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[C#编程] tetris-oop

Игра тетрис на WinForms. Tetris Game 2019. Проект в ООП стиле. Каждый метод и переменная имеют комментарий. Возможности: профиль, настройки, смена графики, пауза, чит-коды, уровни. (2024-02-16, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C#编程] appleVotsadfeV2

在线投票系统(加文档)源码 项目来源及开发的目的和意义 随着INTERNET的发展,世界网民的数量急剧增加,社会的信息化强度增强,企业竞争之激烈,故对市场信息的掌握范围不仅仅是周边的 一些信息,而应把范围扩展到全国,甚至全世界,INTERNET恰恰是实现这目标的有利工具.对于新产品,新观点的调查范围应该更广泛 ,消息应该及时反馈给企业单位,故一个网上在线投票系统应允而生,它正好充分满 (2022-02-15, C#, 3816KB, 下载0次)


[C#编程] 波形记录

主要实现功能是将串口发送过来的数据按波形显示 注:本例是以串口调试助手和虚拟串口VSPD软件模拟串口发送数据的 我所用的串口调试助手每次发送过来的单字节都会自动在末尾加换行“\r\n”,所以我用读三次显示第一个方式记录数据,串口调试助手发送时记得勾选hex发送,每次发送一个字节。数据处理代码那块需要根据自己实际传送的数据加以修改,已在代码相应地方标注,若用本资源的串口调试助手则不需要改。串口调试助 (2022-02-14, C#, 272KB, 下载1次)


[C#编程] C# Robot Demo

本程序通过C#语言编写了一个基于Pierre Dellacherie算法的俄罗斯方块机器人,玩家可以在程序内选择手动游玩或采用编写好的C#程序mod游玩。通过本程序可以获得Pierre Dellacherie算法的相关知识。
This program uses C# language to write a Tetris robot based on Pierre dellacherie algorithm. Players can choose to play manually or use the C# program mod to play in the program. Through this program, we can get the relevant knowledge of Pierre dellacherie algorithm. (2020-12-22, C#, 129KB, 下载0次)


[C#编程] GIS

C # uses PictureBox to open the picture and realize the function of zooming in and out of the picture. In addition, it also realizes the picture rotation. For example, you can turn left and right, you can also print the picture, that is, print the picture, and there is also save as picture Dynamically replace the original pictures in PictureBox (2020-04-19, C#, 495KB, 下载7次)


[C#编程] WindowsApplication

C# WinForm程序将图片保存到数据库,并实现图片显示、修改、加边框等一系列操作,是把图片转成 Byte型二进制流存储到SQLSERVER中,先把二进制流读入缓冲区,然后使用正常sql语句将图片二进制流插入数据库。
The C # WinForm program saves the picture to the database and implements a series of operations such as picture display, modification, and bordering. The picture is converted into a Byte binary stream and stored in the SQLSERVER. The binary stream is first read into the buffer, and then the normal SQL is used. The statement inserts a binary stream of pictures into the database. (2020-04-18, C#, 136KB, 下载0次)


[C#编程] CSharp-QQ

Beida Jade Bird QQ project source code in C#, function more complete, suitable for beginners to learn (2015-10-06, C#, 15841KB, 下载25次)


[C#编程] cSharp_demo

快递行业查询API接口实例 C#—Demo版本顺丰接口实例(已通过联调测试)
Express industry query API interface instance C#- Demo version of SF interface instance (through the test) (2015-09-30, C#, 5197KB, 下载29次)


[C#编程] SGSCode

用C#语言模拟三国杀中的武将人物及其技能,要求如下: (1) 定义一个接口 f,里面声明“杀:kill()”,“闪:parry()”,“桃:eatingpeach()”,“装备:arm()”,“锦囊:using-wisdom()”五个函数,声明两个常量,最小和最大攻击距离; (2) 定义一个抽象类,武将hero,里面定义两个方法,一个是抽象方法“技能:capability()”,一个是具体的方法“决斗:duel()”; (3) 实现至少两个武将类(一男一女:赵云、黄月英),继承抽象类hero并且实现接口f。成员变量包括“性别、国别、生命值、布尔量(true表示长得好看、false表示长得难看)、当前角色(主公、忠臣、内奸、反贼)、当前手牌数等”,实现其构造函数,并实现接口和抽象类中的所有声明方法(若该武将不止一个技能,还可以在具体类中自行定义capability1(),capability2()等),并覆盖抽象类中的duel()方法; (4) 生成具体的武将实例并运行; (5) 若完成此功能附加加5分:生成武将后,利用多线程的互斥机制实现两个武将的单挑,直到某一武将死亡,各武将的手牌可事先随机指定10张(用一维字符串或者字符数组保存,出牌次序可由编程者指定,该题只注重单挑的出牌过程和最终结果,不考察智能出牌和摸牌的方法实现)。
Simple Three killed procedures (2013-09-25, C#, 1068KB, 下载26次)


[C#编程] 678657537457

Visual C#实例源码下载:按仓库名、图书名称进行分组,并统计其库存数量,按仓库分组统计图书库存(多列),C#与SQLServer的结合,程序运行前请先调试安装好SQL数据库信息,加database目录中的数据库文件附加在SQLServer中,然后设置连接信息,作者拥有版权,仅供学习与参考。
Visual C# example source code download: grouped according to warehouse name, name, and statistics of the inventory, warehouse inventory according to statistical (columns), the combination of C# and SQLServer debugging, please install SQL database program to run before, and in the database directory database file is added in SQLServer, and connection information setting, the author holds the copyright, learning and reference purposes only. (2013-09-10, C#, 411KB, 下载4次)


