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[工具库] multibeam_tools_distribution

正在开发多波束测深仪评估工具,以向海洋测绘界公开分发。每个工具都是一个独立的Python应用程序(.exe),使用pyinstaller冻结所有必需的库。目前的开发侧重于康斯堡系统性能和数据格式,在联合国海洋和大气资源组织(UNOLS)和美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)船队中广泛使用。由NSF资助的多波束咨询委员会(有关SAT QAT报告,请参见http:mac.unols.org)和NOAA提供支持。
Multibeam echosounder assessment tools under development for public distribution to the ocean mapping community. Each tool is a standalone Python application (.exe), frozen with all required libraries using pyinstaller. Current development is focused on Kongsberg system performance and data formats, as used widely throughout the UNOLS and NOAA fleets. Supported by the NSF-funded Multibeam Advisory Committee (see http: mac.unols.org for related SAT QAT reports) and NOAA. (2024-04-10, QML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[工具库] rtography-of-simple-data-of-EU-and-NATO-countries

This is a simple web program that vizualize a simple amount of data collected from Wikipedia, The data was stored in a simple local data structure which is an array of object with the same attributes, i used JQuery library to make the map interactive and more alive. (2024-02-05, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[工具库] loic

低轨道离子加农炮-Un outil de containte de réseau开源,écrit en C#。Praetox LOIC de projet滨海大道。利用者VOS RISQUES ET PéRILS。SANS AUCUNE GARANTIE表示OU隐含。
Low Orbit Ion Cannon - Un outil de contrainte de réseau open source, écrit en C#. Basé sur le projet LOIC de Praetox. à UTILISER à VOS RISQUES ET PéRILS. SANS AUCUNE GARANTIE EXPRESSE OU IMPLICITE. (2023-12-10, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[工具库] ginlongfy

Collect data from Ginlong Solis inverter equipped with a WIFI stick without connect to internet. The script collect data in json format and (2023-12-09, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[工具库] codam-libft

Recreation of very limited c library s combined. Libft is a project from the https://intra.42.fr school Codam, located Amsterdam, Netherlands. (2023-12-04, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[工具库] aletheia-sdk

Aletheia SDK简化了来自多米尼加共和国政府和私人来源的关键服务和开放数据的集成。开发人员受益于功能强大的工具,可以与数据集无缝交互,实现应用程序、分析和知情决策。
The Aletheia SDK streamlines the integration of key services and open data from Dominican Republic government and private sources. Developers benefit from powerful tools to interact seamlessly with datasets, enabling applications, analysis, and informed decision-making. (2023-11-25, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[工具库] 42C-Piscine

This is a repository with all the work I ve done during the C pool that took in stanbul at 42 school in November 2021. (2023-11-09, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[工具库] psutil-to-prometheus

psutil-to-prometheus gathers some (as of now) psutil stats, calculates some rates, and prepares them to be collected by Prometheus. (2023-11-10, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[工具库] asmodean-tools

These software may not be redistributed, modified or used in other software without the author s permission. Author: asmodean. Forked from galgametools asmodean asmodean tools (2023-10-03, Batchfile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[工具库] Tetris

使用Pygame库实现的经典俄罗斯方块游戏。教程:https:[www.thepythoncode.com code create-a-tetris-name-with-pygame-i...](http:www.thepytoncode.com code create-a-tetris-Name-with-pygame-in python),
The classic Tetris game implemented using Pygame library. Tutorial: https: [www.thepythoncode.com code create-a-tetris-game-with- pygame-i…](http: www.thepythoncode.com code create-a-tetris-game-with-pygame- in-python), (2023-03-22, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[工具库] sgda-editor-scripting

This repo is for the UT Dallas SGDA s Editor Scripting Workshop. It includes a base template for creating your own Unity package and code we created during the workshop. (2023-04-11, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[工具库] Python-Cheat-Sheets

Repositorio con los脚本que más utilizo para trabajar con Python。阿基伊雷亚·阿迪恩多·洛斯(Aquiiréa adiendo los)的剧本是hechos con python que voy generando en mi trabajo para realifier tareas automáticas No ser muy“bonito”el código,pero functionará。
Repositorio con los scripts que más utilizo para trabajar con Python. Aquí iré a adiendo los scripts hechos con python que voy generando en mi trabajo para realizar tareas automáticas No será muy "bonito" el código, pero funcionará. (2023-05-31, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[工具库] webpro-and-friends

Webpro n Friends Talk 14 coole Dinge,die du mit Github tun kannst(Webpro n朋友聊天14酷丁格,死在Github-tun坎斯特)
Webpro n Friends Talk 14 coole Dinge, die du mit Github tun kannst (2017-12-20, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[工具库] public-transport-ireland

Node.js module with utility functions to get real time data for Irish public transport (Irish Rail, Luas, Dublin Bus) (2023-01-09, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)
