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[系统编程] PB微信支付&支付宝支付到个人账户源代码(powe

个人、个体、公司都可以申请,有需要账号的可以跟我联系,在开发公众号、小程序、网站等过程中,经常需要使用到微信支付,而微信支付又涉及到繁琐的签名加密,验证签名、回调等,需要熟读官方API,特别费神。因此就专门开发了微信支付控件,使用该控件,以后需要微信支付功能就可以通过简单设置几个参数直接使用,无需再进行繁琐开发(从此不再受那奴役苦)。 (2022-10-20, Delphi, 352KB, 下载0次)


[系统编程] 精确督学学习系统部署教程

运行环境: 服务器操作系统:windows server 2012 64位中文版 数据库:Microsoft SQL Server 2008 .NET版本:.NET4.6 服务器起步配置要求:2核 4G 3M带宽 40G系统盘+50G数据盘 计算型 局域网和外网均可部署 (2022-07-25, C#, 15KB, 下载0次)


[系统编程] tuobuox

中华人民共和国通信行业标准 900 1800MHz TDMA数字蜂窝移动通信网SIM-ME应用工具箱技术规范 900 1800MH
Technical specification of SIM-ME application toolbox for 900 1800MHz TDMA digital cellular mobile communication network in the people's Republic of China (2018-07-30, CHM, 337KB, 下载0次)


[系统编程] pci_read_write

read and write pci for windows,And the register values of real-time monitoring network device is normal, if not normal repair (2017-02-24, Visual C++, 17907KB, 下载5次)


[系统编程] netconfig

注册表方式修改网络配置,包括ip,网关,子网掩码等等。。。xp win7通用,非常方便。
Registry way to modify the network configuration, including IP, gateway, subnet mask, etc...Xp to Windows 7 in general use, very convenient. (2014-08-02, Visual C++, 153KB, 下载14次)


[系统编程] 11111

People s Park financial management (2012-05-15, Visual Basic, 12038KB, 下载6次)


[系统编程] StingARP4.0

Increase the C/S structure of the notification mechanism, after the deployment of each segment, the program found a suspicious computer will automatically send a message to the service notification procedures. (2012-03-01, Visual C++, 2263KB, 下载4次)


[系统编程] HTTP-Authorization-Tool

http 认证算法,优质代码,华为的网管认证时使用,已经被录为己用,希望对你也有用
http authentication algorithm, high-quality code, the use of Huawei s network certification, has been recorded for its own purposes, want to be useful for you (2011-11-26, Visual C++, 164KB, 下载20次)


[系统编程] chulijidiaodu

很好的处理机调度算法的实现 希望大家能够喜欢 也希望大家继续支持pudn网 上传更多的好的源代码
Good processor scheduling algorithm implemented like to hope that we can continue to support pudn hope more good online source mass (2010-12-24, Visual C++, 1472KB, 下载2次)


[系统编程] mmzm

web page password cracking method, using a dictionary+ infinity click away (2010-03-01, Delphi, 320KB, 下载362次)


[系统编程] cameral

具体包括了 使用的是普通的电脑摄像头,因为是用m语言写的,所以兼容各个版本。 原创地址(我在ilovematlab发了帖子了,下载人很多,所以在这里也发出来,给大家共享): http://www.ilovematlab.cn/viewthread.php?tid=38743&highlight= 包含内容: 摄像头的预览和抓图 摄像头图片的保存 定时器的应用 m文件建立gui控件。 方便初学者学习。
Specifically includes the use of an ordinary PC camera, because it is written with the m language, therefore, compatible with all versions. Original address (I ilovematlab made a post, and download many people, so come here, also issued for everyone to share): http://www.ilovematlab.cn/viewthread.php?tid=38743& highlight = contains the content: video the head camera image preview and drawings of the application of the preservation of the timer m document creation gui controls. Easy for beginners to learn. (2009-08-24, matlab, 2KB, 下载58次)


[系统编程] VBInternet

This software is what I set out to monitor network traffic, an earlier version of Thunder show only download speeds, so I think sometimes when网速慢Take a look at him, in the end is not a matter Thunderbolt. Thunderbolt is the latest version of the upload speed is added to the rate in the total, so that the software is no use. Alas! ! (2009-08-20, Visual Basic, 214KB, 下载10次)


[系统编程] shubiaoyuyinyanshi

无DLL实现的鼠标语音演示 主要是跟楚茗(东南网安)学习用无DLL钩子时写的东西
No DLL to achieve the main demonstration of the mouse with voice楚茗(South-East Network Security) to learn to write without DLL hook when things (2009-07-27, Visual C++, 14KB, 下载3次)


[系统编程] USBCAN_LabVIEW_Demo

LABVIEW关于DLL调用的源代码,关于界面设计,DLL调用等方面,很有参考价值。此例程针对武汉吉阳光电www.glinker.cn的GY8507 USB-CAN总线适配器开发,二次开发例程。
LABVIEW call on the DLL source code, with regard to interface design, DLL calls, etc., could very well refer. This routine for the www.glinker.cn Wuhan Photoelectric Geesun GY8507 USB-CAN bus adapter development, secondary development of routines. (2009-01-07, LabView, 189KB, 下载714次)


[系统编程] WINDOWSqipao

bubble windows program source code can be displayed in the lower right corner of the system, suggesting that bubble, type shutdown prompted network effects, see (2008-12-26, Visual Basic, 3KB, 下载8次)


[系统编程] CCAMS

Computer Activity Monitoring System Introduction: Through the system, network administrators can monitor the host server网段内including file access, network access, e-mail to send and receive, host CPU load and process activities, including all client behavior, computer activity monitoring system to understand the client state, to detect abnormal network activities, and take relevant measures. (2008-10-03, Visual C++, 2165KB, 下载22次)


[系统编程] ALOGON

AutoLogon+IPCFG 网吧专用程序,只要输入机器名就能自动改IP和IPX、CS序列号等,还带几个常用安全策略
AutoLogon+ IPCFG special procedures for Internet cafes, as long as the machine name can be automatically input to IP and IPX, CS serial number, etc., but also with a number of common security policy (2008-06-02, Visual Basic, 24KB, 下载4次)


[系统编程] filesManageSystem(asp)

文件管理系统 一个很完善的管理系统,可以实现上载,文章评论,评分以及网管回复功能,还可以实现在线问题提交。
Document management system a very sound management system that can realize upload, article comments, ratings, as well as network management recovery can also be submitted online. (2008-04-13, ASP, 384KB, 下载19次)


[系统编程] getiddelphi7

可获取cpuid 速率 硬盘序列号等硬件相关信息
CPUID rate available hardware such as hard drive serial number information (2007-12-01, Delphi, 177KB, 下载144次)


[系统编程] p104

source code development environment c, the use of the CPU is Fujitsu MB90545 series chips, specific function of the power system communication standard Ethernet Statute (2007-03-16, Visual C++, 5KB, 下载34次)
