言] OBC55

Multi-service transport network element management system program in 8031 ​ ​ assembly language applications, 77E58 on the run, I have written a task scheduling system very useful (2012-09-10, Asm, 30KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] avr_net

这是我用 avr 单片机:用IE访问AVR+RTL8019设计的以太网应用系统的仿真图和代码;希望能帮助初学者;
This is my AVR microcontroller with IE visit: AVR+RTL8019 design of Ethernet application system simulation diagram and code hope to help beginners (2012-01-04, Asm, 732KB, 下载43次)


[单片机开发] UDP_ATmega48

Foreign person to achieve a cow simple AVR microcontroller based Ethernet controller on a chip, the chip card is not dedicated (2011-09-22, Asm, 18KB, 下载8次)


[单片机开发] pic

单片机学习资料,那你从新手变高手。。很多例子 由易到难。
MCU learning materials, then you change from novice to expert. . Many examples from easy to difficult. (2011-05-29, Asm, 7398KB, 下载7次)


[单片机开发] DS18B20[1]

该产品采用美国DALLAS公司生产的 DS18B20可组网数字温度传感器芯片封装而成,具有耐磨耐碰,体积小,使用方便,封装形式多样,适用于各种狭小空间设备数字测温和控制领域。
The product produced by the United States DS18B20 DALLAS Network digital temperature sensor chip can be packaged together, with wear-resistant touch, small, easy to use, package diversity, space equipment for a variety of small areas of digital temperature measurement and control. (2010-09-25, Asm, 187KB, 下载153次)


[流媒体/Mpeg4/MP4] Tests

PCI Enumerate Tool by WuJun@amoi.com.cn copy Irvine16.inc into c:\masm611\include copy Irvine16.lib into c:\masm611\lib compile command: ML /nologo -c -Fl pci.asm link command: LINK /nologo pci,,NUL,Irvine16 History 2004-11-29 v0.1 prime version to show pcicfg as bus dev func venid devid class in hex code 2004-12-1 v0.1 added function to show class and subclass string instead of hex code 2004-12-2 v0.2 added pci struct,improve the data struct,make program to has more readablilty
PCI Enumerate Tool by WuJun@amoi.com.cn copy Irvine16.inc into c:\masm611\include copy Irvine16.lib into c:\masm611\lib compile command: ML /nologo -c -Fl pci.asm link command: LINK /nologo pci,,NUL,Irvine16 History 2004-11-29 v0.1 prime version to show pcicfg as bus dev func venid devid class in hex code 2004-12-1 v0.1 added function to show class and subclass string instead of hex code 2004-12-2 v0.2 added pci struct,improve the data struct,make program to has more readablilty (2010-07-22, Asm, 352KB, 下载3次)


[Web服务器] V5ShoplianmengxitongV20

V5Shop联盟系统V 2.0版 最新的V5SHOP联盟系统V2.0程序,已经添加内置API接口,能够支持和任意网店系统、社区系统的整合
V5Shop League System V 2.0 The latest version V2.0 program V5SHOP alliance systems, has added built-in API interface, to support and arbitrary Shop System, Community System Integration (2010-03-30, Asm, 3079KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] pojiedizhi

Break Guinness site, contains almost all the well-known crack site address! (2009-08-18, Asm, 2KB, 下载4次)


[单片机开发] aybook.cn_dsjicwej0530

I dare say this is a very useful information, especially for electronic design contest would like to participate in the vast number of students. This is an Electronic Design Competition Collection, a collection of outstanding works over the years. Single-chip learning is also good information on Sunplus, because there is work to do with Sunplus (2009-04-22, Asm, 2346KB, 下载84次)


[汇编语言] sk377-1

snc88168 12首24channel Midi播放程序。
snc88168 12 first 24channel Midi player. (2009-02-17, Asm, 2116KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] TCPIP

