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[汇编语言] My_Nand2Tetris

This repository contains all my completed projects from taking the Nand2Tetris Course: a course where we are to build everything starting from a NAND gate all the way to building a simple Tetris game: https: www.nand2tetris.org (built: cpu, Hack computer, compiler, OS, Tetris). Thank you for Mr. Nisan and Schocken for creating this course :) (2024-03-30, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] Tetris

Tetris - 16 bit x86 Assembly style. I actually converted this code into an OS _and_ have it saved on a thumb-drive. (2015-12-15, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] BS-CS-Semester-3

法斯特国立计算机大学(Fast National University Of Computer_And_ Emerging Sciences)计算机科学学士学位第3学期课程材料
Semester 3 course material for BS Computer Science at Fast National University Of Computer _And_ Emerging Sciences (2023-01-19, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] cmc-asm

A set of helper scripts and text editor plugins heavily used at the Moscow State University s CS faculty to run the ancient MASM 4.0 on Windows and GNU/Linux. (2016-08-11, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] P423-TeamA

Git repository for homework and projects for CSCI-P423. Team A includes: Kevin Cao, Connor Stacey, Zac Monroe, and Ki Sacco. (2020-12-12, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] peid0.95_en

PEiD几乎可以侦测出所有的壳,其数量已超过470 种PE 文档 的加壳类型和签名。PEiD能检测大多数编译语言.、病毒和加密的壳,它主要利用查特征串搜索来完成识别工作的,各种开发语言都有固定的启动代码部分,利用这点可识别是何种语言编译的,被加壳程序处理过的程序,在壳里会留下相关加壳软件的信息,利用这点就可识别是保种壳所加密的,它提供了一个扩展接口文件userdb.txt ,用启可以自定义一些特征码,这样可以识别出新的文件类型,签名的制作可以用插件Add Signature来完成!
PEiD can detect almost all shells, and the number of shells is more than 470 kinds of PE documents. PEiD can detect most compiling languages, viruses, and encrypted shells, which mainly use Chad sign string search to complete recognition work. All kinds of development languages have fixed start code parts, which can be used to identify what language is compiled, the process has been processed by the shell program, and the shell software will be left in the shell. Information, using this point, can be identified as encrypted with a seed preserving shell, which provides an extended interface file userdb.txt, which can be used to customize some feature codes, so that new file types can be identified. The production of the signature can be done with the plug-in Add Signature. (2018-06-05, C/C++, 391KB, 下载1次)


[汇编语言] SCORE

In accordance with the number of students enter the order of 20 students' results and (0~100) into a one-dimensional array of SCORE, and then statistics of each student's ranking and output on the screen. (2017-11-19, Asm, 5KB, 下载1次)


[汇编语言] Esprit_DOA_Vector

ESPRIT uFF0C u4E00 u7EF4D00 u4F30 u8BA1 uFF0C u77E2 u91CF u9635 uFF0C u591A u76EE u6807 uFF0C u632F u5143 u6570 uFF0C u9891 u7387 uFF0C u4FE1 u566A u6BD4 U90FD u53EF u4EE5 u6539 uFF0C u7EDD u5BF9 u53EF u7528 uFF01 (2017-04-25, matlab, 1KB, 下载4次)


[汇编语言] MUSIC

MUSIC uFF0C u4E00 u7EF4D00 u4F30 u8BA1 uFF0C u77E2 u91CF u9635 uFF0C u591A u76EE u6807 uFF0C u632F u5143 u6570 uFF0C u9891 u7387 uFF0C u4FE1 u566A u6BD4 U90FD u53EF u4EE5 u6539 uFF0C u7EDD u5BF9 u53EF u7528 uFF01 (2017-04-25, matlab, 1KB, 下载13次)


[汇编语言] MVDR

MVDR uFF0C u53C8 u53EB u6700 u5C0 u65B0 u5D9 u65E0 u5931 u771F u54CD u5E94 u4F30 u8BA1 uFF0C u4E00 u7EF4Dea u4F30 u8BA1 uFF0C u77E2 u91CF u9635 uFF0C U591A u76EE u6807 uFF0C u632F u5143 u6570 uFF0C u9891 u7387 uFF0C u4FE1 u566A u6BD4 u90FD u53EF u4EE5 u6539 (2017-04-25, matlab, 1KB, 下载16次)


