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为了满足以上功能和实时性要求,及考虑使用的方便性和成本的廉价性,作出如下的方案选择: (1)模拟洗衣机控制主要以AT89C51单片机做控制。以单片机作为中心芯片。 (2)采用晶振元件与单片机内部电路共同组成的自激振荡器来作为时钟电路,进行单片机信号的定时计时。 (3)采用三极管加蜂鸣器来构成蜂鸣器报警电路。 (4)采用直流电机的正转反转来模拟衣物的洗涤过程。
AT89C51 is used to control the simulated washing machine. Single chip microcomputer is used as the central chip. (2020-12-28, C/C++, 27KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 全套台服未加密未修改

使用方法: 帐号密码不要使用我的那个KING用户 使用root用户登录 密码kissyoujiejie 数据库用户名集成在GMSV里 为king 7779 如果要修改请使用UE 或者WINHEX 直接对GMSV 搜索编辑 另外我镜像设置的网络结构是桥接 网关是192.168.1.1 IP为192.168.1.22 桥接是必须使用路由的 如果你要修改成NAT 请自行修改 启动很简单 cd /home/gmsv ./gmsv home目录有端和MLSV 还有个LINUXSERVER 是我放进去 用来 双机调试的 很方便 如果想要用双机进行动态断点调试 WINDOWS里面去装个IDA就行了 必须要带动态插件
usage method: Don't use my king user. Use the root login password kissyoujiejie The database user name is integrated in gmsv as king 7779. If you want to modify it, please use UE or WinHex to search and edit gmsv directly In addition, the network structure of my image is that the bridge gateway is, and the IP address is The bridge must use routing. If you want to change it to NAT, please modify it yourself It's easy to start CD / home / gmsv ./gmsv The home directory has terminals and mlsv, and a Linux server that I put into it for dual debugging. If you want to use dual computers for dynamic breakpoint debugging, you need to install an IDA in windows. You must bring dynamic plug-ins (2020-12-03, C/C++, 27900KB, 下载0次)


[其他] wp461-functional-safety

通用领域 生物医药 构当才虽加开成然为发可人人编速们员程关利逻注用辑 的(VFe重PraG点lA A。) C和在A基P这 的于种多矢架个量构类的下型 (,D计S三P算单、单元G元P合U支力)持 近可紧来远密已超耦展仅合示仅的出三计明倍算显的模高功型于效时 。C,PUA C的A性P 能架提构升的,真但正只优有势
In this paper, the author of this paper presents a new method of logic annotation C and the lower form of the multi vector structure class (2020-11-25, C/C++, 832KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 浮点数运算

浮点数的表示与算术运算算法分析,要求理论推导与程序模拟。 算术运算包括字符串到浮点数、浮点数到字符串的转换,加、减、乘、除四则运算等。要有说明文档,包括算法证明、程序框图、使用方法、特殊处理(溢出、数位扩展)、实例分析等等。字符串转换可能稍难。 typedef unsigned int dwrd; #32-bit char* ftoa(dwrd); dwrd atof(char*); dwrd fadd(dwrd, dwrd); dwrd fsub(dwrd, dwrd); dwrd fmul(dwrd, dwrd); dwrd fdiv(dwrd, dwrd);
The representation of floating-point number and the analysis of arithmetic operation algorithm require theoretical derivation and program simulation. Arithmetic operations include string to floating point, floating point to string conversion, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and so on. Documentation should be provided, including algorithm proof, program block diagram, usage, special handling (overflow, digital expansion), case analysis, etc. String conversion can be slightly difficult. typedef unsigned int dwrd; #32-bit char* ftoa(dwrd); dwrd atof(char*); dwrd fadd(dwrd, dwrd); dwrd fsub(dwrd, dwrd); dwrd fmul(dwrd, dwrd); dwrd fdiv(dwrd, dwrd); (2020-06-20, C/C++, 535KB, 下载7次)


