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[汽车电子软硬件开发] TeslaTokens

VB-Script to get the Tokens for Tesla cars for Software like Teslalogger (2022-04-30, VBScript, 3KB, 下载0次)


[软件工程] vb五子棋

Simple Gobang, 5 pieces of a piece of chess are standing up or diagonally linked into a line, that is, victory, and now does not support networking, only supporting one game player 1 to 1, plus a step of regret (2020-12-01, VBScript, 3KB, 下载2次)


[其他] 宗地默认信息填写

This VBS script is developed based on EPS platform. It is used to fill in the dialog box of the required attributes in the Zongdi Red Line and Zongdi Map. Note: This VBS script is used in EPS. (2018-11-22, VBScript, 73KB, 下载2次)


[游戏] 1.6战力充值加GM

Ask GM to register and recharge. It's good, powerful, stable, fast. (2018-09-03, VBScript, 1311KB, 下载15次)


[Linux/Unix编程] LinusAndLinux

码农增刊,这一刊专讲Linus和Linux。 目录: Linus,一生只为寻找欢笑 这个极客很有种 Git为何不用C++开发——Linus痛贬C++的经典邮件 Linus Torvalds访谈:我已经不读代码了 只是为了好玩? Linux发展编年史 第三个系统Linux:一个人加上一百万人的智慧 分布式开发样板——Linux内核开发过程 Linux的安全问题与安全增强系统 你可能不知道的Shell Linux与学术界
Code farmers supplement this publication specifically about Linus and Linux. Table of Contents: Linus, his life only to find laughter This is a kind of geek Git why not C++ C++ development Linus Tongbian classic mail Interview with Linus Torvalds: I have not read the code Just for fun? Linux development Chronicles Third system Linux: One man and one million of wisdom Distributed development model Linux kernel development process Linux security issues and safety enhancement system You may not know the Shell Linux and academia (2015-01-22, VBScript, 4083KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] cxxz2

本站[正版]专业彩票NET防破系统免费发布 系统采用VB.NET+ACCESS开发 空间要求支持NET2.0 =程序简介= 本程序主要针对卖料网站开发,程序为正版,可在线升级、免费使用,下面为部分功能介绍: 1.收费资料防破解可以有效的保护你的资料不外泄,可设置按点播/小时/天收费! 2.友链防刷系统可以有效80 防止刷量! 3.程序带自动验证功能,只要设置好时间,时间一到即自动显示要公开的内容,省去了站长手动公开验证的麻烦! 4.指定省份公开验证,识别用户地区省份显示不同的资料\指定城市公开验证,针对某省的城市显示不同的资料 5.密码取料,不同的密码显示不同的资料。 6.支持简繁字体、彩版简版切换、虚拟人数、虚拟冲值、多个网页背景切换、图片UBB报码、空间探测等! 7.拥有完善的防注入系统,有恶意提交字符的都会记录到防注日志里面,并会发内线到后台,让站长可以及时掌握非法入侵者资料~ 8.增加彩票自动更新小偷资料,并支持增加广告/随机友链显 9.增加主要功能数据库自动备份和消息通知设置,如:冲值成功:网站留言:客服信息:非法注入等... 10.系统自带冲值接口 网站常用UBB请进后台查看
Site [Genuine] professional lottery NET anti-breaking system uses VB.NET+ACCESS free distribution system required to support the development of space programs NET2.0 = Introduction = This program aimed to sell the material web development program is genuine, can be updated online, free of charge, the following as part of Features: 1. Anti-crack fee information can effectively protect your information is not compromised, you can set by Demand/hours/day fee! 2. Friends of the chain anti-brush system can effectively prevent 80 of the amount of brush! 3. Program with automatic verification feature, just set a good time, when the time comes that you want to automatically display the disclosure, eliminating the trouble of publicly verifiable owners manual! 4. Specify the provinces publicly verifiable, identify the user data area to display different provinces \ designated urban public verification for province city code display different information 5. reclaimer, different passwords display (2014-11-23, VBScript, 632KB, 下载9次)


[Windows编程] 2EPS-VBScript-development

通过对清华山维中VBScript 脚本语言的构成、规则、函数和运行的介绍,探究其开发特点,结合地籍处理实际需要编写脚本程序,通过实现删除空界址点号、删除多个重复界址点中没有点名的界址点等功能扩展,从而达到降低劳动强度,提高工作效率的目的
By Qing Hua Shanwei in VBScript scripting language constitutes, rules, functions, and operations described, explore its development features, combined with the actual needs of the cadastral process to write scripts, remove the empty boundary points by achieving number, delete multiple duplicate boundary points boundary point is not named in the function expansion, which can reduce labor intensity and improve work efficiency (2013-11-08, VBScript, 122KB, 下载2次)


[加密解密] all-powerful

一款万能加解密工具,使用简洁的界面,能够快速的加密或解密vbs脚本。高能度应用。详情请看:sshshikdjkhjdhsjhdkhg jkdhshkfjhsdgfh
A universal encryption tool that uses a simple interface that can quickly encrypt or decrypt vbs script. High degree of application. For more details, see: sshshikdjkhjdhsjhdkhg jkdhshkfjhsdgfh (2013-07-01, VBScript, 1KB, 下载8次)


