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[数据库系统] OilAndGas_Project

从头开始设计和实现了SQL Server数据库、维度建模中的数据仓库和SSIS包,以将新数据提取到事实表中。已将数据库和数据仓库迁移到Azure。设计了Azure Data Factory管道以将新数据提取到事实表。
Designed and implemented a SQL Server database from scratch, a data warehouse in dimensional modeling, and SSIS packages to extract the new data to the fact table. Migrated the database and the data warehouse to Azure. Designed an Azure Data Factory pipeline to extract the new data to the fact table. (2024-04-26, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] darkly

This little project is here to teach you the basics: you will learn about these risks and vulnerabilities while auditing a simple website. This website shows breaches, some of which still show on well established websites you visit on a daily basis. Here is a major introduction to general vulnerabilities you will face on the World Wide Web. (2024-04-17, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] controle-de-entrega-e-devolucoes

控制日志,利用Excel,SQL e Power BI.Para demonstrar em Dashboard a criticidade as entrgas e devolues,afim de insights Para melhorar a satisfa o dos Clients。Os dados s o fictícios,criados por Allison戈麦斯
Controle logístico, utilizando Excel, SQL e Power BI. Para demonstrar em Dashboard a criticidade nas entregas e devolu es, afim de ter insights para melhorar a satisfa o dos clientes. Os dados s o fictícios, criados por Allison Gomes (2024-03-26, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] E-Bookshop

The goal of this project is to design an e-bookshop named E-Bookshop.com that sells computer, technical, architecture, sports and various categories books. The book inventories are stored in MySQL database. Customers can access the e-bookshop web site through the World Wide Web. Customers will be able to search the database to find the books they want, check the availability, and place the order to buy the book using their credit cards. (2024-03-17, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] SQLAnalysis_PharmacyClaims

A SQL analysis project on pharmacy claims to find healthcare insights. It uses dimension and fact tables for member and drug data, employing a star schema. The goal is to analyze claims data, including demographics and drug details, to improve healthcare delivery, optimize operations, and guide policy decisions. (2024-03-10, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] a-Extraction-and-DatabaseUsing-Google-Cloud-and-R

This project aims to develop a robust data extraction and storage system for historical options data related to 33 Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). The data will be sourced from the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) website, processed using the R programming language, and stored in a Google Cloud SQL database for efficient analysis and retrieval. (2024-02-07, R, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Management-

基于Java+SpringBoot+Vue的街道办管理系统(源代码+数据库+万字文档+ppt)角色:管理员、用户 管理员:管理员登录街道办管理系统可以新增、修改或者删除系统首页、个人中心、用户管理、住户信息管理、流动人口管理、住户居住管理、住户迁出管理、缴费信息管理、投诉维...
The sub district office management system based on Java+SpringBoot+Vue (source code+database+ten thousand word document+ppt) Role: administrator, user administrator: administrator can add, modify or delete the system homepage, personal center, user management, household information management, floating population management, household residential management, household relocation management, payment information management, complaint maintenance (2024-01-09, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Data-Modeling-with-Postgres

Project tasks: create a Postgres database with tables designed to optimize queries on song play analysis,create a database schema by defining fact and dimension tables for a star schema and build an ETL pipeline that transfers data from files in two local directories into these tables in Postgres using Python and SQL. One of the goals is to be (2023-09-18, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Supervision-arrangement-management-system

该系统基于VS2013开发平台和SQL2008数据库,采用B S架构MVC设计模式,解决老师、班级、教室、日期等多个维度资源间的超分和优化问题,设计排考算法,实现一定的人性化、高效率规则要求:老师的请求互动处理,教室资源不浪费,班级考...
This system is based on the VS2013 development platform and SQL2008 database, using the B S architecture MVC design pattern to solve the problem of over scoring and optimization among multiple dimensions of resources such as teachers, classes, classrooms, and dates. It also designs exam scheduling algorithms to achieve certain humanization and efficiency rules. Requirements: interactive processing of teacher requests, no waste of classroom resources, and class exams (2018-07-23, C, 764KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Emms

《电梯库房管理系统》是专门为电梯的库房管理开发的一款软件。系统主要包含库房管理、查询管理两大模块,信息录入简单明了,查询统计功能强大,让您操作简便、提高工作效率! 系统包含以下两大部分: 1.库房管理:配件信息、入库管理、维保出库、外售出库
The Elevator Warehouse Management System is a software specifically developed for elevator warehouse management. The system mainly includes two modules: warehouse management and query management. Information entry is simple and clear, and query and statistics functions are powerful, making it easy for you to operate and improving work efficiency! The system consists of the following two parts: 1. Warehouse management: accessory information, warehousing management, maintenance outbound, and outbound sales (2022-07-11, HTML, 2922KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] houseRepair-public