[C#编程] Illustrated-CSharp-2010

C#图解教程 作 者:(美)索利斯(Solis,D) 著,苏林 等译 很好的一本书
Graphic tutorial on C#: (America) Solis (Solis, D) with, Surin translated a good book (2013-08-26, C#, 744KB, 下载10次)


[C#编程] csharp

C#在数组中快速查找近似值,一维数组二维数组的用法,C#初学者参考。... C#在数组中快速查找近似值,一维数组二维数组的用法,C#初学者参考
C# quickly find the approximate value in the array, one-dimensional array uses two-dimensional array, C# beginners reference. ... C# quickly find the approximate value in the array, one-dimensional array uses two-dimensional array, C# beginners reference (2013-07-09, C#, 16KB, 下载13次)


[C#编程] ChatRoom

网络聊天室通常直称聊天室,是一种人们可以在线交谈的网络论坛,在同一聊天室的人们通过广播消息进行实时交谈。 聊天室可以建立在即时通讯软件(如MSN Messenger、QQ、Anychat)、P2P软件、万维网(如 Halapo,Meebo ) 等基础上,万维网方式更为普通和种类繁多,交谈的手段不局限于文本,更包括语音、视频。通常聊天室是按照房间或频道为单位的,在同一房间或频道的网人可以实时地广播和阅读公开消息。一般情况下,与其它网络论坛、即时通讯不同的是,聊天室不保存聊天记录。
Internet chat rooms are usually straight-called chat rooms, is a network of people you can talk to online forums, chat rooms for people in the same broadcast message through real-time conversation. Chat rooms can be built in instant messaging software (such as MSN Messenger, QQ, Anychat), P2P software, the World Wide Web (eg Halapo, Meebo), etc., based on the World Wide Web method is more general and a wide range of means of conversation is not limited to text, and more including voice, video. Usually chat room or channel in accordance with the room for the unit, in the same room or channel network of people in real-time news broadcasts and read publicly. Under normal circumstances, and other online forums, instant messaging is different, chat rooms do not save chat history. (2013-07-08, C#, 379KB, 下载14次)


[C#编程] CSharp-dll

C#好用第三方控件合集(dll) 包含: MSplitContainer,MoveForm,IrisSkin2,SideBar,AutoDockManage,log4net-1.2.11
C# easy to use third-party controls collection (dll) contains: MSplitContainer, MoveForm, IrisSkin2, SideBar, AutoDockManage, log4net-1.2.11 (2013-07-03, C#, 8074KB, 下载56次)


[C#编程] imgadddate

C#给图片加日期,类似于图片水印,不过要比水印稍简单些,添加数码相片拍摄日期,实现过程概述:   获取元数据中的拍照日期时间,以字符串形式保存,分析字符串分别保存拍照日期和时间的标准格式,由列表中的文件创建内存位图对象,由位图对象创建Graphics对象的实例,绘制数码照片的日期/时间,将添加日期/时间戳后的图像进行保存,释放内存位图对象。   #region 获取数码相片的拍摄日期:   获取图像文件的所有元数据属性,保存倒PropertyItem数组,通过指定的数据流来创建Image,遍历所有元数据,获取拍照日期/时间,遍历图像文件元数据,检索所有属性,如果是PropertyTagDateTime,则返回该属性所对应的值,若没有相关的EXIF信息则返回N/A
C# to the picture and the date, similar to the picture watermark, but slightly simpler than the watermark, add digital photo shooting date, to achieve Process Overview: Get metadata camera date and time, stored as a string, parse the string stored separately photos standard format for the date and time from the list of files to create a memory bitmap object from a bitmap object to create an instance of the Graphics object to draw digital photo date/time, add date/time stamp the image to be saved, freeing memory Bitmap object.# Region for digital photo shooting date: Get all image file metadata attributes, save pour PropertyItem array by specifying the data stream to create Image, through all metadata for photos date/time, traverse the image file metadata retrieval All properties, if PropertyTagDateTime, return the property value corresponding to, if not related to the EXIF ​ ​ information for the return N/A (2013-06-17, C#, 12KB, 下载8次)


[C#编程] csharptesttime

Commercial software development in C#, and sometimes need to add a trial period, to limit some of the features in the trial period, you can not use the end of the trial period. The source resolve this issue (2012-11-13, C#, 69KB, 下载80次)


[C#编程] cSharp-skin

Taught you make C# the skin, including the control of production, a rare place to start (2011-07-06, C#, 712KB, 下载7次)


[C#编程] AtlasCopcoTools-And-assembly-systems

Atlas Copco(阿特拉斯)工控机配套电枪开发文档,接口规范说明.官网上没有的,很难找到的文档.有需要的朋友拿去吧
Atlas Copco (Atlas) stun guns IPC supporting development documents, interface specifications. Not the official line, it is difficult to find the document. Take it to a friend in need (2011-04-01, C#, 3879KB, 下载16次)



为Symbol MC70编写的条码扫描程序.能识别二维码,一维码,可以设置条码分割字符.用于Symbol扫描枪开发测试.查看代码前请自行安装symbol开发类库EMDK-M-020403.exe
Written for the Symbol MC70 barcode scanner. Able to identify two-dimensional code, one-dimensional code, you can set the bar code character segmentation. For Symbol scanner development testing. Look at the code before the development of your own symbol libraries installed EMDK-M-020403.exe (2011-04-01, C#, 1595KB, 下载50次)


[C#编程] ssdlh_bbs_V1.0

System uses the Asp.net technology to Xml file storage of data, combined with the use of xslt techniques generate static html pages. Code using a layered architecture, easy reading comprehension, but also increase the use of fragment caching data caching to improve performance, it should be helpful for beginners (2010-01-21, C#, 374KB, 下载5次)
