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按分类查找All Windows编程(195) 
按平台查找All C/C++(195) 

[Windows编程] vcNeobus

Based on GIS and path algorithms, a virtual bus network including transfer edges is constructed according to bus stops. There are about 220,000 road sections, and 23,000 stops participate in path calculation. (2020-05-15, C/C++, 4826KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] nbtstat

实现nbtstat -a的功能。得到某一网段内所有机器的IP,机器名,工作组,用户名,MAC地址,速度极快。
Realize the function of nbtstat -a. Get the IP, machine name, workgroup, user name, MAC address of all the machines in a certain network segment, the speed is extremely fast. (2020-04-14, C/C++, 13KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] GETTCPCFG

VC++ 获取TCP/IP 配置信息,轻轻点下鼠标,即可获取您电脑的网络配置信息,这些信息主要包括:主机名、DNS服务器名、是否启用IP路由、网络适配器(网卡)型号、网卡MAC地址、默认网关、Dns服务器序列、子网掩码等
VC ++ get TCP / IP configuration information, you can get your computer's network configuration information with a single click Address, default gateway, Dns server sequence, subnet mask, etc. (2020-04-01, C/C++, 29KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] Himawari8Proj

himawari8日本葵花卫星数据投影程序。处理himawari 8的hsd数据,并进行等经纬度投影,生成方位角、卫星高度角、方位角数据、反射率、亮温、太阳高度角等
Himawari8 Japanese sunflower satellite data projection program. Handling hsd data for himawari 8 (2019-11-16, C/C++, 12KB, 下载7次)


[Windows编程] STL

Contains the source code used for STL source code analysis, the author Hou Jie comments on the source code, and Hou Jie explain the source code of the courseware (2019-07-15, C/C++, 25359KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] C++编程

The document introduces the important knowledge points of variables, arrays and functions in C++ language in detail, so that beginners can quickly grasp the important knowledge points of C++ in a very short time. (2019-03-31, C/C++, 376KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] modifythltge

Optimized code, improved the interface, using the default blue style of the mobile web forum, matching SKIN, you can easily modify the CSS and related pictures and colors to develop a full-core (2018-12-30, C/C++, 990KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] 税后工资计算器(18.10.22新规)

税后工资计算器(18.10.22新规): 同时是网易游戏8月批笔试题第一道解决方案
Post-tax Wage Calculator (New Regulation 18.10.22): It's also the first solution for Netease's August written test (2018-10-22, C/C++, 3026KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] ADT-8840

Ethernet 4 axis motion controller development package, including VB, VC, wince system development package and source code routines, including controller driver, development package, function specification. (2018-06-08, C/C++, 19597KB, 下载11次)


[Windows编程] 535

可以对电脑协议进行检查由网络层的IP协议和传输层的TCP协议组成。TCP/IP 定义了电子设备如何连入因特网,以及数据如何在它们之间传输的标准
The computer protocol can be checked by the IP protocol of the network layer and the TCP protocol of the transport layer. TCP/IP defines standards for how electronic devices connect to the Internet and how data can be transmitted between them. (2018-05-22, C/C++, 29510KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] guanzhi-GmSSL-v1.2.1-4-g09f054b

GmSSL ( http://gmssl.org ) 是支持国密算法和标准的OpenSSL分支,增加了对国密SM2/SM3/SM4算法和ECIES、CPK、ZUC算法的支持,实现了这些算法与EVP API和命令行工具的集成。GmSSL由北京大学信息安全实验室( http://infosec.pku.edu.cn) 开发和维护。
GM SSL PKI CA SM2 SM3 SM4 (2016-10-21, C/C++, 9241KB, 下载21次)


[Windows编程] MergeMeshSrc

a new merging method of multiple meshes (in a common coordinate) into one single topologically correct mesh. This method is based on the constrained Delaunay tetrahedralization and graph cuts optimization (2014-12-28, C/C++, 1627KB, 下载21次)


