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按平台查找All PHP(672) 

[WEB开发] WebDev-Langwitch

Binus University Online Learning (2024-03-05, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] Erasmus-Website-full_stack

Erasmus Website full stack (2024-02-15, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] h-rbac

Based on native Laravel s abilities. Hierarchical RBAC with callbacks., (2020-01-16, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] 08yingyuan

1.本系统所有资源均自动采集,无需人工,省时省力。爱客影院3.3增加了发布视频功能,但还有些BUG,正在进一步完善中。 2.爱客影院源码自适应所有设备,PC/手机/pad均可使用。
1. all the resources of the system are automatically collected without manpower, saving time and effort. AI cinema 3.3 has increased the function of releasing video, but there are still some BUG that are being further improved. 2. AI cinema cinema source adaption to all devices, PC/ mobile /pad can be used. (2018-05-31, PHP, 4544KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] BokeCMSv1.5PHP_Build20090713

After a period of effort coupled with enthusiastic webmaster enthusiastic support of the owners, podcast 1.5 upgrade package finally came out, in this thanks to all of us have been supportive webmaster, thank you for your feedback, let us podcast The program was able to constantly update the upgrade! (2016-11-22, PHP, 822KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] vancl

本系统由PHP+Smarty模板编写,代码简洁规范。由于凡客没有提供类似淘宝客的API接口,所以目前没有太多人做,机会绝好。 本系统可以自动实时采集凡客官方数据,并且不需要数据库,可和淘宝API相媲美。
The system by the PHP+ Smarty template, code concise specification. As the customer does not provide similar API Taobao customer interface, so there are not many people do, the opportunity is excellent. The system can automatically collect all real-time official data, and do not need a , and Taobao API comparable. (2016-11-03, PHP, 456KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] KPPW2020120716GBK

多年威客行业项目开发沉淀,历时半年开发,重写50W行代码,完全细节优化,客客团队新长征计划【KPPW2.0开发】即将完工。全新的威客应用解决方案,功能更加全面、体验更舒适,让您的威客网站更好运营。 一、全新UI风格设计,提升用户体验 全新前后台UI风格设计,严格遵循W3C网页标准,采用HTML5、CSS3开发技术,KPPW2.0的整站设计充分考虑了威客行业用户体验需求和对未来拓展性开发的页面支持性。从版本界面风格设计上,简洁明了主题突出 随时随地的工具栏,引导用户操作体验更加舒适 模板页面代码样式表模块化,可针对局部自由开发完美兼容整站,且整站模板风格的切换和开发支持性也更加强 二、全局代码构架改善,更安全更高效
Years of Witkey industry project development precipitation, took six months to develop, rewriting 50W lines of code, complete details of the optimization, guest guest team in the new Long March plan [KPPW2.0 development] is completed. Witkey application of new solutions, function more comprehensive, more comfortable, let your Witkey website better operation. One, the new UI style design, enhance the user experience New Taiwan before and after the UI style design, strictly follow the W3C web standards, using HTML5, CSS3 development technology, KPPW2.0 ZhengZhan design fully consider the Witkey industry user experience requirements and for future expansion of the development of page support. From the version of the interface design style, clear, concise, highlight the theme, anywhere on the toolbar, guide the operation of the user experience more comfortable page template code style table modular, aiming at EMC ZhengZhan local free development is perfect, and ZhengZhan template style (2016-04-09, PHP, 8868KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] WolvesTaoke_v1.2beta

狼群淘客系统基于canphp框架进行开发,MVC结构、数据库碎片式缓存机制,使网站支持更大的负载量,结合淘宝开放平台API实现的一个淘宝客购物导航系统采用php+mysql实现,任何人都可以免费下载使用 。狼群淘客的任何代码都是不加密的,你不用担心会有任何写死的PID,不用担心你的劳动成果被窃取
Wolf guest system is developed based on the framework of canphp, MVC structure, fragment caching mechanism, the site supports the greater load capacity, combined with Taobao open platform API to achieve a Taobao shopping navigation system using PHP+ MYSQL, anyone can be free to download and use. The wolves of guest any code is not encrypted, you don t have to worry about any write die of PID, do not worry about your work is stolen (2016-04-07, PHP, 1532KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] SupeV_1.0.0_SC_UTF8_ZENDENC

视频播客 SupeV 1.0.1 简体UTF-8,php编程学习源码,web网站制作参考资料。
Video podcast SupeV 1.0.1 simplified UTF-8, PHP learning programming source code, web web references. (2013-12-20, PHP, 2421KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] upload

Where the customer Taobao system, running on PHP+MYSQL environment, the page concise fashion, with columns functions: Website General settings, user information management, commodity exchange collection, Taobao link generation, product details and other settings. Each section has a more specific function within the subdivision function, easy to manage your website content maintenance (2013-09-04, PHP, 1453KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] mediawiki-1.15.0.tar

mediawiki系统源码 方便建一个仿维基百科的网站
mediawiki source code (2013-05-29, PHP, 10574KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] duoduo_v7.4

多多淘宝客V7.4,最少配置 200M+20Mmysql; 推荐配置:大于500M空间+大于50M数据库。
A lot of Taobao passenger V7.4 minimal configuration 200M+20Mmysql recommended configuration: greater than the 500M space+ greater than 50M database. (2013-01-15, PHP, 5285KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] Memcached

php memcached, pass code smart podcast training courses will be taught any similarity is purely coincidental (2012-06-10, PHP, 2287KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] thumb_water_upload

Image processing class (to upload files or images, thumbnails, add watermark) (2012-03-27, PHP, 1501KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] Image.class

A php s class deal with the image (2012-03-14, PHP, 1KB, 下载9次)


[WEB开发] taobaoke

Is a female shopping website and the article acquisition management background (2011-12-05, PHP, 33278KB, 下载27次)


[WEB开发] 3desinfo

Php 3des encryption and decryption using the tools (2011-04-02, PHP, 2KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] hon6WAP_v1.0

1.内容自动抓取,让您远离繁忙的采集工作 2.抓取后自动生成静态文件,更新较快的栏目20分钟抓取一次,内容栏目600分钟抓取一次,做到了每日更新两次! 3.程序支持整合传承导航,可以联系客服858111797,购买并安装,可提供官方授权码! 3.排版简单,模版式排版!
1. Content automatically crawl, allowing you to work away from the busy collecting 2. Crawler automatically generated static file, updated 20 minutes to crawl faster part time, 600 minutes to crawl the content of part one, so that the two updated daily times! 3. Program supports integration of inheritance navigation, you can contact customer service 858 111 797, purchased and installed, can provide official authorization code! 3. Typesetting simple, template-style layout! (2011-03-09, PHP, 57KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] asp1.0

asp 加解密工具绿色版解压可用,各位站长的良好选择
asp encryption and decryption tools for extracting the green version available (2010-10-19, PHP, 253KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] jiaoda

National Chiao Tung University website source code, including database script, php add the mysql. (2009-07-17, PHP, 3149KB, 下载3次)