RTL8019AS以太网控制器以寄存器(16K的RAM)为核心,本地和远程控制并发的操作,RTL8019拥有控制、状态、数据寄存器,通过他们与MCU通信。 RTL8019的接收和发送的机理 网络芯片负责物理链路层的电信号与上层协议的数据之间的转化。在分层的参考模型中,层与层之间是独立的。以太网协议由芯片自动完成。
RTL8019AS Ethernet controller registers (16K of RAM) as the core, local and remote control operation of concurrency, RTL8019 control, status, data register, through their communication with the MCU. RTL8019 of receive and transmit the mechanism of the network responsible for the physical link layer chip of the signal with the upper protocol conversion between the data. In the stratified reference model, between the three levels is independent. Ethernet protocol completed by the chip automatically. (2007-07-24, Asm, 138KB, 下载124次)


[单片机开发] MODHID-1_00

您可以使用 Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 执行其他 Windows XP 计算机所执行的任何操作,甚至更多操作。可以浏览 Web,玩喜欢的计算机游戏,与朋友互相发送电子邮件和即时消息,以及安装和使用针对 Windows XP 设计的程序。无论您是坐在 Windows 桌面前还是手持遥控器呆在另一间屋子里,Media Center 都会提供功能强大且易于使用的方法使您享受所有数字娱乐活动:照片、音乐、电视、电影、家庭视频、广播和种类繁多的应用程序和服务。Media Center 是高度集成的计算机和家庭娱乐中心。 对此感兴趣的可以和我联系。13616148574 邮箱:crzman@163.com
you can use Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Ed ition 2,005 other Windows XP computer performs any operation, even more operational. Can surf the Web, play like a computer game, with mutual friends to send e-mail and instant messaging. and the installation and use of Windows XP design process. Whether you are sitting Windows desktop before or handheld remote control to stay in another room and Media Center will provide powerful and easy-to-use method allows you to enjoy all the digital entertainment : Photos, music, television, movies, family video, radio and a wide variety of applications and services. Media Center is a highly integrated computer and family entertainment center. Interested can contact me. 13616148574 mail : crzman@163.com (2007-06-08, Asm, 68KB, 下载66次)


[单片机开发] AN_O0306_cn_V1.0

本系统应用于SUNPLUS SPMC65x series上,扫描4X4按键和4个数码管的动作与规格说明,提供的范例程序的硬件部分是以SPMC65P2404A*28p为开发对象。
the system used SUNPLUS SPMC65x series. 4 X4 scan button and four digital control movement and specifications. provide examples of procedures based on the hardware of Application of SPMC65P2404A* 28p for the development targets. (2007-05-09, Asm, 370KB, 下载1次)


[uCOS/RTOS] ARM_Ethernet

zlg Ethernet Ethernet for the preparation of the project template, in ucosII operating system, can be directly copied to the installation directory ads1.2 the template directory can be used (2006-04-07, Asm, 91KB, 下载88次)


[弱点检测代码] SeePass

采用远程线程查看星号密码,支持查看某些采用了 anti 技术的编辑框。大部分网游就是因为这样所以用传统的键盘HOOK技术取不到密码。这份代码提供了完整的解决方案。用处嘛?还用多说?
distance threads View asterisk password used to support the view of some anti technical editor box. Most online games is the reason why the traditional keyboard HOOK fail to obtain passwords. This code provides a complete solution. Useful incorrect? Also used to say? (2006-01-06, Asm, 6KB, 下载2675次)


[单片机开发] 远程控制系统

telephone network based on the remote control system with voice, originality outstanding graduate design, with all the files, programs, in-kind photographs. (2005-08-05, Asm, 626KB, 下载833次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] verilog实例 100 多个

verilog实例 100 多个
more than 100 examples of Verilog (2004-10-28, Asm, 185KB, 下载755次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] verilog实例 [43项]

嵌入式可编程器件CPLD的典型实例 压缩包,共计43个源码文件。 使用ALTERA的 Muxplus 软件即可编辑仿真 相关软件可在教育网ftp下载[天网查询,有很多站点提供]
Embedded Programmable CPLD in a typical example of compressed, for a total of 43 source document. Altera Muxplus use the software can edit simulation software available from the Education Network ftp download [days Web inquiries, many sites provide] (2004-07-30, Asm, 177KB, 下载460次)
