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[Web服务器] 957835

中国联通GSM直放站系统统一监控管理协议规范1 0 本技术规范规定中国联通GSM直放站网络管理协议和直放站设备的网管接口技术要
China Unicom GSM repeater system unified monitoring and management protocol specification 10 this technical specification stipulates China Unicom GSM repeater network management protocol and repeater equipment network management interface technical essentials (2019-03-30, C/C++, 76KB, 下载0次)


[Web服务器] 263yaoDJ

263摇头网程序完整版 完全和演示一模一样。本站程序带7022首DJ数据,支持连播,程序很简单,易懂,程序后台自己可以加数据。
263 shook his head completely complete program and demo exactly the same. This site program with 7022 first DJ data, support Lianbo, the program is very simple, easy to understand, the program background you can add data. (2017-01-08, PHP, 2474KB, 下载1次)


[Web服务器] 128uu_php_v1.0

128 travel network hotel reservations Union provides a free webmaster can learn to make money hotel booking platform. Distribution platform can be text links, search box, blog pictures, and even QQ signature, sina microblogging and other display tools, as long as the guests through the show to stay, (2016-11-24, PHP, 1550KB, 下载3次)


[Web服务器] g5g8

DEDE5.5 kernel provides a set of Taobao Crown stores procedures, but with a very refined style, where a collection of more than 1,000 Crown stores, as long as you replace PID with your own OK, as long as the installation of simple steps to restore production, very stupid to use. (2016-10-17, HTML, 5790KB, 下载2次)


[Web服务器] 9ganphp_build20120413

目前功能最强大,界面最清爽的PHP探针 2012-04-13 增加以下功能: 1. 增加显示硬盘使用状态 2. 增加网速测试 3. 增加实时更新显示系统负载和内存硬盘使用状态
The most powerful, the most refreshing interface of the PHP probe 2012-04-13 Add the following features: 1. Increase the display hard disk use status 2. Increase the speed test 3. Increase the real-time update Display system load and memory Hard disk usage (2016-10-16, Java, 17KB, 下载1次)


[Web服务器] axitg-V5.2

Assi website promotion system was developed by advertising links PHP+MYSQL made smart promotion program that is simple and practical, smart and stability, applicability, and can meet the needs of most users, it can be used for many types of shop, website, products, etc. website promotion! (2016-10-14, PHP, 1590KB, 下载1次)


[Web服务器] 8864www2

A home key generation URL, site layout clear and concise, and to achieve freedom of layout color change, a key generation, and convenient. (2016-10-13, PHP, 4602KB, 下载1次)


[Web服务器] zhw_cms

中和网企业建站系统这是一套基于PHP的快速建站系统,主要适用于中小企业快速建立网站。 只要您拥有一个域名和支持PHP&MySQL的服务器,就可以安装我们的系统并且快速生成和管理您的网站。
This is a PHP-based rapid establishment of the system, mainly for small and medium enterprises to quickly establish a website. As long as you have a domain name and a server that supports PHP & MySQL, you can install our system and quickly build and manage your site. (2016-10-05, HTML, 890KB, 下载1次)


[Web服务器] yiwangdown1.0

Easy to network software download system uses ASP+ access architecture, the program is simple, without special . Do not ask for space, as long as a matching network disk, you can easily build low-cost resources download site. Ready classification, the name of what can be modified in the background, it is recommended to use IE browser to open. (2016-05-19, ASP, 4699KB, 下载1次)


[Web服务器] 80yingshi

八零影视娱乐产品公司源码 2.2.3 更新说明:2012年1月19日 1.增加无限极栏目调用标签,去掉subnavlist标签,具体请参照标签文档 2.增加友情链接分组,并增加属性标签group 3.增加ICO后台上传,固定ICO路径为根目录favicon.ico 4.新增加三组,一共四组幻灯片,调用方法请参照标签文档
Eighty film and television entertainment company source 2.2.3 update: January 19, 2012 1. Add unlimited calling section label, remove the label subnavlist, please refer to the specific label document 2. Increase Links group, and increase the property tag group 3. Increase the background upload ICO, ICO fixed path to the root directory favicon.ico 4. The additional three groups, a total of four sets of slides, a document calling method please refer to the label (2016-05-17, ASP, 6825KB, 下载1次)


[Web服务器] baidu_1.0

必帮网百度知道小偷程序 1.0 测试版的CSS还没有调用到本地所以是测试版本 广告位置 自己调用 JS 不会我也没办法 首页还有个连接没有过滤掉 还有企业版块没有写好 大家先测试一下觉得 好的话我在修改一下
Baidu know the thief will help net 1.0 beta version of CSS has not been called to the local and so is the test version Calling himself JS ad position will not I have no idea First there is a connection has not filtered There are no written business area We first test feel good, then I change it (2016-05-15, ASP, 627KB, 下载1次)


[Web服务器] gulan

Koran Islam is the only fundamental classic. It is 23 years of Muhammad in the missionary process are announced in the revelation of Allah collection. Koran word-based Arabic Quran transliteration, meaning read , reading or books. Old Chinese translated as Gul Ani , Koran , Koran Scriptures , treasure life Scriptures and so on. Note by the medi Islamic scientists expressed according to Scripture, it includes 55 names, which often Ke Tabu (Book, Reading), Revelations , Dickel (Zikr), Truth light , wisdom and to call. (2016-04-28, ASP, 220KB, 下载2次)