[汇编语言] CBF

U5E38 u9C2 u6C2 u6752 u5F3 u653 u653 u323 U7387 uFF0C u4FE1 u566A u6BD4 u90FD u53EF u4EE5 u6539 (2017-04-25, matlab, 1KB, 下载34次)


[汇编语言] five

字符和数据计算的实验 实验内容:先在屏幕上显示“input string,”,输入字符串 再显示“result=”。如为0~9的数字,则计数器加1,如为非数字,则直接显示,但不计数。
Characters and calculating data of experiments Experiment content: first on the screen shows "input string,", the input string It is displayed "result =". As for 0 ~ 9 number, the counter add 1, such as is not a number, is directly display, but don t count. (2011-12-15, DOS, 1KB, 下载5次)


[汇编语言] Hacker_Disassemble

The classic disassemble book(2nd. edition) (2011-03-23, C/C++, 56059KB, 下载163次)


[汇编语言] T03

软件练习题3. 从键盘输入一个补码数(1~4位十六进制数),在显示器上以十进制形式显示其真值。(先判断输入了几位,据此合并得到十六进制数;再判断16位结果的最高位,若正直接除10取余倒序输出;若负则先求补再除10取余,输出时还要加’-’) 例如:输入:FFFF;输出:= -1 输入:80;输出:= 128 输入:E; 输出:=14 输入:FF;输出:= 256
asm test (2010-11-23, Asm, 1KB, 下载17次)


[汇编语言] c2asm

巴基斯坦Karachi大学计算机科学系学生 M Owais Khan Afridi完成的编译原理课程实验,将C语言的一个子集编译为汇编语言。
Pakistan Karachi University, Department of Computer Science students completed M Owais Khan Afridi compiler theory course experiment, the C language, a subset of the compiled assembly language. (2010-04-24, C/C++, 183KB, 下载4次)


[汇编语言] taoshop

解压后,首先打开config.php进行配置,并将程序中所有的淘客推广ID换成您的ID。 然后上传到你的网站空间上即可使用,无需MYSQL数据的支持! 推荐安装在网站根目录下。 如果您的主机是Linux,您还需要保证“商品缓存目录”和“列表缓存目录”为可写(即设为777属性),Windows系列可以不用设置。 ######################## //特别说明 本程序部分代码参考了taob123.cn(或者是taoke.sd265.com)的淘客程序。 如果您需要修改本程序或进行二次开发,敬请保留http://www.gouwu172.com/ 的链接
After decompression, first open the config.php to configure and program all of the Amoy-off promotion of ID replaced with your ID. Then upload to your web site space to use, without the support of MYSQL data! Recommended installed in the Web site' s root directory. If your host is Linux, you also need to ensure that " commodity cache directory" and the " list cache directory" is writable (that is, set to 777 properties), Windows series can not set up.########################// Special instructions part of the code of this procedure with reference to taob123.cn (or taoke.sd265.com) of the Amoy-off procedures . If you need to modify the program or secondary development, please keep the link http://www.gouwu172.com/ (2010-01-23, PHP, 282KB, 下载8次)


[汇编语言] huibian

Compilation of curriculum design, source code, commonly used compilation of small programs, the Russian box, graphics conversion, the system time display (2009-10-11, DOS, 2348KB, 下载45次)


[汇编语言] qiangdaqi

- (2009-02-27, Visual Basic, 2KB, 下载6次)


[汇编语言] jry9524

Cy7c63723的完整固件 cy7c63723和CY7C63001相比,他的优点是不需加太多外部器件(包括晶振),这样就简化了电路设计,也节省了成本。 本程序就是CY7C63723的完整固件。
Cy7c63723 the integrity and firmware cy7c63723 CY7C63001 compared He has the advantage of not increase too many external devices (including Crystal Oscillator), thus simplifying the circuit design and cost savings. The procedure is a complete firmware CY7C63723. (2006-08-30, Asm, 23KB, 下载94次)


[汇编语言] 定时计数器T0作定时应用

用 AT89S51 单片机的定时 / 计数器 T0 产生一秒的定时时间,作为秒计数时间,当一秒产生时,秒计数加 1 ,秒计数到 60 时,自动从 0 开始。
with AT89S51 SCM timer/counter T0 produce than the regular time, seconds count as a time when a second time when, seconds count plus one, count to 60 seconds, the automatic starting from 0. (2005-11-08, Asm, 8KB, 下载20次)
