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[企业管理] ZY

8方财富指南网 是一个领先的在线资源平台,专注于提供全面的网赚教程、策略和实用工具。我们致力于帮助用户发掘互联网的盈利潜力,无论您是网络营销新手还是经验丰富的电子商务专家。我们的平台汇集了深度文章、视频教程、实战案例分析以及精选下载资源,涵盖SEO、内容营销、社交媒体运营、电子商, stars:0, update:2024-06-15 15:43:02 (2024-06-16, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] qihangec-erp

启航电商ERP系统是一套为中小电商企业构建的一套简单实用的电商系统,本项目采用Java SpringBoot+Vue2前后端分离开发。 支持供应商一件代发和仓库发货两种发货方式,主体流程覆盖采购、网店订单处理、供应商一件代发、仓库发货、网店售后、仓库出入库、采购结算、代发结算等功能,基本上覆盖了电商日常业务。 支持电商平台订单、售后、发货等接口对接,包括:淘宝、拼多多、抖店、快手小店、小红书等。
Qihang E-Commerce ERP system is a simple and practical e-commerce system built for small and medium-sized e-commerce enterprises. This project uses Java SpringBoot+Vue2 to separate the front and rear ends. Two delivery methods are supported: supplier one-piece shipment and warehouse shipment. The main process covers purchase, online store order processing, supplier one-piece shipment, warehouse shipment, online store after-sales, warehouse receipt/issue, purchase settlement, and consignment settlement. It basically covers the daily business of e-commerce. Support e-commerce platform order, after-sales, delivery and other interface docking, including Taobao, Pinduoduo, Qiaodian, Xiaoshou, Xiaohongshu, etc. (2024-02-04, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] tinyspiders

Python web crawler actual combat: King Glory Ultra clear wallpaper, dithering watermark free video, M3U8 streaming video, Zhengfang system, financial statements, pictures of beautiful and handsome men, CSDN reading, Taobao, JD, Netease Cloud, Station B, 12306, dithering, Biquge, comic novels, music and movie downloads, etc, (2023-07-29, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] spring-cloud-PiggyMetrics-git

一个简单的个人 财 务 系统,基于 Spring Boot,Spring Cloud 和 Docker 简单演示了微服 务 的架构模式,整个项目几乎包含了 Spring Cloud 的所有特性包括 配置中心、Gateway zuul API 网...
A simple personal financial system, based on Spring Boot, Spring Cloud and Docker, briefly demonstrated the architecture mode of microservices. The whole project almost includes all the features of Spring Cloud, including the configuration center, Gateway zuul API network (2018-08-11, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] eBest

EBest is a new brand of domestic e-commerce systems and service solutions, providing traditional enterprises and entrepreneurs with products and solutions such as retail online store system, online mall system, distribution system, B2B2C mall system, WeChat distribution system, industry ERP, etc. (2016-12-14, PHP, 130KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] eBestMall

EBestMall is a new brand of domestic e-commerce system and service solutions. It provides traditional enterprises and entrepreneurs with products and solutions such as retail online store system, online mall system, distribution system, B2B2C mall system, WeChat distribution system, industry ERP, etc. (2016-12-20, PHP, 132KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] eBestMall

EBestMall is a new brand of domestic e-commerce system and service solutions. It provides traditional enterprises and entrepreneurs with products and solutions such as retail online store system, online mall system, distribution system, B2B2C mall system, WeChat distribution system, industry ERP, etc. (2016-11-06, JavaScript, 5043KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] ebestmall-java

EBestMall is a new brand of e-commerce systems and service solutions in China. Provide traditional enterprises and entrepreneurs with retail online store system, online mall system, distribution system, B2B2C mall system, WeChat distribution system, industry ERP and other products and solutions. (2017-12-29, Java, 3KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] eBestMall-Django

EBestMall is a new brand of e-commerce systems and service solutions in China. Provide traditional enterprises and entrepreneurs with retail online store system, online mall system, distribution system, B2B2C mall system, WeChat distribution system, industry ERP and other products and solutions. (2017-11-08, JavaScript, 19786KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] eBestMall_Html5