[Web服务器] baidu_news

1.可以在一个网页文件订阅BAIDU13个类别的所有最新新闻.国内最新新闻,社会最新新闻,国际最新新闻,互联网最新新闻,财经最新新闻,房产最新新闻,汽车最新新闻,体育最新新闻,娱乐最新新闻,教育最新新闻,游戏最新新闻,健康最新新闻,科技最新新闻. 2.标题和mata同时优化,不同新闻不同标题和描述,关键词. 3.大小只有3K,不用更新和维护.时刻与BAIDU同步.
1. You can subscribe to a page file BAIDU 13 categories of all the latest news. The latest domestic news, the latest community news, the latest international news, internet latest news, financial breaking news, the latest real estate news, the latest automotive news, sports, breaking news, entertainment The latest news, the latest education news, games, breaking news, the latest health news, technology news. 2. The title and mata while optimizing different news different title and description, keywords. 3. The size is only 3K, without updating and maintenance. BAIDU time and synchronization. (2016-04-21, ASP, 4KB, 下载1次)


[Web服务器] HH_ZCY_WEB_old

B/S structure, that is the browser/server architecture, using vb.net prepared using vs2005 development environment, data is transmitted through the GPRS network. (2013-04-01, Visual Basic, 2249KB, 下载16次)


[Web服务器] 99Pursey

Supply and demand information network is mainly used to provide users with information services, for the life and work of the various types of information should include all possible, for example, apartment, job, recruitment, training, investment, housing, vehicles, sale, demand purchases and other information. The project after the release in order to achieve the user can live, work has brought great convenience and improve corporate reputation, product promotion for enterprises significant cost savings goals. 99 degrees of supply and demand information network The main objective is to provide powerful search capabilities, and accurate information positioning Miao Hong, billing information, management, and free information for review and delete function. (2009-11-03, PHP, 795KB, 下载6次)


[Web服务器] SBV1.0Source

Tuo-yu SpaceBuilder from Qingdao Development Network Technology Co., Ltd. is a Web2.0-based thinking of the design, use of the development of community portals asp.net2.0 products. It is also a Web2.0 comprehensive solution, including: space, blog, photo album,网摘, documents, circles, events, news center, SNS and other functions may be based on any combination of customer demand, seamless integration. It uses industry-leading technology architecture, privacy protection, the user rating system, excellent caching technology, full-text search technology. 10 million that can carry data, with excellent scalability and provide a rich API, to facilitate customers, or the secondary development of product customization. (2008-11-19, C#, 8753KB, 下载56次)


[Web服务器] FYShop

锋蕴科技网店(网上商店_网上商城)系统V1.0版 源码名称:锋蕴科技网店(网上商店_网上商城)系统V1.0版 源码介绍:免费提供给大家使用! 重庆锋蕴科技有限责任公司 官方网址:www.ec666.com 类别: ASP源码 环境: ASP+ACCESS 软件大小:3M 演示:http://www.ec666.com/shop/index.asp 下载地址:http://www.ec666.com/test/FYShop.zip
Feng Yun Technology Shop (Online Shop Online Shopping Mall _) system source code version V1.0 Name: Feng Yun Technology Shop (Online Shop Online Shopping Mall _) system source code version V1.0 Introduction: free for everyone to use! Chongqing-Feng Yun Technology Co., Ltd. official website: www.ec666.com categories: ASP-source environment: ASP+ ACCESS Software Size: 3M Demos: http://www.ec666.com/shop/index.asp Download Address: http :// www.ec666.com/test/FYShop.zip (2008-09-27, ASP, 3757KB, 下载96次)


[Web服务器] web

一个JAVA做的浏览器,能够通过INTERNET网看到各种网页,和APPLET- JAVA does the browser, can see each kind of homepage through the INTERNET net, with APPLET
JAVA to do a browser, can see through the INTERNET network pages, and APPLET-JAVA does the browser, can see each kind of homepage through the INTERNET net, with APPLET (2008-06-10, Java, 53KB, 下载20次)


[Web服务器] softhy953a

商品的添加、修改、删除。 ·管理商品的订单及修改订单状态和网友对商品的评论。 ·管理网站前台用户,可进行修改、删除操作。 ·对商品的大小分类进行添加、修改、转移、删除操作(共三级)。 ·对首页公告的添加、删除和更改。 ·管理会员积分及升级。 ·对网站基本信息进行设置。 ·对网站的广告图片进行设置。 ·商品可按竞拍、特价、促销方式方便查询与修改。 ·会员/VIP会员积分升级管理 ·对其它信息设置,包括支付方式、交易条款、送货方式...等。 ·管理合作伙伴。 ·投票管理和供求信息管理。 ·下载程序添加管理 ·支付宝帐号管理。 (2008-06-07, Visual C++, 2517KB, 下载11次)


[Web服务器] gdhrreply

东莞人力资源网供求信息系统 新增功能: 1、在原来的基础上增加了后台审核功能,只有通过审核过给予显示。 2、美化了界面及风格,更适合于一般的企业及个人需要。 3、修复很多以前存在的漏洞及死链接。
Dongguan human resources information system network demand new features : 1, in the original basis of a background audit functions only through the screened given show. 2, beautification of the interface and style, but also suitable for general corporate and personal needs. 3, repair many of the loopholes that existed prior to the deadline link. (2006-03-13, ASP, 263KB, 下载5次)
