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[界面编程] chapter_18

Web crawler is a program that automatically extracts web pages. It downloads web pages from the World Wide Web for search engines and is an important component of search engines. The traditional crawler starts from the URL of one or several initial webpages and obtains the URL on the initial webpage. During the process of crawling the webpage, the new URL is continuously extracted from the current page into the queue until a certain stop condition of the system is satisfied. (2019-11-11, Python, 9KB, 下载0次)


[界面编程] java

Design as shown in the graphical user interface and implement their respective functions (Please give the code). In the figure below, selected the JComboBox in operation, may number in the first box of the first text in the second text box and the second number addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, resulting in a final text display box. Please give the code of the program and the results of running shots. (2016-12-22, Java, 338KB, 下载1次)


[界面编程] KPPW_v2.2_GBK

The new version of the front end user experience to do a detailed improvement, to maintain the original style of the home page, list, detailed page, release and other sets of pages to improve the transformation and optimization, the front interface is more concise atmosphere. Through the mass adoption of stationmaster of Witkey, new version the front-end functions to the administrator of the interactive operation are carried out and make kppw Witkey system closer to the mainstream of Witkey site experience a sense. The new version is more practical and more front-end features simple UI interface and simple interactive operation (2016-03-24, PHP, 9739KB, 下载1次)


[界面编程] 9

设计一个基于 Swing 的简单计算器,用于整数的加减乘除运算。 计算器的界面可参考下图: 1) 上方为文本框,位于所属容器的顶端,下方为数字按钮和运算符按钮,放置在 一个JPanel 中间容器中。 2) 在文本框中输入两个数据,按加/减/乘/除按钮就进行这两个数的相应运算, 并将结果输出到文本框中。 3) 按钮 C 用来对文本框中的内容清零。 4) 采用边界布局与网格布局相结合的方式,完成计算器的组件布局。 5) 在处理事件过程中,需要考虑对于各种异常情况的处理,如除法分母不为0、
design a calculator (2014-06-21, Java, 8KB, 下载4次)


[界面编程] JS

The calculator interface is simple and elegant, in addition to the basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division functions, also supports common storage, deposit taking, tired deposit, accumulation, clear memory, take over, take the whole function, support for hexadecimal decimal, octal, binary, the file functions, hyperbolic functions, quick to use, easy to switch backspace, clear screen, full-Qing, support IE 戠爀漀眀猀攀爀, 360 browser, Sogou browser, Firefox, Google chrome browser and other mainstream browsers, which is interest-use, no database, upload to use! (2014-04-28, Java, 6KB, 下载6次)


[界面编程] elsfk_src

VC++ based Tetris game written in source code, note a very classic game, I remember as a child, but the handheld video game, the game' s most popular games. This game preparation of legislation seeking simple, practical and easy to understand, the code is definitely the game you learn VC++ examples of good writing, especially novice friend, be sure to look oh. (2011-01-16, Visual C++, 544KB, 下载8次)


[界面编程] ex2

创建一个基于对话框的应用程序ex2。 ⑴添加三个编辑框,用静态文本说明前两个编辑框用于输入计算数,第三个编辑框用于显示计算结果,并把第三个编辑框设为只读; ⑵添加四个按键按钮,标题分别为“加”、“减”、“乘”、“除”; ⑶分别为四个按钮添加消息响应函数,要求能实现当单击某个按钮时,在第三个编辑框中显示相应的计算结果。
Create a dialog-based applications ex2. ⑴ Add three edit boxes, static text description of the two previous calculations of the edit box for entering the third edit box to display results, and to a third edit box is set to read-only ⑵ Add four buttons button entitled " Canada" , " reduction" , " take" , " in addition" ⑶ are four buttons to add the message response function, required to achieve when you click a button, the edit box in the third shows the corresponding results. (2010-12-10, Visual C++, 2005KB, 下载5次)


[界面编程] ScientificCalculator

科学计算器,主界面具备以下功能: 1、通过直接输入表达式进行加、减、乘、除、乘方、开方、括号基本运算求值,需要考虑其符号优先级别; 2、加入三角函数,可进行正弦、余弦、正切、余切的运算; 3、对十进制数进行二进制、八进制、十六进制的转化; 4、实现弧度制的数与角度制的数互相转化。
Scientific calculator, the main interface with the following functions: 1, through direct input expressions to add, subtract, multiply, divide, involution, administration, basic operations in parentheses evaluated the need to consider the symbol priority 2, by adding trigonometric functions , can be sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent computing 3 pairs of decimal to binary, octal, hexadecimal, conversion 4 to achieve the number and angle of curvature of the system the number of mutual transformation of the system. (2009-12-12, Visual C++, 1882KB, 下载16次)


