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[C#编程] 程序

支持键盘操作和不同类型方块的旋转变换,并且界面上显示下一个方块的提示以及当前的玩家的得分。 键盘操作: ·点击‘开始游戏’,随机产生方块并自动下移 ·用  键变换方块方向 ·用  键和  键左右移动方块 ·用  键使方块加速下移 ·用空格键使方块直接下移
Support keyboard operation and different types of box rotation transformation, and the interface shows the next box prompt and the current player's score. (2020-12-29, C/C++, 24KB, 下载0次)


[C#编程] C# Robot Demo

本程序通过C#语言编写了一个基于Pierre Dellacherie算法的俄罗斯方块机器人,玩家可以在程序内选择手动游玩或采用编写好的C#程序mod游玩。通过本程序可以获得Pierre Dellacherie算法的相关知识。
This program uses C# language to write a Tetris robot based on Pierre dellacherie algorithm. Players can choose to play manually or use the C# program mod to play in the program. Through this program, we can get the relevant knowledge of Pierre dellacherie algorithm. (2020-12-22, C#, 129KB, 下载0次)


[C#编程] GIS

C # uses PictureBox to open the picture and realize the function of zooming in and out of the picture. In addition, it also realizes the picture rotation. For example, you can turn left and right, you can also print the picture, that is, print the picture, and there is also save as picture Dynamically replace the original pictures in PictureBox (2020-04-19, C#, 495KB, 下载7次)


[C#编程] WindowsApplication

C# WinForm程序将图片保存到数据库,并实现图片显示、修改、加边框等一系列操作,是把图片转成 Byte型二进制流存储到SQLSERVER中,先把二进制流读入缓冲区,然后使用正常sql语句将图片二进制流插入数据库。
The C # WinForm program saves the picture to the database and implements a series of operations such as picture display, modification, and bordering. The picture is converted into a Byte binary stream and stored in the SQLSERVER. The binary stream is first read into the buffer, and then the normal SQL is used. The statement inserts a binary stream of pictures into the database. (2020-04-18, C#, 136KB, 下载0次)


[C#编程] 基于单片机的智能计算器

This design is a calculator simulation system design with STC89C51 MCU as the core. Input 4 * 4 matrix keyboard plus 4 independent keys can add, subtract, multiply and divide the 7 digit numeric operation. At the same time, it supports the operation of the nested floating point number of parentheses and displays the operation process on the LCD1602. (2018-05-01, C/C++, 392KB, 下载1次)


[C#编程] cSharp_demo

快递行业查询API接口实例 C#—Demo版本顺丰接口实例(已通过联调测试)
Express industry query API interface instance C#- Demo version of SF interface instance (through the test) (2015-09-30, C#, 5197KB, 下载29次)


[C#编程] practice

Enter a year a certain day, judgment day is the day of the year? For example: the March 5, for example, should first add up the first two months, then add the five days that the first few days of this year, special circumstances, leap year and enter the month to consider when to pay more than 3 day. (2014-12-02, TEXT, 1KB, 下载1次)


[C#编程] Cpp1

题目:输入某年某月某日,判断这一天是这一年的第几天? 1. 程序分析:以 3 月 5 日为例,应该先把前两个月的加起来,然后再加上 5 天即本年的第几天,特殊情况, 闰年且输入月份大于 3 时需考虑多加一天。
Title: Importation of a certain date, judgment day is this year s first few days? 1. Program analysis: 3 Month 5 Japan for example, should add up to two months before the first, then add 5 Day of the year the first few days, special circumstances, Enter the month and leap year is greater than 3 Should be considered when more one day. (2013-10-09, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载3次)


[C#编程] 678657537457

Visual C#实例源码下载:按仓库名、图书名称进行分组,并统计其库存数量,按仓库分组统计图书库存(多列),C#与SQLServer的结合,程序运行前请先调试安装好SQL数据库信息,加database目录中的数据库文件附加在SQLServer中,然后设置连接信息,作者拥有版权,仅供学习与参考。
Visual C# example source code download: grouped according to warehouse name, name, and statistics of the inventory, warehouse inventory according to statistical (columns), the combination of C# and SQLServer debugging, please install SQL database program to run before, and in the database directory database file is added in SQLServer, and connection information setting, the author holds the copyright, learning and reference purposes only. (2013-09-10, C#, 411KB, 下载4次)


[C#编程] Illustrated-CSharp-2010

C#图解教程 作 者:(美)索利斯(Solis,D) 著,苏林 等译 很好的一本书
Graphic tutorial on C#: (America) Solis (Solis, D) with, Surin translated a good book (2013-08-26, C#, 744KB, 下载10次)


[C#编程] csharp

C#在数组中快速查找近似值,一维数组二维数组的用法,C#初学者参考。... C#在数组中快速查找近似值,一维数组二维数组的用法,C#初学者参考
C# quickly find the approximate value in the array, one-dimensional array uses two-dimensional array, C# beginners reference. ... C# quickly find the approximate value in the array, one-dimensional array uses two-dimensional array, C# beginners reference (2013-07-09, C#, 16KB, 下载13次)