[其他] 千年服务端全面技术资料集

开千年服务器就这样简单: 准备: 1、如想对外开放必须有公网IP(如果是网吧开放就需要在路由上做几个端口映射就可以了,一般是是80、3053、3054端口映射到你内部的IP。) 2、装有windows2000/2003系统、内存至少1G的电脑一台 3、得到千年服务器端一套 4、合理的调整方法 在压缩包内包含全部服务端全部文件: 1、人物部分属性查看器。 2、DB编辑器。 3、DB再线修改器。
This is how simple it is to open a millennium server: get ready: 1. If you want to open to the outside world, you must have a public IP address (if you want to open an Internet bar, you need to map several ports on the route, generally 80, 3053, 3054 ports to your internal IP address.) 2. A computer with Windows 2000 / 2003 system and at least 1G memory 3. Get a set of Millennium server 4. Reasonable adjustment method Include all server files in the compressed package: 1. Character part property viewer. 2. DB editor. 3. DB rewire modifier. 4. Emergency rate modification procedure: y1000sz. 5. Background logger: record 2000. 6. Modify the experience tool. 7. Millennium security strategy. 8. Millennium lander. 8. Millennium service controller. 9. Millennium equipment production tools. 10. Character changer. 11. Yaotian entertainment 1000y control tool v1.2. 12. The Chinese version of the Millennium server modification program. 13. Erection course (2020-06-13, C/C++, 566KB, 下载8次)


[其他] nginx-1.16.1

Nginx (engine x) 是一个高性能的HTTP和反向代理web服务器,同时也提供了IMAP/POP3/SMTP服务。Nginx是由伊戈尔·赛索耶夫为俄罗斯访问量第二的Rambler.ru站点(俄文:Рамблер)开发的,第一个公开版本0.1.0发布于2004年10月4日。 其将源代码以类BSD许可证的形式发布,因它的稳定性、丰富的功能集、示例配置文件和低系统资源的消耗而闻名。2011年6月1日,nginx 1.0.4发布。
NGINX accelerates content and application delivery, improves security, facilitates availability and scalability for the busiest web sites on the Internet (2020-02-03, C/C++, 3520KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 小学生四则运算

(1)实现一个加减乘除运算的小型系统,进行整数的加、减、乘、除运算; (2)在每一种运算下,由系统随机产生两个数(数值大小在1~100之间)参加运算,当用户根据系统提供的公式进行计算,并输入计算结果后,系统判断结果的对错。如果结果正确,则显示“Very Good”,否则,显示“Wrong!!!”。 (3)每次选择一种运算后,系统随机产生5或10道题目(需保证出的题目不超纲,即加法和与乘积不能超出100、减法结果不能出现负数、除法必须能整除),当用户运算完毕后,系统给出正确率。如用户10题答对了6题,则显示正确率为60%。每道题目可以考虑最多给2次答题机会。运算完毕后,系统将返回主菜单,供用户再次选择。
To achieve a multiplication and subtraction multiplication and division of small systems, integer addition, subtraction, multiplication and division operations (2019-10-05, C/C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[其他] 胖男孩

麦克正如我们所知的已快乐地结婚,在上个月他胖了70磅。因为手指上的脂肪过多,使他连给他最亲密的朋友斯拉夫克写一个电子邮件都很困难。 每晚麦克都详细地描述那一天他所吃的所有东西,但有时当他只想按一次某键时往往会按了不止一次,并且他的胖手指还会碰到他不想要按的键,麦克也知道自己的手指有问题,因此他在打字的时候很小心,以确保每打一个想要的字符时误打的字符不超过3个,误打的字符可能在正确字符之前也可能在其之后。 当斯拉夫克多次收到读不懂的电子邮件后,他总是要求麦克将电子邮件发3遍,使他容易读懂一点。 编写程序,帮助斯拉夫克根据他所收到的三封电子邮件求出麦克可能写出的最长的信。
Mike, as we all know, has been happily married. He gained 70 pounds last month. Because he had too much fat on his fingers, it was difficult for him to write an e-mail to his closest friend, Slavic. Every night Mike describes in detail everything he eats on that day, but sometimes he pushes more than once when he only wants to press a certain key, and his fat finger meets the key he doesn't want to press. Mike also knows that his finger is in trouble, so he's very careful when typing to make sure he thinks every time. No more than three characters are typed incorrectly when the character is to be used, and the character typed incorrectly may be before or after the correct character. When Slavic received e-mails that he could not read many times, he always asked Mike to send them three times to make them easier to read. Write a program to help Slavk find out the longest letter Mike could write based on the three e-mails he received. (2019-06-18, C/C++, 447KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 计算器_20141107

计算器单片机按键和液晶,可以组成我们最简易的计算器。下面我们来写一个简易整数计算器提供给大家学习。为了让程序不过于复杂,我们这个计算器不考虑连加,连减等连续计算,不考虑小数情况。加减乘除分别用上下左右来替代,回车表示等于,ESC 表示归 0。程序共分为三部分,一部分是 1602 液晶显示,一部分是按键动作和扫描,一部分是主函数功能
The keys and LCD make up our simplest calculator. Now let's write a simple integer calculator for you to learn. In order to make the program not too complicated, our calculator does not consider continuous addition, subtraction and so on, and does not consider the decimal case. Add, subtract, multiply and divide are replaced by upper and lower left and right, return means equal, ESC means return to 0. The program is divided into three parts. One part is 1602 LCD display, the other part is keystroke action and scanning, and the other part is main function function. (2019-03-28, C/C++, 217KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 共振峰

