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[Swift编程] diceRollingGames

I started learning a new language and this is my first repo about swift. In the game consisting of 5 sets, users take turns rolling dice. Who won for you (2024-03-21, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[iPhone/iOS] Developing-iOS-12-Apps-with-Swift

It is a repo of the projects and examples described in the CS193P course at Stanford University. (2023-11-20, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] furni-ios

Furni for iOS是一款家具店演示应用程序,由贝尔·道格拉斯(Bear Douglas)和罗曼·休特(Romain Huet)在旧金山的Twitter Flight会议上亮相...,
Furni for iOS is a furniture store demo app presented on stage by Bear Douglas and Romain Huet at the Twitter Flight conference in San Francisco on October 21st, 2015, to show off the power of the Fabric platform. (2015-10-21, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] Meep

Meep is a game with two different worlds and only one mission. (Swift Student Challenge Winner), (2022-04-30, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] pola-ios

Pola pomo e Ci odnale polskie wyroby。Zabieraj c Pol na zakupy odnajdujesz produkty“z dusz”i wspierasz波尔斯克牧歌公园。
Pola pomo e Ci odnale polskie wyroby. Zabieraj c Pol na zakupy odnajdujesz produkty “z dusz ” i wspierasz polsk gospodark . (2023-07-14, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[DevOps] iOS_YangMeng_TodayNews

此app是由杨蒙老师用swift4.1 开发的,并将整个开发过程制成视频教程,如下 其本人的今日头条项目的GitHub网址是 [https: github.com hrscy Tod...](https: github.com hrscy TodayNews),
This app was developed by Mr. Yang Meng with Swift4.1, and the whole development process was made into a video tutorial, as follows:The GitHub website of his headline project today is [https: github. com hrsci Tod...] (https: github. com hrsci TodayNews), (2019-08-12, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[加密货币] ByteCoin-app-EURO-USD-TRY-

This app shows to you last current bitcoin price in EURO,USD,TRY. In this app , i have used these techniques; Apis, Json Parse, Extension, Delegate and Protocols. (2022-02-07, Swift, 646KB, 下载0次)