[Windows编程] SJ_11336DVB-CI

Professional standards developed by DVB-C, is currently China s triple play a reference manual, very worthy of the need to develop DVB-CA reference (2013-11-21, C/C++, 781KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] 1212

在基于对等网的网格环境中,应用本体来描述资源元数据已经成为当今研究的趋势。不同结点可能采用不 同的本体柬描述各自管理的资源元数据
Based on peer-to-peer grid environment, the application ontology to describe resource metadata has become the trend of the present study. Different nodes may use With the body Jian description of the respective management resources data (2012-05-03, C/C++, 366KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] The-C-Programming-Language

C程序设计语言(第2版·新版) 原出版社: Prentice Hall PTR 作者: [美]Brian W.Kernighan,Dennis M.Ritchie 译者: 徐宝文 李志 书号: 7-111-12806-0 页码: 258 开本: 16开 版次:2-1 丛书名: 计算机科学丛书 出版社: 机械工业出版社
C Programming Language (2nd Edition version) The original publishers: Prentice Hall PTR Author: [U.S.] Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie Translator: Xu Baowen Li ISBN: 7-111-12806-0 Page: 258 Folio: 16 open edition times :2-1 Series Title: Computer Science Series Publisher: Machinery Industry Press (2011-12-05, C/C++, 806KB, 下载9次)


[Windows编程] needcdoe.cn_c

The book is divided into three a total of 20 chapters, respectively, from pointers, preprocessor, C standard library, abstract, templates, exceptions, algorithms, containers, file handling, dynamic memory management, the topic of discussion at different levels. The essence of the book code, for C and C++ programmers use value and has a good instructive. (2011-03-22, C/C++, 7255KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] 1

火速桌面搜索与gsearch的技术内幕 Retriever for Explorer,简称FIRE)是Windows下对本地文件系统进行快速索引和检索的工具,是目前功能最强大、界面最友好、性能最卓越的桌面搜索软件,被太平洋电脑网等多家媒体评为“功能最强大的桌面搜索软件”。
gsearch detail Description (2011-02-22, C/C++, 489KB, 下载7次)


[Windows编程] check_sum

用于计算网络文件校验和的计算:使用方法如下: 1) 以命令行形式运行:check_sum infile,其中check_sum为程序名,infile为输入数据的文件名。 2) 输出数据文件的校验和。
Used to calculate the network file checksum calculation: Use as follows: 1) to run the command-line form: check_sum infile, which check_sum for the program name, infile input data for the file name. 2) The output data file checksum. (2008-12-14, C/C++, 4KB, 下载29次)


[Windows编程] RC5xx

// Copyright (c), Philips Semiconductors Gratkorn // (C)PHILIPS Electronics N.V.2000 // All rights are reserved. // Philips reserves the right to make changes without notice at any time. // Philips makes no warranty, expressed, implied or statutory, including but // not limited to any implied warranty of merchantibility or fitness for any //particular purpose, or that the use will not infringe any third party patent, // copyright or trademark. Philips must not be liable for any loss or damage // arising from its use.
// Copyright (c), Philips Semiconductors Gratkorn // (C)PHILIPS Electronics N.V.2000 // All rights are reserved. // Philips reserves the right to make changes without notice at any time. // Philips makes no warranty, expressed, implied or statutory, including but // not limited to any implied warranty of merchantibility or fitness for any //particular purpose, or that the use will not infringe any third party patent, // copyright or trademark. Philips must not be liable for any loss or damage // arising from its use. (2007-11-13, C/C++, 26KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] C++Primer

C++Primer中文版 第三版 深入系列 Primer 第三版 著 中中文文版版潘爱民张丽译 Addison-Wesley 中国电力出版社 www.infopower.com.cn Stanley B Lippman J o s é e L a j o i e
C++ Primer Chinese version of the third edition of Primer-depth series in the third edition of the Chinese version translated version of PAN Ai-min Zhang Addison-Wesley Publishing House of China (2007-08-15, C/C++, 10473KB, 下载42次)
