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[机器人/智能制造] Visual-Affordance-Learning-for-Robotic-Grasping

机器人抓取的视觉负担模型,灵感来自麻省理工学院普林斯顿分校的机器人拾取和放置系统([https:vision.Princeton.edu pro...](https:vision.Princeton.edu-projects 2017 arc),
Visual Affordance model for robotic grasping, inspired by MIT-Princeton s robotic pick-and-place system (https://vision.princeton.edu/projects/2017/arc/), built with PyTorch and the Mini U-Net architecture. (2023-06-26, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] tutorial_rosbridge_ardrone

Front-end web interface code associated with teleoperation tutorial for AR.Drone using rosbridge/ROS. This is a simple interface to illustate basic concepts, and not a maintained release. Please refer to robotwebtools.org for the latest and greatest. (2014-05-15, JavaScript, 224KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] wechat-auto-reply-robot

wechat-auto-reply-robot,微信自动回复机器人,有三个机器人可供选择,可在界面进行配置,可定时提醒,pc端程序, 对接了青云客、天行、图灵机器人聊天接口 可自由切换机器人 能够实现自动回复,防撤回,不是基于网页协议,所有微信账号都可登录,操作简单 其他扩展功能:...
Wechat auto reply robot, WeChat automatic reply robot, has three robots to choose from, which can be configured in the interface, can be timed to remind, PC end program, connected to the chat interface of Qingyun guest, Tianxing, Turing robots, which can be freely switched. The robot can achieve automatic reply and anti withdrawal, not based on web protocol, all WeChat accounts can be logged in, easy to operate, other extended functions: (2023-03-22, C#, 56833KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] chatbot-spring-boot-starter

chatbot-spring-boot-starter,对如下移动办公系统的群机器人API做了一层封装,让使用更简单便捷。 钉钉 企业微信 飞书 只需要简单的配置和编码,即可将相同的消息发送到多个聊天群 目前支持两种消息模式 文本 和 markdown(飞书对应为富文本) 钉钉和飞书需要使用加签
Chatbot spring boot starter has encapsulated the group robot API for the following mobile office systems, making it easier and more convenient to use. Nailing enterprise WeChat Feishu only needs simple configuration and coding to send the same message to multiple chat groups. Currently, it supports two message modes: text and markup (Feishu corresponds to rich text). Nailing and Feishu require the use of signature (2023-04-08, Java, 1456KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] Spider

Spider, a web crawler (also called web spider or web robot, more often called web chaser in the FOAF community), is a program or script that automatically grabs information from the World Wide Web according to certain rules. Other names that are not commonly used include ants, automatic indexing, simulation programs, or worms. (2023-04-04, Python, 206520KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] sanguosha

sanguosha,此项目为三国杀游戏,模拟QQ注册,QQ登录,QQ加好友,QQ聊天,基于C#语言,SQL Server数据库开发, 游戏功能目前已经实现玩家VS人机,已支持英雄:刘备,曹操,孙权,支持穿着装备,武器,战马,杀死对方获得积分,开发工具:V...
Sanguosha, this project is a Three Kingdoms Kill game, simulating QQ registration, QQ login, QQ friend adding, QQ chat, developed based on C # language and SQL Server database. The game function has now achieved player vs human-machine, supporting heroes such as Liu Bei, Cao Cao, Sun Quan, wearing equipment, weapons, war horses, killing opponents to earn points, development tool: V (2020-05-15, C#, 41441KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] mirai-plugin-HRobot

mirai-plugin-HRobot,mirai 群聊机器人插件,简单对话 | 自定义关键字回复 | 定时发布 | 敏感词检测 | 加群审批 | 涩图发送 | 二刺螈美图 | 风景图 | 随机鸡汤 | 坎公骑冠剑会战统计、前线报道、会战报表、查刀、催刀 | 在线点歌,聚合...
Mirai plugin HRobot, mirai group chat robot plugin, simple dialogue | custom keyword reply | scheduled release | sensitive word detection | group approval | astringent image sending | beautiful picture of Erji salamander | landscape map | random chicken soup | Kan Gong s coronal sword battle statistics, frontline reports, battle reports, sword search, and reminder | online song ordering, aggregation (2023-04-08, Java, 23305KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] 姿态解算

The roll angle, pitch angle and heading angle are calculated according to the accelerometer and magnetometer. (2018-07-03, matlab, 22KB, 下载66次)
