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[系统编程] styse

Optimized code, improved the interface, using the default blue style of the mobile web forum, matching SKIN, you can easily modify the CSS and related pictures and colors to develop a full-core (2018-10-09, C++, 989KB, 下载0次)


[系统编程] mima

1. 教你将秘密隐藏图片中[教材] 2. 一招绝技破解所有电脑的开机密码 3.. 不怕网管封 轻松修改网卡MAC地址 4.巧用网页实现万能解锁注册表方法 5.网站加密也没用 我想复制就复制 6.教你30秒钟破解所有密码 7. 无线上网不花钱的四招绝技
Teach you the secrets hidden picture [textbook]. Stunt a move to crack all the computer' s boot password .. the not afraid Webmaster seal easily modify NIC MAC address. Clever use of the Web to achieve universal unlock registry method 5 website encryption the four strokes stunt useless I also want to copy to copy 6. teach you 30 seconds to crack all passwords 7 wireless Internet access at no cost (2012-11-25, WORD, 14KB, 下载8次)


[系统编程] JobObject

通过windows的内核对象JobObject实现对程序的运行时间和内存使用的控制,开发初衷是作为一个简陋的acm判题沙箱. 大致步骤: 1.通过CreateJobObject创建一个工作对象 2.通过SetInformationJobObject设置工作对象的参数,详见MSDN(http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/ms686216) 3.以CREATE_SUSPENDED方式启动进程,通过CreateProcessAsUser或者CreateProcess函数,可能还有其他函数,未做研究. 4.通过AssignProcessToJobObject将工作对象应用到指定进程中. 5.通过ResumeThread恢复已暂停的进程. 6.通过WaitForSingleObject等待正在运行的工作对象,设置好允许使用时间. 7.通过QueryInformationJobObject获取工作对象的最终状态.运行程序的退出状态可以通过GetExitCodeProcess获取. 8.扫尾工作(必须使用TerminateJobObject结束当前的工作对象,因为工作对象即便设置了PerProcessUserTimeLimit也无法使程序在超时后退出,没有研究原因). 编译时请包含Kernel32.lib.
By the windows kernel objects JobObject control program run time and memory usage, originally developed as a rudimentary the acm sentenced Title sandbox. Roughly steps: 1. Through CreateJobObject create a work object 2. Through SetInformationJobObject set object parameters, see the MSDN (http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/ms686216) start the process to CREATE_SUSPENDED way through CreateProcessAsUser or CreateProcess function, may have other functions, without making research. by AssignProcessToJobObject work object applied to the specified process. 5. through ResumeThread recovery process has been suspended. 6. WaitForSingleObject to wait for running work object, set up to allow the use of time. through QueryInformationJobObject get the final state of the work objects run the program exit the state by GetExitCodeProcess get off the work (must use TerminateJobObject the end of the current work object, because the work object even set PerProcessUserTimeLimit can not make the prog (2012-09-15, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载35次)


[系统编程] shopex

1、将upload下showker_core整个文件夹、pub.sql文件、updatetg.php文件上传到网店根目录下; 将upload下的tuangou整个文件夹上传到\statics\目录下 将upload下的sktuangou整个文件夹上传到\plugins\widgets\目录下 备份原\core\schemas目录下的goods.php文件,将upload下的goods.php文件上传覆盖; 备份原\core\shop\controller目录下的ctl.product.php文件,将upload下的ctl.product.php文件上传覆盖 2、 在config/config.php 最后增加一行 define( CUSTOM_CORE_DIR , BASE_DIR. /showker_core ) 3、浏览器中输入:http://您的网店地址/updatetg.php 4、登录后台-工具箱-数据管理类-数据库校验-立即执行 5、后台-关于-缓存系统-清空缓存 6、添加设置团购商品详见文档“团购插件使用说明.doc”
1、将upload下showker_core整个文件夹、pub.sql文件、updatetg.php文件上传到网店根目录下; 将upload下的tuangou整个文件夹上传到\statics\目录下 将upload下的sktuangou整个文件夹上传到\plugins\widgets\目录下 备份原\core\schemas目录下的goods.php文件,将upload下的goods.php文件上传覆盖; 备份原\core\shop\controller目录下的ctl.product.php文件,将upload下的ctl.product.php文件上传覆盖 2、 在config/config.php 最后增加一行 define( CUSTOM_CORE_DIR , BASE_DIR. /showker_core ) 3、浏览器中输入:http://您的网店地址/updatetg.php 4、登录后台-工具箱-数据管理类-数据库校验-立即执行 5、后台-关于-缓存系统-清空缓存 6、添加设置团购商品详见文档“团购插件使用说明.doc” (2012-05-16, Visual C++, 2863KB, 下载8次)


