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按分类查找All 其他书籍(394) 

[其他书籍] Python project development actual combat_Code

Python project development actual combat_Code Python BePROUD (2017-10-23, Python, 133KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] MATLAB

This book is MATLAB version- Gonzalez+ Chinese high-definition version, can help image processing beginners very good learning image processing basic knowledge (2017-05-14, matlab, 51901KB, 下载4次)


[其他书籍] Digital_Image_Process

Gonzales digital image processing second edition of the Chinese version of the full version, suitable for image processing work in R & D personnel reference (2017-04-18, PDF, 31166KB, 下载2次)


[其他书籍] SEGY_rev1_chinese

“蓝马”是美国斯伦贝谢公司的一款大型地震解释软件(landmark), 为地球物理专业、地质专业人士的专业软件。 本文档为蓝马地震软件的培训资料与学习手册,也是很经典的教程!很好用!希望对做地震处理的朋友有用! 本文是地震数据SGY格式详解,中文版。
Landmark is a large seismic interpretation software of the United States Schlumberger, for professional software professional geophysical and geological professionals. This document is Landmark seismic software training materials and study manual, a tutorial is very classic! very useful! We hope to do seismic processing useful friends! This is the format Detailed seismic data SEGY, Chinese version. (2016-06-15, WORD, 10KB, 下载1次)


[其他书籍] Rural-social-change

《乡村社会变迁》著者原题:埃弗里特·M·罗吉斯,拉伯尔·J·伯德格 王晓毅, 王地宁 浙江人民出版社, 1988
Rural social change.A good book written by Avery Harriet M · Rogers, pull "er · J · stagg". (2011-12-28, PDF, 6317KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] jdsbj

Introduction: the end of February 1815, the young king of Egypt, the agent, Ocean Cargo Ship Captain Edmond? Camparison with Dante back to Marseille port. (2010-12-09, QT, 767KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] SignalProcessing

数字信号处理的书籍,美国M. H. 海因斯著,汉语版,共347页,各知识点介绍比较详细
Digital signal processing books, the United States MH Hines book, Chinese version, a total of 347, a more detailed description of all knowledge points (2010-08-25, PDF, 5982KB, 下载22次)


[其他书籍] liuxuedeshitu

很简单,就是准备写几个古时候的官吏,琢磨琢磨他们混在仕途的技巧。   先从李斯同学写起吧。
It is simply ready to write a few old-time officials, pondering pondering their mixed career skills. Let the students write from start Lisi. (2010-05-12, Others, 393KB, 下载2次)


[其他书籍] VirtoolsTutorial

Virtools entry-level tutorial from the love of ATS Technology Chu Pin. Explained the development environment, basic operations, there is a less complex example. (2010-03-07, Others, 1114KB, 下载91次)


[其他书籍] TheSourceCodeOfMyWorld

我的世界之源代码这本书籍忠实地记录了一名极客一年以来的生活,故事和所思所想,留下了很多思考 后得来的道理和感悟。本书的发布,为中国的黑客文化又增添了一块砖瓦! :)
My World of the source code of this book faithfully records a geeks life over the past year, stories and the thoughts, leaving behind a lot of thought come after the truth, and sentiment. The release of this book for China' s hacker culture has been added to a brick! :) (2009-11-12, Visual Basic, 4727KB, 下载8次)


[其他书籍] Electronic

The title of " electronics" , focuses on analog and digital circuits some basic knowledge of the book for the British University of Manchester' s classic textbook. (2009-08-31, Windows_Unix, 11039KB, 下载20次)


[其他书籍] MorseCode

莫斯编码 但如何发送信号,编码是什么? 其实,国际通用的求救信号,使用的是摩斯码。 摩斯码并不高深,非常简单而且容易学会。
Morse code represents characters as variable length sequences of dots and dashes. In practice, characters in a message are delimited by short pauses. (2009-05-30, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载6次)


[其他书籍] Array-Antenna

This software plot pattern of array antenna software and can design array antenna in 1,2 and 3 dimension. (2009-02-15, matlab, 4KB, 下载158次)


