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[其他] cidaas-shopware-plugin

This plugin helps you to integrate cidaas easily into your shopware application for a secure authentication with cidaas in your shop. Secure – Fast – And unrivaled Swabian. (2024-04-06, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Portfolio

This is a laravel project for my portfolio. This portfolio showcases a selection of my projects, showing my skills and experience in the world of development and this portfolio of modern UI and stunning visual design adapts perfectly to all devices. Below is a link to my portfolio. (2024-03-17, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] textlk-php

Text.lk-斯里兰卡SMS网关-PHP的REST API客户端。API支持SMS、OTP、Verify(2FA)。
Text.lk - SMS Gateway Sri Lanka - REST API client for PHP. API support for SMS, OTP, Verify (2FA). (2024-02-13, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] ragSchoolManagementSystem

Compliance Pod Education帮助小学将其组织的目标和战略与合规性目标和战略保持一致。我们的小学管理软件是为学校设计的,由学校来简化活动和减轻风险。php,拉拉维夫
Compliance Pod Education helps primary schools to align their organization’s goals and strategy with that of compliance. Our primary school management software is designed for schools, by schools to streamline activities and mitigate risk. php, laravel (2024-02-12, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] our-safety

The application will show crime statistics in the desired region of Russia, as well as give advice on how to avoid problems and protect yourself and loved ones. It is a term paper at the university for the 2nd course. (2023-11-29, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] prayer_time_wp_plugin

WordPress Plugin for show prayer time including custom search, auto location (geoIP), islamic calender. In both shortcode and widget supports (2015-09-22, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] oscar_listings_shortcodes

使用WordPress快捷代码为使用Savoy Systems Ltd.的奥斯卡预订系统的节目创建列表页面。请注意,此pr...,
Use WordPress shortcodes to create listings pages for shows using the Oscar booking system by Savoy Systems Ltd. Please note that this project is not affiliated with Savoy Systems Ltd. (2019-08-10, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] rwc-atx-found-pets

该插件创建一个短代码,显示奥斯汀动物中心数据库中当前列出的所有流浪猫和狗。API i...,
This plugin creates a shortcode that displays all stray cats and dogs that are currently listed in Austin Animal Center s database. API integration example + help missing dogs and cats find their owners = good karma. For WP Meetup. (2018-10-04, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] daishua6.6

程序介绍 1、去除彩虹官网授权验证 2、去除彩虹官网易支付授权验证 3、全面配置程序防黑,防止被攻陷 4、后台同步彩虹官方更新记录并且可一键更新 更新记录 最新版本:6.6 1.新增H5商城首页+用户中心模板 2.非发卡类商品支持库存数量设置 3.可设置分站提现的可用提现方式 4.可设置分站客服QQ全显示主站的 5.修复极限验证码绕过漏洞 6.修复邮件发送失败率高的问题 7.修复订单高并发情况下发卡错乱的问题 8.新增批量对接商品功能(仅支持同系统对接) 9.优化后台提现管理页面
Program introduction 1. Remove the authorization verification of rainbow official website 2. Authorization verification of easy payment on rainbow official website 3. Fully configure the program to prevent being hacked 4. Background synchronization rainbow official update records, and can be a key update Update record Latest version: 6.6 1. Add H5 mall homepage + user center template 2. Non card issuing goods support inventory quantity setting 3. It is possible to set up the available withdrawal methods of the sub station withdrawal 4. Can set up branch customer service QQ full display of the main station 5. Fix the limit captcha bypass vulnerability 6. Fix the problem of high failure rate of e-mail sending 7. Fix the disorder of card issuing under the condition of high order concurrency 8. Add the function of batch docking products (only support docking with the system) 9. Optimize the background cash withdrawal management page (2021-04-07, PHP, 6454KB, 下载0次)


[其他] php学生成绩管理系统_khsztf

To share a good source programs, PHP student achievement management system, three PHP curriculum design, experiment reports and source code plus the mysql database backup file, you can use them directly, see and the realization of the self, learning to understand the good source of the operation (2021-03-08, PHP, 3325KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 腾讯PHP面试题

最新腾讯PHP面试题 1. php 的垃圾回收机制 PHP 可以自动进行内存管理,清除不需要的对象。 PHP 使用了引用计数 (reference counting) GC 机制。 每个对象都内含一个引用计数器 refcount,每个 reference 连接到对象,计数器加 1。当 reference 离开生存空间或被设为 NULL,计数器减 1。当某个对象的引用计数器为零时,PHP 知道你将不再需要使用这个对象,释放其所占的内存空间。
Tencent PHP interview question (2020-06-19, PHP, 12KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 一只猫播放器开源无加无授权

记忆播放+P2P加速+自定义进度条+自动上、下一集优化 此次修改把仿BILIBILI播放器部分JS移到此播放器上了 优化播放速度 A资源对接A播放器
Memory play P2P acceleration custom progress bar automatic up and down set optimization this modification moves part JS of imitating BiliBili player to this player to optimize play speed a resource docking a player (2020-05-08, PHP, 541KB, 下载9次)


