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[其他书籍] The Finite Element Method

Finite Element Methods: Solid Mechanics and Structural Mechanics (7th Edition) by (English) O.C. Zienkiewicz (O.C. Zienkiewicz). Introduces the basic theory of the finite element method, a very classic book, the work of the big cow. (2023-07-25, Others, 17533KB, 下载0次)


[其他书籍] siyuans

四元数是由1个实数、3个虚数构成的,其是4维空间的矢量,是最简单的超复数,能够解决万向节死锁(Gimbal Lock)的问题,但是四元数的乘法是不可逆的。
The number is four yuan by 1 real and 3 imaginary form, which is a vector in 4 dimensional space, is the most simple super complex, can solve the gimbal lock (Gimbal Lock) of four yuan, but the number of multiplication is irreversible. (2017-04-07, C/C++, 3881KB, 下载1次)


[其他书籍] 4

DP matching is proposed based on the characteristic matrix similarity measure. First, the line between the matrix and vector objects sample matrix using a one-dimensional DP matching method produces a similar row vector matrix instead of the object. Then use the one-dimensional DP matching distance calculation similar matches row vector of the sample standard matrix row vectors. The last two features define the similarity matrix in the matching distance. The matching problem is a two-dimensional matrix conversion feature of this method is essentially a two-dimensional vector of DP matching, suitable for solving the problem identification and retri of two-dimensional objects. Similarity measurement in image retri system platform for this paper to verify the results show that this method is effective. (2017-02-23, PDF, 485KB, 下载2次)


[其他书籍] Spark-machine-learning

本书每章都设计了案例研究,以机器学习算法为主线,结合实例探讨了Spark 的实际应用。书中没有让人抓狂的数据公式,而是从准备和正确认识数据开始讲起,全面涵盖了推荐系统、回归、聚类、降维等经典的机器学习算法及其实际应用
spark machine learning (2016-08-10, PDF, 8659KB, 下载26次)


[其他书籍] Overview

Overview of Faster-Than-Nyquist for Future Mobile。A comprehensive introduction to the new coded modulation over Nyquist, the impact of this new modulation method of mobile communication in the future is analyzed in detail. (2015-04-09, Others, 256KB, 下载25次)


[其他书籍] EDA365_Skill

For ALLEGRO software, a simple way to create a shortcut (2013-06-12, PDF, 555KB, 下载108次)


[其他书籍] Shelling-art

Software protection is an important part of software technology and packers technology is one of the most effective methods of software protection, software crack in shelling is difficult, this tutorial details today' s mainstream shelling technology. (2013-03-09, Visual C++, 523KB, 下载4次)


[其他书籍] machine-learning

The document of Stanford university for foreign classic machine learning material, very comprehensive, including the original courseware and translation courseware, content easy to understand!!!!!!!!!! (2013-01-20, Others, 14647KB, 下载247次)


[其他书籍] Gallardo-PhD

This is a foreign Lancaster University the Gallardo Ph.D. thesis, Joint electromagnetic and seismic methods for doing joint inversion study friend, very helpful. (2012-12-22, PDF, 5123KB, 下载40次)


[其他书籍] Digital-image-processing

数字图像处理第三版(冈萨雷斯),教育部高等教育司推荐,国外优秀信息科学与技术系列教学用书(英文版) WordNet的参考文献: [51]http://wordnet.prineeton.edu/ [52]Miller G,Beekwith R,Fellbau C.Introduetion to WordNet:an on-line lexieal database.In International Journal of LexieograPhy,1990,3(4):235-244.
Digital Image Processing Third Edition (Gonzalez), Department of Higher Education recommended, outstanding foreign teaching Information Science and Technology Book Series (English) WordNet references: [51] http://wordnet.prineeton. edu/[52] Miller G, Beekwith R, Fellbau C. Introduetion to WordNet: an on-line lexieal database.In International Journal of LexieograPhy, 1990,3 (4) :235-244. (2010-12-18, Visual C++, 1106KB, 下载197次)


