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[数据库系统] Banco-de-Dados-II

Todas as atividades feitas em Banco de Dados no 2°Ano,junto com a Giovanna Eduarda Damasceno Reis作为阿提维达德家族的成员。Microsoft SQL Server的Foi utilizado。
Todas as atividades feitas em Banco de Dados no 2° Ano, junto com a Giovanna Eduarda Damasceno Reis. Foi utilizado o Microsoft SQL Server. (2024-02-19, TSQL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] selene-migrate

演示如何将模式和数据从本机Postgres SQL数据库迁移到Neon Postg雷斯数据库,以插入Neon附带的所有优化
A demo of how to migrate schemas and data from native Postgres SQL database to Neon Postgres database to plug into all the optimizations that comes with Neon (2024-01-03, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] CRDB

China Railway Database. Including line network details (including but not limited to line posts, bridges and tunnels), station track information (including but not limited to arrival and departure tracks, depots), locomotive and vehicle information (including but not limited to passenger and cargo aircraft, decommissioning, etc.), passenger train route information, etc. (striving for more convenient planning route). (2023-12-21, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] data-pegasus-victims

This database tracks details about victims of NSO Group’s Pegasus spyware, based on reporting by Amnesty International, Citizen Lab, Forbidden Stories, and others. (2023-11-07, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] intro_to_data_mooc_challenge

关于Code First Girls Data MOOC Challenge简介的小组项目。蓝色团队贡献者:哈尼娅·雷赫曼、莎朗·万杰鲁、帕梅拉·西尔、奇耶扎·恩胡维拉。
Group project in respect of Code First Girls Intro to Data MOOC Challenge. Team Blue contributors: Hania Rehman, Sharon Wanjiru, Pamela Seale, Chiedza Nhuvira. (2023-09-15, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] cubos-academy-backend-m03

Execícios relativos ao terceiro módulo do curso de Desenvolvimento de Software Cofoco em Cubos Academy后端iFood-达多斯银行
Exercícios relativos ao terceiro módulo do curso de Desenvolvimento de Software com foco em Backend da Cubos Academy iFood - Banco de Dados (2023-09-16, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] int-Django-Stock

StockAPI应用程序允许用户从纳斯达克指数监控股票价格。任务是使用django、drf a...创建项目设置...,
The StockAPI application allows users to monitor stock prices from NASDAQ index. The task is to create a project setup with django, drf and postgress database. (2023-09-13, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Global-Azure-Bootcamp-2019

Information on lab pre-requisites for the 2019 Global Azure Bootcamp event in St. Louis on April 27th., (2019-04-27, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] carga-datos-s3-mysql

Proceso de extracción de archivos desde un bucket de s3;塔尔斯archivos pueden ser json o csv。Los processa una función lambda y实现器...,
Proceso de extracción de archivos desde un bucket de s3; tales archivos pueden ser json o csv. Los procesa una función lambda y realizar la carga en una instancia de AWS Aurora (2021-10-17, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] hat_project

古色雷斯希腊化项目,此处提供的原始数据收集于2013-2016年的Heurist Scholar
Hellenisation of Ancient Thrace Project, the raw data presented here were collected in Heurist Scholar in 2013-2016 (2023-08-28, R, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] GoogleAnalyticsPHPMySQL

使用API从Google Analytics导出数据的脚本。需求[https:www.simoahava.com analytics improve data-co..](https:www.simoahava.com analytics使用四个自定义维度改进数据收集)
Script to export data from Google Analytics using the APIs. Needs [https: www.simoahava.com analytics improve-data- co…](https: www.simoahava.com analytics improve-data-collection-with-four- custom-dimensions ) (2017-01-26, PHP, 22KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] domain_registered