[C#编程] ChatRoom

网络聊天室通常直称聊天室,是一种人们可以在线交谈的网络论坛,在同一聊天室的人们通过广播消息进行实时交谈。 聊天室可以建立在即时通讯软件(如MSN Messenger、QQ、Anychat)、P2P软件、万维网(如 Halapo,Meebo ) 等基础上,万维网方式更为普通和种类繁多,交谈的手段不局限于文本,更包括语音、视频。通常聊天室是按照房间或频道为单位的,在同一房间或频道的网人可以实时地广播和阅读公开消息。一般情况下,与其它网络论坛、即时通讯不同的是,聊天室不保存聊天记录。
Internet chat rooms are usually straight-called chat rooms, is a network of people you can talk to online forums, chat rooms for people in the same broadcast message through real-time conversation. Chat rooms can be built in instant messaging software (such as MSN Messenger, QQ, Anychat), P2P software, the World Wide Web (eg Halapo, Meebo), etc., based on the World Wide Web method is more general and a wide range of means of conversation is not limited to text, and more including voice, video. Usually chat room or channel in accordance with the room for the unit, in the same room or channel network of people in real-time news broadcasts and read publicly. Under normal circumstances, and other online forums, instant messaging is different, chat rooms do not save chat history. (2013-07-08, C#, 379KB, 下载14次)


[C#编程] cSharp-colcor

C# to achieve the color gradient (2011-09-09, Visual C++, 33KB, 下载18次)


[C#编程] cSharp

Includes Tetris, Snake game preparation, warehouse management information system staff work management information system, a complete rental management system source code, have been tested and can work properly. With a description of the database and run (2011-04-27, Others, 1219KB, 下载44次)



为Symbol MC70编写的条码扫描程序.能识别二维码,一维码,可以设置条码分割字符.用于Symbol扫描枪开发测试.查看代码前请自行安装symbol开发类库EMDK-M-020403.exe
Written for the Symbol MC70 barcode scanner. Able to identify two-dimensional code, one-dimensional code, you can set the bar code character segmentation. For Symbol scanner development testing. Look at the code before the development of your own symbol libraries installed EMDK-M-020403.exe (2011-04-01, C#, 1595KB, 下载50次)


[C#编程] dongtaiyouxiandiaodusuanfa

用C 语言实现对N个进程采用优先权优先算法的进程调度。通过优先权改变原则:1. 进程在就绪队列中等待一个片,优先权值加1 2 .进程每运行一个时间片,优先权值减3 实现对优先权的控制.
N with a C language implementation of the priority of a process using the process of priority scheduling algorithm. By changing the principle of priority: 1. The process in the ready queue waiting for a film, the priority value plus 12. The process of running a time of each film, the priority value by 3 to achieve the priority control. (2011-01-14, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载2次)


[C#编程] MSS

VC++检测移动存储设备并加解密作安全设置源码实例,本源代码 就是一个与此相关的例子,对U盘数据加密,保护信息隐蔽,防止隐私泄露。本程序在运行时首先检测本地计算机的移动设备是否存在,然后选择移动设备,实现加密。
VC++ to detect mobile storage device and encryption and decryption source code examples for security settings, origin code is a related example of the U disk data encryption to protect information hiding, to prevent the loss of privacy. This program at run-time detection of the local computer, the first mobile device exists, and then select mobile devices, to achieve encryption. (2010-03-18, Visual C++, 16KB, 下载19次)


[C#编程] 32M_V40

用非常流行的AT89C51SND1C芯片作为主控制器,加32M flash,原始代码全部公开,对于想移植为1G flash等有很大的帮助,配合开发板上电后可以当U盘用,费用方便学习。改代码在硬件平台上测试通过,播放效果也非常好
AT89C51SND1C very popular as a main controller chip, plus 32M flash, source code of all open, who want to transplant, such as for the 1G flash of great help with the development of on-board power that can be used as U disk, the cost to facilitate learning. Change the code in the hardware platform to test is passed, the results would be a very good player (2008-09-25, Visual C++, 272KB, 下载12次)


[C#编程] timesync

在IEEE - 1588系统中, LXI设备把它们的时钟与一个公共意义上的时间(网络中最精确的时钟)相同步。通过对时钟的同步, LXI仪器 就能在规定时间开始(或停止)测量/激励,同步测量或输出它们的信号,而不需要触发线,并为所有事件和数据加时戳。
In the IEEE- 1588 System, LXI device clock them with a public sense of the time (the network the most accurate clock) phase synchronization. Through the clock synchronization, LXI instruments can be in a specified time start (or stop) measurement/incentive, synchronous measurements or output their signals without the need for the trigger line, and for all the events and data plus timestamp. (2008-09-07, Others, 337KB, 下载108次)


[C#编程] 07

建立一个类,具有以下功能: 1.维护多个学生和其成绩的数据。(把存储这些数据的数组的两个维数设成常数置于源文件头部,便于修改) 2.可以对成绩从高到低和从低到高排列。 3.可以增加新学生,删除一个老学生。
The establishment of a category, has the following features: 1. The maintenance of a number of students and their performance data. (The storage of these data array dimension is set to two constant head placed in the source file, easy to modify) 2. Can result from high to low and from low to high order. 3. Can add new students, delete an old student. (2008-04-19, Visual C++, 873KB, 下载3次)
