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[数学计算] QSortRows

The fast sorting algorithm of one-dimensional data is extended to realize the fast sorting of the whole row of data, similar to the sortrows() function in MATLAB. (2020-01-29, Visual C++, 5024KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] FFH

快速傅立叶变换算法中的分裂基算法,又称基2 4算法,对一维序列,这种算法使FFT比较完善
Split basis algorithm, also known as basis 24 algorithm, is used in fast Fourier transform algorithm. For one dimensional sequence, this algorithm makes FFT more perfect. (2018-11-20, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] VB_machine_learning

A survey paper about the latest variant Bayesian machine learning algorithm developments and you can have a good understanding about it. (2016-01-23, Visual C++, 307KB, 下载5次)


[数学计算] dotandcrossproduct

Describe the principle of calculating the dot product and cross product, details the physical and geometric significance, indispensable for 3-dimensional space of learning. (2015-03-11, Visual C++, 55KB, 下载7次)


[数学计算] Lyapunov_Lorenz

c语言,定义法计算计算Lorenz系统lyapunov指数,结果比较精确! 可以改为任意3维动力系统的lyapunov指数的计算程序!
c language, define the method to calculate the Lorenz system lyapunov index, the result is more accurate! Can be changed to any 3-dimensional dynamical systems lyapunov index calculation program! (2013-03-24, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载5次)


[数学计算] NCGC

内插高程点,CASS不提供插求高程点功能,我们手工输入容易出错,且极度不方便,。 此程序用VBA编写,界面操作,按设定的比例自动计算需内插的个数并注记。
Interpolated elevation points (2012-08-27, Visual C++, 19KB, 下载45次)


[数学计算] CPP

This is a multi-state matrices, including some of the basic functions of a matrix: matrix between addition, subtraction, multiplication, matrix multiplication is also overloading the matrix display function "<<"。 (2011-08-19, Visual C++, 48936KB, 下载2次)


[数学计算] Dynamic_Memory_Two_demention

The program analyzes the dynamic allocation of memory and explain the basic problem of the program for more than two-dimensional analysis of dynamically allocated memory note (2011-07-18, Visual C++, 854KB, 下载4次)


[数学计算] jieyue

Save mileage method c++ code, vc2010 solution algorithm is improved by Decca Claes (2011-01-05, Visual C++, 116KB, 下载62次)


[数学计算] dimension_turn_6

优化设计算法:用坐标轮换法求目标函数的最优解和最优值,已经验证算法的正确性,visual C++6.0开发,变量维数为6
Optimization Algorithm: Method using coordinate rotation objective function of optimal solution and optimal value, has verified the correctness of the algorithm, visual C++6.0 development (2010-06-09, Visual C++, 195KB, 下载36次)


[数学计算] grid_method

优化设计算法:用1维格点法求目标函数的最优解和最优值,已经验证算法的正确性,visual C++6.0开发
Optimization algorithm: 1 Dimensional grid Method with the objective function of the optimal solution and optimal value, has verified the correctness of the algorithm, visual C++6.0 development (2010-06-09, Visual C++, 18KB, 下载7次)


[数学计算] 2

Algorithm C language source code of the two: Newton- Cortez, Jacobi, Qinjiu Zhao, power method, high Sisaideer (2010-05-04, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载1次)


[数学计算] MyCalculator

自己做的简易计算器,程序简单,功能也还行,就是还不全而已 ,剩下的都可以通过修改程序曾加功能。上传给大家分享
Make their own simple calculator, the program simple functions are still OK, that is not all just the rest can be added by modifying the program have been functionality. Upload for everyone to share (2009-12-27, Visual C++, 3229KB, 下载2次)


[数学计算] JUZHEN

Description 给定一个有N个矩阵的矩阵链A1A2A3...An,矩Ai的维数为pi-1*pi。我们都知道,使用朴素的矩阵乘法去乘两个维数分别为x,y和y,z的矩阵,所需要的乘法次数为x*y*z。矩阵链乘法问题就是如何对矩阵乘积加括号,使得它们的乘法次数达到最少。 Input 输入的第一行为一个正整数N(1<=N<=200)。表示矩阵的个数。 输入的第二行包含N+1个整数,分别表示pi(0<=i<=N),其中每个pi在[1,200]范围内。 Output 输出一个整数表示最少要进行的乘法次数。
Description Given a matrix N a matrix chain A1A2A3 ... An, moments Ai dimension of pi-1* pi. We all know that the use of simple matrix multiplication to multiply two dimensions, respectively x, y, and y, z matrix, the required number of multiplication x* y* z. Matrix-chain multiplication problem is how to add the product to the matrix in parentheses, allowing them to reach a minimum number of multiplication. Input input first acts of a positive integer N (1 < = N < = 200). Indicated that the number of matrices. Enter the second line contains N+1 integers, respectively, indicated that pi (0 < = i < = N), where each pi in [1,200] range. Output output, said at least one integer number multiplication to be carried out. (2009-12-21, Visual C++, 397KB, 下载6次)


[数学计算] DFP

DFP variable metric method, including the one-dimensional search, golden section method, type of packaging used, including matrix-type, variable-scale category. Simple to achieve. (2009-04-14, Visual C++, 4KB, 下载15次)


[数学计算] aaa

The realization of three categories ranging from Covariance Bayesian classifier, the importation of samples can be drawn to this type of samples. (2008-12-16, Visual C++, 2033KB, 下载7次)


[数学计算] salzer_udm

Marquez Model UDM custom developed source code, compiled after the completion of FLAC model can be calculated (2008-07-01, Visual C++, 475KB, 下载23次)


[数学计算] neiweier

Neville interpolation can be achieved, the input node, the corresponding node function values, enter the requested node, the node can be in this approximate function values (2007-12-10, Visual C++, 28KB, 下载8次)


[数学计算] cholesky.cpp

Jiaolishiji Improved method for symmetric positive definite equations, have been used in finite element simulation FORWARD (2005-10-22, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载30次)


[数学计算] aiyst

Einstein is said to be one of the issues raised, and said only 2% of the people can help. (2005-03-01, Visual C++, 173KB, 下载3次)