## 基于ssm+vue的公廉租房维保系统(源代码+数据库+10000字文档) ## 一、系统介绍 本项目分为管理员、普通用户、维修单位三种角色 管理员角色包含以下功能: - 首页 - 个人中心 密码修改,个人信息修改 - 业主管理 ...
##A Public and Low Rent Housing Maintenance System Based on SSM+Vue (Source Code+Database+10000 Word Document) # # 1. System Introduction: This project is divided into three roles: administrator, ordinary user, and maintenance unit. The administrator role includes the following functions: - Home page - Personal center password modification, personal information modification - Owner management (2023-02-08, Java, 29763KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] watermark

A web system that implements database watermarking. Encrypt images containing specified information for a numerical field in the database and embed them into the data. By selecting a subset of partially watermarked data, a watermark sequence can be extracted, decrypted, and restored to an image with information. It can be used for copyright recognition and sharing traceability of data. (2019-08-17, CSS, 843KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] fzldj

Recently made a non-mainstream music sites, on-line less than a week, the kernel to the latest weaving dreams procedures, the comes with over 1200 music, the more you want to add their own, as long as the background to write a title, and then insert the address in the music content in it, very easy to add articles. (2016-08-15, HTML, 2110KB, 下载1次)


[数据库系统] xiaoqu

本课题的开发是为物业部门提供一套高效、快捷的应用软件。适用于房产业主、大中小型物业公司、物业服务商、房地产开发商、物业中介公司等物业管理;用于管理公寓、住宅群体、智能小区、商品房、多层住宅、商业大厦、别墅等各类小区。 经过系统分析,系统的项目大体上完成的内容有:住户管理、住户投诉管理、住户报修管理、物业设备维修管理、建筑维修工程管理、停车场管理、物业收费项目管理、物业收费管理等。 管理员用户名和密码都是:codepub
The topic for the property sector development is a very efficient and fast applications. Apply to property owners, big and small property companies, property service providers, real estate developers, property companies, property management intermediary for the management of apartments, residential groups, intelligent residential, commercial housing, multi-residential, commercial buildings, villas etc. class district. Through systematic analysis, the system largely completed the contents of the project are: household management, complaints from tenants about the management, tenants of repair management, property equipment maintenance management, building maintenance project management, parking management, property management fees, property management fees. Administrator user name and password are: codepub (2010-03-01, Delphi, 994KB, 下载8次)


[数据库系统] kaoshixitong

failed to translate (2010-01-09, Visual C++, 4837KB, 下载4次)


[数据库系统] S2SQLServer

了解设计数据库的基本步骤 熟练使用T-SQL实现建库、建表、加约束 掌握T-SQL编程,实现功能强大的查询 掌握创建索引、视图,快速访问数据库 掌握创建存储过程,实现复杂的业务规则 理解触发器的原理,实现高级的约束,以上摘自幻灯片,这个教程就是关于这一类的
Learn the basic steps of the design of a database of skilled use of T-SQL to achieve the Treasury building, built form, plus bound master T-SQL programming, to achieve a powerful grasp of the query to create the index, view, fast access to the database have to create stored procedures, complex business understanding of the principles of the rules of flip-flop to achieve high-level constraints (2009-04-14, SQL, 3709KB, 下载6次)


[数据库系统] 09

学生考试系统 随着家长对孩子教育方面的不断重视,教育行业在人民心中的地位越来越重,老师们的负担与压力也越来 越重。如何减轻老师的负担及压力,已经成为广大学校校长需要解决的头号难题。 在教育工作中,为学生考试出试卷和批改改卷是老师们最头痛的,不仅消耗大量的时间,而且消耗大量的 精力体力。因此,考试过程由人工操作转向计算机操作是必然的结果。 根据学生考试的特点和学校的实际情况,该系统应以考试流程为基础,从专业角度出发,提供科学有效的 考试模式。考试时采用系统自动从数据表中选题的方式,评卷时通过核对考生答案与正确答案得出考生的 分数,出题方面采取表单加数据的方式使后台管理者能够直观、方便的管理试题信息。学生管理可实现老 师对学生的成绩进行查询,按分数归类。数据库管理提供对数据库进行备份,还原及初始化操作,减轻用 户的工作量。
err (2008-11-27, Visual C++, 572KB, 下载104次)
