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[数据结构] HuffmanEncode

赫夫曼编码的具体方法:先按出现的概率大小排队,把两个最小的概率相加,作为新的概率 和剩余的概率重新排队,再把最小的两个概率相加,再重新排队,直到最后变成1。每次相 加时都将“0”和“1”赋与相加的两个概率,读出时由该符号开始一直走到最后的“1”, 将路线上所遇到的“0”和“1”按最低位到最高位的顺序排好,就是该符号的赫夫曼编码。
Huffman Coding (2016-05-22, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载1次)


[数据结构] TestExpr

四则混合运算表达式求值: 当用户输入一个合法的算术表达式后,能够返回正确的结果。 能够计算的运算符包括:加、减、乘、除、括号; 能够计算的操作数要求在实数范围内;
The four mixed computing expression evaluation: When the user enters a valid arithmetic expression, they can return the correct results. Operators can be calculated include: add, subtract, multiply, divide, brackets Can count the operation requirement in the number range (2014-08-01, Visual C++, 428KB, 下载7次)


[数据结构] Dijkstra

Arithmetic operations, Dijkstra algorithm using vs2008 and opencv , arbitrary construct a directed graph and calculate the shortest path between any two points on the map and its length (2014-06-16, Visual C++, 15412KB, 下载12次)


[数据结构] Calculator

This is an arithmetic expression is evaluated console program, the program mainly used the data structure stack method thought. First expression into postfix expression, and then two pairs postfix expression is evaluated. Programs can be achieved on addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation for computing, but also support brackets (2013-05-27, Visual C++, 17KB, 下载1次)


[数据结构] minimumSpanningTree-

1. 利用克鲁斯卡尔算法求网的最小生成树。 2. 利用普里姆算法求网的最小生成树。 3. 要求输出各条边及它们的权值。
1. Using Kruskal algorithm for the minimum spanning tree network. 2. Use of the the prim algorithm for the minimum spanning tree. 3. Output edge and their weights. (2013-05-11, Visual C++, 621KB, 下载2次)


[数据结构] array

数组元素访问的四种方法: 方法1通过数组名和下标访问数组元素 方法2通过数组名作为指针运算来访问数组元素 方法3通过指针变量加数组名访问数组元素 方法4通过指针变量加下标访问数组元素
Array element access to four methods: Method 1 by the array name and subscript to access the array elements through the array name as the pointer arithmetic to access array element method pointer variable and array access array elements method pointer variable and the subscript access array element (2012-06-27, Visual C++, 6KB, 下载3次)


[数据结构] poj1141

POJ 1141题目源码+源码 题意: 给你一段 括号序列 让你输出 一个最小的让括号合法的序列 黑书上 有将 思路 : dp[a][b] 代表 a b 之间 最小的需要填加序列数目 a==b时 dp[a][b]=1 a>b时 dp[a][b]=0 s[a] 与s[b]配对时 dp[a][b]=dp[a+1][b-1] 否则 dp[a][b]=min(dp[a][k],dp[k+1][b]) a<=k<b 记录路径采用 一般DP记录路径的方式 (2012-05-02, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载19次)


[数据结构] Insertion-Sort

Insertion sort in C/C++ (2012-04-20, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载3次)


[数据结构] hash

The use of hash function the key key value calculated, the first test table in hash key position if there is a keyword. If not, then the key is assigned to the keyword domain. If there is, then examine its keyword domain keywords and capture the keywords in the same. If the same, only the keyword occurrences plus 1 on the line. If not the same, in turn towards the back of inspection, until the emergence of the same keyword, only the hash table in a collision domain plus the number of cycles, add 1 to appear domain. If the searched hash form did not find the same, to insert a new node (2012-03-02, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载4次)


[数据结构] cpp

数组元素为指针的数组称为指针数组 例: int *pa[3] 数组有三个元素, 每个元素是一个int型指针 pa是指向该一维一级指针数组的指针,是二级指针
Array element as pointer to array of pointers to arrays example: int* pa [3] array has three elements, each element is an int pointer pa is a pointer pointing to the one-dimensional array of pointers, the two pointers (2011-11-04, Visual C++, 13KB, 下载2次)


[数据结构] cPPalgorithm

C++ algorithm for Guinness, which contains the unit increases, the underlying programming, Tower of Hanoi, inverse matrix, find the binary, data structures, mathematical problems, array, documentation procedures, the problem algorithms, lower case to upper case figure numbers, calibration algorithm, coins situation, character, and various lists (2011-05-02, Visual C++, 621KB, 下载17次)


[数据结构] SFLA_testfuntion_lt

I wrote this code mixed leapfrog procedure, there are about four high-dimensional test function. Strong that leapfrog procedure is an effective procedure available to researchers want to leapfrog friends. Thank you (2011-04-26, Visual C++, 985KB, 下载74次)


[数据结构] MGraph

create a minimum tree use the Kruskal arithmetic. (2011-03-31, Visual C++, 245KB, 下载3次)


[数据结构] Unary-polynomial-operations-(list)

Using a single linked list to achieve a polynomial addition, subtraction, multiplication (2011-03-29, Visual C++, 84KB, 下载4次)


[数据结构] test

A two-way circular linked list, and in which an additional freq, initialization is 0, when lcate (l, x) access to a phase freq X plus 1, but also by freq list the size of the order of non-increasing order (2011-03-05, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载3次)


[数据结构] park

Is a park path search c++ implementation method is relatively simple functions, curriculum design. Use the Dijkstra algorithm and the greedy algorithm for the shortest path (2010-06-08, Visual C++, 5KB, 下载2次)


[数据结构] 222222222222

1. 利用克鲁斯卡尔算法求网的最小生成树。 2. 利用普里姆算法求网的最小生成树。 3. 要求输出各条边及它们的权值。
1. Using Kruskal' s algorithm for minimum spanning tree network. 2. Prim algorithm for the use of the minimum spanning tree network. 3. Requirements of the output of each side, and their weights. (2009-06-18, Visual C++, 20KB, 下载13次)


[数据结构] zxcvnjhjhkjk

---- Dijkstra shortest path algorithm which is used to prepare data super cool flight line had to be a district where there are suitable for people against the suspended animation optimization Oh (2009-06-03, Visual C++, 860KB, 下载1次)


[数据结构] c++2

第六章 模板与数据结构习题 6.2.1 需要编写一个对多维数组通用的算法(即各维的大小未定),怎样才能把实参多维数组的信息全部传递到函数中去?
Chapter VI with the data structure template 6.2.1 Exercises need to write a generic algorithm for multi-dimensional array (that is, the size of the peacekeeping undetermined), how can the real multi-dimensional array parameter information passed to the function all go? (2008-09-13, Visual C++, 17KB, 下载8次)


[数据结构] Apple

是一个精典的递归加动态规化的题 题目:有M个苹果要求放入N个篮子中,求出放法的总数(N个篮子中放的苹果数不限定,有的也可以不放)
Is a classical recursive plus dynamic regulation of the title subject: M has an apple basket request Add N months, the release method to derive the total number (N a basket of apples put a few non-limiting, some can not release) (2007-09-06, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载43次)
