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按分类查找All C/C++基础(342) 

[C/C++基础] RockabillyCode

RockabillyCode is a dynamic and expressive programming language designed to capture the vibrant energy and timeless charm of Elvis Presley s music. It features a syntax that s easy on the eyes, much like the smooth lines of a classic Cadillac, and it s built to encourage developers to be as creative and innovative as Elvis was on stage. (2024-05-06, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C/C++基础] Bayer_More

Boyer-Moore算法是一种高效的字符串搜索算法,可以在文本中查找模式的出现。它是由罗伯特·S·博伊尔(Robert S.Boyer)和J·斯特罗瑟·摩尔(J Strother Moore)于1977年开发的。Boyer-Moore算法背后的关键思想是在搜索时根据一组预计算的表跳过尽可能多的字符。
The Boyer-Moore algorithm is a highly efficient string searching algorithm that finds occurrences of a pattern within a text. It was developed by Robert S. Boyer and J Strother Moore in 1977. The key idea behind the Boyer-Moore algorithm is to skip as many characters as possible while searching, based on a set of precomputed tables. (2024-04-20, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)
