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[数学计算] rcwa-2d_7_12_2012

严格的衍射积分计算,实现光栅结构透过反射场2维分布的严格解计算,利用散射积分对耦合模方程进行严格计算解 衍射,光栅,场,二维,积分,散射矩阵,耦合模理论
Strict calculation of the diffraction integral, the grating structure is realized through the rigorous solution of the 2 dimensional distribution of the reflection field. Diffraction, grating, field, two-dimensional, integral, scattering matrix, coupled mode theory (2016-12-13, Visual C++, 1822KB, 下载34次)


[数学计算] liu_1

输入某年某月某日,判断这一天是这一年的第几天? 1.程序分析:以3月5日为例,应该先把前两个月的加起来,然后再加上5天即本年的第几天,特殊情况,闰年且输入月份大于3时需考虑多加一天。
Input on a certain day, judgment day is the first few days of the year? 1 Program Analysis: March 5, for example, should add up to two months before the first, then add the five days that the first few days of this year, special circumstances, a leap year and the input to be considered greater than 3 month pay more day. (2014-04-01, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载3次)


[数学计算] algorithm-CPP

ten algorithm using C++ (2013-12-21, Visual C++, 8KB, 下载16次)


[数学计算] 1D_CFD_Solvers

One-dimensional CFD display difference scheme for solving the problem, FTCN format, using the time to promote shows solving boundary node information as boundary conditions. For BTCN and CNCS method, using catch-up method for solving equations of the way implicit solver (2013-10-29, Visual C++, 472KB, 下载26次)


[数学计算] ZJ

设计、编写和调试面向对象C++程序,采用运算符重载机制实现两个矩 阵的加、减、乘及输入/输出操作,要求通过()运算符重载来提取或设置矩阵 元素值(函数原型:返回值为double&,两个整型参数表示矩阵元素行、列值)。
Design, writing and debugging of object-oriented C++ program, using operator overloading mechanism to achieve two matrix addition, subtraction, multiplication, and input/output operations, called for the adoption () operator overloading to extract or set the matrix element values ​ ​ (Prototype: return value double & , two integer parameter represents the matrix element row and column values). (2013-06-20, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载2次)


[数学计算] Calculator

Implement a special calculator, complex numbers, rational, matrix, and a collection of special calculations can be achieved. The program can achieve complex numbers, rational numbers addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, matrix addition, subtraction, and multiplication, the intersection of the collection can also be achieved, and set, a subset of operations. (2013-05-20, Visual C++, 316KB, 下载2次)


[数学计算] Calculator-program

Simulation of a calculator application based on the dialog, the calculator can four operations under the decimal (plus, minus, multiplication, Division) and four mixed operation, can put the decimal to binary or hexadecimal sixteen, can be carried out with the operator in brackets, document within a source code implementation and detailed algorithm. (2013-05-02, Visual C++, 81KB, 下载2次)


[数学计算] two-big-number-add

Question: input exceeds the the computer expression range of the two integer addition. Methods: First, enter the two character array to store two large numbers, then the character array into the integer array, start adding the two array of integers from low carry high plus 1, and so on, and eventually reached two Tarsus result of the addition. (2012-10-06, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载4次)


[数学计算] Computer

VC++表达式解析(计算)工具源代码,由江汉石油学院计算机系的学生所编写。表达式中只能有圆括号、函数名、运算符、常数与变量。一、变量名的命名规则:1、可以是字符、或字符串 2、不能以数字开头 3、不能夹杂有空格、运算符或标点符号,以及以下字符:、|、=、&、 、$、@、#、`、~.二、函数有sin、cos、tan、cot、sqrt、asin、acos、atan、log,均需要小写。函数后的变量名可以加括号,也可以不要括号,如:log(C1)与logC1是相同的。三、运算符有+(加)、-(减)、*(乘)、/(除)与^(幂次)。
VC++ expression parsing (computing) tools and source code, written by the Jianghan Petroleum Institute, Department of Computer Science students. Expression only parentheses, functions, operators, constants and variables. A variable name naming rules: 1, can be a character or string , can not begin with a number can not be mixed with spaces, operator or punctuation, as well as the following characters: |, =, & , , $, @,#, `, ~, the function sin, cos, of tan, cot, the sqrt, asin, acos, atan, log, and require lowercase. Function after the variable name in parentheses, can also not in parentheses, such as: log (C1) is the same with logC1. Operator+ (plus),- (minus),* (multiplication),/(division) and ^ (power law). (2012-08-17, Visual C++, 26KB, 下载9次)


