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[VC书籍] C++ Primer_Plus第6版中文版

《C++ Primer Plus中文版(第6版)》是一本经久不衰的C++畅销经典教程,是第一本支持C++11新标准的程序设计图书,被誉为“开发人员学习C++的首选教程,没有之一”! c primer plus 第6版 中文版是许多朋友都在寻找的,由绿色先锋网进行整理并提供下载资源,让读者可以详细的了解C语言的相关知识和各类运算输出等内容,并增加了C11的介绍,是C语言学习着必看的书籍。
"C + + Primer Plus Chinese Version (6th Edition)" is an enduring C + + best-selling classic tutorial. It is the first programming book to support the new C + + 11 standard. It is known as "the preferred tutorial for developers to learn C + +"! The Chinese version of c primer plus 6 is what many friends are looking for. It is organized by the green pioneer network and provides download resources, so that readers can have a detailed understanding of the relevant knowledge of C language and various kinds of operation output and other contents, and the introduction of C11 is added. It is a must read book for C language learning. (2021-01-19, C/C++, 30438KB, 下载7次)


[VC书籍] Weather

c++ small program written in weather forecasting, vs2005 development, in the case of the network will be a little off the bug, to learn MFC, c++ more helpful (2014-01-15, Visual C++, 1855KB, 下载8次)


[VC书籍] Beyond_STL_cn

boost library tutorial. If you are interested in generic programming, database design, as well as C++ standard library, then this book is for you. The book is intended for intermediate to advanced C++ programmers, but also covers a little of the basic concepts of C++. (2012-04-30, Visual C++, 336KB, 下载6次)


[VC书籍] CSharp

C# graphical tutorials taught you learn to use C#, there are many examples (2011-03-24, Visual C++, 42373KB, 下载30次)


[VC书籍] CPP-fourth

C++ Primer对深入学习C++有很大的帮助,这是我在网下所有很久找到的,保证很清晰,可以下载到电脑里慢慢看。~
C++ Primer for C++ in-depth study of great help, this is all a long time I found under the net, ensuring clear, can be downloaded to a computer and take your time. ~ (2010-12-13, Visual C++, 3811KB, 下载2次)


[VC书籍] nengyuanjiankong

Energy Monitoring type of information about how the major energy monitoring of exploration and research, including remote monitoring system of University of heating networks, energy metering IC ADE7758 based energy monitoring systems, energy monitoring- so that your energy more transparent, etc. , the data is very comprehensive, free to read. (2010-10-21, Visual C++, 4302KB, 下载30次)


[VC书籍] OGRE_Manual_CN

OGRE中文手册 chm版 OGRE(Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine,即:面向对象图形渲染引擎)是一个用C++开发的面向场景、非常灵活的3D引擎,它旨在让开发人员更容易、更直接地利用硬件加速的3D图形系统开发应用。这个类库隐藏了底层系统库(如:Direct3D和OpenGL)的所有细节,提供了一个基于世界对象和其他直观类的接口。
OGRE Manual (2010-02-06, Visual C++, 424KB, 下载95次)



Developed based on VB/MATLAB seismic precursor data processing software, where in the VB application, direct calls to MATLAB wavelet de-noising and other functions, so that analysis and processing more convenient, fast, in both examples the process of its implementation. (2010-01-25, Visual C++, 321KB, 下载24次)