[.net编程] vbplus

vb.net prepared with a calculator function can continuously add and subtract, absolutely can not even add or subtract even mixed addition and subtraction (2013-05-23, VBScript, 350KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] zhy

VB login QQ space, production: Wang. Post a log before I QQ space, Gtk, this pure VB code to log on QQ space and made a lot of similar code about online, but references two OCX controls are used to execute JS script, one for sending and receiving data, the code will be fully translated JS script code VB code, and create XMLHTTP object to send data to achieve logged in QQ space the pure code plus standard controls, and to obtain the Gtk. (2013-02-28, VBScript, 20KB, 下载13次)


[文件操作] cscripts

实用编译前和后处理程序CScript实例。用于编译前BuildNum自动加1和编译后自动修改二进制文件名。成功扩充Microchip MPLAB IDE的项目编译。
Before and after the practical compilation handler CScript instance. Used to compile before BuildNum automatic 1 and compiled automatically modify the binary file name. Successful expansion of the Microchip MPLAB IDE, the project compiled. (2012-06-24, VBScript, 2KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] EXCEL-TIMING

自制的EXCEL画时序图程序 输入10101010二进制数值即可显示 输入数据前需加“ ”单引号,不然会被自动转换成科学计数
Homemade the EXCEL draw timing diagram program input 10101010 binary values ​ ​ to display the input data need to add the " ' single quotes, otherwise it will be automatically converted to scientific notation (2012-05-25, VBScript, 527KB, 下载54次)


[WEB开发] west263agendev

域名虚拟主机分销系统是针对IDC行业的各级代理商开发的一套功能强大的业务管理系统。该系统采用ASP+ACCESS开发,简单易用 通过API接口与上级服务商通信。让使用者能在操作简单快捷的情况下轻松完成域名、虚拟主机、企业邮局、数据库等产品的实时申请、开通和管理以及续费升级。 使用指南: 解压后上传至任何支持ASP的虚拟主机即可运行,首次访问系统会自动进入安装界面,默认管理用户:admin 默认管理员密码:admin888
Distribution system is a virtual host name for the agents at all levels IDC industry developed a powerful business management system. The system is developed using ASP+ ACCESS, easy to use through the API interface and superior service communications. Allowing the user to the case of simple and quick operation easy to complete domain name, web hosting, business offices, and other products of real-time database applications, opening and management, and renew upgrade. Guide: unzip and upload to any virtual host support ASP to run for the first time to access the system will automatically enter the installation interface, the default administrative user: admin Default admin password: admin888 (2011-04-20, VBScript, 31303KB, 下载10次)


[系统编程] kehu

IIs+SQL Server 2000制作的客户管理系统,客户关系管理系统是一个典型的数据库开发应用程序,由客户管理模块、库存管理模块、服务管理模块、报表管理模块、email管理模块、用户管理模块组成,规划系统功能模块如下: 客户管理模块该模块主要功能是对客户信息、客户联系人信息、合同信息进行添加、删除、查询等操作。 库存管理模块该模块的主要功能是管理入库、出库信息、产品信息进行管理,其中包括对库存信息、产品信息进行添加、删除、查询等操作。  服务管理模块 该模块主要功能是对客户反馈信息进行添加、删除、查询等操作。 报表管理模块该模块主要通过查询条件,对各种信息进行查询,并将得到的结果导出Excul表、进行打印报表等操作(其中信息包括:客户信息、联系人信息、反馈客户信息、库存信息)。 email管理模块该模块主要管理客户联系人email地址信息,对企业客户之间的email文件进行管理,向客户发送邮件。 用户管理该模块主要管理用户信息的添加、删除等操作,并设置用户的使用权限。
烦斯蒂芬是 (2010-01-04, VBScript, 257KB, 下载12次)


[其他小程序] GTASAReplacer

Developed with VBScript Grand Theft Auto- San Andreas mod into devices that can be saved in a text document in the vehicle parameters into the game, a very convenient (2009-08-25, VBScript, 2KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] NetCMSSrc

程序完全开源,功能扩展更方便 NetCMS是基于ASP.NET2.0开发的网站内容管理系统,程序完全开源,没有任何文件加密, 不需要注册任何组件,完全开源方便您二次开发。 模板与程序分离,标签调用,支持DIV+CSS,批量设置属性,让模板制作更简单 全新“网站模板与网站程序完全分离”的概念,具有强大的标签加样式的个性化组合,自定义标签、自定义表单、JS管理加JS模型(自定义JS,系统JS)的灵活应用,支持不同频道、栏目、内容页、专题等应用不同的模板,随时能编辑、修改和更换网站界面,系统集成类同Macromedia Dreamweaver一样简单的可视模板编辑方式,可批量设置属性,模板标签全面支持目前最受欢迎的DIV+CSS格式,支持批量绑定模板,完全做到轻松换肤。
err (2008-12-26, VBScript, 12515KB, 下载8次)
