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[Leetcode/题库] CanadaDataJobs-DataPreparation-PrototypeDashboard

Project to create Python scripts for preparing (cleaning and organizing) Canadian job vacancy data from the beginning of 2024. The project also has a Dashboard prototype made in PowerBI. The data was obtained from LinkedIn and posted on Kaggle by another person. (2024-02-22, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] MyHomeWork

本科的专业课练习。(1)数值分析:LU分解、二分法-试位法、二次样条插值、定点迭代法-牛顿切线法- 正割法求根、带换主元高斯消去法、拉格朗日插值、最小二乘法、牛顿差商法、积分、贝尔斯托递归求根。(2)生产者-消费者问题、页面置换算法、进程管理、文件管理
Undergraduate professional course exercises. (1) Numerical analysis: LU decomposition, dichotomy test position method, quadratic spline interpolation, fixed-point iteration Newton tangent secant method, Gaussian elimination method with principal component replacement, Lagrange interpolation, least square method, Newton difference quotient method, integration, Belsto recursive root finding. (2) Producer consumer problem, page replacement algorithm, process management, file management (2023-12-01, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] WindWhispered

Listen to Feng s plug-in modification library to solve the problem of each plug-in version. If you encounter any problems when using the plug-in, follow the WeChat official account [Listen to the wind and listen to the advice], leave a message on the background, or make a small WeChat description. (2023-11-08, Lua, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] Text-information-processing

The comment data of microblog during the outbreak of the epidemic in 2020 was obtained from kaggle. The dataset contains 10000 items and has five dimensions, namely microblog id, comment date, microblog nickname, comment content and emotional tendency. The emotional tendency is divided into three categories: negative (-1), neutral (0) and positive (1)., (2023-08-21, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] Productive-Muslim

Productive Muslim是一款面向伊斯兰信仰信徒的生产力应用程序,作为CSE 4508的实验室项目:RDBMS编程实验室。,
Productive Muslim is a productivity app for the adherents of the Islamic faith made as the Lab project for CSE 4508: RDBMS Programming Lab., (2021-12-01, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] house-prices-prediction-LGBM

This repo has been developed for the Istanbul Data Science Bootcamp, organized in cooperation with ?BB and Kodluyoruz. Prediction for house prices was developed using the Kaggle House Prices - Advanced Regression Techniques competition dataset. (2022-07-10, Jupyter Notebook, 981KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] MainUI

制作Main UI的初衷是为了在大三时和同学制作毕设的速度能更快,顺便了解熟悉一个ui框架的大致流程,再一个希望毕业能在面试时用该ui加分,感谢大家的支持!!
The original purpose of making Main UI is to make the design faster after the completion of the production with students in junior year. By the way, we can get familiar with the general process of a UI framework, and hope that we can use this UI to score points in the interview after graduation. Thank you for your support!! (2022-01-28, HTML, 452KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] ShellRepository

A good test operation and maintenance engineer should have his own code base. As a script repository, it will be the use record of the whole shell and bat. I hope this record will have a lot of divergent content, which will help the later work. (2020-09-04, Shell, 4434KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] Resume_classifier

This project focuses on the development of an NLP model using Naive Bayes to sort candidate CVs and predict candidates invited for an Interview and candidates not invited. (2021-07-14, Jupyter Notebook, 900KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] about-me

This web page has been created whithin 2.5 hours while waiting for the conference in Almaty at the "Kazakhstan" Hotel (26 October 2016), an hour drive in a taxi from the international airport Sheremetyevo to the Business Molodost’s main office (27 October 2016) and half an hour in the cafe on the first floor of the building, in which I had an (2018-02-01, HTML, 8037KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] little2more

This project is a study note. Used to record the mind maps and documents accumulated during the learning process, including front-end, back-end, tools, data structures and algorithms. This project will continue to be updated If it is helpful to you, please add a star to encourage you~ (2020-04-12, Others, 32081KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] algorithmVisualize

