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[GPU/显卡] Silent-Crypto-Miner-latest

静默加密矿工免费加密矿工生成器-支持ETC、RVN、XMR、RTM等。矿工加密矿工2024最佳矿工btc矿工eth矿工xrm cpu矿工gpu矿工免费矿工下载矿工加密矿工最新版本矿工github矿工如何使用矿工以太矿工维基矿工工具免费无加密btc矿工挖掘
silent crypto miner Free Crypto Miner Builder - Supports ETC, RVN, XMR, RTM and much more. miner crypto miner 2024 best miner miner btc miner eth miner xrm cpu miner gpu miner free miner download miner crypto miner new latest version miner github miner how to use miner etherum miner miner wiki miner tools free crypto free btc free miner mining (2024-05-07, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] BrailleDatabase-Kotlin

Kotlin database of Braille codes, and associated data and utility classes. Includes bi-directional translator. Currently featuring the following Braille codes: UEB, Czech, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Tamil. (2024-04-27, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)



FootFiesta is an e-commerce platform that focuses on sports shoes and sneakers from renowned brands such as Nike and Adidas. The platform boasts a sleek modern user interface with captivating animations—think smooth transitions when adding products to your cart, bookmarking favorites, and adjusting sizes. (2024-04-04, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Kotlin编程] Stromkalkulator

"Stromkalkulator" is a first version Android-app to monitor the current prices for electricity in Norway. The app was a group exam at University of Oslo using Kotlin and API′s to get the prices. This repo is copied from the one we were working in. (2024-01-08, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] StoikCytatQuiz

Android设备上的测验包含引用4个斯多葛学派的问题:Epictetus,M.Aurelius,Seneca,Zeno。要安装->Google Play Store:[...](https:Play.Google.com Store apps details id=pl.glownia.maciej.Stoikcytatquick&hl=pl),
Quiz on Android devices contains questions with quotes of 4 Stoics: Epictetus, M. Aurelius, Seneca, Zeno. To install -> Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=pl.glownia.maciej.stoikcytatquiz&hl=pl (2022-03-09, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] Sunscreen

(WIP) Track sun[burn] exposure and vitamin D based on your location. Features: * ZIP code lookup (USA only due to the data source) * Select skin type & clothing * Sun exposure calculations and tracking in the foreground or background * Time-to-burn calculation * UV graph TODO: * Alerts * More locations (2023-07-04, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] DisneyCharacters

使用现代Android开发技术(如Mutli Module、Jetpack Compose、Clean Architecture、MVVM、Coroutines、Flow和Hilt)开发的迪斯尼角色列表应用程序。
A Disney characters list application developed using modern Android development technologies such as Mutli Module, Jetpack Compose, Clean Architecture, MVVM, Coroutines, Flow, and Hilt. (2023-03-28, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Kotlin编程] RoFFu

RoFFu is an online store specialized in sports shoes & Sneakers of many famous companies like Nike & Adidas, with a modern UI & beautiful animations like adding products to cart, bookmarking and change the sizes ???? (2022-09-01, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Kotlin编程] Jetpack-Mvvm

Android community app and music player implemented by Jetpack Family Bucket+Kotlin. Do not write obscure code, try to mark every line of comments, strictly abide by the six basic principles, and use a large number of design patterns. This project can quickly help you get started with Kotlin and Jetpack. If you think it s helpful, right (2021-08-11, kotlin, 2953KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] SmartAlarmCore

Core Android Things device app for IoT alarm system. A part of my engineering degree project. Features a camera, Fresnel lens motion detector, IR beam detector, and a buzzer. Peripherals plug into GPIO pins and are controlled by custom drivers. This repo also contains Firebase backend lambdas for core device uptime checks and app notifications. (2017-11-07, kotlin, 173KB, 下载0次)