[界面编程] ExamOnline

系统介绍 随着家长对孩子教育方面的不断重视,教育行业在人民心中的地位越来越重,老师们的负担与压力也越来越重。如何减轻老师的负担及压力,已经成为广大学校校长需要解决的头号难题。 在教育工作中,为学生考试出试卷和批改改卷是老师们最头痛的,不仅消耗大量的时间,而且消耗大量的精力体力。因此,考试过程由人工操作转向计算机操作是必然的结果。 根据学生考试的特点和学校的实际情况,该系统应以考试流程为基础,从专业角度出发,提供科学有效的考试模式。考试时采用系统自动从数据表中选题的方式,评卷时通过核对考生答案与正确答案得出考生的分数,出题方面采取表单加数据的方式使后台管理者能够直观、方便的管理试题信息。学生管理可实现老师对学生的成绩进行查询,按分数归类。数据库管理提供对数据库进行备份,还原及初始化操作,减轻用户的工作量。 操作注意事项 (1)本系统默认操作员用户名为:tsoft,密码为:111。 (2)可执行文件位置:09\源程序\Debug\ExamOnline.exe (3)每个科目,每个学生只可以考一次,不可多次考试。 (4)考试时间系统默认为1小时。
System Introduction As the parents of the ongoing emphasis on children s education, education and industry in the hearts of the people becoming more and more heavy burden on teachers and the pressure is getting heavier and heavier. How to reduce the burden of the teachers have become the majority of school principals need to address the number one problem. Work in education for students examination papers and marking out of correcting their biggest headache is that the teacher, not only consume a lot of time and consume a large amount of physical energy. Therefore, the examination process by manually turning the computer operation is the inevitable result. Students according to test characteristics and the actual situation in schools, the system should be based on examination process-based, from a professional perspective, to provide scientific and effective mode of examination. Examination using the system automatically from the data in the table topics of the way, when marking (2009-11-06, Visual C++, 4716KB, 下载15次)


[界面编程] jisuanqi

VC++课程设计(GDUT) 计算器 (内含实验报告) 1.设计任务 系统地学习面向对象编程思想,了解MFC架构,逐步熟悉可视化编程环境Visual C++,并在此环境下设计并实现一个简单计算器系统,该计算器应能实现如下功能: 1)、二进制、八进制、十进制及十六进制数的加、减、乘、除、乘方、取模等简单计算 2)、科学计算函数,包括(反)正弦、(反)余弦、(反)正切、(反)余切、开方、指数等函数运算 3)、以角度、弧度两种方式实现上述部分函数 4)、具备历史计算的记忆功能 5)、对不正确的表达式能指出其错误原因
VC++ Curriculum design (GDUT) calculator (includes experimental report) 1. The design of mission systems to learn object-oriented programming ideas, understand the MFC framework, and gradually familiar with the visual programming environment Visual C++, And In this environment is designed and implemented a simple calculator system, the calculator should be able to achieve the following functions: 1), binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal number of add, subtract, multiply, divide, involution, modulus such as simple calculation 2), scientific computing function, including the (Anti-) sinusoidal, (anti-) cosine, (anti-) tangent, (anti-) Cotangent, prescribing, index function computing 3), to the angle of curvature of two ways to achieve some of the above function 4), with the history of computing and memory function 5), on the incorrect expression can point out the reasons for their errors (2009-01-06, Visual C++, 4532KB, 下载214次)


[界面编程] Kyodai

规则 选择两个点,如果两点的图片完全一样,并且两点之间可以用不超过3直线条线连接起来,则该两点可以消除。 计分 1、限定时间为地图中方块数 * 4,比如说有120个方块,就应该在480秒内完成,超过480秒没有时间奖励分 2、时间奖励分为剩余时间 * 2,即每提前一秒钟奖励2分 3、当已经选择点后,如果选择的第二个点与第一个点之间无法消除,扣1分,如果有解,则增加24分 4、使用刷新功能,系统会自动判断当前地图有无解,如果有解,扣8分,无解则加8分,慎用:) 5、使用提示功能,如果提示成功,扣10分 6、使用炸弹功能,如果炸弹功能有效,扣12分 排行榜 你每完成一局后,在状态栏会提示你可以将分数提交到网络上,看看你的排名:)
err (2008-11-27, Java, 1373KB, 下载5次)


