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[数学计算] adams

m = 3-open Adams ordinary differential equation analysis of the stability of the initial value problem, the main problem of the stability studies often occur when computing science and engineering numerical solution of ordinary differential equations in a wide range of applications, the understanding of the design algorithm for the numerical solution not only requires a convergence stability needed special attention. (2014-01-28, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载3次)


[数学计算] MCM

给定n个矩阵构成的一个链<A1,A2,...,An>,矩阵Ai的维数为pi-1 x pi,其中i=1,2,...,n 。 { 3x5,5x2,2x7,7x4,4x8 } 该矩阵链的乘积为: A1A2...An。 通过在乘积A1A2...An的不同位置加上括弧,以先计算其中几个的乘积,再合并计算,以减少总共的计算代价。
Given n matrix consisting of a chain < A1, A2,..., An >, the dimensions of the matrix Ai for PI- 1 x PI, I = 1, 2,..., n. {3 x 5, 5 x2, 2 x7, 7 x4, 4 by 8} The product of matrix chain for: A1A2...The An. Through the product A1A2...An the different position of the bracket, by calculating the product of several of them first, then merge computation, in order to reduce the calculation of total price. (2014-01-15, Visual C++, 819KB, 下载3次)


[数学计算] calender

Calculating any year 1 January 1 after a certain date to the year 1 January 1 as the number of days interval. Slight modifications to the program can calculate any number of days between two dates. Calendar using the current generic Augustus calendar. (2013-08-25, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[数学计算] MyDlg

This procedure is out of the " class" of the most important features of object-oriented design, and its function is to achieve a simple calculator correlation calculation. Including data plus, minus, multiplication, division, and reciprocal and open square root of some computing functions calculator design is commonly used in daily life Calculator for prototyping, decimal input and output, and cleared . (2013-02-26, Visual C++, 3663KB, 下载2次)


[数学计算] CMatrix

该类包括矩阵行列数变量int rows和int cols,矩阵数据数组double data[][],构造c++语言实现任意维数matrix类,方法Matrix()、获取某元素值的方法getData(int row,int col),设置某元素值的方法setData,计算两个矩阵的乘积的方法multiply(Matrix m)等
Class including the the matrix ranks number variable int rows int cols, matrix data array double data [] [], constructor Matrix () to get the value of an element methods getData (int row, int col) to set the value of an element setData, calculation method multiply (Matrix m) of the product of two matrices (2012-11-25, Visual C++, 7KB, 下载8次)


[数学计算] 4-(2)

题目:输入某年某月某日,判断这一天是这一年的第几天?1.程序分析:以3月5日为例,应该先把前两个月的加起来,然后再加上5天即本年的第几天,特殊 情况,闰年且输入月份大于3时需考虑多加一天。
Topic: input once upon a time, a judge this day is a day of this person? 1. The program analysis: to March 5, for example, should put the first two months of together, and then add the five days that this year s first day, special circumstances, a leap year and more than 3 month input should be considered when one more day. (2012-05-28, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载2次)


[数学计算] 10102130203

With a matrix with minimal multiplication problem similar, although need not record bracketed style, but need to record from I to take the j results for a, B, C numbers, in order to follow-up calculation can be used before the data, avoid to repeat computation. So we need to use three-dimensional array to store ( of course with the structure of the struct data type is also very convenient ) or a two array. (2012-05-21, Visual C++, 289KB, 下载2次)


[数学计算] wenjian

Vehicle fuel consumption calculation (C implementation) for the household economy cars, the fuel consumption statistics is often one of the things. The questions asked based on gasoline price, amount of money each fuel used, and the second oil added to calculate the mileage run car 100 km fuel consumption, and save, according to the need to give statistics. (2011-12-15, Visual C++, 40KB, 下载6次)


[数学计算] DDC_2

不规则边界区域中的电磁场场强分布计算,程序中使用了多层次的条件分支,对于电磁场数值计算有借鉴作用。 有限差分法上机题 1. 计算长直接地金属槽中的电场分布。金属槽横截面如图所示,其侧壁与底面电位均为零,顶盖电位相对值为10。槽内电位函数满足拉普拉斯方程。计算槽内电位分布。
Irregular boundary region electromagnetic field distribution in the calculation procedures used in the multi-level conditional branch, a reference for numerical electromagnetic field effects. (2011-12-12, Visual C++, 1013KB, 下载12次)


[数学计算] sanciyangtiao

其基本思想是取B样条函数 为及基函数,在[a,b]中均匀划分区间,xi=a+ih,h=(b-a)/n,由于三次样条函数空间是n+3维的,所以把分点扩充到x-1,xn+1,则任意三次样条函数可用 线性组合来表示:
The basic idea is to take B-spline function and basis functions in [a, b] in the evenly divided intervals, xi = a+ ih, h = (ba)/n, because the cubic spline function is n+3 dimensional space , so the expansion points to the x-1, xn+1, then any cubic spline function can be expressed as a linear combination: (2011-10-14, Visual C++, 6KB, 下载6次)


[数学计算] MatrixProcessing

有两个方阵A、B,编程利用数组,求矩阵A与矩阵B的和矩阵C,并找出和矩阵C主对角线最大元素及其位置。 要求: 1)用自定义函数input实现数组的输入; 2)用自定义函数add实现矩阵的加运算; 3)用自定义函数diag_max实现查找; 4)在主函数输出和矩阵、输出查找结果。
There are two square A, B, using an array of programming, find the matrix A and matrix B and matrix C, and to identify the main diagonal and the matrix C the largest element and its location. Requirements: 1) implement a custom function input array input 2) add custom functions to achieve additional operational matrix 3) to achieve a custom search function diag_max 4) matrix in the main function of output and output search results. (2011-05-19, Visual C++, 615KB, 下载3次)