EBestMall is a new brand of e-commerce systems and service solutions in China. Provide traditional enterprises and entrepreneurs with retail online store system, online mall system, distribution system, B2B2C mall system, WeChat distribution system, industry ERP and other products and solutions. (2017-12-05, PHP, 2606KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] eBestMall

EBestMall is a new brand of e-commerce systems and service solutions in China. Provide traditional enterprises and entrepreneurs with retail online store system, online mall system, distribution system, B2B2C mall system, WeChat distribution system, industry ERP and other products and solutions. (2019-03-20, Others, 3KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] 企业进销存管理系统

The enterprise entry and inventory management system is an information management software, which can improve the management level and efficiency of the enterprise, reduce the error caused by manual operation to the maximum limit. The enterprise entry marketing management system can realize the information management of various business such as purchase, sale, inventory management and so on. (2018-06-07, Visual Basic, 2087KB, 下载5次)


[企业管理] NLNK

网上购物商城是一套使用Java语言开发的独立企业电商网店系统(B2C);系统兼容360、Chrome等浏览器。系统采用较为流行的J2EE框架 Struts2+ MyBatis+ Spring 进行合理的组合开发。
Online shopping mall is a set of independent enterprise e-commerce network system developed by Java language (B2C). The system is compatible with browsers such as 360 and Chrome. The system adopts the popular J2EE framework Struts2+ MyBatis+ Spring for reasonable combination development. (2018-04-11, Java, 93240KB, 下载5次)


[企业管理] 城市小区物业内部管理网

According to the characteristics of residential property management, the residential property management information network can be divided into two parts, the front desk and the back office. The relevant information is mainly used for user registration and login, station links, the user query and view station news and announcements; background is mainly used for the administrator of the owners of complaints management, owners repair management, feedback received, equipment maintenance, property owners parking management, cost management, cost management for owners and employees on duty information etc. management. (2017-06-19, ASP, 1483KB, 下载3次)


[企业管理] Xiao5u_Company_1.5

The school system is a hassle-free corporate website for the company, enterprise website system, the site uses Div+ Css layout, perfectly compatible with IE and other browsers, with the design aesthetic, functional and practical, easy to operate. (2016-05-23, ASP, 2458KB, 下载3次)


[企业管理] wlzp_2.1

Net network Dr. books are small companies Simple Network billing system can also be used as an accounting of the family, such as your organization have a lot of colleagues, often have their usual daily expenses, the system can record at any time, using a mobile phone can also be login operation. (2016-05-19, ASP, 1314KB, 下载2次)


[企业管理] zhitong

Realize your resume automatically cast to corporate human resources, you can bulk delivery, just click on the send button you gently, you will immediately resume to the personnel department, Zhitong Talent Network is the best resume search and delivery tools. (2014-05-06, Visual Basic, 8804KB, 下载1次)


[企业管理] shangjia

Business information network management system template, very beautiful and practical background templates, deep blue style, with the login page and background page, page opens to form the left menu tab, effect is very dynamic, is indeed a good background template. Web Webpage, production of reference materials. (2013-12-28, HTML, 216KB, 下载4次)


[企业管理] Beautiful-Architecture--CN

本书围绕5个主题领域来组织本书的内容:概述、企业应用、系统、最终用户应用和编程语言。本书让最优秀的设计师和架构师来描述他们选择的软件架构,剥开架构的各层,展示他们如何让软件做到实现功能、可靠、易用、高效率、可维护、可移植和优雅。 中文清晰版
Book book is organized around five thematic areas: an overview of enterprise applications, systems, and end-user applications and programming languages. Book so that the best designers and architects to describe the software architecture of their choice, peel architecture layers, show how they let the software do to achieve functional, reliable, easy-to-use, high-efficiency, maintainable, portable and elegant. Chinese clear version (2013-04-12, Visual C++, 5809KB, 下载3次)


[企业管理] JSPwsgsxt

JSP online bookstores, curriculum design electronic documents, MACHINE database the database contains documents (2006-04-19, Java, 1315KB, 下载269次)