[界面编程] Csharp

此源码是Cell组件超级报表模板设计器C#.net源码示例。 Cell网站: http://www.cellsoft.cc/Cell/index.asp cell组件下载地址: http://www.cellsoft.cc/cell/down_list.asp 产品概述: Cell 组件适用于Windows环境下各种开发工具(如VB, VC, Visual Foxpro, Delphi, C++ Builder, PowerBuilder, .NET)等,是软件开发人员开发优秀报表的完美解决方案。 · 强大的制表能力,特别适合制作中国式的复杂报表,解决您所有的制表难题 · 丰富的单元格类型,支持数值、货币、日期、文本等类型。 Cell的单元格囊括了几乎所有的Windows标准控制 · 丰富的打印设置,美仑美奂的打印预览和打印效果,轻松输出各种报表 · 无须系统安装Excel,就可以和Excel文件完全转换,转换效率更高,效果更完美 · 强大的自定义函数功能,用户可根据自己的业务逻辑添加自己的函数 · 极大地提升了图表功能,图表种类和效果比肩Excel · 资源本地化功能,根据需要可将Cell设成不同的语言版本 · 适用于VB、VC、VF、.NET、Delphi、C++ Builder、PowerBuilder等开发工具 在开发工具中将Cell组件引入至工程,然后将Cell组件拖至窗体FORM中即可开始报表设计。
This source are components of the Super Cell Report Template Designer C (2008-09-05, C#, 756KB, 下载246次)


[界面编程] students-manager

学生报名管理系统: 报名内容{用户名,密码,确认密码,EMail,QQ号码 ,真实姓名 ,性别,年龄,家庭住址,电话,手机,身份证号码,密码提示问题,安全回答} /user_login.asp 通过注册的帐号:密码:验证码:进行登陆学生 /conn.asp 将此段改成你要的路径DataPath="/20070911baoming20/data/#123.mdb" /admin/login.asp 后台admin admin进行登陆管理,密码是加MD5加密 md5双重加密,防SQL注入,分页技术,用户群删, /admin_index.asp 服务器基本信息显示 /logout.asp 后台退出
Student enrollment management system: application content (user name, password, Confirm Password, EMail, QQ number, real name, gender, age, home address, telephone, mobile phone, identity card number, secret question, security answer)/user_login.asp through the Register Username: Password: Verification Code: for landing students/conn.asp the paragraph you want to change the path of DataPath = (2008-05-15, Visual Basic, 467KB, 下载23次)


[界面编程] stabbing

给定n维空间中的m个非空点集S1,…,Sm,如果直线L与每个点集均有公共点,则称L为这m个点集的一条直线穿越(line transversal 或 stabbing line)。同样,如果线段K(本文中的线段均指闭线段,且包括单点集)与每个点集均有公共点,则称K为这m个点集的一条线段穿越(segment transversal 或 stabbing line segment)。穿越的概念是海莱定理(Helly’s theorem)的延伸,它的存在性等问题一直是计算几何中海莱类定理(Helly-type theorems)的理论([1]、[2])和算法([3]、[4])研究的热点。
given n-dimensional space of m-space points S1, ..., Sm, if L straight sets with each point are public, It claimed L m point set of a straight line through the (line transversal or stabbin g line). Similarly, if K Line (Line of this paper are to the closing segment, which includes single-point set) and each points are public, claimed for the K m of a point set across the line (or stab segment transversal bing line segment). The concept of across Hailai theorem (Helly's theorem) extension The existence of such issues has been calculated geometry theorem Hailai category (Helly-type theorems ) theory ([1], [2]) and the algorithm ([3], [4]) research. (2006-11-22, Visual C++, 109KB, 下载4次)


[界面编程] csharpshili

Visual C#案例集锦 第一章C# Windows编程基础 实例1 循环语言的学习-砝码程序验证 实例2 随机数的案例-洗牌程序 实例3 通过实例来剖析C#继承机制 实例4 递归与全局变量的案例1-打靶程序 实例5 递归与全局变量的案例2-二叉树 实例6 引用类型的举例---消去字符串空格 实例7 委托的使用方法实例---加减大小比较 实例8 用C#索引器实现文本文件的倒叙输入 实例9 C#文本文件操作实例---杨辉三角形写入读出 第二章 图形图像处理 实例1 一个简易的绘图程序 实例2 电子石英钟显示 实例3 用C#制作字幕显示屏幕保护 实例4 移动的按钮 实例5 抓图软件的实现 第三章 多媒体应用 实例1 WinForm中播放音频与Flash动画 实例2 模拟贪食蛇游戏 实例3 人民币大写转换案例 实例4 模拟俄罗斯方块游戏 实例5 模拟联五子游戏 第四章 系统文件处理 实例1 文件资源管理器 实例2 模拟IE浏览器 实例3 一个具有查找打印功能的文本编译器
Visual C# case highlights the first chapter C# Windows based programming language example of a cycle learning-weight certification procedure two random examples of cases- shuffling through three examples of procedures to analyze examples of C# is the succession mechanism four cases with the global variable recursive case 1-5 shooting recursive procedure examples of global variables and the case of 2-6 cited examples Binary Tree with the type of strings, for example-- to eliminate seven spaces commissioned by the examples use examples-- examples of relatively small Modified 8 C# Index for the realization of a text file input examples Flashback 9 C# examples text file manipulation-- Yang Hui into triangles read Chapter II graphics processing an example of a simple drawing program tw (2006-05-12, C/C++, 6293KB, 下载174次)
