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[汇编语言] day2

基本的概念说明 上面的代码在制作基于2D的游戏时检查单位之间的冲突(例如友军飞机和敌方导弹)时非常有用。 这个代码的基本原理是使用中心距和两个圆的半径之和。 两个圆的中心距离可以用毕达哥拉斯定理求出,如果两个圆的半径之和大于这个中心距,那么这个物体就被认为是相撞的(如果不知道的话,可见图示说明)
Basic concept description The code above is useful for checking conflicts between units (such as friendly planes and enemy missiles) when making 2D-based games. The basic principle of this code is to use the center distance and the sum of the radii of two circles. The distance between the centers of the two circles can be found by the Pythagorean theorem. If the sum of the radii of the two circles is greater than the center distance, the object is considered as a collision (If you do not know, you can see the illustrations) (2018-01-06, C/C++, 62KB, 下载1次)


[汇编语言] OS3

参考《Orange’s》,在之前搭建的 nasm + bochs 实验平台上完成一个接受键盘输入,回显到屏幕上的程序,具体要求如下: • 从屏幕左上角开始,显示键盘输入的字符。可以输入并显示 a-z 和 0-9 字 符。 • 支持大小写,包括 Shift 组合键以及大写锁定两种方式。 • 支持回车键换行。 • 支持删除退格,退格如果退回上一行,必须退回该行编辑的最后一个字符 处。 • 支持空格键和 Tab 键,其中对于 Tab 键如果实现其作为制表符(即使用 了 Tab 的位置输入退格时会退四格),将会得到加分。 • 每隔 20 秒左右, 清空屏幕。输入的字符重新从屏幕左上角开始显示。 • 若按下 F1 到 F5, 分别切换到不同颜色进行输出。 • 要求有光标显示, 固定光标或者闪烁光标均可, 但一定要跟随输入字符的 位置变化。 • 要求支持一种特殊的组合键,规则为当同时按下 Shift 和 Tab 键的情况 下,输入键盘上的 Q, A, Z, W, S, X 键时,显示的内容是其右边一个键的 内容,即对应显示 W, S, X, E, D, C。对其他键不做要求。
Reference Orange s , in the previous nasm+ bochs built a complete experimental platform to accept keyboard input echo to the program on the screen, the specific requirements are as follows: • From the upper left corner of the screen to display the character keyboard. You can enter and display a-z, and 0-9 characters. • support case, including the key combination Shift and Caps Lock in two ways. • Support the Enter key line feed. • supported the deletion backspace, backspace if the return on the line must be returned at the last character of the line editing. • Support Spacebar, and Tab key, wherein if the Tab key to achieve it as a tab character (ie, when using the Tab position input backspace backspace four-frame), you will get extra points. • Every 20 seconds, clear the screen. Character input display re-start the top left corner of the screen. • If you press F1 to F5, respectively, switching to a different color output. • req (2016-05-23, Asm, 99KB, 下载3次)


[汇编语言] 1

(1)能记录整个赛程的比赛时间,并能在比赛开始前设定比赛时间,在比赛过程中能暂停比赛时间。 (2)能随时刷新甲、乙两队在真个赛程中的比分,即对甲乙两队的分数进行加分和减分。 (3)中场交换比赛场地时,能交换甲、乙两队比分的位置。 (4)比赛结束时能发出报警提示。 (5)在每次交换球权后24秒能手动赋初值,进攻超过24秒计时暂停知道按下继续开始计时。
(1) to record the entire leg and time, and can set the game time before the start of the game, pause the game time during the race. (2) at any time to refresh the A and B teams score really a race, namely A and B teams scores extra points and minus points. (3) the midfield exchange venue to exchange the position of the A and B teams were. (4) the end of the game which could give the alarm. (5) 24 seconds after each time the ball is exchanged manually given initial attack more than 24 seconds pause timing to know the press continue to start timing. (2012-07-04, Asm, 2KB, 下载3次)


