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[WEB开发] blogs

Personal blog function, basic functions are available, including front end background plus database. (2018-06-08, PHP, 4725KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 11

PIMS online order management system for single page ordering website, web site and other common product ordering ordering website, through the management background to facilitate the rapid integration of Alipay, caifutong, Yi Bao, online banking online, paypal and other statistical customer payment interface, efficient and safe simple order management, convenient Performance; as long as we set up the table single item, we can create an order page with one key and integrate seamlessly with the background order management. (2018-04-08, PHP, 6895KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] 6677

恒友网络威客+商城系统 (WK+shop) 基于PHP+MySQL的技术,采用ThinkPHP5.0框架开发。
Heng you network Witkey + mall system (WK+shop), based on PHP+MySQL technology, is developed by ThinkPHP5.0 framework. (2018-04-08, PHP, 62118KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] 方维o2o多城市商业版生活消费体验网站_V2.2

Fang Wei o2o local life system V2.2 multi city commercial version, is the best choice procedure for local consumption + business + sharing platform. This program has been perfectly cracked and has no functional limitations. The entire station program open source, complete error free backdoor vulnerability! (2018-01-05, PHP, 42642KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] Jumei_v1.0

Snow Arrow Taobao off theme, based on foreign open-source program Wordpress development, use simple, powerful, built-in sound management panel. (2016-12-08, PHP, 542KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] wb

Sharetronix is a free open source micro blog system, the latest version of the Chinese version of 2.0.1 (based on the official sharetronix1.4.2) (2016-10-19, PHP, 4941KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] project

仿凡客诚品php商城购物网站,wamp环境。包含数据库。模块有 用户,商品,评论,订单,等。
Imitation Eslite mall site php, wamp environment. It includes a . Module users, merchandise, comments, orders, and so on. (2015-06-11, PHP, 9889KB, 下载2次)



PIMS在线订单管理系统适用于单页订购网站、普通产品订购网站以及其他订购类网站,旨在通过方便的全后台管理,快速整合支付宝、财付通、易宝、网银在线、贝宝等支付接口、高效安全简单的管理订单、直观方便的统计客服业绩 只要设置好表单项,即可一键生成订购页面,与后台订单管理无缝整合。
PIMS online order management system for single-page order website, general product ordering sites and other subscription websites, aims to facilitate the whole backstage management, rapid integration of Paypal, money paid through, EPRO, online banking online, PayPal and other payment interface , a simple and efficient security management orders, easy and intuitive statistical results as long as the customer set up a single table, you can generate a key to the order page, seamless integration with back-end order management. (2014-01-04, PHP, 1463KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] mediawiki-1.16.1.tar

Open communication platform, self-installed web server (2013-10-19, PHP, 12355KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] Pims_v4.1

PIMS在线订单管理系统适用于单页订购网站、普通产品订购网站以及其他订购类网站,旨在通过方便的全后台管理,快速整合支付宝、财付通、易宝、网银在线、贝宝等支付接口、高效安全简单的管理订单、直观方便的统计客服业绩 只要设置好表单项,即可一键生成订购页面,与后台订单管理无缝整合。
PIMS online order management system for single pages ordering Web site, general product ordering sites and other Order Website, aims to facilitate the entire backstage management, rapid integration of Paypal, money paid through, ePRO, online banking online, PayPal and other payment interface safe, efficient and simple management orders, intuitive and convenient customer service performance statistics just set a good form item, you can generate a key to the order page, seamless integration with back-end order management. (2013-07-06, PHP, 9737KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] PinPHP_V2.2

pinphp like mogu street (2012-08-04, PHP, 10307KB, 下载10次)


[WEB开发] Discuz_X2_SC_UTF8

A php-based forum for the development. (2012-06-04, PHP, 8368KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] west263agendev

 西部数码域名虚拟主机分销系统是针对IDC行业的各级代理商开发的一套极具人性化的管理系统。该系统采用ASP+ACCESS开发,简单易用 通过API接口与上级服务商通信。让使用者能在操作简单快捷的情况下轻松完成业务的实时申请、开通和管理以及续费升级。   系统的主要特色有:开源免费、模板分离使用方便、可以不依赖于上级代理独立运行、客服托管系统,降低售后服务压力、在线升级、无限级别代理平台、免费集成新网万网等五大域名注册接口、功能强大界面美观等...
Western digital domain name virtual host distribution system is aimed at IDC industry development at all levels of a set of agent highly humanized management system. The system USES ASP and ACCESS development, easy to use Through the apis interface and superior service provider communication. Let users can in operation simple and quick cases easily finish business application, open and real-time management and a renewal upgrade. The main features of the system are: free, open source template separation is convenient to use and can not dependent on the agency independent operation, customer service escrow system, reduce the after-sales service pressure, online upgrade, infinite level agent platform, nets of any free integration on the five domain name registration interface, powerful interface aesthetics, etc... (2012-02-12, PHP, 32075KB, 下载10次)


[WEB开发] Zhidao_xiaotou

Baidu Baidu know tfkjdslk fldjslfkjsdl fkjsdl fldkjslf sdlf (2011-10-25, PHP, 82KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] duoduotaobaoke-v7.2

这是多多淘宝客7.2完美(免证书)全功能无限制版。 看到网上有许多 多多淘宝客7.2破解版可以下载,但有人同时也加了限制 ,在你使用了一定时间及次数后,后台某些功能就无法使用,限制比官方的还要多 ,你必须向他支付一定费用后才能继续使用。 这几天我有时间就把官方的最新试用版下载,修复了后台的所有功能限制。 也就是说大家使用这个程序就可以永久全功能无限制版免费使用,当然也无域名限制了。
This is a lot of Taobao off 7.2 perfect (free certificate) fully functional unlimited version. There are many online to see a lot of Taobao customers can download version 7.2 crack, but it was also added restrictions, you use a certain time and frequency, the background will not be able to use certain features, even more than the official limit, you must to pay him a fee to continue using. These days I have time to put the latest official trial download, fixed background of all the functional limitations. In other words you can use this program a permanent full-featured free unlimited version, of course, no domain limits. (2011-10-18, PHP, 3496KB, 下载27次)


[WEB开发] www.yoho5.com

Scouring off the most popular is a single page program, do products with high single-page commission, also referred to www.yoho5.com (2011-09-28, PHP, 3549KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] tao

Amoy million visitors a month, bought 200 yuan, I made a few million, there are at least 2,000 yuan a month, (2010-10-16, PHP, 433KB, 下载28次)


[WEB开发] ApplicationDevelopmentproficientPHPMySQL

Php mysql development of Chinese language proficiency plus clear pdf version of their sweeping, absolute clarity (2010-06-07, PHP, 16980KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] card

uch积分充值插件,充值卡插件 前台加上card.php连接 后台加admincp.php?ac=card admincp.php?ac=cardadd
uch (2009-04-14, PHP, 5KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] lyb

Add MySQL prepared using PHP message board system to facilitate learn from (2007-12-19, PHP, 387KB, 下载24次)