[其他书籍] dsgdg

The part of the document collection for the Gaussian model are all PDF format documents, describes the process of Gaussian model and some improved algorithms. Need can be downloaded. (2010-06-02, Visual C++, 6720KB, 下载12次)


[其他书籍] Optical

Optical fiber mode-coupling theory,from Maxwll equations to waveguide application. (2010-06-01, Others, 1074KB, 下载230次)


[其他书籍] API_HOOK_Encryption

This is just a few days ago I found the information is based on the data file API_HOOK transparent encryption and decryption system design and implementation, like to do the data security can be downloaded to see a friend. PDF format. (2010-02-04, CHM, 545KB, 下载20次)


[其他书籍] TianWenXueShouCe

天文学手册 (中文 罗斯)。天文学的业余观测手册,后来从英文版翻译过来并于1985年出版的。PDF中文,23MB,共607页。
Astronomy Handbook. Amateur astronomy observations manual was translated from the English version published in 1985. PDF Chinese, 23MB, a total of 607. (2010-01-04, Windows_Unix, 22292KB, 下载9次)


[其他书籍] Wireless_Communications_Stanford_Andrea_Goldsmith

无线通信经典书籍,风行全美著名高校的经典教科书之一,作者Andrea Goldsmith教授毕业于加大伯克莱分校,为信息论领域新一代权威,历经十年完成本书写作.工科通信信息信号等专业硕博研究生必备参考书.
Wireless communications, edited by Prof. Andrea Goldsmith (2009-09-21, PDF, 2503KB, 下载36次)


[其他书籍] stanford_university_Wireless_Communications

Stanford University, 2003 Guide of the wireless communications,高清晰版unencrypted. Simple sprightly book itself is not a book-style super-thick textbooks. Recommended reading. (2008-12-15, PDF, 2268KB, 下载9次)


[其他书籍] MBA

Complex issues simple, then the MBA curriculum, and now people like to tell a story, but the story has good and bad. Jobs said that the story is very reasonable, we can listen to (2008-07-22, WORD, 7KB, 下载7次)


[其他书籍] ABAP-grammar

说明 ABAP/4 语法,并且 提供关于如 何在 ABAP/4 中编程的建 议。同时解 释如何提高 程序的清楚 性,以及使 用已有程序 代码模块使 编程变得更 加容易
Description ABAP/4 syntax, and provide information on how to ABAP/4 Programming recommendations. At the same time to explain clearly how to improve procedures, as well as the use of existing code modules to make programming easier (2007-11-04, Others, 16KB, 下载35次)


[其他书籍] 精通CSharp(PDF)

介绍c#语言的语法,本书最适合初学者使用 也可对熟悉c#的开发人员提供参考
introduced c# language syntax, the book most suitable for beginners can also familiar with the c# developers provide reference (2005-12-15, C#, 1250KB, 下载104次)


[其他书籍] 《加密与解密》随书光盘(一)演示

《加密与解密》第二版电子版 随书光盘(一)演示部分 2003年 本书在第一版的基础上,更新了第一版中的过时内容。 本书共分三个部分。 第一部分介绍与加密和解密技术相关的基础知识。 第二部分全面讲述各种最新的软件加密与解密技术及方法,如静态分析技术,动态分析技术,序列号,警告窗口,时间限制,加密算法MD5、SHA、RSA、ElGanal等。 第三部分主要介绍PE文件的知识,如增加文件功能、加壳与脱壳、补丁技术等。从光盘上拷贝文件到硬盘时,要注意改变文件属性,取消“只读”属性。
"encryption and decryption," the second edition of the electronic version of books on CD-ROM (a) demonstration of some 2003 in the first edition of the book, on the basis of the update of the first edition of outdated content. The book is divided into three parts. The first part gives with the encryption and decryption technology-related knowledge. The second part of a comprehensive picture of all the latest software encryption and decryption technology and methods, such as static analysis, dynamic analysis, serial number, a warning window of time constraints, encryption algorithm MD5, SHA, RSA, ElGanal so. The third part introduces the knowledge PE documents, such as increased document functions, shell and sabot, patch technology. From the CD copy files to the hard drive, the at (2005-11-30, Others, 15972KB, 下载354次)
