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[其他小程序] 导出微信交易记录2018.02.21

自动导出微信交易记录到表格,方便对账和查账! 信息非常全,包你满意!不会用的加群或者单独加我。 需要的可以进行下载,遇到问题可以联系我。 软件包内包含使用教程。 软件运行要求:电脑 + 网络 + office或wps 本软件安全、快捷、无广告,不会推送垃圾信息,不获取用户隐私信息。 本软件不需安装,解压后直接使用。 请注意安装的Oiifce是否激活。
WeChat, automatic export trading records to excel, facilitate reconciliation and audit!The information is very full, you are satisfied with it! It will not be added or added alone.What you need can be downloaded, and you can contact me when you have a problem.A tutorial is included in the software package. Software operation requirements: computer + Network + office or WPS The software is safe, fast, without advertising, and will not push garbage information, and do not obtain user privacy information. This software does not need to be installed and is used directly after unzip. Please note whether the installed Office is activated. (2018-02-24, WINDOWS, 1349KB, 下载5次)


[其他小程序] ChatRobots

Using Qt to achieve a simple voice chat small examples, the middle of the call Baidu voice and Turing robot, plus = plus a certain basis for JS language analysis (2017-08-31, QT, 3KB, 下载11次)


[其他小程序] MSAT-master

英国布里斯托大学Andrew M. Walker和James Wookey开发的用于分析地震各项异性参数和弹性参数的软件包.
A new toolkit for the analysis of elastic and seismic anisotropy University of Bristol by Andrew M. Walker and James Wookey. (2017-05-08, matlab, 4791KB, 下载6次)


[其他小程序] pthmf

Monte Carlo simulation method of calculating the American option price and basic description, Including principal component analysis, factor analysis, Bayesian analysis, A window function design FIR digital band-pass filter. (2017-05-08, Visual C++, 4KB, 下载1次)


[其他小程序] sm610

Bayesian parameter estimation principle mixed logit model, Comparison of soft threshold and hard threshold and today various threshold calculation method, Complete class-based image processing, contains all of the source code, auto image. (2017-04-25, Others, 8KB, 下载1次)


[其他小程序] LATTICE

格子手绢 问题描述 久城送给维多利加一块苏格兰格子手绢,可是手绢不小心被咖啡弄脏了,久城不得不负 起清洗的责任。 手绢的格子可以用二维坐标系来描述,手绢左下角坐标为(0,0),右上角坐标为(N,M), 也就是说,手绢上一共有N*M个格子。咖啡在手绢上形成了一个圆形的污点,圆心位于整点( X,Y)处,半径为R。久城想知道,有多少个格子被完全污染了,多少个格子被部分污染了。 这里,某个格子被“完全污染”的意思为该格内被污点覆盖面积=1,被“部分污染”的意 思为0<该格内被污点覆盖面积<1。 输入格式 一行5个整数N,M,X,Y,R。 输出格式 一行两个整数,由一个空格隔开,表示被完全污染的格子数量和被部分污染的格子数量 。 样例输入 2 2 0 0 2 样例输出 1 3 数据范围 对于20 的数据,N,M< 10; 对于60 的数据,N,M< 1000; 对于100 的数据,N,M< 1000000,0< X< N,0< Y< M,R< 1000000.
格子手绢 问题描述 久城送给维多利加一块苏格兰格子手绢,可是手绢不小心被咖啡弄脏了,久城不得不负 起清洗的责任。 手绢的格子可以用二维坐标系来描述,手绢左下角坐标为(0,0),右上角坐标为(N,M), 也就是说,手绢上一共有N*M个格子。咖啡在手绢上形成了一个圆形的污点,圆心位于整点( X,Y)处,半径为R。久城想知道,有多少个格子被完全污染了,多少个格子被部分污染了。 这里,某个格子被“完全污染”的意思为该格内被污点覆盖面积=1,被“部分污染”的意 思为0<该格内被污点覆盖面积<1。 输入格式 一行5个整数N,M,X,Y,R。 输出格式 一行两个整数,由一个空格隔开,表示被完全污染的格子数量和被部分污染的格子数量 。 样例输入 2 2 0 0 2 样例输出 1 3 数据范围 对于20 的数据,N,M< 10; 对于60 的数据,N,M< 1000; 对于100 的数据,N,M< 1000000,0< X< N,0< Y< M,R< 1000000. (2016-10-05, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载4次)


[其他小程序] 1

Design an arithmetic of simple calculator. In addition to the calculator can add, subtract, multiply and divide, modulus (take over) such as simple arithmetic, also requires can be mixed to four even, and with fault tolerance in accordance with the calculator daily habits error correction function (2015-05-11, Visual Basic, 2KB, 下载2次)


[其他小程序] duogongnengjisuanqi

This is using C write, multi-function senior scientific calculator, has the addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and accumulate, factorial, end etc. Function. Can meet the demand of basic budget, the C write is also structure is clear, suitable for beginners are discussed. (2013-08-03, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[其他小程序] jisuanqi

c++ curriculum design simple calculator can be achieved (1) numbers to add, subtract, multiply, divide, positive/negative, decimal point (2) trigonometric operations (sin, cos, tan) (3) number of prescribing, factorial, reciprocal operation (4) power function operation (5) with OR, XOR, AND, the remainder operator (6) is cleared, the delete function (2013-06-28, Visual C++, 219KB, 下载3次)


