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[C#编程] Dose-Certa

Desenvolvimento de uma aplica o distribuída para o curso de Análise e Desenv公司。de Sistemas EIXO 4 na PUC米纳斯。
Desenvolvimento de uma aplica o distribuída para o curso de Análise e Desenv. de Sistemas EIXO 4 na PUC Minas. (2024-03-01, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C#编程] Knight-of-Xylasia

这是我在游戏开发课程的最后一个项目中统一创建的2D RPG平台生成器。游戏具有各种级别、敌人、玩家攻击和加电。
This is a 2D RPG platformer I created in unity for my final project in my game development course. The game features various levels, enemies, player attacks, and power-ups. (2024-02-12, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C#编程] CitrusBookClub

用于管理Citrus Book Club会议的web应用程序-宾夕法尼亚州兰开斯特地区读者群
A web application for managing meetings for the Citrus Book Club - a Lancaster, PA area collective of readers (2023-12-27, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C#编程] CSharp-FiveM-Military-Deathmatch

五个M C#与2个团队的军事死亡竞赛(俄罗斯|美国)以及游戏和积分系统的基本设置,
FiveM C# Military Deathmatch With 2 Teams (Russia|USA) And Basic Setup For Playing and Point System, (2023-10-22, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C#编程] adventure-_golf

♂ 滚动果岭:冒险高尔夫,控制一个博利尼亚罗兰多波尔坎波斯desafiadores,切欧斯德obstáculosúnicos。淡化seu dedo…,
♂ Rolling Greens: Adventure Golf, Controle a bolinha rolando por campos desafiadores, cheios de obstáculos únicos. Deslize seu dedo…, (2023-08-25, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C#编程] 外壳加密工具V11.8

用于直接对EXE或DLL等文件进行加密 。 1、可以壳上加壳,使用虚拟机技术,强度高。 2、兼容性强,可加密VC,VB,C#,DELPHI,PB,VFP,易语言,NET等程序,支持OCX,dll及ARX的加密,支持视频等文件加密。 3、防模拟及反仿真技术。 4、支持64位程序的加壳。 5、不误报。 (2022-02-15, C#, 44282KB, 下载0次)


[C#编程] SpeechSynthesizer-master

For the realization of a PSOLA algorithm, temporarily due to the defect of the formant filter, no filter is added, and the pitch change will appear unnatural. But anyhow the noise is reduced. (2021-04-25, C#, 9303KB, 下载0次)


[C#编程] 骨骼点旋转信息

Kinect-based skeleton framework identification source code. Based on VS2010 + SDK 1.5, the file needs to be imported into coding4fun. kinect. wpf. 1.5.0 to be used. Do not know how to add me QQ: 576848692 (2019-01-11, Visual C++, 277KB, 下载0次)


[C#编程] 生命游戏

利用 VS C# WinForm做了俄罗斯方块游戏和生命游戏。
Tetris and life-game made by using Visual Studio C# WinForm Application. (2018-12-25, C#, 338KB, 下载9次)


[C#编程] RSA&DES_Implement

This code block implements the algorithm of RSA & DES,and we resolved the encryption and decryption of data with large size on RSA by segmental processing. (2017-12-02, C#, 1KB, 下载7次)


[C#编程] 455d

用 Silverlight 2.0(c#) 开发一个七彩俄罗斯方块 玩法 ↑ - 变形;← - 向左移动;→ - 向右移动;↓ - 向下移动 1、每个形状都是由4个“块”组成的,也就是“块”是俄罗斯方块的最小单位,首先要有一个“块”的用户控件。要求可以设置“块”的位置和颜色 2、经典俄罗斯方块一共7种形状,把每种形状所需要的功能抽象出来写一个抽象类,7个具体形状分别继承这个抽象类,并重写其抽象属性和抽象方法
With Silverlight 2.0 (c#) to develop a colorful Tetris Play ↑- deformation ←- move to the left →- move to the right ↓- move down 1, each shape is by four block component, which is the block is the smallest unit of Tetris, we must first have a block of user control. Requirements can set the block position and color 2, a total of seven kinds of classic Tetris shapes, each shape to abstract out the functions required to write an abstract class, seven specific shape inherit this abstract class, and override its abstract properties and abstract methods (2014-09-28, Visual C++, 552KB, 下载3次)


[C#编程] phot

C# sample source image plus text effects download, similar to PhotoShop effects, select a picture in the input box to enter text, select color or gradient color, you can display the text on the picture (2013-07-09, C#, 15KB, 下载4次)


[C#编程] dsw

JP10与J12,JP8和JP1用8PIN排线连接,20秒倒计时换通道时 黄灯闪烁3秒,本实验只开通了一个通道有兴趣的学员可以自己加通道。
JP10 and J12, JP8 and JP1 cable to connect with 8PIN, 20 seconds countdown yellow light flashes when changing channels for 3 seconds, the experiment only opened a channel Interested students can add their own channels. (2013-06-21, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载3次)


[C#编程] Roll-Call-System

Simple engine room naming system to facilitate the engine room teachers named, to reduce naming occupied class time. The system does not use network programming related programming, but the use of the interface and database to achieve. (2013-01-30, C#, 1159KB, 下载31次)


[C#编程] CSharpkaifade-e--luo-si-fang-kuai

This is the C# language developed a Tetris game generation to buy, have a good package, suitable for beginners C# interface development. (2012-03-19, Visual C++, 235KB, 下载7次)


[C#编程] Chaos.Client.App.Advertisement

卡奥斯科技广告管理系统源代码 版位设计管理 广告设计任务管理 广告预定管理 客户反馈管理 杂志排期管理
chaos technology ad management system source code Version of the digital design task management design management advertising advertising magazine scheduled to manage customer feedback management scheduling management (2012-01-09, C#, 112KB, 下载5次)


[C#编程] TetrisGame

Write a c/s Tetris, a simple game. Although it is not too good, but some ideas or can learn, and worth a look (2010-12-01, C#, 93KB, 下载4次)


[C#编程] lele

This code uses the C++ and other development environments, programming can be achieved in an add, subtract, multiply, in addition to basic functions such as calculators. Is coupled with a graphical interface to make more perfect calculator. (2009-10-26, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载3次)


[C#编程] 0-9

1. 在1位LED数码管上实现先后显示0~9,每个数字定时1秒。 2. 用按键切换进入中断控制,每按一次按键,数字加1。
At an implementation on digital tube LED display from 0 to 9 has, from time to time one second of each figure. Use keys to enter the interrupt switch control button every time, add one figure (2009-04-05, C/C++, 1KB, 下载8次)


[C#编程] Kalman

最佳线性滤波理论起源于40年代美国科学家Wiener和前苏联科学家Kолмогоров等人 的研究工作,后人统称为维纳滤波理论。从理论上说,维纳滤波的最大缺点是必须用到无限过去 的数据,不适用于实时处理。为了克服这一缺点,60年代Kalman把状态空间模型引入滤波理论, 并导出了一套递推估计算法,后人称之为卡尔曼滤波理论。卡尔曼滤波是以最小均方误差为估计 的最佳准则,来寻求一套递推估计的算法,其基本思想是:采用信号与噪声的状态空间模型,利 用前一时刻地估计值和现时刻的观测值来更新对状态变量的估计,求出现时刻的估计值。它适合 于实时处理和计算机运算。
err (2008-07-23, Windows_Unix, 4KB, 下载22次)