[VC书籍] CLearningSourcebook

本资料大全致力于收集一切关于C语言的文章、技巧、教程、源代码和辅助工具软件。适合所有层次的C语言学习者。本资料大全免费下载,如您手头也有C语言相关资料,敬请分享,另外如您对本资料大全有任何建议或者意见希望能告诉我,以便以后继续改进。本人联系方式见下: Email: yaoz@163.com QQ:15987743 网站:http://www.programfan.com http://www.pfan.cn 更新日志: 1.0版(2004年11月16发布):首批增加了一本C语言教程、C语言函数大全、C语言经典程序100例及技术文章若干篇,更多资料内容请期待1.1版本。
The Sourcebook is committed to collect all the articles on the C language, tips, tutorials, source code and supporting tools. Suitable for all levels of C-language learners. The Sourcebook for free download, if you do have C-related information, please share, also on this Sourcebook If you have any suggestions or ideas will hopefully be able to tell me that in order to continue to improve the future. I contact see below: Email: yaoz@163.com QQ: 15987743 Website: http://www.programfan.com http://www.pfan.cn update log: version 1.0 (2004 November 16 release): The first increase in a C language tutorial, C language function Da Quan, C language program 100 cases of classical number of articles and technical articles, and more information please look forward to version 1.1. (2010-01-10, Visual C++, 311KB, 下载5次)


[VC书籍] congxiaogongdaochengxuyuan

" Pragmatic Programmer" by a series of separate parts, covering topics from personal responsibility, career development, until used to make the code flexible, and easy to adapt and use a variety of framework technologies, using a number of highly entertaining unheard-of different things, there are examples of thoughtful and interesting analogies, comprehensively explained the many different aspects of software development best achieved and major pitfalls. Whether you are a beginner, there are experienced programmers, or software project manager, this book is suitable for reading. (2009-12-28, Visual C++, 10957KB, 下载6次)


[VC书籍] zhongxin

中兴3G培训教材 培 训 教 材 移动通信基本知识 随着社会的进步、经济和科技的发展,特别是计算机、程控交换、数字通信的发展,近些年来,移动通信系统以其显著的特点和优越性能得以迅猛发展,应用在社会的各个方面,到目前为止,全球移动用户超过 1亿 ,预计到本世纪末用户数将达到2亿。无线通信的发展潜力大于有线通信的发展,它不仅仅提供普通的电话业务功能,并能提供或即将提供丰富的多种业务,满足用户的需求。 移动通信的主要目的是实现任何时间、任何地点和任何通信对象之间的通信。 从通信网的角度看,移动网可以看成是有线通信网的延伸,它由无线和有线两部分组成。无线部分提供用户终端的接入,利用有限的频率资源在空中可靠地传送话音和数据;有线部分完成网络功能,包括交换、用户管理、漫游、鉴权等,构成公众陆地移动通信网PLMN。从陆地移动通信的具体实现形式来分主要有模拟移动通信和数字移动通信这两部种。 移动通信系统从40年代发展至今,根据其发展历程和发展方向,可以划分为三个阶段:
ZTE 3G training materials Training materials Basic knowledge of mobile communications With the social progress, economic and technological development, especially in computers, program-controlled exchange, the development of digital communication in recent years, mobile communication system with its significant features and advantages of the rapid development can be applied to all aspects of society, To date, more than 100 million mobile subscribers worldwide is expected to end of the century the number of users will reach 200 million. The development potential of wireless communication over wired communication development, which not only provide general telephone business functions, and can provide or will provide a rich variety of services to meet the needs of users. The main purpose of mobile communications is to achieve any time, any place and any communication between the communication objects. From the perspective of communication networks, mobile networks can be seen as (2009-10-12, C/C++, 210KB, 下载15次)


[VC书籍] androidbook

net android finishing Chinese e-books, a comprehensive introduction to android. or whether it is a new master, the android is very easy to find. (2009-08-18, CHM, 1915KB, 下载314次)


[VC书籍] DB_51aspx

asp.net办公室自动化系统源码 具有以下功能: 办公平台 用户考勤 设置考勤 查看考勤 用户角色 用户管理 角色管理 添加用户 角色权限 角色分配 修改密码 短信平台 短信管理 文档平台 文档管理 文档上传 公文流转 管理流转 流转方式 添加流转方式 添加流转 用户管理流转 管理员帐号51aspx,密码admin aspnet_client和webctrl_client为51aspx附加调试文件,请不要删除 asp.net网络数据库开发实例精解一书中第16章的案例
asp.net办公室自动化系统源码 具有以下功能: 办公平台 用户考勤 设置考勤 查看考勤 用户角色 用户管理 角色管理 添加用户 角色权限 角色分配 修改密码 短信平台 短信管理 文档平台 文档管理 文档上传 公文流转 管理流转 流转方式 添加流转方式 添加流转 用户管理流转 管理员帐号51aspx,密码admin aspnet_client和webctrl_client为51aspx附加调试文件,请不要删除 asp.net网络数据库开发实例精解一书中第16章的案例 (2009-07-04, Visual Basic, 466KB, 下载3次)


