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按分类查找All 数值算法/人工智能(313) 
按平台查找All Visual C++(313) 

[数值算法/人工智能] GP

Gauss procedure code based on Bayesian theory, including Gaussian process regression analysis, and related processing and noise Gaussian process classification, to provide data for testing, etc. (2016-11-22, Visual C++, 20405KB, 下载5次)


[数值算法/人工智能] Dijkstra

Dijkstra (Dijkstra) algorithm is a typical single-source shortest path algorithm for calculating a node to all other nodes in the shortest path. The main characteristic is the starting point as the center outward layers expand, to extend until the end point. (2016-07-18, Visual C++, 257KB, 下载2次)


[数值算法/人工智能] dijkstra

Dijkstra shortest path algorithm Dijkstra algorithm is proposed in 1959 by the E.W.Dijkstra, also known as Dijkstra algorithm, which applied the greedy algorithm mode, it is widely recognized as the best method for solving the shortest path. Algorithm is a directed graph point to a single source shortest path problem other vertices, the next vertex whose main characteristic is selected at each iteration is outside the distance markers nearest source vertex. But because the main dijkstra algorithm to calculate the shortest path source to point to all other points, the low efficiency of the algorithm. (2016-05-10, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载3次)


[数值算法/人工智能] BinaryTree

Algorithm when inserting an element to the tree, if the tree already exists the elements of the key code to the same node, then the node count domain plus 1 otherwise it produces a new node, the juxtaposition of the node count domain 1 (2016-04-14, Visual C++, 66KB, 下载1次)


[数值算法/人工智能] Optimization-of-the-design-process

Some commonly used method for optimizing the design of modern design theory involved, as one-dimensional search (golden section, the second difference, etc.), unconstrained optimization methods (gradient method, Newton method, etc.), constrained optimization methods (complex method, DFP, penalty function method, etc.). (2014-06-21, Visual C++, 17KB, 下载12次)


[数值算法/人工智能] Dijkstra

Algorithm is used to a directed graph (can also be a undirected graph, undirected graph is a directed graph of a special case) of a point (called the origin) to the rest of the various points (called the perimeter points) of the shortest path problem (2014-02-25, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载10次)


[数值算法/人工智能] ISODATA

Although capable of clustering data clustering mining, but due to network intrusion feature data dimension of more and different types of data between invading small differences, many intrusion patterns can not be accurately classified. This case uses combined with fuzzy clustering and generalized regression neural network clustering algorithm for intrusion data classification. Rar (2013-09-10, Visual C++, 6KB, 下载2次)


[数值算法/人工智能] fast-down

The steepest descent method for solving the function extremum problems in the two-dimensional case. Iteration by determining the initial point initial point was added to the minimum point. Step iteration elements, each time to go to the step and its point of negative gradient. (2013-01-13, Visual C++, 7KB, 下载5次)


[数值算法/人工智能] viterbi_de

卷积码译码霍夫曼编码及数学概率论贝叶斯公式; 卷积译码软判决通过3位量化可以比硬判决提高约2dB信噪比; 了解最大似然译码准则;
Soft Decoding Scheme of Convolution Codes Combined with Huffman Coding.Simulation study of the performance of ternary line codes under Viterbi decoding & Soft-decision decoding of some ternary line codes. (2011-07-12, Visual C++, 43KB, 下载16次)


