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按平台查找All Visual C++(371) 

[数据结构] 自来水管道架设问题

自来水管道架设问题 【问题描述】 若要在八个居民区(A区、B区、C区、D区、E区、F区、G区、H区)之间架设自来水管道,如何以最低的经济代价架设这个自来水管道。 【基本要求】 利用二种方法Prim算法和克鲁斯卡尔Kruskal算法生成自来水管道的架设方案
Two methods, Prim algorithm and Cruise Carle Kruskal algorithm are used to generate the water pipe erection scheme (2017-10-09, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载2次)


[数据结构] KMP

KMP algorithm is an improved string matching algorithm, discovered by D.E.Knuth, J.H.Morris and V.R.Pratt simultaneously, so people call it Knut Maurice Platt operation (KMP algorithm for short). (2017-06-06, Visual C++, 11KB, 下载1次)


[数据结构] dijkstra

Dijkstra (Dijkstra) algorithm is a typical single source shortest path algorithm for computing a node to all other nodes of the shortest path. The main feature is the starting point for the expansion of the center outward, until the end of the extension to the end (2016-09-19, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载1次)


[数据结构] project

Enter a number to determine whether the Sams wave number, that is to say the digital input is equal to the number of bits of the N-th power is not the sum of the number of bits where N is the number for this (2016-06-16, Visual C++, 4143KB, 下载1次)


[数据结构] Huffman-tree

Huffman tree, the use of this method is proposed according to the characters of the probability for the weight, choose a pair for minimum the root of the tree nodes and the weights between additive, additive of weight to the new node, add new nodes as a father and to the root node team, has already been refilled node to remove the original team (2015-03-11, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载3次)


[数据结构] kdtree

kd tree (k-dimensional tree for short), is a data structure split k-dimensional data space. Mainly used in multi-dimensional space-critical data search (eg: range search and nearest neighbor search). KD tree is a special case of binary space partitioning tree. (2015-01-02, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载7次)


[数据结构] experiment-three

Experimental data structure code plus report, the contents of an ordered list of test elements are stored in ascending order to achieve an orderly list of class template, with an ordered list represents a collection, to achieve two sets and intersection (and intersection still sorted linked list) and analyze their time complexity (2014-12-22, Visual C++, 2110KB, 下载3次)


[数据结构] exp2

学习和掌握运算符重载,理解异常处理机制。 实验内容:   (1)编程实现一个实数矩阵类,它可以进行加、减、乘和赋值运算,并且要重载运算符“()”,用来返回矩阵元素的值。 (2)该类还要支持异常处理机制,能够处理可能的非法矩阵操作。
Learn and master operator overloading, understanding exception handling mechanism. Experiment: (a) programming a real matrix class, which can add, subtract, multiply, and assignment operator, and to override operator " ()" is used to return the value of the matrix element. (2) This class also supports exception handling mechanism to deal with possible illegal matrix operations. (2013-09-24, Visual C++, 1188KB, 下载5次)


[数据结构] gaojianguanli

Newspaper, you need the name of the author of the storage manuscript, the manuscript name, submission date, of the province and the reviewers comments, and displays all the information. Which personnel number in the personnel information is generated at the same time generate a staff numbering sequence, each input plus one. Display by name, find, add, delete, and save each of the information. (2012-10-24, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载2次)


[数据结构] bianli

图的深度及广度遍历 首先创建一个无向图,顶点用一个一维数组存储,弧用一个二维数组存储,不相邻顶点之间设置无限大。深度遍历时设置顶点的布尔函数,访问过的顶点布尔值为true,递归调用DFS函数。广度遍历时,结合队列的存储方式,进行遍历。
Figure traverse the depth and breadth of First create a non-directed graph, vertex with a one-dimensional array to store the arc with a two-dimensional array to store non-adjacent vertices between the infinite set. Boolean function, set deep traversal vertices visited vertex boolean value true recursive call DFS function. Breadth traversal, combined with the queue storage traversal. (2012-08-22, Visual C++, 8KB, 下载2次)


[数据结构] LMin

俄罗斯套娃:南北向和东西向的道路纵横交错。现在,路口放着纯金打造的俄罗斯娃娃,重量大小不等,重的都能装下轻的。你可以沿着道路飞奔,拾取路口的娃娃,要求是任何时刻必须是一个套娃,装好后就不能再拆开了。注意不要走重复路。 设计规划路线,使得能够有最大的收获。
Ivan Pavlov in the contest Conference Lectra pack, become the new " Prairie Eagle," has won great honor for the tribe. Leaders decided to heavily reward, Ivan Pavlov, he said: " My child, you know, in front of this piece of grassland, north-south and east-west roads criss-cross now, crossing the Russian doll stood pure gold, weight size, weight can be installed under the light you can gallop along the road, pick up the doll intersection, at any time requirement is set to be a baby, once installed can not open a. be careful not to go Repeat way. " Ivan Pavlov you planning for the route, enabling him to have the greatest benefit. (2011-10-24, Visual C++, 188KB, 下载5次)