[系统编程] VCto-runthe-assembly-time-for-

VC实例分析:VC++通过汇编获取代码运行时间 文章出处:飞诺网(www.firnow.com):http://dev.firnow.com/course/3_program/vc/vc_js/2007109/77223.html
Example of VC: VC++ code to run through the assembly time for Article Source: Flying Snow Network (www.firnow.com): http://dev.firnow.com/course/3_program/vc/vc_js/2007109/77223.html (2011-04-24, Visual C++, 8KB, 下载5次)


[系统编程] amac

Change Mac Address in seconds! Scan Remote Mac Address. Exports the scanning results from a Mac Address Lookup list. Spoofing the Mac Address of your network card to any new Mac Address. Bind MAC/IP. Wake on Lan. Win Ipconfig.Port Scan.Scan any range of IP for the proper Mac Address.Support changing Mac Address of any network cards under Windows NT/2000/XP/95/98/2003.Support exporting scanning mac address results to txt or csv file. (2010-06-10, Visual C++, 176KB, 下载7次)


[系统编程] 007

To do a network management tool! ! Students need to source code, please contact me! ! ! ! ! Because I do not want people just to download! ! I think that could be improved prior to the exchange! ! BUG is now a process can not run in the win7! ! (2010-03-17, Visual Basic, 819KB, 下载4次)


[系统编程] APIAdapterInfo

VC++ Network Adapter Interface type: CNetworkAdapter source, the internal use of Iphlpapi, Setupapi function, the main package of some internal function, the user can easily obtain a simple computer network for all network adapter IP, LAN MAC, LAN description of all kinds of information such as subnet mask, but also provides some simple interface function, to use these functions you can modify the network IP, LAN MAC. (2009-07-17, Visual C++, 75KB, 下载69次)


[系统编程] cfctptr.0.8.1.tgz

该项目打算提供的C -功能辅助类这将使调用函数指针在C #或VB.NET几乎一样简单,因为它是在托管C + +
This project intend to provide C-Function helper class which would make call to function pointer in C# or VB.NET nearly as easy as it is in managed C++. (2009-05-19, C++, 6KB, 下载2次)


[系统编程] DNSexample

网域名称系统(Domain Name System缩写DNS,Domain Name被译为域名;另外域名服务器Domain Name Server也简称为DNS)是因特网的一项核心服务,它作为可以将域名和IP地址相互映射的一个分布式数据库,能够使人更方便的访问互联网,而不用去记住能够被机器直接读取的IP数串。
The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical naming system for computers, services, or any resource participating in the Internet. It associates various information with domain names assigned to such participants. Most importantly, it translates domain names meaningful to humans into the numerical (binary) identifiers associated with networking equipment for the purpose of locating and addressing these devices world-wide. An often used analogy to explain the Domain Name System is that it serves as the "phone book" for the Internet by translating human-friendly computer hostnames into IP addresses. For example, www.example.com translates to (2009-03-12, Java, 99KB, 下载8次)


