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按分类查找All OpenGL(212) 
按平台查找All Visual C++(212) 

[OpenGL] RussiaCube

Using c++ and OpenoGL to realize the small game Russian Cube.It is a good example for the rookie to learn opengl. (2015-08-10, Visual C++, 9325KB, 下载9次)


[OpenGL] PerlinNoise

Noise source in Berlin, OPENGL development, it can be achieved using any of the generated terrain and clouds. Second, it provides a realization of a function of noise维柏林 (2013-10-21, Visual C++, 5KB, 下载9次)


[OpenGL] openGL_project

A simple interactive OpenGL applications to support the user using the mouse to create and delete the 2-dimensional polygon, you can set the polygon color, fill the polygon.Some simple algorithms which can draw lines,circles are included too. (2013-03-27, Visual C++, 1756KB, 下载6次)


[OpenGL] Src

Are many books on the introduction of the three-dimensional graphics data. Obj, 3ds format dxf format really explain how to read only. Obj format. But I am doing now require initial Seville graphics data is read from the file. Ply (2012-10-16, Visual C++, 2999KB, 下载5次)


[OpenGL] drawpolygon

多边形世界 写一个可以交互的OpenGL应用程序,支持用户利用鼠标创建和删除2维多边形对象。基本功能包括: 对象创建:支持用户利用鼠标指定各个顶点位置,创建多边形。 对象删除: 支持用户选择一个多边形并删除。 对象存储: 设计一种数据结构存储每个多边形的顶点与边,支持文件存盘。
polygon draw (2012-03-11, Visual C++, 527KB, 下载34次)


[OpenGL] cPP

3位數的 anqstron 輸入字串後反印出 十近位轉二進位 開根號 十六進位轉二進位 巴斯卡三角形 cycle length MaxAry-reverse lotto
3 digit anqstron input string after the anti-printed ten proximal transfer binary roots and turn hex binary Pascal triangle cycle length MaxAry-reverse lotto (2011-08-17, Visual C++, 4KB, 下载2次)


[OpenGL] Teris

Written with OpenGL Tetris game, the arrow keys to control (about the next move, the rotation, the space bar quickly drop), different boxes of different colors, points, points of settings ... (2011-06-09, Visual C++, 11630KB, 下载26次)


[OpenGL] TetrisHell

Tetris using Box2D development, joined the physical elements that make the game unusual, rendering layer uses OpenGL, the amount of code is about 2000 lines, reference link: http://leosfantasyworld.blog.sohu.com/ (2010-07-28, Visual C++, 55433KB, 下载132次)


[OpenGL] SutherlandTriCubeIntersectTest

三角形和立方体的相交测试demo,OpenGL实现 使用3维Sutherland算法做优化 线段与三角的相交测试技术与D3D的拾取示例实现相同
Triangle and cube intersection test demo, OpenGL implementation. use3-D Sutherland algorithm for optimization .line segment and triangle intersection test using the same technology of D3D pick demo (2010-05-03, Visual C++, 17KB, 下载35次)


[OpenGL] model

Stanford University, developed three classic 3D geometric model, ply format, for access to graphic of great help to a friend (2009-12-21, Visual C++, 11786KB, 下载205次)


[OpenGL] reconstruct

A very good point cloud of three-dimensional reconstruction of scattered papers, of which Stanford data standards as an example. (2009-06-09, Visual C++, 324KB, 下载86次)


[OpenGL] els_game

Use OpenGL to do the Russian box process, a very classic game, using OpenGL do not realize the effect of general Oh. (2008-08-04, Visual C++, 23KB, 下载12次)


[OpenGL] FractalTerrain

二维的分形地形可以由一维分形曲线推广得到,首先介绍下一维分形曲线的构造模型。 已知初始线段的两个端点 ,通过随机扰动线段的中点来完成一次迭代,公式为 : 其中roughness控制当前层次的扰动量,它可以决定每次循环中,随机数值域的减少量,就是说它决定了分形结果的粗糙程度。令 上式是分形曲线模型的一般表达式,其中采用均值为0,方差为1的正态分布函数产生随机数,随着分割层次的增加,当前扰动量将以pow(2.0,-h)的倍数逐步的衰减,直到到达给定的分割层次或者被分割的线段长度足够小为止
err (2008-04-26, Visual C++, 66KB, 下载27次)


[OpenGL] coordinate

Plane coordinates into world coordinates, OpenGL, the mouse in the 3D scene to select a point, access to this point in the scene in 3-dimensional coordinates (2008-04-09, Visual C++, 59KB, 下载461次)


[OpenGL] Tetris

简单的opengl小游戏 俄罗斯方块 利用数字键选择难度按回车键确定 开始游戏
Simple opengl game Tetris using the number keys and press the Enter key to choose the difficulty of determining the beginning of the game (2007-12-20, Visual C++, 108KB, 下载33次)


[OpenGL] gl3d

OPGL source code, OPGL demonstration of the surface and the composition of objects, as well as three-dimensional object rotation, Mobile, zooming etc. And provided background setup, lighting and other effects of control. OPGL suitable for induction. (2006-11-08, Visual C++, 1362KB, 下载25次)


[OpenGL] simple_vertex_texture

nvidia最新的nv40内核显卡支持在vertex shader程序中访问纹理。本代码演示了如何在顶点编程中实现访问一个2维纹理数据.推荐vc7.1+6800显卡。
being the latest ATI graphics kernel support for the vertex shader process visit asked texture. This code demonstrates how to achieve peak Programming visit a two-dimensional texture data. Suggest vc7.1 6800. (2006-06-19, Visual C++, 1007KB, 下载22次)


[OpenGL] simple_framebuffer_object

opengl2.0高级渲染语言提供了新的离屏(off screen)技术FBO(frame buffer object)。本代码简单演示FBO的启动,调用,以及将结果通过2维纹理映射方式显示在屏幕上
opengl2.0 advanced rendering provides a new language from the screen (off screen) Technical F BO (frame buffer object). This simple demonstration code FBO activated calling and the results through two-dimensional texture mapping shown on the screen (2006-06-19, Visual C++, 393KB, 下载164次)


[OpenGL] hytd

This is our study computer graphics when the teacher left the operation, is a three-dimensional graphics system, and covered almost all the computer graphics fundamental transformation, including blanking, the document is absolutely high quality. (2005-09-06, Visual C++, 3888KB, 下载292次)


[OpenGL] SimulateTetris

This is a preparation using the OpenGL Tetris simulation procedures. The I-5 is the wish : "C++ programming examples buidler5 and skills," this book. Many things are 12MB, and only here is the integrity of the more than 30 MB. Even if I do not approve membership numbers, I also hope you include this book into my mailbox Lane. Thank you! (2005-06-14, Visual C++, 104KB, 下载13次)
