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按平台查找All PHP(324) 

[其他] acf-city-selector

An ACF extension to create a new field type, where you can select a city based on country and provence state. (2024-04-21, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] NumToText

Converts numbers to text representation in English, Latvian or Russian. Other languages may be added just by extending class. (2024-04-18, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Laravel-SAAS-API-Service-of-Inventory-Manager

Laravel Inventory SAAS API使用拉拉维勒库存SAAS API革新您的业务运营–您的全面解决方案…
Laravel Inventory SAAS API Revolutionize your business operations with the Laravel Inventory SAAS API – your comprehensive solution f… (2024-01-24, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] tohfa-e-ramazan

An app related to the Iftar schedules, doas and a mals for the muslims. (2024-01-15, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] depresi

pakar Skring系统诊断awal tingkat depresi yang saya kembangkan untuk keperluan skripsi。Menggunakan正向链接terhadap kemunculan gejala,总gejala yang muncul,dan skor frekuensi kemunculan gejala sebagai metode inferensi;丹-朴素贝叶斯-登根-拉普拉斯平滑sebagai metode perhitungan概率。
Sistem pakar skrining diagnosis awal tingkat depresi yang saya kembangkan untuk keperluan skripsi. Menggunakan forward chaining terhadap kemunculan gejala, total gejala yang muncul, dan skor frekuensi kemunculan gejala sebagai metode inferensi; dan naive bayes dengan laplace smoothing sebagai metode perhitungan probabilitas. (2024-01-01, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] cat

一个开源的、开放的一站式 IT 运维管理平台。资产管理、工单、盘点以及可靠的移动端应用支持。
An open source, open one-stop IT operation and maintenance management platform. Asset management, work order, inventory and reliable mobile application support. (2023-12-02, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] dgii-rnc-validator

一个简单的软件包,用于与多米尼加共和国官方税务局Dirección General de Impuestos Internos(DGII)检查给定的RNC...,
A simple package to check a given RNC with the official Tax Authority, Dirección General de Impuestos Internos (DGII), in the Dominican Republic. (2023-09-04, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] PHP-Wrapper-for-CTA-APIs

PHP类文件,创建用于访问芝加哥交通管理局的三个基于web的Application Pro...的对象和相关方法...,
A PHP Class file that creates an object and related methods for accessing the Chicago Transit Authority s three web-based Application Programming Interfaces for Bus, Train ( El ) and Service information (2011-07-24, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] eik-validator

EIK validator - EIK comes from the bulgarian for Unified Identification Code - a code issued to companies with which they identify themselves with the authorities and other companies. (2016-01-26, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] register-architektury

Register of modern architecture presents the best works of 20th century Modernist architecture in Slovakia., (2023-03-04, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Doctor-Appointment-

Streamline healthcare during COVID with this PHP Doctor Appointment Form. Optimize patient experience by offering secure online booking, reducing crowds, and ensuring efficient data management. #HealthcareTech #COVID19 #PHPProject (2023-07-30, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Nusantara

Nusantara adalah Script untuk mengambil data terbaru daerah di Indonesia mulai dari Propins hingga Desa Kelurahan,努桑塔拉阿达拉文字untuk mengambil数据terbaru daerah di-Indonesia mulai dari-Propins兴加,
Nusantara adalah Script untuk mengambil data terbaru daerah di Indoensia mulai dari Propinsi hingga Desa Kelurahan, (2020-10-28, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] PTCMS3.0加首页广告和清空缓存最新修复版

Ptcms3.0.2 installation program, with its own fast eye template ptcms3.0.2 installation program, with its own fast eye template (2020-03-28, PHP, 4742KB, 下载2次)


[其他] 附近商家多门店地图导航 1.4.7

The source code of the front and back end of the map of the multi shop of the accessory business. You can add my friends if you like (2020-02-09, PHP, 682KB, 下载10次)


[其他] sitemap+百度ping 绿茶软件园

This is a very useful dream weaving map generator. It can be used to generate maps plus Baidu Ping (2019-03-26, PHP, 450KB, 下载0次)


[其他] vlcms_1.2.0

The front page of the system is simple, elegant, beautiful and practical. There are user management, game management, game gift package management, game area clothing management, game Gallery management, recharge management, recharge mode management, authority management and other functions in the management background. (2019-01-29, PHP, 21502KB, 下载2次)


[其他] 全开源H5口红机第五版

最火网红线上H5口红机 基于TP框架开发的
H5 lipstick machine on red line (2019-01-15, PHP, 31248KB, 下载8次)


[其他] 人人商城前端20180804新

人人商城 查看更多关于 人人商城 的文章 全开源解密版安装更新一体包,已经破解域名限制,代码全部开源解密,可正常运营,方便进行二开,并且拥有最新的带有签到功能的小程序前端文件,代码已经亲测可用!!! 并且拥有视频安装更新教程,可以按照视频教程进行人人商城的安装升级操作以及人人商城商品页嵌入万能客服视频教程。 一、功能概述 通过推荐优先原则锁定会员推荐关系,开展最高三级分销业务。可以灵活设置成为下线条件、成为分销商条件、分销商多等级管理等;具有严谨的佣金结算规则以及申请、审核、提现、打款流程;是企业会员销售裂变最有效的业务模式之一。 二、三级分销是指会员成为商城的分销商后,获得锁定下级会员的功能,通过锁定下级会员,享受三级内会员购买商品分润权利! 全民帮您卖商品,打造线上全民三级分销模式: 分销商突破人脉限制,快速打造最广泛的线上分销网络,员工变分销商、顾客变分销商、好友变分销商。
Renren Mall Front End 2018080 (2018-11-29, PHP, 990KB, 下载4次)


[其他] 小富授权系统私人版

The small rich authorization system is used for the generation of brush net plus authorization system, allowing you to open the two generation brush net. (2018-08-09, PHP, 3637KB, 下载24次)


[其他] PC蛋蛋程序出租出售

1.服务器一台,最低配置要求双核,4G内存,国内3M以上带宽,香港及国的话5M以上带宽。(条件允许的情况下可以配置更好的服务器,便于数据运算) 2.域名,如服务器是国内的,域名需要备案,可选购买已备案的二手域名(注意查询微信,QQ以及各杀毒软件的域名黑名单情况)。 3.微信公众开发平台,用于微信一键登录(可选)。 4.支付接口(可选),若无充值接口也可以用人工客服的方式充值。
The security management function of the website: when the lottery website is built, the safety management of lottery ticket recharge, present, ticket, award, and school award has a complete comprehensive guarantee system to avoid information transmission risk, credit risk, management risk and legal risk, so as to ensure the smooth running of lottery tickets. The website adopts firewall technology, network antivirus, information encryption, identity authentication, authorization and so on, to strengthen the real-time monitoring of transaction security and provide the function of real-time change of security strategy. (2018-07-06, PHP, 1845KB, 下载1次)