Algorithm Visualization - Data Structure Course Design. At present, it supports the visualization of the basic Sorting algorithm and the Dijkstra algorithm, and welcomes the students to continue to improve it. (2019-08-14, JavaScript, 112KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] cachecloud-performance

sohu-TV 开源cachecloud 之后,对于规模化管理REDIS提供了便利手段,解放了运维 DBA繁杂的工作,提升了排查问题便利性。 为了对cachecloud整体性能,高可用切换,对业务影响等方面做一个比较全面评估,特开发相...
After the open-source cache cloud of Sohu TV, it provides convenient means for large-scale management of REDIS, freeing up the complex work of operation and maintenance DBAs, and improving the convenience of troubleshooting problems. In order to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the overall performance, high availability switching, and business impact of cachecloud, we have developed (2018-01-29, Java, 62KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] JavaGreat

[Technical explanation+interview with first-line large factories] From technical learning to interview and entry materials, covering basic, highly concurrent, distributed, Microservices, Big data and other fields, the logical steps of the technical part are complete, the interview questions are continuously updated, the author is humorous and funny, the explanation is vivid and easy to understand, if you can t read it, you can scold me on WeChat, and learn and play well. It s no fun to avoid detours! (2020-05-09, Others, 38KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] sentinel-dubbo

Sentinel 是阿里中间件团队开源的,面向分布式服务架构的轻量级流量控制产品,主要以流量为切入点,从流量控制、熔断降级、系统负载保护等多个维度来帮助用户保护服务的稳定性。本项目为sentinel与dubbo结合的改造项目,主要解决...
Sentinel is a lightweight traffic control product developed by the Alibaba middleware team and aimed at distributed service architecture. It mainly focuses on traffic and helps users protect the stability of services from multiple dimensions such as traffic control, fuse degradation, and system load protection. This project is a renovation project that combines Sentinel and Dubbo, mainly addressing (2019-05-16, Java, 1122KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] EmbeddedSoftwareEngineerInterview

嵌入式软件工程师笔试面试指南,主要收录笔试面试八股文。包括C C++,计算机基础,操作系统,Linux驱动,Arm体系与架构,网络编程,大厂笔试面试题等。持续更新中~~有问题可以加我微信,LinuxDriverDev
The guide for the written interview of embedded software engineers mainly includes the Eight-legged essay of the written interview. Including C++, Computer Fundamentals, Operating Systems, Linux Drivers, Arm Architecture and Architecture, Network Programming, Large Factory Written Exam Interview Questions, etc. Continuously updating~~If you have any problems, you can add me on WeChat or LinuxDriverDev (2022-08-14, Others, 148KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] linuxcourse

全套最新 1Linux基础知识视频教程, 2.Linux系统管理视频教程, 3.Shell编程视频教程, 4.Linux网络服务管理视频教程, 5.MySQL数据库管理视频教程, 6.Linux集群视频教程, Linux运维-大厂经典面试题
Full set of latest 1Linux basic knowledge video tutorials, 2. Linux system management video tutorials, 3. Shell programming video tutorials, 4. Linux network service management video tutorials, 5. MySQL database management video tutorials, 6. Linux cluster video tutorials, Linux operation and maintenance - classic interview questions for large factories (2019-12-07, Others, 247KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] sagacity-sqltoy

Java s truly intelligent ORM framework, in addition to JPA functionality, has the best SQL writing mode, innovative cache translation, optimized pagination, and provides solutions to pain points such as grouping and summary, year-on-year and month on month comparison, row and column conversion, tree sorting and summary, multi database adaptation, database and table partitioning, multi tenant, data encryption and decryption, and desensitization! (2023-06-04, Java, 21164KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] YCBlogs

A summary of technical blog notes, including Java basics, threading, concurrency, and data structure; Android technology blogs and more; Common design patterns; Common algorithms; Knowledge points of network protocols; Partial Flutter Notes; It also includes a summary of the bugs encountered in daily development, and of course, I also collected a large number of interview questions in my spare time, and updated them for a long time (2023-05-13, Others, 5305KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] Lux

?? My summaries and notes for Computer Science, Mathematics and more science relevant contents. For my CS undergraduate career, redirect to the repository "Unilife-CS". (2022-12-07, C, 16780KB, 下载0次)