[其他] 孤傲代刷加海洋授权测试1

This source code is exclusive and exclusive brush + exclusive authorized version! Super easy to use! (Note: users of this platform can freely open the authorization! (2018-11-04, PHP, 24965KB, 下载2次)


[其他] meepo_bbs

1、快捷管理:社区各版块发帖、看帖权限控制,后台敏感词过滤,管理员前台删帖、加精、置顶、编辑,更有独特的黑名单机制。 2、为营销而生:分享、点赞、评论、加精、置顶、删帖等均有积分奖惩,与微赞现有积分系统完全打通。 3、为o2o而生:积分兑换折扣、优惠券等,联合线下门店、超市,给予核销权限,扫码核销卡券,卡券与微赞卡券系统完全打通。 4、为活动而生:原创打赏帖子,回帖必须支付随意金额,让用户替你宣传 5、任务大厅:帮助你完善粉丝信息,引导粉丝正确使用微社区,现有:首次发帖、首次点赞、首次回帖、呼朋引伴等任务脚本。各自有积分奖励。 6、多模板机制:如果觉得默认模板不适合自己,可以量身定制模板。 7、七牛云支持:为减轻服务器流量负担,本社区支持配置七牛云存储。 8、在线更新机制:实时更新,更新方便快捷。 9、统计系统:可直观看出每日会员活跃度,方便监控。
Community in various threads, KanTie access control, the background sensitive word filtration, administrator, add to digest, placed at the top of those at the front desk, editing, more unique black list. (2018-04-12, PHP, 5584KB, 下载2次)


[其他] 200907l1e1cccdc8m8c8dc

3.5/1.增加MV及YY视频分类。增加电视直播页面。 2.修复站外搜索失效,修复磁力。 3.电视剧部分增加播放源,电影增加BT下载链接。 4.部分页面重写,修改调用方式,增加页面速度。 5.增加观看历史。
add MV and YY video classification. Add a live TV page. 2. repair station outside search failure, repair magnetic force. 3. part of the TV play is added to the playback source, and the movie adds the BT download link. The 4. part of the page rewrite, modify the call way, increase the page speed. 5. increase the view of history. (2018-03-07, PHP, 2132KB, 下载2次)


[其他] 360

使用方法: 1、将文件夹上传到网站根目录下(将admin修改为后台管理目录)覆盖原文件 2、登陆后台》采集》联盟资源库》开始采集吧 3、免费用户点击免费采集 提示:海洋cms需要重新绑定分类,否则数据会错乱!没有相应来源播放器的请加播放器再采集! 采集前请绑定好栏目分类;有问题群内反馈,谢谢。
qwqwaasadaaaaaaaaaadv (2017-12-24, PHP, 2798KB, 下载2次)


[其他] chnetter_wkkc

原代码模块: 1、在线编辑报表(来源于网络) 2、php简单文件上传源代码(来源于网络) 3、regdsoframer.exe(CHN网客原创) 源码分析: 本系统采用微软的dsoframer2.0插件,实现在线编辑excel表格。 原理:应用dsoframer插件在线编辑后保存至本地,然后上传到服务器并覆盖同名文件。 支持excel导入、导出、在线编辑、保存到服务器。
Original code module: 1. The online editing report (from the network) 2, PHP simple file upload source code (from the network) 3, regdsoframer.exe (CHN net guest original) Source analysis: this system uses the Microsoft dsoframer2.0 plug-in to achieve online editing of Excel forms. Principle: apply the dsoframer plug-in online to edit it to the local, then upload it to the server and cover the same name file. Support excel import, export, online editing, and save to the server. (2017-11-29, PHP, 169KB, 下载1次)


[其他] Emlog音乐播放器插件(HTTPS专用)

emlog插件 666 非幻博客成立哦 用的就是这个插件
emlog plub_in dyij gyklm yagjbc . ghjj (2017-09-22, PHP, 171KB, 下载2次)


[其他] 1321

★模板介绍★ 黑粉色淘宝客类dede模板,测试完整无错,兼容主流浏览器。 模板包含安装说明,并包含测试数据。 本模板基于DEDECms 5.7 UTF-8设计,需要GBK版本的请自己转换或使用在线转换工具转换。
* * this template Black Pink Taobao class Dede templates, testing complete error free, compatible with mainstream browsers. The template contains the installation instructions and contains the test data. This template is based on the DEDECms 5.7 UTF-8 design and requires a GBK version, either by itself or by using online conversion tools. (2017-08-11, PHP, 258KB, 下载1次)


[其他] 1536

★模板介绍★ 织梦红色大气淘宝客模板,测试完整无错,兼容主流浏览器。 模板包含安装说明,并包含测试数据。 本模板基于DEDECms 5.7 UTF-8设计,需要GBK版本的请自己转换或使用在线转换工具转换。
* * this template A red Taobao air passenger test template, complete error free, compatible with mainstream browsers. The template contains the installation instructions and contains the test data. This template is based on the DEDECms 5.7 UTF-8 design and requires a GBK version, either by itself or by using online conversion tools. (2017-08-11, PHP, 4706KB, 下载1次)
