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[自动驾驶] Tractor-Beam-Senior-Project

Senior Design project done at University of Texas at Arlington. Goal is to design an autonomous vehicle to track and follow a 1:16 scale RC car while using PID control so that the tracking is smooth enough to not spill a full cup of water placed on the autonomous vehicle. (2024-05-04, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] Koun-Apex

Koun Apex是坦桑尼亚达累斯萨拉姆一站式汽车用品商店。凭借我们广泛的供应商网络和行业联系,我们消除了为您的特定构建寻找完美部件的麻烦。
Kōun Apex is your one-stop shop for all things automotive in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. With our extensive network of suppliers and industry connections, we eliminate the hassle of finding the perfect parts for your particular build. (2024-04-18, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] Briggs-Engineering

Briggs Engineering is a manufacturer of large metal automotive components. Employees at Briggs assemble components in a busy shop and ship products to customers nationwide. Keeping employees safe and productive at Briggs is priority number one! (2024-03-09, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] Smart-Home-PWA

A real-time progressive web app using JavaScript, HTML, CSS, React/Redux for the front-end and used cloud Firebase services (Firestore, Real-time Database, Authentication and Hosting) for the backend. I programmed a Raspberry Pi using Python to communicate with Firebase online in real-time to read sensor values (e.g. lux, motion, pulse) and to (2019-04-04, JavaScript, 158KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] yption-between-users-in-Morse-using-a-Flashlight

Morse code has been employed as an assistive technology, helping people with a variety of disabilities to communicate. Morse can be sent by persons with severe motion disabilities, as long as they have some minimal motor control. An original solution to the problem that caretakers have to learn to decode has been an electronic typewriter with (2021-06-27, Python, 61KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] SmartAlarmCore

Core Android Things device app for IoT alarm system. A part of my engineering degree project. Features a camera, Fresnel lens motion detector, IR beam detector, and a buzzer. Peripherals plug into GPIO pins and are controlled by custom drivers. This repo also contains Firebase backend lambdas for core device uptime checks and app notifications. (2017-11-07, kotlin, 173KB, 下载0次)