[数值算法/人工智能] zhizheshengcun

问题的提出:17世纪法国数学家加斯帕的一本《数学的游戏问题》描述了许多有趣问题,约瑟问题就是其中之一: 15名基督教徒和15名异教徒同乘一船航行,途中风浪大作,危机万分,领航者告诉大家,只要将全船的一半人投入海中,其余人就能幸免。大家都同意这个办法,并协定者30人围成一圈;由第一个人起报数,每数至第9人便把他投入海中,下一个接着从1开始报数,第9人又被投入海中,依次循环,直至剩下15人为止。问题是如何排法使投入海中的人全为异教徒? 编程的思路:此问题有人把它的答案隐示于下列詩句中: From numbers’ aid and art, (依靠数字的和魔力,) Never will fame depart! (声誉决不会离你而去!) 这句诗中元音字母依次为:oueaiaaeeiaeea,分别用1、2、3、4、5代替a、e、i、o、u,便得一排数(划线得数字表示基督教徒,不划线的表示异教徒)。 4 5 2 1 3 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 1 故所求排法诗4个基督教徒,5个异教徒,再2个基督教徒,1个异教徒,…可以证明,这种排法所有的基督教徒都是安全的。
Of the problem: the 17th century French mathematician Gaspard s a "mathematical game problem " describes the many interesting questions, Joseph is one of them: 15 Christians and 15 pagans sail with the boat ride, the way storm comes up, extreme crisis, the leader tell you that as long as half of the whole ship into the sea, the rest can be spared. We all agree with this approach, and there were 30 agreements circle the first person from the reported number, the number to 9 for each person put into the sea in his next start and then reported from a number of people has been put into 9 The sea, in cycles, until the remaining 15 people so far. The question is how to arrange method to make the people into the sea are all infidels? Programming idea: the problem was the answer to it implicitly in the following verse: From numbers aid and art, (relying on numbers and magic) Never will fame depart! (reputation will never leave you!) Poem vowel sentence were: oueaiaaeeiaeea, were re (2010-12-19, Visual C++, 12KB, 下载3次)


[数值算法/人工智能] vcgygtg

gyjvyi (2010-05-04, Visual C++, 766KB, 下载37次)


[数值算法/人工智能] fslyh

Multi-channel program design, often at the same time a number of processes in the ready state, in order to make the system processes in an orderly manner, you must select a scheduling policy to select a process consumes processor. The experiment simulated a single processor in accordance with Round Robin scheduling process in order to add to the processor scheduling algorithm understanding. (2009-11-25, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载2次)


[数值算法/人工智能] slxjz

Double helix is defined as the matrix, the matrix is 1, up 2, right 3, down 4, to be followed by a sequence 5,6,7 ... constitute the helix increases, in addition, if Center, then go down as well as a symmetrical spiral. The subject is given a matrix dimension of N, to print out (2009-07-26, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载6次)


[数值算法/人工智能] new

This is an indefinite number of two-dimensional matrices of the program to detect whether an array of input matrix, and then determine whether the two matrix multiply to meet the conditions, if the multiplication were carried out to meet the computing and calculated multiplication the results! (2009-05-14, Visual C++, 185KB, 下载4次)


[数值算法/人工智能] Euler_fuction2

//Euler 函数前n项和 /* phi(n) 为n的Euler原函数 if( (n/p) % i == 0 ) phi(n)=phi(n/p)*i else phi(n)=phi(n/p)*(i-1) 对于约数:divnum 如果i|pr[j] 那么 divnum[i*pr[j]]=divsum[i]/(e[i]+1)*(e[i]+2) //最小素因子次数加1 否则 divnum[i*pr[j]]=divnum[i]*divnum[pr[j]] //满足积性函数条件 对于素因子的幂次 e[i] 如果i|pr[j] e[i*pr[j]]=e[i]+1 //最小素因子次数加1 否则 e[i*pr[j]]=1 //pr[j]为1次 对于本题: 1. 筛素数的时候首先会判断i是否是素数。 根据定义,当 x 是素数时 phi[x] = x-1 因此这里我们可以直接写上 phi[i] = i-1 2. 接着我们会看prime[j]是否是i的约数 如果是,那么根据上述推导,我们有:phi[ i * prime[j] ] = phi[i] * prime[j] 否则 phi[ i * prime[j] ] = phi[i] * (prime[j]-1) (其实这里prime[j]-1就是phi[prime[j]],利用了欧拉函数的积性) 经过以上改良,在筛完素数后,我们就计算出了phi[]的所有值。 我们求出phi[]的前缀和 */
err (2008-12-05, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载30次)


[数值算法/人工智能] gsxy

// 带有列主元的高斯消元法 // 功能: 求解线性方程组 Ax = b // 参数: A - 指向n*n系数矩阵的指针 //     b - 常数向量的指针 //     n - 方程组的维数 // 返回值:0 - 如果成功。线性方程组的解保存在 b 中 //     1 - 求解失败
//Carry out principal component of the Gaussian elimination method// function: solving linear equations Ax = b// parameters: A- point n* n coefficient matrix of the pointer// b- constant vector pointer// n- Equations dimension// return value: 0- if successful. Linear equations the solution stored in the b in// 1- Solving the failure of (2007-07-16, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载24次)


