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按分类查找All 数值算法/人工智能(313) 
按平台查找All Visual C++(313) 

[数值算法/人工智能] EVFNUT

用埃特金插值法依据N个已知数据点计算函数值 输入 n--已知数据点的个数N-1 x--已知数据点第一坐标的N维列向量
Using Etkin interpolation method to calculate the number of N- known data points based on N known data points N dimension vector of the first coordinate of known data points (2018-11-24, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] db

Davies Bouldin index戴维森堡丁指数做数据挖掘的时候,经常你不知道要做多少个Cluster,那么你就需要先按照大体构想来分那么几种测试性聚类,通过计算这个指数,来确定到底哪个Cluster最合理。当然,算法并没有十全十美的,你只能说是理论上合理了,实际这个指数能给别人多大帮助我自己真的也不得而知。
Davies Bouldin index 戴维森堡丁 index for data mining, often you do not know how many Cluster, then you need to follow a generally conceived to so few points testability clustering by calculating this index, which is determined in the end Cluster the most reasonable. Of course, the algorithm is not perfect, you can only say that a reasonable theory, this index actually give to others much help I really have no idea. (2016-07-12, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载8次)


[数值算法/人工智能] signalprocessingfunction

( 1)二维矩阵相乘的程序 (2)n阶矩阵求逆 (3)不同类型的一维、二维、三维数组空间申请和释放 (4)两个向量互相关 (5)利用第一行和第一列数据,构造托普里兹矩阵 所有程序包含详细说明和验证程序
(1) matrix multiplication (2)matrix inversion (3)vector correlation (4)space application for matrix (5)construct the toeplitz matrix (2016-05-09, Visual C++, 878KB, 下载3次)


[数值算法/人工智能] getmat

fortran call matlab library function to read the document mat Subroutine array array the number of dimensions can be set according to the actual situation, or in accordance with transmission parameters (2016-02-18, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载14次)


[数值算法/人工智能] greedy-algorithm

克鲁斯卡尔算法(Kruskal s algorithm)是两个经典的最小生成树算法的较为简单理解的一个。这里面充分体现了贪心算法的精髓。
Kruskal algorithm (Kruskal' s algorithm) is relatively simple to understand one of two classic minimum spanning tree algorithm. Inside this fully reflects the essence of greedy algorithm. (2015-12-23, Visual C++, 150KB, 下载1次)


[数值算法/人工智能] a

再用k x 测试均匀性(取不同量级的N 值,讨论偏差与N 的关系)、C(l) 测试其2维独立性(总点数N > 107)。与前面的randomz子程序进行比较(采用 同样的常数以及单精度或双精度实数运算),总结和评价2个随机数产生器的随机 性质量。
random number (2015-10-03, Visual C++, 168KB, 下载4次)


[数值算法/人工智能] CPPshuzupaixu

用c++编程实现一维数组的排序,以及在数组中插入数据仍然按序排列; 用c++编程实现对数组中数字的查找与删除
Sort using c++ programming one-dimensional array, and insert data in the array is still in descending order Implement an array of digital search and delete using c++ programming (2015-10-02, Visual C++, 28KB, 下载1次)


[数值算法/人工智能] SVM

SVM的主要思想可以概括为两点:⑴它是针对线性可分情况进行分析,对于线性不可分的情况,通过使用非线性映射算法将低维输入空间线性不可分的样本转化为高维特征空间使其线性可分,从而 使得高维特征空间采用线性算法对样本的非线性特征进行线性分析成为可能.
The main idea of SVM can be summarized into two points: firstly it is for the linearly separable case analysis, for the linear non separable, nonlinear mapping algorithm by using low dimensional input space can be linearly inseparable samples into a high dimensional feature space in which the linear separable, so that the high dimensional feature space by nonlinear characteristics of the sample linear algorithm for linear analysis possible. (2015-03-11, Visual C++, 407KB, 下载2次)


[数值算法/人工智能] stan

For some points,it can find a Steiner tree (a similarly shortest tree). (2015-01-19, Visual C++, 24573KB, 下载4次)


[数值算法/人工智能] Source5

High 斯赛德 equation C language, as long as the number of matrix size can be used to play up, no need to increase the number of drop generation (2014-11-26, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载2次)


[数值算法/人工智能] Prim-And-Dijkstra

This program is a comprehensive diagram of the operation of the minimum spanning tree algorithm and plym Dijkstra shortest path algorithm code! (2014-07-10, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载5次)