[数学计算] 1

10 of the algorithm C language source code: Lagrange, Newton interpolation, Gaussian, Romberg, Newton iteration, Newton- Cortez, Jacques, Qinjiu Zhao, power law, high Si Se Del (2012-06-26, Visual C++, 8KB, 下载2次)


[数学计算] lapulasi-CPP

A hollow cross-section of a long conductor of square boxes, vertical cross-sectional direction can be considered infinitely long. Calculation of the Laplace equation by solving the cross section of the potential difference and over relaxation (2012-06-15, Visual C++, 12KB, 下载3次)


[数学计算] DDC

方形区域内电磁场场强分布,边界不复杂。对于简单边界的电磁场计算有借鉴。 有限差分法上机题 1. 计算长直接地金属槽中的电场分布。金属槽横截面如图所示,其侧壁与底面电位均为零,顶盖电位相对值为10。槽内电位函数满足拉普拉斯方程。计算槽内电位分布。
Square electromagnetic field distribution within the region, the border is not complicated (2011-12-12, Visual C++, 1855KB, 下载12次)


[数学计算] caluter

数学运算包括加、减、乘、除等 复杂的拓展数学运算的实现 包括阶乘、相反数、三角函数、反三角函数、指数函数、对数函数、幂函数、开方、倒数等。其中三角、反三角函数包括用弧度计算和用角度计算。
Mathematical operations including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc. Complex mathematical operations to achieve development Including factorial, on the contrary the number of trigonometric functions, inverse trigonometric functions, exponential functions, logarithmic function, power function, evolution, and countdowns. One triangle, inverse trigonometric functions, including calculation and the use of angle in radians calculated. (2010-07-02, Visual C++, 3657KB, 下载25次)


[数学计算] Level_B

The preparation of one-dimensional array sorting program. Array size n with the global variable definition, an array of data read from a text file or randomly generated. Include bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort three kinds of sorting method. Program can choose to use either method to sort. (2010-01-05, Visual C++, 932KB, 下载12次)


[数学计算] beyes

Bayesian formula described in detail in the field of automatic text categorization of the use of, and reference information on each feature extraction method. As well as examples of their classification. (2009-04-09, Visual C++, 4KB, 下载66次)


[数学计算] caoliu

PQ分解法潮流计算程序。既可以用于高压输电网的潮流解算,又可以用于低压配电网的潮流解算,还可以同时解算输电网 加配电网的混合潮流问题。
PQ decomposition process flow calculation. Both high-voltage transmission networks can be used to calculate the trend, but also can be used in the trend of low voltage distribution network solver, but also at the same time increase the supply grid solver distribution network issues mixed trend. (2008-10-07, Visual C++, 8KB, 下载143次)


[数学计算] PeakValue

一维序列中峰值提取//Data为待分析的数组;peak为排序后的数组; //m 为Data数组大小;n 为peak数组的大小。 //m_Min 为Data数组中最小值 //假设峰值个数PN>n
One-dimensional sequence in the peak extraction// Data for the array to be analyzed peak for the array after sorting // m for the Data array size n for the peak size of the array.// m_Min minimum value for the Data array// assume that the peak number of PN (2008-07-10, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载184次)


[数学计算] Wavelet1D

Introduced the wavelet algorithm in the concrete realization of vc, wavelet algorithm in image processing, video compression, feature extraction, such as related to time-frequency data-processing areas of the project a wide range of applications, the process of one-dimensional wavelet algorithm. (2008-04-25, Visual C++, 75KB, 下载10次)


[数学计算] C++pso

PSO 算法的源代码,有很好的注释,希望给编程爱好者有一点帮助。
PSO algorithm s source code, there are good notes, programming enthusiasts who want to give a little help. (2008-04-18, Visual C++, 131KB, 下载332次)


[数学计算] JacobiGaussSeidel

雅克比和高斯赛德尔迭代法求解线性方程组 用c++软件开发的程序
And high斯赛德尔Jacobian iteration method for solving linear equations with c++ Software development process (2007-10-27, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载79次)