[系统编程] RegeditManger

程序模仿WINDOWS的注册表,实现的绝大多数功能不过细节上和WINDOWS的注册表相比还是有差距的,如果有兴趣的话可以继续改进,呵呵虽然如此,但在一些对注册表限至比较严的网吧中用来顾顾急救救火还是可以的 冷风 2007-6-14
Procedures mimic WINDOWS registry, the realization of the vast majority of functionality, however the details of WINDOWS registry and there are still gaps in comparison, if are interested can continue to improve,呵呵In spite of this, but in some of the registry to a more stringent limit Internet cafes used to Gu Gu first-aid fire-fighting the cold wind can still 2007-6-14 (2008-10-11, Visual C++, 52KB, 下载5次)


[系统编程] IP_Setting

暑假每天寝室实验室地跑,每次都要重设IP,很麻烦,于是写了个.bat的批处理脚本,可以快捷的更换IP。如果要使用的话只需修改ip(IP地址), msk(子网掩码), gtway(默认网关) 和snd(首先DNS服务器)的值即可。
Summer bedroom laboratory to run every day, every time to reset the IP, is cumbersome, they wrote a. Bat batch scripts, you can replace the fast IP. If you want to use, then simply modify ip (IP address), msk (subnet mask), gtway (default gateway) and snd (first DNS server) can be of value. (2008-10-02, DOS, 1KB, 下载26次)


[系统编程] computer

关机整人 小程序! 作者: 小卢 mail:359581807@163.com blog:http://blog.sina.com.cn/qiqi8 欢迎联系,共同学习! 功能: 利用 WinExec 实现cmd的调用。shutdown 关机命令! 代码说明: 1.界面用了CXPButton的系列菜单及按钮,引用的文件有XPButton 。 2.在定时器中 用FindWindow实现了 cmd的 关闭。禁止使用 shutdown命令! 编译平台: 1.该代码在Windows XP+VC 6.0平台下编译通过。 使用说明: 1.按下 alt+q 建 或者输入“小奇” ,可以退出该程序, 并且停止 关机! 2.该带代码。可以用来供研究学习,使用! 3. 此程序为练习之作,代码简单,高手莫笑,您可以随意的复制,传播,但是请保留该信息!
err (2008-09-07, Visual C++, 123KB, 下载37次)


[系统编程] recoder

鼠标记录器 作者: 小卢 mail:359581807@163.com blog:http://blog.sina.com.cn/qiqi8 欢迎联系,共同学习! 功能: 鼠标 行为的记录,重放 代码说明: 1.界面用了CXPButton的系列菜单及按钮,引用的文件有 HyperLink.cpp,HyperLink.h,XPButton,XPButton。 2.本代码参考了的一些 程序, 参考了很多其他人的编码 编译平台: 1.该代码在Windows XP+VC 6.0平台下编译通过。 使用说明: 1.鼠标的行为 记录,以及重新操作 2.该带代码。可以用来供研究学习,使用! 3.记录以后 要点击 结束 然后再点重放。不要直接点击重放!后果很严重哦!(要是万一出现了,这种情况,就按一下 alt+ctrl+del 试一下吧!呵呵 钩子 不能屏蔽 这三个键) 其他: 此为练习之作,也不是很高深制作,您可以随意的复制,传播,但是请保留该信息!
Mouse recorder Author: Lu small mail: 359581807@163.com blog: http://blog.sina.com.cn/qiqi8 welcome to contact the common study! Function: mouse behavior record, replay code: 1. CXPButton interface used a series of menus and buttons, the document cited has HyperLink.cpp, HyperLink.h, XPButton, XPButton (2008-09-07, Visual C++, 136KB, 下载39次)


[系统编程] softhy105f

  分类广告   本类下载排行 ·极品OA办公系统标准版2007 ·Jsp考试系统 ·学生课绩管理系统(升级版) ·Struts图书馆管理系统 ·eWebEditor在线文本编辑器飞鱼修改版 ·jsp+servlet+javaBean实现MVC ·Struts+Hibernate实现MVC ·个人求职管理系统 ·云网OA v2.0 ·淘特JSP探针   总下载排行榜 ·ACDSee v8.0.39简体中文绿色纯净版!(免英文版、免激活) ·Photoshop CS2 v9.0 中文优化版(晚上上传) ·Photoshop CS2 9.0 绿色中文增强版 ·企业网站全站源码 ·SolidConverterPDF PRO(超酷PDF转换WORD工具) v3.0 绿色特别版 ·一个漂亮的公司全站 ·企业公司网站管理系统中英繁版 ·Photoshop CS2 9.0 绿色版 ·公司企业网站管理系统超漂亮免费版 ·唐网中英繁(三语)企业网站管理系统源码 共创在线考试测试系统 v2.0 (2008-06-07, Others, 3516KB, 下载39次)