[其他书籍] Artofcheat

一些黑客毁坏别人的文件甚至整个硬盘,他们被称为电脑狂人(crackers)或计算机破 坏者(vandals)。另一些新手省去学习技术的麻烦,直接下载黑客工具侵入别人的计算机, 这些人被称为脚本小子(script kiddies)。而真正有着丰富经验和编程技巧的黑客,则开发黑 客程序发布到网站或论坛(BBS)。还有一些人对黑客技术没有丝毫兴趣,他们把计算机仅 仅当做窃取金钱、商品和服务的辅助工具。
Some hackers destroy other people (2009-01-09, Others, 975KB, 下载21次)


[其他书籍] QAM_demodulate

在实际通信信道上传输数字信号时,由于信道传输特性不理想及加性噪声的 影响,接收端所收到的数字信号不可避免地会发生错误。为了在一定的信噪比范 围内获得较好的误码率指标,首先要合理设计基带信号,选择调制解调方式,采 用时域、频域均衡等技术使误码率尽可能降低
In the actual communication channel to transmit digital signals, the channel transmission characteristics as a result of unsatisfactory and additive noise impact of the receiving end of the digital signal received will inevitably error. To a certain degree of signal to noise ratio in the range of bit error rate better indicators, we should first rational design of base-band signal, select the modem mode, using time-domain, frequency domain equalization, such as technology enables to minimize error rate (2009-01-05, Others, 210KB, 下载11次)


[其他书籍] Montel

在无限维 Banach 空间中,紧算子是人们研究得最清楚的一类算子,这种算子最初来 源于积分方程的研究,是积分方程中Fredholm 理论的一般化.
In infinite-dimensional Banach space, compact operator is studied the most explicit category of one operator, this operator integral equation derived from the initial research, is in the Fredholm integral equation of the generalized theory. (2008-05-29, Others, 210KB, 下载6次)


[其他书籍] amessagetogasia

100 years ago, the letter addressed to Garcia in different ways widespread in the world, becoming history, one of the best-selling books. Would like to dedicate this book to all letters can bring Garcia s people- you are the messenger of the people! The world is full of talented poor. Civilization, and is carefully looking for coke this talent a long process. Praised the book on professionalism, loyalty to the concept of affect generation after generation! (2008-04-15, MultiPlatform, 99KB, 下载7次)


[其他书籍] MIT

本书1984年出版,成型于美国麻省理工学院(MIT)多年使用的一本教材,1996年修订为第2版。在过去的二十多年里,本书对于计算机科学的教育计划产生了深刻的影响。   第2版中大部分重要程序设计系统都重新修改并做过测试,包括各种解释器和编译器。作者根据其后十余年的教学实践,还对其他许多细节做了相应的修改。   本书自出版以来,世界各地已有100多所院校采用本书做教材,其中包括美国斯坦福大学、美国普林斯顿大学、英国牛津大学、日本东京大学等。 (2008-03-27, Others, 1484KB, 下载17次)


[其他书籍] aybook.cn_xdystjs0202

搜索巨人Google和Autonomy,一家出售信息恢复工具的公司,都使用了贝叶斯定理(Bayesian principles)为数据搜索提供近似的(但是技术上不确切)结果。研究人员还使用贝叶斯模型来判断症状和疾病之间的相互关系,创建个人机器人,开发能够根据数据和经验来决定行动的人工智能设备。
Search giant Google and Autonomy, a sale of information-retrieval tools which are using the Bayes theorem (Bayesian principles) for the data search to provide similar (but technically incorrect) results. The researchers also used Bayesian models to determine the symptoms and the interrelationship between diseases, create personal robots, developed based on data and experience to determine the action of artificial intelligence equipment. (2008-03-26, Visual C++, 5498KB, 下载6次)


[其他书籍] 数据库系统实现课件

《数据库系统实现》DATBASE SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION 斯坦福大学那本书的中文版 不好意思 这里只有前四章的
"database systems" DATBASE SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION Stanford University, the book's Chinese edition here only embarrassed the first four chapters (2005-06-04, PDF, 478KB, 下载52次)