[数据结构] dataStructure

数据结构课程设计 ,交通查询系统,本系统功能有:(1)添加城市、(2)删除城市,(3)添加路径、(4)删除路径,(5)计算最佳路径,可分别用弗洛伊德和迪杰斯特拉算法计算,(6)计算关键路径
Data structure course design, traffic query system, the system functions are: (1) Add the city, (2) Delete the city, (3) Add the path, (4) Delete the path, (5) calculate the best path, respectively Vladimir Lloyd and the Dijkstra algorithm, (6) Calculate the critical path (2011-10-08, Visual C++, 1265KB, 下载15次)


[数据结构] bahuanghouwenti

用一维数组来进行处理。数组的下标i表示棋盘上的第i列,a[i]的值表示皇后在第i列所放的位置。如:a[1]=5,表示在棋盘的第一例的第五行放一个皇后。 程序中首先假定a[1]=1,表示第一个皇后放在棋盘的第一列的第一行的位置上,然后试探第二列中皇后可能的位置,找到合适的位置后,再处理后续的各列,这样通过各列的反复试探,可以最终找出皇后的全部摆放方法。 程序采用回溯法,算法的细节参看程序。
chengxu (2010-12-20, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[数据结构] Dijsktra

This procedure using c++ implementation of the land Jiesitela algorithm, that is, seeking the shortest path, this one on the algorithm for a small program on the data structure in seeking the shortest path in a demonstration (2009-12-25, Visual C++, 1843KB, 下载29次)


[数据结构] Lagrange_multiplier_method

1. 在程序运行过程中首先根据目标函数和等式约束条件写出拉格朗日函数,确定出新的目标函数的维数和系数,并输入到程序中从而得出结果。在本程序中,用到了列主元高斯消元法求解方程组。
1. First, the program is running according to the objective function and equality constraints to write the Lagrangian function, to determine a new dimension and the objective function coefficients, and enter into the program, and thus the outcome. In this procedure, used in the column PCA Gauss elimination method for solving equations. (2009-12-01, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载9次)


[数据结构] Longest_shortest_route

1. 在程序运行过程中首先根据目标函数和等式约束条件写出拉格朗日函数,确定出新的目标函数的维数和系数,并输入到程序中从而得出结果。在本程序中,用到了列主元高斯消元法求解方程组。
1. First, the program is running according to the objective function and equality constraints to write the Lagrangian function, to determine a new dimension and the objective function coefficients, and enter into the program, and thus the outcome. In this procedure, used in the column PCA Gauss elimination method for solving equations. (2009-12-01, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载41次)


[数据结构] duichengjuzhen

对称矩阵相乘:2. A和B是两个n×n阶的对称矩阵,以行为主序输入对称矩阵的下三角元素,压缩存储存入一维数组A和B,编写一个算法计算对称矩阵A和B的乘积,结果存入二维数组C。
Symmetric matrices: 2. A and B are two n × n symmetric band matrix, in order to conduct the main sequence of input symmetric matrix elements of lower triangular, compressed storage into one-dimensional array A and B, the preparation of a symmetric matrix algorithm the product of A and B, the results of two-dimensional array into C. (2009-05-31, Visual C++, 157KB, 下载6次)


[数据结构] Onedimensionalarrclastemplate

建立一维数组数据结构的模板类,使一维数组中的数据元素可以是char, int, float等多种数据类型,类中的成员函数主要包括: 排序函数,能够对数组元素进行升序排列; 查找函数,能够在输入待查元素后,输出其在数组中的下标; 构造函数,初始化输入数组元素,这里要求数组元素的个数n是一个变量; 析构函数,释放数组元素所占用的堆内存; Set函数,可以为指定的数组元素赋值; Get函数,可以读取指定数组元素的值; Print函数,可以输出数组元素的值。 编写一个测试该模板类的程序
The establishment of one-dimensional array data structure of the template classes, so one-dimensional array of data elements can be char, int, float and other data types, class member functions include: Sort function, the array elements to sort in ascending order Find a function, the element of unknown origin in the input, the output in the array subscript Constructor, initialize the array element input, where the number of requirements of the array element is a variable n Destructor to release the space occupied by the array element memory heap Set function for the specified array element assignment Get function, can read the value of the specified array of elements Print function, you can output the value of the array elements. The preparation of a test procedure for the template classes (2009-05-04, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载9次)


[数据结构] zuixiaoshengchengshu

最小生成树问题 若要在n个城市之间建设通信网络,只需要架设n-1条线路即可。如何以最低的经济代价建设这个通信网,是一个网的最小生成树问题。 (1)利用克鲁斯卡尔算法求网的最小生成树。 (2)实现教科书6.5节中定义的抽象树类型 MFSet。以此表示构造生成树过程中的连通分量。 (3)以文本形式输出生成树中各条边以及他们的权值。
minimum spanning tree problem to the n-city building communications networks needed to put up only n-1 lines can be. How the lowest economic cost of building the communications network, the network is a minimum spanning tree problem. (1) using Kelushikaer network algorithm for the minimum spanning tree. (2) to achieve 6.5 textbook definition of the abstract tree types MFSet. Spanning Tree Construction said this process of connectivity components. (3) the form of text output spanning trees and the edge of their weights. (2007-06-28, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载120次)


[数据结构] 最小生成树的示例程序

利用克鲁斯卡尔算法求网的最小生成树 是关于数据结构的课程设计的题目 是非常有用的
Kelushikaer algorithm for the use of the network is the minimum spanning tree data structure of the curriculum design is the subject of very useful (2005-11-17, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载1149次)