编译环境: CCS3.3 db: 杜宾算法的实现可以求得14个系数 hamming: 语音信号预加重和加窗处理 ndroots: 牛顿递推算法求多项式的根(无法求复根以待解决) voicemark: 语音端点检测,寻找起始帧和结束帧 采用语音信号最初一帧作为测试数据,算法均通过验证。
Compiler environment: CCS 3.3 Db: The implementation of Durbin algorithm can obtain 14 coefficients Hamming: speech signal pre-emphasis and windowing processing Ndroots: Newton's recursive algorithm for finding the roots of polynomials (complex roots cannot be solved) Voice mark: Voice endpoint detection, looking for start and end frames The first frame of speech signal is used as test data, and the algorithms are verified. (2019-01-24, C/C++, 273KB, 下载1次)


[其他] rathena-master

rAthena 这是目前国内很多Athena模拟器都在用的基础,包括cAthena也是基于jAthena,总的来说更新活跃,更新的内容也是相对比较有保证的。 优点是稳定性比较强,代码结构相比eAthena之类的模拟器系列没大的变化(如果你之前看过别的Athena模拟器代码的话,看rAthena的代码不难)。缺点是对新功能的支持比较慢一些(记住是慢,不是不支持,比如韩服的随身自带银行系统,在Hercules出现一段
RAthena This is the basis of many domestic Athena simulators, including cAthena, which is also based on jAthena. Generally speaking, the update is active and the content is relatively guaranteed. The advantage is that it's more stable, and the code structure doesn't change much compared to a series of emulators such as eAthena (if you've seen other Athena emulator codes before, it's not difficult to see rAthena's code). The disadvantage is that support for new functions is slower (remember it's slow, not unsupported, for example, Hanjai's own banking system, which appeared in Hercules for a while). (2018-12-25, C/C++, 20178KB, 下载0次)


[其他] pajek文件生成工具64bit

Pajek is a large complex network analysis tool, is used to study the existence of a variety of complex nonlinear network powerful tools. Pajek runs in Windows and is used for analysis and visualization of large networks with thousands or millions of nodes. In Slovenia, Pajek means spiders. (2018-10-19, C/C++, 12KB, 下载1次)


[其他] include

输入某年某月某日,判断这一天是这一年的第几天? 1.程序分析:以3月5日为例,应该先把前两个月的加起来,然后再加上5天即本年的第几天,特殊情况,闰年且输入月份大于3时需考虑多加一天。
Enter a certain year, a certain day, to determine which day is the number of days of the year? 1. program analysis: take March 5th as an example, we should add the first two months first, then add the 5 days that is the next day of the year, the special situation, leap year and the month of more than 3 need to consider more one day. (2018-05-12, C/C++, 10KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 1.白噪声的产生

编程产生一组正态分布的白噪声信号,它的均值和方差以及长度可随意调整。将产生的白噪声信号存入数据文件。 本程序算法用C++语言编写。首先用乘同余法产生均匀分布白噪声,再用变换抽样法转换为高斯分布白噪声
Programming generates a set of white noise signals with normal distribution. Its mean and variance and length can be adjusted arbitrarily. The generated white noise signal is stored in the data file. The program algorithm is written in C++ language. First, the white noise generated by multiplicative congruence method is transformed into white noise of Gauss distribution. (2018-05-06, C/C++, 293KB, 下载7次)


[其他] 基于NB-IOT的GPS定位数据上报云平台

本程序是基于 NB -IOT GPS 定位,数据上报的云平台。GPS定位实验,主要演示将评估板当前的位置信息上报云平台。让开发者知道设备现 是将评估板当前的位置信息上报云平台。让开发者知道设备现 处在什么地方。而位置信息是通过GPS模块获取经纬度信息,评估板将定位上传云服 务器。采用Keil软件编译,使用NB-IoT模块进行通信。
A cloud platform based on NB -IOT GPS positioning and data reporting. GPS positioning experiment, the main demonstration of the evaluation board's current location information reported to the cloud platform. Let the developers know that the device is reporting the current location information of the evaluation board to the cloud platform. Let the developer know where the device is. Location information is acquired through GPS module, and the evaluation board will upload and upload the cloud server. Keil software is compiled, and NB-IoT module is used for communication. (2018-04-27, C/C++, 9572KB, 下载25次)