自动化阿里云域名解析系统开发: 用户在浏览器填写申请域名的表单提交到后台后,然后后台会把用户提交的申请域名的信息自动发邮件给运维主管并写入数据库,运维主管收到邮件核对无误后,进入后台管理页面,点击审核通过这个按钮,然后就会自动调用阿里...
Automated Alibaba Cloud Domain Name System system development: After users fill out a form for domain name application in the browser and submit it to the background, the background will automatically send the information submitted by the user to the operation and maintenance supervisor and write it into the database. After the operation and maintenance supervisor receives the email and checks it, he enters the background management page, clicks the Approve button, and then automatically calls Alibaba (2019-01-10, JavaScript, 2252KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Note-tutorial

Basic knowledge of computer: computer networks, operating systems, databases, data structures and algorithms, distributed clusters, big data, computer composition principles, software engineering, design patterns, code specifications, common tool operation and maintenance (2022-06-21, Python, 101440KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Spring-Boot-Neo4j-Movies

SpringBoot integrates Neo4j map database, and uses Spark s naive Bayes classifier to implement an intelligent question answering system based on movie knowledge map. (2023-04-21, Java, 1394KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] IoT-Based-Earthquake-Detector

This device is used to detect earthquakes with an accelerometer and gyro sensor MPU6050 and vibration sensor SW-420, where these sensors are connected to ESP32 as the microcontroller. Moreover, this device has been integrated with Firebase as the online database, using MQTT protocol to send data to a web server for data visualization. (2023-01-27, C++, 22572KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] wikileaks-database

A means of archving the files that were leaked on Wikileaks as a backup. These are downloaded to the best of my abilities to try and collect the wiki pages, html files, and other sorts of files, pdfs, whatever I might find within the documents. (2022-05-30, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] wikipedia-extractor

这是Giuseppe Attardi脚本的镜像,包含官方回购开始前的历史:[https:gi...](https:github.com Attardi维基提取器)
This is a mirror of the script by Giuseppe Attardi, and contains history before the official repo started: <https://github.com/attardi/wikiextractor> \--- Extracts and cleans text from Wikipedia database dump and stores output in a number of files of similar size in a given directory. (2016-08-17, Python, 30KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] bayeslite

BayesDB on SQLite. A Bayesian database table for querying the probable implications of data as easily as SQL databases query the data itself. (2020-08-07, Python, 513KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] db_design_tips

这是关于数据库设计的电子书,他觉得斯洛伐克就 偶发实际飞机哦按时机度斤哦洒家.
This is on the database design of e-books, he feels occasional Slovakia on the actual aircraft by the time Oh, oh jin洒家degrees. (2007-10-22, C++ Builder, 57KB, 下载7次)


[数据库系统] v6645_qq_ask

《ASP网站QQ在线咨询插件》 作者:国子(参考腾讯技术文档编写) QQ:895731 演示网址:http://www.wubaidu.com 转载请完整保留此说明文档,谢谢 使用方法: 将所有文件拷贝到网站目录,使用include方法将本文件包含到index.asp中,即在index.asp的最后添加一行<!--#include file="ask-qq.asp"--> 添加客服QQ方法: 修改ask-qq.asp中的“adm_qq=”后面引号中的QQ号,多个QQ号用西文逗号隔开,QQ数量不限。 如果你的ASP网站的数据库中保存有QQ号,也可直接读取数据库中的QQ 修改在线咨询浮动面板位置的方法: 修改ask-qq.asp中“startX =650”(水平)、“startY = 150”(垂直)中的数字即可。
"ASP website plug-QQ online advice" Author : State- (reference Tencent technical writing) QQ : 895731 demonstration website : http://www.wubaidu.com reproduced reservations please complete this documentation, thank Use : copies of all the documents to the Web catalog include the use of this method to document contains index.asp, in the final index.asp added his lt ;!--# include file = "ask-qq.asp"-- gt; add customer service QQ : amend ask-qq. asp the "adm_qq =" behind Quotes of QQ, QQ, with a number of Western comma separated QQ limit. If your ASP site database preservation QQ, can also directly access the database changes QQ online advisory panels floating location : amend ask-qq.asp "startX = 650" (horizontal), "startY = 150" (vertical) (2004-12-16, ASP, 10KB, 下载21次)
