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[其他书籍] chapter4

Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is an analytical method based on fuzzy mathematics. Fuzzy mathematics is a new discipline developed in the past 40 years (2018-03-19, matlab, 16KB, 下载6次)


[其他书籍] deep-learning-pdf

This document is the depth of learning, deep learning Stanford University public courses ppt lecture, in layman' s language, it is worth learning (2017-01-02, Python, 15311KB, 下载60次)


[其他书籍] daolibai

本 文在 吸 取 和 借 鉴 国 内外 研 究 成 果 的 基 础上,以加拿大 Quanser公司生产的旋转倒立摆系统为研究对象 ,基于模糊方法设计 了控制器 ,并进行实验验证。可看出该模糊控制器具有良好的控制效果。
Based on research results and draw on lessons on rotation to Canada Quanser company s pendulum system as the research object, the method based on fuzzy controller was designed and conducted experiments. It can be seen that the fuzzy controller has good control effect. (2015-07-02, PDF, 262KB, 下载7次)


[其他书籍] bat

Taught you how to write a batch- a batch of introduction, mostly years experience, or by chance, or gradual enlightenment, a bit biased also added an increasing recently mundane, less leisure, Xin Fu air dry, overnight. Henry disobedience, please Fu Zheng language properly, yet you No wonder, then. (2011-01-25, Others, 12KB, 下载1次)


[其他书籍] poor

An Introduction to Signal Detection and Estimation Princeton通信大牛Poor写的信号检测和估计理论的导论。 这本书是普林斯顿大学统计信号处理专业课的教材,可以得见,此书是以理论见长。我觉得工程应用涉及得不多。理论算法倒是讲得很透彻。书中的推导论述确实很严谨,无可挑剔,适合研究生阅读。
An Introduction to Signal Detection and Estimation (2010-07-29, Others, 4613KB, 下载81次)


[其他书籍] IntroductiontoProbability

概率论始于17世纪法国伟大的法国时2 数学家布莱斯帕斯卡和Pierre费尔马,相当于超过两个问题 从比赛的机会。如Pascal和费马问题的解决继续 作为惠更斯影响,伯努利这种早期的研究人员,以及在建立德穆瓦夫尔 一个概率的数学理论。今天,概率论是一个沿用已久的 数学分支,发现在每一个领域应用学术 活动从音乐到物理,从日常的经验,天气预测 预计新的医疗治疗的风险。
Probability theory began in the 17th century when the two great French French Mathematician Blaise Pascal and Pierre Fermat, the equivalent of more than two issues From the matches. Such as Pascal and Fermat to resolve the problem continues Impact as Huygens, Bernoulli these early researchers, as well as in the establishment of Demoivre A mathematical theory of probability. Today, probability theory is a well-established Branch of mathematics, found application in every area of academic Activities from music to physics, from daily experience, weather forecast Estimated the risk of new medical treatment. (2010-06-12, Visual C++, 2867KB, 下载2次)


[其他书籍] CrackTutorial

This tutorial is currently perfecting the process, usually for the convenience of our study, especially the teaching CHM format is made to facilitate you. (This teaching is the home on Dec. 25, 2001 the contents of package before). The direction of future development site and we will discuss some new encryption technology, focusing on reverse engineering and software encryption protection. (2010-05-15, Asm, 1910KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] CSD-98-980

图模型(Graphical Model),加州大学柏克利计算机系、统计系教授,Jordan的技术报告,适合于机器学习、概率统计、贝叶斯网络等的研究
Graphical Model, University of California at Berkeley ,Dept. of computer science, Dept. of statistics, Professor Jordan s technical report, suitable for machine learning, probability and statistics, Bayesian networks, etc (2009-10-31, matlab, 362KB, 下载56次)


[其他书籍] kalman

Recursive Kalman own procedures, it is estimated that the signal x (t) waveform. x (t) is a smooth continuous random signals, autocorrelation function is known, the signal x (t) for the additive noise disturbance to the measured value of the discrete value of z (k) is also known. (2009-06-14, matlab, 1KB, 下载48次)


[其他书籍] 3

3鲁棒语音识别技术的研究.kdh 鲁棒语音识别技术是语音识别系统从实验室理论走向实际应用的关键性 技术之一,其研究的主要目的是解决训练环境与应用环境之间失配所造成的识 别率下降问题,本文在总结和分析现有多种鲁棒性识别算法的基础上,主要针 对加性噪声的影响,在语音增强、基音提取、端点检测、鲁棒特征参数的选择 等方面进行了深入地研究和探讨。
speech paper,help you study (2009-04-28, PDF, 1663KB, 下载12次)


[其他书籍] Confessions_of_an_economic_hit_man

Detective story is more exciting than the story. This book is the rule of United States forces to take up a new term: corporate kingdom. This is Perkins s autobiography, his confession, repentance, make an eye-opener. (2009-02-13, PDF, 22070KB, 下载7次)


[其他书籍] Digital-image-processing-of-the-second-edition-of-

Digital image processing, the second edition of the Chinese version (Gonzalez), computer graphics professionals see the direction of professional books. (2008-12-15, PDF, 30874KB, 下载139次)