[系统编程] java

引言 由于因特网的迅速流行,越来越多的应用程序具备了在网上与其它程序通信的能力。从WIN95开始微软把网络功能融进了它的操作系统,使得应用程序网络通信能力更为普及。因此,微软的TCP/IP协议也就成为网络应用程序基于的首选协议。 一般采用TCP/IP协议的应用程序只实现了单用户与服务器间点对点的连接,
Introduction As the Internet s rapid popularity, more and more applications have the procedures in line with other communications capabilities. Microsoft WIN95 started from the network functionality into its operating system, makes the application more widely available network capacity. Therefore, Microsoft s TCP/IP protocol network applications has become the first choice based on the agreement. Generally use the TCP/IP protocol applications to achieve only a single-user with point-to-point connections between servers, (2008-04-23, Java, 643KB, 下载18次)


[系统编程] Diag_Intel_IXP2400

开发Inetl IXP2400平台所必须的硬件诊断和测试程序。该软件包支持的功能包括CPU基本功能检测,串行通讯测试,以太网测试,DDR测试,QDR存储器测试,PCI总线检测等等。
Inetl IXP2400 development platform necessary hardware diagnostic and test procedures. The package features include CPU support the basic functions of detection, serial communications testing, Ethernet, DDR test, QDR memory test, PCI bus detection and so on. (2007-09-02, Unix_Linux, 1717KB, 下载27次)


[系统编程] findpassword

crack has already landed user passwords, without any authority. Relation Between Winlogon process from memory Read, non-violent resolve. (2007-06-05, C++, 106KB, 下载293次)


[系统编程] DeleteTrayNullIcon

《清除无效的托盘图标》 大家五一节快乐! 我的好朋友王煌问我,有些带托盘图标的程序,在程序崩溃(可能是从任务管理器里强行终止的)以后,托盘上的图标还存在,直到鼠标 移过以后才消失,那如何让程序来自动清除这些无效的托盘图标呢?我在网上看到一些别人的代码例子,做了这个程序,希望对大家有点帮助。 ◆◆◆ 作者 ◆◆◆ 谢红伟 · chrys · chrys@163.com · http://www.howa.com.cn ◆◆◆ 日期 ◆◆◆ 2007-05-01 18:26:35
Remove invalid tray icon Everyone五一节快乐!王煌my good friend asked me, some tray icon with the procedures, the program crashes (which may be from the Task Manager in the forced termination), the tray icon still exist, until the mouse had moved after the disappearance, and that how to program to automatically remove these invalid tray icon then? I see some others in the online code examples, this procedure done, I hope all of you a little help. ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆谢红伟Author chrys chrys@163.com http://www.howa.com.cn ◆ ◆ ◆ Date ◆ ◆ ◆ 2007-05-01 18:26:35 (2007-05-01, Visual C++, 25KB, 下载49次)


[系统编程] j_9231_88852qqonline

使用此系统,只需您的服务器支持ASP,您所要做的只是在<body></body>间加入类似这样一段代码即可: <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="88852qqonline/qq.asp"></script> 支持给每个QQ号设置个性头像,支持皮肤设置,皮肤目录:images/skin/,目前已有好几款皮肤以供选择 管理和添加QQ都可以在线完成,打开admin.asp进行密码修改,默认密码为88852.com 然后通过admin.asp?action=login登陆 ASP+JS+XML
use of this system, your server can support ASP, you have to be done only in the (2006-07-06, ASP, 257KB, 下载7次)