[数值算法/人工智能] yulewalker

现代谱估计用莱文森-德宾(Levinson-Durbin)算法求解尤利-沃克(Yule-Walker)方程。 形参说明: r:双精度实型一维数组,存放Yule-Walker方程的元素r(0),r(1),...r(p)。 p:AR模型阶数。 a:AR模型系数a(0),a(1),...a(p)。 v:预测误差功率
The modern spectrum estimated (Levinson-Durbin) the algorithm solves with 鑾辨枃妫?- the German guests especially benefits- 娌冨厠 (Yule-Walker) the equation. The shape senate explained that, R: The double precision solid unidimensional array, deposits Yule-Walker the equation element r (0), r (1).. r (p). P:AR model step number. A:AR model coefficient a (0), a (1).. a (p). V: Forecasts the erroneous power (2005-09-29, Visual C++, 23KB, 下载318次)


[数值算法/人工智能] psd

计算ARMA(p,q)模型的功率谱密度。 形参说明: b——双精度实型一维数组,长度为(q+1),存放ARMA(p,q)模型的滑动平均系数。 a——双精度实型一维数组,长度为(p+1),存放ARMA(p,q)模型的自回归系数。 q——整型变量,ARMA(p,q)模型的滑动平均阶数。 p——整型变量,ARMA(p,q)模型的自回归阶数。 sigma2——双精度实型变量,ARMA(p,q)模型白噪声激励的方差。 fs——双精度实型变量,采样频率(Hz)。 x——双精度实型一维数组,长度为len。当sign=0时,存放功率谱密度;当sign= 1时,存放用分贝表示的功率谱密度。 freq——双精度实型一维数组,长度为len。存放功率谱密度所对应的频率。 len——整型变量,功率谱密度的数据点数。 sign——整型变量,当sign=0时,计算功率谱密度;当sign=1时,计算用分贝表 示的功率谱密度。
calculated ARMA (p, q) model of the power spectral density.- Participation : b-- double-precision real one-dimensional arrays, length (q 1), storage ARMA (p, q) model of the average coefficient of sliding. A-- double-precision real one-dimensional arrays, length (p 1), storage ARMA (p, q) model of regression coefficients. Q-- integer variables, ARMA (p, q) moving average model of order. P-- integer variables, ARMA (p, q) model of order since the reunification. Sigma2-- double precision real-type variables, ARMA (p, q) model white noise variance. Fs-- double precision real-type variables, sampling frequency (Hz). X-- double-precision real one-dimensional array, the length of len. When the sign = 0, storage power spectral density; When the sign = 1:00, storage decibel levels, said th (2005-09-11, Visual C++, 23KB, 下载396次)


[数值算法/人工智能] burg

用Burg算法估计AR模型参数,进而实现功率谱估计. 形参说明: x——双精度实型一维数组,长度为n,存放随机序列。 n--整型变量,随机序列的长度。 p--整型变量,AR模型的阶数。 a--双精度实型一维数组,长度为(p十1)。存放AR模型的系数a(0),a(1),...,a(p)。 v--双精度实型指针,它指向预测误差功率,即AR模型激励白噪声的方差。
with Burg algorithm estimates AR model parameters, thereby realizing the power spectrum estimation.- Participation : x-- double-precision real one-dimensional arrays, length n, storage random sequence. N-- integer variables, random sequence length. P-- integer variables, AR model of order. A-- double-precision real one-dimensional arrays, length (p 10). AR storage coefficient of a model (0), a (1 ),..., a (p). V-- double precision real-pointer, it forecast errors at power, AR model that inspired the white noise variance. (2005-09-11, Visual C++, 22KB, 下载478次)


[数值算法/人工智能] 函数传递数组的方法

multi-dimensional arrays (two-dimensional array and below) in memory is stored sequentially, so you can pass this way. However, if we know exactly each element in the array position, it should be given the largest peacekeeping index (2004-09-23, Visual C++, 49KB, 下载30次)