[VC书籍] MFRC500_cn

MF RC522是应用于13.56MHz非接触式通信中高集成度的读写卡芯片,是NXP公司针对“三表”应用推出的一款低电压、低成本、体积小的非接触式读写卡芯片,是智能仪表和便携式手持设备研发的较好选择。 MF RC522利用了先进的调制和解调概念,完全集成了在13.56MHz下所有类型的被动非接触式通信方式和协议。支持ISO14443A兼容应答器信号。数字部分处理ISO14443A帧和错误检测。此外,还支持快速CRYPTO1加密算法,用语验证MIFARE系列产品。MFRC522支持MIFARE系列更高速的非接触式通信,双向数据传输速率高达424kbit/s。 作为13.56MHz高集成度读写卡系列芯片家族的新成员,MF RC522与MF RC500和MF RC530有不少相似之处,同时也具备许多特点和差异。它与主机间通信采用连线较少的串行通信,且可根据不同的用户需求,选取SPI、IIC或串行UART模式之一,有利于减少连线,缩小PCB板体积,降低成本。
asdfasdf asdf (2009-06-09, Visual C++, 1392KB, 下载141次)


[VC书籍] ZTE

" ZTE Communications- Software Programming Standards" , the document is ZTE' s C language programming communication norms, the document is different from the way in the past, programming specification documents, it uses a wealth of examples of basic programming principles, rules, recommendations (2009-05-21, C/C++, 83KB, 下载334次)


[VC书籍] xxx

Vs2008 prepared to use the Russian box, the first document every step of the key functions with a detailed description of the add (2009-05-20, Visual C++, 2250KB, 下载5次)


[VC书籍] InternetExplorerMobile6

因特网的移动平台下开发,微软的MOBILE 6中进行网络编程的电子书
Internet Explorer Mobile 6 is a full-featured browser for Windows Mobile devices that brings the same high-quality browsing experience to the user as desktop browsers. Internet Explorer Mobile 6 supports desktop-quality rendering and has the best compliance support of all versions of Internet Explorer on a Windows Mobile device to date. (2009-03-11, Visual C++, 263KB, 下载1次)


[VC书籍] Cgame

c语言怎么编游戏 纯真童趣的《泡泡堂》,还有武林情仇,笑傲江湖的《剑侠情缘on line》.它是e时代常谈的话题,是交互式娱乐的主力军,是一种 高层次的综合艺术,更是一个民族的文化,世界观的全新传播方式 .作为游戏玩家的我们,是不是想设计一个属于自己的游戏呢? 爱玩是人的天性,而C语言是我们计算机专业都要学习的一门基础 学科.一般来说,是比较枯燥的.那么,我们能不能通过编一些小 游戏来提高它的趣味性呢?这样学习程序设计,就不会是一件艰苦 ,枯燥的事,它变得象电脑游戏一样充满好奇,富有乐趣.这正是 我发贴的目的.
err (2008-11-16, C/C++, 3KB, 下载4次)


[VC书籍] Codejia.com_6f14f49c30c7447f1d3d125cbc02b8ec

To achieve the best results, recommended the use of nine network interconnection ASP.net space, support for ASP.net version 1.1 and 2.0-line switch, online mapping script, ASP.net specific error message online to view. (2008-06-28, Visual C++, 358KB, 下载2次)


[VC书籍] Viewing Processes

a small procedures, access to the Windows system under the process of detailed information, the network management system widely used (vc used compiler environment) (2004-12-03, Visual C++, 144KB, 下载30次)