[汇编语言] shiyan6

1.编写完整的汇编语言程序: (1) 从键盘输入一系列字符(以回车符结束),并按字母、数字及其他字符分类计数,最后显示这三类的计数结果。 (2) 已定义了两个整数变量A和B,试编写程序完成下列功能(使用简化段源程序格式):  若两个数中有一个是奇数,则将奇数存入A中,偶数存入B中;  若两个数均为奇数,则将两数均加1后存回原变量;  若两个数均为偶数,则两个变量均不改变。 (3) 用减奇数次数的方法,求一个数的近似平方根,这个平方根是一个整数。如求17的平方根,可以用17相继减去奇数1、3、5、7、…,当结果为负数时停止,即: 17-1-3-5-7-9<0 可以看出,17在减去5次奇数后结果变为负数,可以近似认为17的平方根在4与5之间,计算NUM的平方根,如果NUM=17,则ANS中保存结果4。 (4) 以下面形式定义一个长整数,其所占用字节数由N得到,比如128位的数5746352413DE89674523BC9A78563412H定义成: NUM DB 12H,34H,56H,78H,9AH,0BCH,23H,45H DB 67H,89H,0DEH,13H,24H,35H,46H,57H N DB $-NUM 试编写一个程序,实现对N字节的NUM的值求补(类似NEG的操作),并把求补后的值仍保存在NUM中。
1.编写完整的汇编语言程序: (1) 从键盘输入一系列字符(以回车符结束),并按字母、数字及其他字符分类计数,最后显示这三类的计数结果。 (2) 已定义了两个整数变量A和B,试编写程序完成下列功能(使用简化段源程序格式):  若两个数中有一个是奇数,则将奇数存入A中,偶数存入B中;  若两个数均为奇数,则将两数均加1后存回原变量;  若两个数均为偶数,则两个变量均不改变。 (3) 用减奇数次数的方法,求一个数的近似平方根,这个平方根是一个整数。如求17的平方根,可以用17相继减去奇数1、3、5、7、…,当结果为负数时停止,即: 17-1-3-5-7-9<0 可以看出,17在减去5次奇数后结果变为负数,可以近似认为17的平方根在4与5之间,计算NUM的平方根,如果NUM=17,则ANS中保存结果4。 (4) 以下面形式定义一个长整数,其所占用字节数由N得到,比如128位的数5746352413DE89674523BC9A78563412H定义成: NUM DB 12H,34H,56H,78H,9AH,0BCH,23H,45H DB 67H,89H,0DEH,13H,24H,35H,46H,57H N DB $-NUM 试编写一个程序,实现对N字节的NUM的值求补(类似NEG的操作),并把求补后的值仍保存在NUM中。 (2012-05-29, Asm, 3KB, 下载19次)


[汇编语言] checking-ID-number

输入一个学生的身份证号码,程序检验身份证号码是否合法。 下面是身份证号码的规则: 身份证号码共18位. 前6位是地址码. 7--14位是出生年月日 后面4位是生成的代码, 第17位用来做性别判定:偶数 -- 女 奇数--- 男 . 第十八位数字的计算方法为: 1.将前面的身份证号码17位数分别乘以不同的系数。从第一位到第十七位的系数分别为:7 9 10 5 8 4 2 1 6 3 7 9 10 5 8 4 2 2.将这17位数字和系数相乘的结果相加。 3.用加出来和除以11,看余数是多少? 4余数只可能有0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10这11个数字。其分别对应的最后一位身份证的号码为1 0 X 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2。 5.通过上面得知如果余数是2,就会在身份证的第18位数字上出现罗马数字的Ⅹ。如果余数是10,身份证的最后一位号码就是2。
input one s ID number,the program will check it.And give some information about this ID card s belonger if it is valid,or the program will warn you that this ID number is invalid. (2012-04-17, Asm, 4KB, 下载4次)