[数值算法/人工智能] array_ex

c语言一位数组通过随机函数赋值,并通过下标、指针、首地址加偏移量三种方法实现屏幕输出。c language an array of functions through random assignment, and by subscripts, pointer, plus the first offset address are three ways to achieve the screen output.
c language an array of functions through random assignment, and by subscripts, pointer, plus the first offset address are three ways to achieve the screen output. (2013-07-12, Visual C++, 34KB, 下载2次)


[数值算法/人工智能] Bayes

The Bayesian algorithm simple to achieve, for example is to make different travel under different weather decided to do the training data, and then the training data as new data reclassified. (2013-02-26, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载9次)


[数值算法/人工智能] originalsimple

原始单纯形法(需直接给出初始的基变量) 求解标准型线性规划:max C*X s.t. A*X=b (b>=0) X>=0 输入:C是n维行向量,A是m*n的系数矩阵,b是m维列向量,XB承装初始基变量的下标。输出:x最优解(如果有的话),fval最优值,flag解的状态说明,interation求解时的循环次数。
Original simplex method (to be given directly to the initial base variable) Solving the standard linear programming: max C* X st A* x = b (b> = 0) X> = 0 Input: C is an n-dimensional row vector, A is a coefficient matrix of m* n, b is the m-dimensional column vector, XB Holds initial base variable subscript Output: x optimal solution (if any) fval optimal value of the state flag solution illustrates the interation solution cycles. (2012-12-27, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载5次)


[数值算法/人工智能] searchpath

Analog bus query students to write their own, relatively simple, where there is a* simple application of the algorithm and Dijkstra algorithm. Suitable for practice use mfc (2012-11-02, Visual C++, 415KB, 下载3次)


[数值算法/人工智能] wuchajisuanhuaizhitichu

Data were used to calculate the variance, mean, bad with Grubbs criteria to the value, the calculation is cumulative, there are poor are poor and periodic (2010-12-02, Visual C++, 2417KB, 下载11次)


[数值算法/人工智能] 123

关于支持向量机的算法 支持向量机在解决小样本、非线性及高维模式识别中表现出许多特有的优势,并能够推广应用到函数拟合等其他机器学习问题中
On support vector machine support vector machine algorithm to solve small sample, nonlinear and high dimensional pattern recognition showed the advantage of many special, and can be applied to Han Shu Wen Ti fitting, etc. in other Jiqixuexi (2010-07-08, Visual C++, 22KB, 下载2次)


[数值算法/人工智能] xianlaixianfuwu

在优先数算法中,进程优先数的初值设为: 50-NEEDTIME 每执行一次,优先数减1,CPU时间片数加1,进程还需要的时间片数减1。 在轮转法中,采用固定时间片单位(两个时间片为一个单位),进程每轮转一次,CPU时间片数加2,进程还需要的时间片数减2,并退出CPU,排到就绪队列尾,等待下一次调度。
In the first few algorithm, the process priority number of initial set: 50-NEEDTIME Each time, priority number by 1, CPU time slice number plus 1, the process also need to reduce the number of time slice 1. In the rotation method, fixed time slice units (two time slots as a unit), the process once for each rotation, CPU time slice number plus 2, the process also need to reduce the number of time slice 2, and exit the CPU, discharged to ready queue tail, waiting for the next scheduling. (2010-06-04, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载2次)


[数值算法/人工智能] Integraller

可移植的积分算法 ,提供了数种方法(变步长梯形求积分;变步长辛卜生求积分;自适应梯形求积分;龙贝格求积分;计算一维积分的连分式法;高振荡函数求积分;勒让德-高斯求积分;拉盖尔-高斯求积分;埃尔米特-高斯求积分) ,比较实用
portable integral algorithm, a few methods (variable step-ladder for integration; Variable step for Oracle Integral Health; Adaptive trapezoidal seek integration; Romberg seek integration; calculating an integral dimension of the continued fraction; high oscillation function for integration; Legendre Germany-Gaussian seek integration; Laguerre- Gaussian seek integration; Hermite- Gaussian quadratures), more practical (2006-05-07, Visual C++, 31KB, 下载107次)


[数值算法/人工智能] jmax10

一个多维极值求解算法(用连分式法求解目标函数的极值点) 注:to 站长,刚才上传的那个是多维极值求解的,这个是一维求解的,刚才颠倒了,抱歉 -_-
a multidimensional Extreme algorithm (even with fractional method objective function of extreme points) Note : to head just upload the extreme that is multi-dimensional solution, the solution is one-dimensional, just reversed, sorry-_- (2006-02-20, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载15次)