[其他] Thinking_in_C

C语言结合了汇编的所有威力,它的抽象程度碰巧既满足了程序员的要求, 又容易实现。因其独特的灵活性和强大的可移植性,系统程序员和黑客们更是对它钟爱有加。无疑,C语言获得了空前的成功,在某种程度上甚至比UNIX还要成功。
C language combines all the power of assembly, its degree of abstraction coincides with both the requirements of the programmer, but also easy to implement. Because of its unique flexibility and strong portability, system programmers and hackers love it more. Undoubtedly, the C language has been an unprecedented success, to some extent, even more successful than UNIX. (2018-03-07, C/C++, 2019KB, 下载1次)


[其他] B2DPCA和ELM人脸识别算法研究_李定珍

提出一种新型、高效的基于 B2DPCA(双向二维主成分分析)和 ELM(极端学习机)的人脸识别算法, 该算法是根据曲波变换分解人脸图像和一种改进的降维技术,通 过 B2DPCA 生成识别特征集来训练和测试 ELM 分类器,提高识别精度。通过大量实验,并把实验结果与现存技术进行比较,结果表明 B2DPCA+ELM 算法有效地提高了识别准确率,并降低了对原型数量的依赖。将来有望能把局部特征和基于曲波分解的全 局信息结合起来应用到识别精度和分类速度上。
a new human recognition algorithm was proposed based on B2DPCA and ELM (2017-10-31, C/C++, 604KB, 下载9次)


[其他] Eye_chart

视力表的图形有上下左右四种,分别对应编码0123,对应的图形为: * *** * * * * *** *** *** * * * Input 测试数据有多组,第一行为T,表示测试数据的组数。 每组测试数据,第一行为n, m,分别代表需要绘制的视力表的高和宽。(1 <= n, m <= 10) 以下n行,每行m个数字(0到3之间),分别表示该行该列需要的图形。 Output 对于每组测试数据,先输出"Case x :", x为测试数据的组号。 根据输入输出对应的视力表,每个相邻的图形之间都有一个空格。 注意:每个图形由完整的3 * 3的*和空格组成,每组数据之后加个空行。注意输出中不能出现多余的空格和换行,否则可能会返回Presentation Error。 Sample Input 2 1 1 0 2 2 01 23 Sample Output Case 1 : * * *** Case 2 : * *** * * *** * * * *** *** * *
this code can print eye chart (2010-10-25, C/C++, 1KB, 下载6次)


[其他] shuzhifenxi2

实验题目:Hermite插值多项式 相关知识:通过n+1个节点的次数不超过2n+1的Hermite插值多项式为: 其中,Hermite插值基函数 数据结构:三个一维数组或一个二维数组 算法设计:(略) 编写代码:(略) 实验用例: 已知函数y=f(x)的一张表(其中 ): x 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 y 0.904837 0.818731 0.740818 0.670320 0.606531 m -0.904837 -0.818731 -0.740818 -0.670320 -0.606531 x 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 y 0.548812 0.496585 0.449329 0.406570 0.367879 m -0.548812 -0.496585 -0.449329 -0.406570 -0.367879 实验用例:利用Hermite插值多项式 求被插值函数f(x)在点x=0.55处的近似值。建议:画出Hermite插值多项式 的曲线。
Experiment Title: Hermite interpolation polynomial-related knowledge: By n+ 1 nodes does not exceed the number of 2n+ 1 of the Hermite interpolation polynomial as follows: one, Hermite interpolation basis function data structure: three one-dimensional array or a two-dimensional array algorithm design: (slightly) the preparation of the code: (slightly) experimental use case: a known function y = f (x) of a table (of which): x 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50y 0.904837 0.818731 0.740818 0.670320 0.606531m-- 0.904837-0.818731-0.740818-0.670320-0.606531x 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00y 0.548812 0.496585 0.449329 0.406570 0.367879m-0.548812-0.496585-0.449329-0.406570-0.367879 experimental use case: the use of Hermite interpolation polynomial interpolation function for by f (x ) in the point x = 0.55 Department approximation. Recommendations: Draw Hermite interpolation polynomial curve. (2008-12-01, C/C++, 1KB, 下载25次)


[其他] crc

Dallas 8 Checksum calculation tool code software, the internal use of the death cycle, and when to withdraw from the Ctrl+ C, the process to zero can be input with the previous results of the same number, DOS window, enter the number of ten single-byte six hexadecimal number that is 00-FF. (2008-11-22, C/C++, 6KB, 下载11次)