[汇编语言] YIM

一、实验目的 掌握I/O地址译码电路的工作原理。 二、实验原理和内容 译码输出端Y0~Y7在实验台上“I/O地址当CPU执行I/O指令且地址在280H~2BFH范围内,译码器选中,必有一根译码线输出负脉冲。利用这个负脉冲控制L7闪烁发光(亮、灭、亮、灭、……),时间间隔通过软件延时实现。 三、编程提示 1、实验电路中D触发器CLK端输入脉冲时,上升沿使Q端输出高电平L7发光,CD端加低电平L7灭。
1, experiment aims to master I/O address decoding circuitry works. 2, experimental principle and content of the decoder outputs Y0 ~ Y7 in the experimental stage, " I/O address when the CPU implementation of the I/O instruction and the address is 280H ~ 2BFH within the decoder is selected, there must be a decoding line output negative pulse. take advantage of this negative impulse control L7 flashing LED (light, eliminate, brighter, silencers, ... ...), time interval delay achieved through software. 3, programming tips an experimental circuit D flip-flop CLK-ended input pulse when the rising edge so that Q-ended output high L7 LED, CD-side plus low L7 destroy. (2009-10-27, Asm, 13KB, 下载6次)


[汇编语言] lock

电子密码锁 8086汇编语言编写 内附已编exe文件及编译连接软件masm5.0和link 要求: 实现方案,流程图(20分) 实现密码判断(15分) 实现密码更改(15分) 实现程序正常结束(5分) 实现非软件的准确延时(5分) 输入错误3次后自动结束程序(20分) 根据操作产生的不同结果配以不同的音效(20分) 基本实现前4项要求,再实现其它扩展要求,视难度加分。
8086 key-lock assembly language has been prepared containing exe file and compile and link connectivity software masm5.0 requirements: the realization of the program, flow chart (20 points) to determine the realization of the password (15 points) to achieve password change (15 points) to achieve the normal procedures end (5 points) to achieve accurate non-software delay (5 points) 3 input errors automatically end after the procedure (20 points) under the operation of the different results produced with different audio (20 hours) before the four basic requirements to achieve , and then expand the requirements to achieve the other, depending on the degree of difficulty points. (2009-07-03, Others, 106KB, 下载78次)


[汇编语言] 64x64LED

16字 LED点阵屏+DS1302电子钟 C 程序 1 脚接+5V 2,3脚32768HZ晶振 4脚接地 5脚接S51的P02 6脚接S51的P01 7接S51的P00 8脚接后备电源,可以接老计算机主板上的3.6V电池,也可以通过二级管隔离接一个大容量电解电容 电压在2.5V以上即可维持 595连级输出数据,138行驱动 P1_0为时钟模式转换键、P2_1为时钟加键、P1_2为时钟减键、P2_3为时钟复位键。在对时钟调整时未对调整 项做闪烁处理
16-character dot matrix LED screen+ DS1302 electronic bell C 1-pin+5 V 2,3 received crystal 32768HZ feet 4 feet 5 feet grounding the S51 then take P02 6 feet of the S51 the S51 then P01 7 pin P00 8 back-up power supply, can access the old computer' s motherboard of 3.6V batteries, can also be isolated by one diode large-capacity electrolytic capacitor voltage in the 2.5V to the maintenance of more than 595 company-output data, 138 firms P1_0 drive mode conversion key for the clock, P2_1 to Clock plus key, P1_2 key for the clock by, P2_3 reset button for the clock. Adjustment of the clock adjustments do not deal with scintillation (2009-05-31, C/C++, 4KB, 下载155次)


[汇编语言] jiekou

控制四相步进电机按双八拍的运行方式运行。按下开关SW1时启动步进电机,按ESC键停止工作。采用循环查表法,用软件来实现脉冲循环分配器的功能对步进电机绕组轮流加电。 要求对题目进行功能分析(四项功能:快速顺时针旋转,慢速顺时针旋转,快速逆时针旋转和慢速逆时针旋转),进行步进电机远程控制系统硬件电路设计,画出电路原理图、元器件布线图、实验电路图;绘制程序流程图,进行步进电机控制程序设计(采用8086汇编语言);系统调试、运行,提交一个满足上述要求的步进电机控制系统设计
Four phase stepper motor controlled by two-run shot eight manner. Press the start switch SW1 when the stepping motor, according to ESC key to stop working. Adopt the cycle look-up table method, using software to achieve the function of pulse cycles distributor winding rotation of the stepper motor power. Requested topic Function Analysis (four functions: rapid clockwise rotation, clockwise slow, fast and slow anti-clockwise rotating counterclockwise rotation), for remote control of stepper motor system hardware circuit design, draw the circuit schematic diagram , components wiring diagram, the experimental circuit diagram flow chart drawing program for stepper motor control program design (using 8086 assembly language) system debugging, running, submit a request to meet the above-mentioned stepping motor control system design (2009-03-05, Others, 42KB, 下载73次)


