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[自动驾驶] Autopilot-Notes

自动驾驶笔记,以解析各模块知识点、整合行业优秀解决方案进行阐述,以帮助自己及有需要的读者;包含深度学习、deeplearning、无人驾驶、BEV、Transformer、ADAS、CVPR、特斯拉AI DAY、大模型、chatgpt等内容。公众号:gotonote,邮箱: 931531133@qq.com (2024-06-29, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] DrivelineApp

A predictive vehicle maintenance system for our Capstone Project in the Winter 2024 semester. Allows users to keep track of their owned vehicles, and can view upcoming recommended maintenances based on vehicle information. (2024-04-17, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] kne-mosleyjob

Kne-mosleyjob Kne-mosley作业是一项作业,您可以从前往指定位置提取客户车辆开始,然后将其带到莫斯利汽车公司进行升级。
Kne-mosleyjob Kne mosley job is a job where you start off by going to the assigned location to pick up the customer vehicle, then you bring it to Mosley s Auto to have it upgraded. (2024-04-17, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)



此项目是使用 React本机库准备的项目。在该项目中,使用简单的 React本地编码结构准备了特斯拉车辆滑块。
This project is a project prepared using the react-native library. In the project, a Tesla vehicles slider was prepared with simple react-native coding structures. (2024-03-30, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] FilipMysliwiec

欢迎使用我的GitHub配置文件。我目前是巴斯大学(University of Bath)计算机科学专业的学生,正着手将我的CS技能与对汽车行业的深厚热情相结合
Welcome to my GitHub profile. I m currently a Computer Science student at the University of Bath, embarking on a path to integrate my CS skills with a profound passion for the automotive industry (2024-03-02, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] Autonomous-Driving-System

Developed an AI-driven autonomous driving system using Prolog, focusing on logic programming and problem-solving. Constructed a detailed knowledge base for traffic logic and direction control, engineered to simulate real-world scenarios in compliance with Canadian driving regulations. (2024-01-26, Prolog, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] Strategy-simulation-using-the-Monte-Carlo-method

# Monte Carlo Simulator program. # Strategy Analysis for Forex Trading # 1. Fixed percentage of capital at risk # 2. Fixed amount at risk per trade # 3. Maximum capital drawdown # 4. Williams risk constant (2023-12-31, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] tesla

This is a simple, compact nodejs site to show someone how much money they would save if they switched to a Tesla from a gas vehicle., (2023-10-25, EJS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] carla_pm_data

白粉病发病率评级和卡拉·托马斯(前UCCE)的一些葡萄孢菌病数据,这些数据是在与道格·格布勒(Doug Gubler)合作时收集的,
powdery mildew disease incidence ratings and some botrytis data from Carla Thomas (formerly UCCE), collected while working with Doug Gubler, (2019-07-01, R, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] Self_driving_Car_for_GTA-San-Andreas

Fun project to explore if only CNN based model is able to drive car in GTA San-Andreas. Completed during last year of my engineering college (July 2020. (2023-03-25, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] supperoldprojserials

this is my oldest practices of game making 15 years ago,the snook and carsim demo taked me a couple of weeks, all physics and graphics is by my hand work, that time i realy loved coding and makes game. (2019-01-22, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] nz-Greener-Manufacturing-Machine-Learning-Project

Since the first automobile, the Benz Patent Motor Car in 1886, Mercedes-Benz has stood for important automotive innovations. These include the passenger safety cell with a crumple zone, the airbag, and intelligent assistance systems. Mercedes-Benz applies for nearly 2000 patents per year, making the brand the European leader among premium (2022-09-27, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] Mobile-Driver-Monitoring-and-Safety-System

Pakistan s first safety device to mount in a car to make drivers drive for longer distances without the worry of sleeping and saving their precious lives. We want every Pakistani automobile to have this device as a built-in feature. (2021-06-07, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] Automotive-Pairs-Trade

Quantitative research of the Consumer Discretionary sector in the NYSE and NASDAQ exchanges to find an optimal pair of automotive stocks for use in a pairs trading strategy. (2022-09-06, Jupyter Notebook, 181KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] tesladeaths

Tesla Deaths is a record of Tesla accidents that involved a driver, occupant, cyclist, motorcyclist, or pedestrian death. We record information about Tesla fatalities that have been reported and as much related crash data as possible such as location of crash, names of deceased. This dataset also tallies claimed and confirmed Tesla autopilot (2023-02-19, Others, 14KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] Brownian-Motion-iHHO

Implementation of a novel control factor and Brownian motion-based improved Harris Hawk Optimisation as part of Dr. Utkarsh Mahadeo Khaire s Optimization Techniques course at IIIT Dharwad (DS352) (2022-05-08, Jupyter Notebook, 3152KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] Smart-Home-PWA

A real-time progressive web app using JavaScript, HTML, CSS, React/Redux for the front-end and used cloud Firebase services (Firestore, Real-time Database, Authentication and Hosting) for the backend. I programmed a Raspberry Pi using Python to communicate with Firebase online in real-time to read sensor values (e.g. lux, motion, pulse) and to (2019-04-04, JavaScript, 158KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] ZipDT

Development of an motion controlled Tetris game, an image processing application, on ZedBoard. This development is conducted by Bucknell University ZipDT (ZedBoard Development Team: Michael Davis, Michael Driscoll, Yifan Ge) as its senior design project. (2013-04-16, C++, 23KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] 2D-Simulations-Underwater-Glider-Motion

Equations of motion towards underwater glider were formulated at Princeton by Graver in his PhD work in 2005.Various marine engineers use them to develop different guidance, navigation and control system towards efficient functioning of the glider.This code simulates the results of Graver (2005) towards solving equations of motion of underwater ... (2022-05-30, matlab, 1520KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] Autonomous-Car

Hello Forks, This is my early new Python Programme. In this programme, I have build a simple Autonomous Car using Pygame. It is very excited and Funny Projects. There are two main files, one is for manual car driving and Second is Autonomus Car . (2022-03-24, Python, 22KB, 下载0次)