[其他小程序] test_java

1、 求一维数组的最大值和最小值 2、 用一维数组输出杨辉三角 3、 找出一个二维数组的鞍点 4、 找出两个字符串中所有共同的字符 5、 输出金额的中文大写形式 6、 实现一个复数类 7、 实现一个银行账户类 8、 编写程序实现判断及识别标识符的功能 9、 实现一个计算器 10、 编程实现一个用户登录窗口,其中用户名要求为10位的数字,且第一个数字不能为0.
1, find the one-dimensional array of maximum and minimum output Pascal' s Triangle, a one-dimensional array, find the saddle point of a two-dimensional array to identify all common characters in the two strings 5, the output amount of Chinese uppercase to achieve a complex class 7, a bank account class 8, programming judgment and identification identifier to achieve a calculator 10, programming a user login window, in which the user name requirements for 10 number, and the first digit can not be 0. (2013-05-11, Java, 26KB, 下载5次)


[其他小程序] xyfinal

Achieve the function of the calculator. The program prompts, enter numbers, select the calculation to be carried out, you can add, subtract, multiply, and in addition to the calculation, simple arithmetic test, open square, between the Fahrenheit and Celsius temperature conversion operations. (2013-04-12, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载3次)


[其他小程序] 1

题目一:足球俱乐部管理程序(试用版) (30分)  描述:足球俱乐部包括球员、普通行政人员。球员有姓名、年龄、能力、年薪、转会费、进球总数、服役年限等重要参数;普通行政人员有姓名、年龄、能力、年薪等参数。你需要给相关管理机构开发一个管理程序,实现对众多足球俱乐部管理的基本功能。具体功能包括:  俱乐部的增删改查,俱乐部的属性包括名称、现金、其下人员;  可以对所有球员的各项属性进行简单搜索,支持输入多个条件,条件之间用&&连接,例如: 1. “年龄不大于25且服役年限大于5年且进球数大于100的球员”,查询表达式:!(@age>25) && @experience>5 && @kick>100  支持球员在不同俱乐部间的买卖,买卖需符合以下条件:作为买方的俱乐部的现金>=球员的转会费,交易完成后,卖方将得到转会费。  要求:  必须采用面向对象的方式,使用类组织数据结构,并注意类的继承关系;  在题目要求基础上可以自行扩展功能,提供扩实用扩展功能者适当加分(加分不超过5分)。
football club management program (trial version) (30 points) (2013-02-26, Visual C++, 4KB, 下载19次)


[其他小程序] N-lines-before-output-Triangle

一、 输入一个正整数n,通过程序输出杨辉三角的前n行,并输入一个正整数m,若m在杨辉三角中存在,输出所在位置的行列。 (1) 输入正整数n,输出杨辉三角形的前n行,1<n<20。要求至少给出四种解法:不使用任何数组,只使用一维数组,只使用二维数组,使用递归。 (2) 输入正整数m, 若m在杨辉三角形中存在,输出所在位置的行列编号。
Enter a positive integer n, the first n rows of Pascal' s Triangle program output, and enter a positive integer m, m in Pascal' s Triangle, the ranks of the output location. (1) Enter the positive integer n, the first n rows output Triangle, 1 <n<20。要求至少给出四种解法:不使用任何数组,只使用一维数组,只使用二维数组,使用递归。 (2) 输入正整数m, 若m在杨辉三角形中存在,输出所在位置的行列编号。 (2012-09-07, Visual C++, 40KB, 下载5次)


[其他小程序] IDL

Realize ferns, in one hand (form, structure, function, information, time, energy, etc) show and the overall similarity, it admits space dimension of change is not only a discrete can also be continuous, thus expanding the vision. (2012-05-09, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载4次)


[其他小程序] Pocket-Calculator

"Pocket calculator design." Calculation of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, involution, evolution. In the user interface to set up two edit boxes, one for the left operand and right input operand, the two are used to display static text "=" sign and computing the results, which use radio buttons for selecting the six operators . (2011-10-21, Visual C++, 3397KB, 下载12次)


[其他小程序] car

Cars from one point to another point on the road to go through a series of sites, you can choose to create stations based on need, you can also back, but each time oil can only add a limited line of steps, and ultimately to achieve the most economical route. (2011-05-23, C/C++, 2KB, 下载5次)


[其他小程序] 1

以3月5日为例,应该先把前两个月的加起来,然后再加上5天即本年的第几天,特殊        情况,闰年且输入月份大于3时需考虑多加一天。
To March 5, for example, should the first two months of the combined first and then add the 5th day of the first few days of this year, special circumstances, a leap year and enter the 3 months to consider more than one day. (2010-09-10, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载5次)


[其他小程序] OurMap3.12

Is a small map system, map data can be read and displayed to layer control, zoom roaming, Douglas compression can be used to increase the symbol library (2008-05-23, Visual C++, 2130KB, 下载103次)


[其他小程序] wangmeng.cn_superiorjack_pCalculator

EXE+ Code, there is no increase in component code (can be downloaded in boxes). Calculator software piracy expired, but their own to do a core control with Expression_Parser_v34, wrote their own interface. The component (2008-04-12, Flex, 406KB, 下载3次)


[其他小程序] 和数能表示1~23的5个正整数

已知五个互不相同的正整数之和为23,且从这五个数中挑选 若干个加起来可以表示从1到23之内的全部自然数。问这五个数 是什么?
incompatible with the five known is the integral and 23 and from 5 to select few number can be expressed from a combined 1-23 all within the year. Asked what is the number five? (2005-12-09, C/C++, 1KB, 下载8次)