[汇编语言] 8259huibian

微机原理交通灯应用课程设计、 希望大家多去动手实践, 永远都别想着不劳而获。要是按我这次的思路 来, 希望可以把时间开始, 校准考虑进去。这次试验我原想着用两8 2 5 3 级连隔1 S 引起一中断, 结果一看实验箱只一个8 2 5 3 , 才选用了软件编 程加硬件结合起来, 得到一固定时间的方法。 万事开头难, 这个实验前两天都不知怎么办。 祝大家学习好, 身体棒!
Microcomputer Principle traffic lights application of curriculum design, hope to do more practice, do not always think of reaping. If according to my ideas, we will be able to time, calibration into account. The test I had thought to use two 8 2 5 3 cascaded septum 1 S caused a disruption, the results of an experiment to see me only a 8 2 5 3, only selected software plus hardware combine to be a fixed time method . Everything is hard in the beginning, two days before this experiment do not know how to do. I wish you all good learning, physical wand! (2009-01-02, Others, 190KB, 下载80次)


[汇编语言] phone

在本次试验中需要注意基址寄存器BX的移动方法,对以字为单位的数组,BX的移动方式 是每移动一次加2或者减2 另外函数调用的过程中需要小心PUSH和pop的调用是否安全,例如在name_sort中pop CX的 时候没有先Push CX,导致了name_sort函数不可以调用 此程序使用比较高效的方法只是对号码单的首地址进行排序,为此开辟了一个地址数组 AdTable,类似C语言中的指针数组 在每个名字的前面存有每个名字的长度,有利于对名字进行比较,体现了空间换时间
In this trial need to pay attention to base address register BX mobile methods, to the word as a unit of the array, BX mobile is mobile once every 2 or minus 2 plus another function call the process requires careful PUSH and call it pop security, for example, in name_sort in a time when pop CX without first Push CX, led name_sort function can not call this procedure the use of efficient methods of comparison only the first address of a single number to sort this opened up an address array AdTable, similar to C Language pointer array in front of each name there is the length of each name is beneficial to compare the name reflects the space for time (2008-06-01, Asm, 1KB, 下载2次)


[汇编语言] 2Fly音乐联播系统 v04.06

当你使用了本系统后,你将不再因为自己的网站的音乐 链接地址变动而烦恼了! 因为我们(心影瞬间工作室)将为随时监测链接的可用性! 这些问题,我们将为你解决! 现在我们已经推出了 《歌曲排行榜》《卡通歌曲》《新年歌曲》《民歌》 《萨克斯》《经典老歌》《天籁之音》《中国轻音乐》 等项目, 相继我们还将推出《祝福点歌系统》,以及为有一定浏 览量的网站定制《点歌系统》 欢迎加入《心影瞬间工作室》这是一个免费为大家提供 共享服务的简单组织!
After you have used this system, you no longer because of own website music link address change but worry! Because we (蹇冨奖 instantaneous work room) for as necessary will monitor the link the usability! These questions, we will solve for you! Now we already have promoted "Song Order list" "Cartoon Song" "the New year Song" "Folk song" "Sachs" "Classics Old Song" "Sound of the Sounds of nature" "the Chinese Light music" and so on the project, we also will promote "Blessing Song System" one after another, as well as for will have the certain browsing quantity the website to have custom-made "Song System" to welcome to join "蹇冨奖 Instantaneous Work room" this will be free provides the sharing service for everybody the simple organization! (2004-07-14, PHP, 11KB, 下载294次)