[其他书籍] SEO-magic

最近花了2天时间看了一本由浩维互动推出的免费电子书《搜索引擎优化魔法书SEO Magic》 , 收获挺大的,特别向大家推荐。这是我目前为止看到的最新最全面的关于中文网页搜索引擎优化的电子书。
Recently spent two days time to read an introduction by the ho-dimensional interaction of the free e-book Search Engine Optimization Spellbook SEO Magic , the big harvest, in particular to recommend. This is what I now see the latest and most comprehensive website on the Chinese search engine optimization eBook. (2008-12-03, PDF, 3428KB, 下载163次)


[其他书籍] LearningBayesianNetworks

The book introduced the Bayesian analysis and forecasting network and its knowledge, a photocopy of the English version, is to study uncertainty analysis, machine learning, such as the direction of a rare classic material. (2008-11-03, MultiPlatform, 4256KB, 下载134次)


[其他书籍] TheSparseBayesianLearningBasedRevelanceVectorTrack

结合稀疏贝叶斯学习方法和支持向量跟踪(SV T) 原理, 提出了相关向量跟踪(RV T)。由于跟踪系统事先学习到了目标 的“知识”, 故匹配发生在候选图像块与先验知识之间, 而不必考虑模板更新。相关向量有比支持向量更稀疏的性能, 所以相关 向量跟踪比支持向量跟踪有更快的帧处理速度。
???舷 ?疏 ? (2008-08-18, Others, 301KB, 下载24次)


[其他书籍] Informationf_Retrieval

An Introduction to Information Retrieval 介绍信息检索的一本书,是斯坦福大学的一个教授写的,据说还没有出版,先放出来给读者提改进意见的。注意是英文版的
An Introduction to Information Retrieval Information Retrieval introduction of a book, a Stanford University professor of writing, it is said has not yet published, first released to the readers to improve their views. Attention is the English version of (2008-01-29, MultiPlatform, 4075KB, 下载10次)


[其他书籍] randomdata

用C语言编写随机信号的产生:包括均匀分布,高斯分布,二项式分布,锐利分布, 对数高斯分布,泊松分布,拉普拉斯等分布。
Using C language of the generated random signal: including uniform distribution, Gaussian distribution, binomial distribution, a sharp distribution, logarithm Gaussian distribution, Poisson distribution, Laplace distribution. (2008-01-29, Visual C++, 2183KB, 下载297次)


[其他书籍] Wireless-Communication-Goldsmith

斯坦福大学Goldsmith著,无线通信教程,Wireless Communication,也是一部精典的无线通信书籍。英文,pdf格式,也很清晰!
Goldsmith, Stanford University, and wireless communications tutorials, Wireless Communication, is also a classical wireless communication books. English, pdf format, is also very clear! (2007-10-26, PDF, 2527KB, 下载221次)


[其他书籍] 《加密与解密》随书光盘(五)习题

《加密与解密》随书光盘(五)习题 本书在第一版的基础上,更新了第一版中的过时内容。 本书共分三个部分。 第一部分介绍与加密和解密技术相关的基础知识。 第二部分全面讲述各种最新的软件加密与解密技术及方法,如静态分析技术,动态分析技术,序列号,警告窗口,时间限制,加密算法MD5、SHA、RSA、ElGanal等。 第三部分主要介绍PE文件的知识,如增加文件功能、加壳与脱壳、补丁技术等。
"Encryption and decryption" CD with the book (5) Exercise of the first edition of the book, on the basis of the update of the first edition of outdated content. The book is divided into three parts. The first part gives with the encryption and decryption technology-related knowledge. The second part of a comprehensive picture of all the latest software encryption and decryption technology and methods, such as static analysis, dynamic analysis, serial number, a warning window of time constraints, encryption algorithm MD5, SHA, RSA, ElGanal so. The third part introduces the knowledge PE documents, such as increased document functions, shell and sabot, patch technology. (2005-12-01, Others, 11948KB, 下载120次)


[其他书籍] 《加密与解密》随书光盘(三)工具

《加密与解密》随书光盘(三)工具 本书在第一版的基础上,更新了第一版中的过时内容。 本书共分三个部分。 第一部分介绍与加密和解密技术相关的基础知识。 第二部分全面讲述各种最新的软件加密与解密技术及方法,如静态分析技术,动态分析技术,序列号,警告窗口,时间限制,加密算法MD5、SHA、RSA、ElGanal等。 第三部分主要介绍PE文件的知识,如增加文件功能、加壳与脱壳、补丁技术等。
"Encryption and decryption" CD with the book (3) tools in the first edition of the book, on the basis of the update of the first edition of outdated content. The book is divided into three parts. The first part gives with the encryption and decryption technology-related knowledge. The second part of a comprehensive picture of all the latest software encryption and decryption technology and methods, such as static analysis, dynamic analysis, serial number, a warning window of time constraints, encryption algorithm MD5, SHA, RSA, ElGanal so. The third part introduces the knowledge PE documents, such as increased document functions, shell and sabot, patch technology. (2005-11-30, Others, 10917KB, 下载208次)