[数学计算] culculater

按照四则运算加、减、乘、除、幂(^)和括号的优先关系和惯例,编写计算器程序。 ① 从键盘输入一个完整的表达式,以’#’作为表达式输入结束的标志。 ② 输入表达式中的数值均为大于等于零的整数。中间的计算过程如果出现小数也只取整。
In accordance with the arithmetic addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, power (^) and the parentheses precedence relations and practices, the preparation of the calculator program. ① from the keyboard to enter a complete expression, in order to ' #' as the input signal the end of the expression. ② Enter the expression values ??are integers greater than zero. The middle of the computation process only if there is decimal rounding. (2011-05-16, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载3次)


[数学计算] differentialequations

本源码为原创代码。包含分别用改进欧拉方法、龙格-库塔法、阿当母斯法求解形如y =f(x,y)的常微分方程的源代码。希望对用到数值计算算法的起帮助作用。
The source for the original code. Included were the improved Euler method, Runge- Kutta method, Adam mother there method of the form y ' = f (x, y) of ordinary differential equations of the source code. Wish to use numerical algorithms from helpful. (2010-04-22, Visual C++, 100KB, 下载4次)


[数学计算] zhongzhui

本程序能将运算式从中缀表达式转换为后缀表达式,并计算运算式的值。暂时仅可计算正整数之间的运算。暂时无法处理负数,要计算负数请用 (0-n) 的形式。输入仅含数字0~9及+、-、*、/、(、)的式子,并在结尾处加 # 字作为结束符。
This program can convert an expression from infix expressions to postfix expressions, and calculate the expression value. Calculate the time being, only the operation between the positive integers. Is temporarily unable to process negative, please use to calculate the negative (0-n) form. Input contains only numbers 0 to 9 and+,-,*,/,(,) the subreport, and at the end add# character as a terminator. (2009-12-16, Visual C++, 51KB, 下载3次)


[数学计算] shuzhijisuan

数值计算方法的程序: 加速迭代 牛顿迭代 Gauss 杜里特尔分解法 克洛特 追赶法 平方根法 改进平方根法 雅可比迭代 高斯 赛德尔迭代 拉格朗日插值法 分段线性插值 分段抛物线插值
Numerical method of procedure: to accelerate the iterative Gauss-Newton iterative decomposition method克洛特Ritter Duri law to catch up with the square root of the square root method to improve the Jacobi iterative method iterative high斯赛德尔piecewise linear Lagrange interpolation interpolation sub-parabolic interpolation (2009-04-09, Visual C++, 57KB, 下载34次)


[数学计算] myWave_Fft

Self-made software, the realization of spectral analysis. Showing the signal and frequency spectrum. Mainly sinusoidal signal and triangular wave transform one-dimensional FFT, the frequency spectrum. (2009-01-08, Visual C++, 144KB, 下载342次)


[数学计算] MatrixMath

vc++实现矩阵运算 1高斯-约当法求逆矩阵 2对称正定矩阵的逆矩阵 3托伯利兹矩阵的逆矩阵 4实矩阵的三角(LU)分解 5一般实矩阵的QR分解 6对称正定矩阵的乔里斯基分解及行列式值 7一般实矩阵的奇异值分解 8广义逆的奇异值分解 最后注意,在VC++ 6.0中设置好路径,特别是include目录(文件夹)的路径,否则在编译时会出现找不到头文 件的错误,使编译无法正常进行。
vc++ achieve matrix  1 Gauss- about when the inverse matrix method  2 symmetric positive definite matrix inverse matrix  3托伯利兹matrix inverse matrix  4 is a triangular matrix (LU) decomposition  5 general real matrix The QR decomposition  6 symmetric positive definite matrix determinant乔里斯基value decomposition and the general  7 Real Matrix SVD  8 generalized inverse of singular value decomposition  final note that VC++ 6.0 to set up a good path, in particular is to include directory (folder) path, or else there will be at compile time header files can not find the error, so the compiler can not be carried out normally. (2008-12-02, Visual C++, 3085KB, 下载227次)


[数学计算] supervisedWSD

Realize the principle of the use of Bayesian classification polysemous word sense disambiguation. First of all, the use of training corpus for training, and then the machine has been based on knowledge gained on the basis of corpus for semantic tagging of Health. (2008-05-15, Visual C++, 3231KB, 下载53次)


[数学计算] c++

计算任意一个多位数的位反序数; 由两个平方三位数获得三个平方二位数; 求车速; 阿姆斯特朗数; 求素数表中1~1000之间的所有素数。
Calculation of arbitrary bit more than one anti-median ordinal number by two three-digit access to three square square double-digit for speed Armstrong few for prime numbers form 1 ~ 1000 between all the prime numbers. (2008-05-07, Visual C++, 15KB, 下载4次)


[数学计算] calculator123

1、二进制、八进制、十进制及十六进制数的加、减、乘、除、乘方、取模等简单计算 2、科学计算函数,包括(反)正弦、(反)余弦、(反)正切、(反)余切、开方、指数等函数运行 3、以角度、弧度两种方式实现上述部分函数(对操作时计算结果能无限次随意进行角度和弧度转换) 4、具备历史计算的记忆功能(输入和计算结果表达式能查找历史表达式,如不存在放进历史表达式框中去,如存在则不做历史存储操作,并能从历史中找出来反射到输入框和输出框。) 5、对不正确的表达式能指出其错误原因 (2008-04-06, Visual C++, 5364KB, 下载48次)
