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[C#编程] TeeChart Pro v5 ActiveX Control

如果采用文档/视图,需实现: 1、用户可设置起点/终点坐标,通过鼠标单击确定坐标值。 2、用户可设置障碍物数据(仅考虑圆形),通过鼠标单击确定圆心,通过按着鼠 标拖动来确定半径;能够通过文本输出显示所有圆形障碍物的信息;画出所有障 碍物的分布。 3、自主选择一种路径规划算法如 A*算法、人工势场法、Q-learning 算法、迪杰 斯特拉算法等,编程实现上述功能并获得一系列路径点(需采用动态链表),并 画出规划的路径。
If the document / view is adopted, it is necessary to realize: 1. The user can set the starting point / end point coordinates and determine the coordinate value by mouse click. 2. Users can set the obstacle data (only consider the circle), click the mouse to determine the center of the circle, and drag the mouse to determine the radius; it can display the information of all circular obstacles through text output; draw the distribution of all obstacles. 3. Choose a kind of path planning algorithm, such as a * algorithm, artificial potential field method, Q-learning algorithm, Dijkstra algorithm and so on, and program to achieve the above functions and obtain a series of path points (dynamic linked list is required), and draw the planned path. (2020-09-12, C/C++, 11248KB, 下载8次)


[C#编程] csharp类库

Folder read and write, picture reading and writing, various encryption and decryption, XML operation, FTP operation, commonly used class library (2018-04-18, C#, 3493KB, 下载19次)


[C#编程] PID控制算法的C语言实现(完整版)

PID and its derivative algorithm is one of the most widely used algorithm in industrial applications, the universal algorithm is fully deserve to master, if the process of design and implementation of PID algorithm for general R & D personnel, should be sufficient to deal with the problem of general R & D, and to be valuable, I contacted the control algorithm among them, PID is the most simple control algorithm, control algorithm can best embody the feedback of thought, is the classic classic. Classics are not necessarily complicated. Classical things are often simple, and they are the simplest. Consider the three laws of Newton's mechanics. Think of Einstein's equations of mass and energy, how simple! Simple is not primitive, simple is not backward, simple to the extent of the United states. (2017-07-26, C++, 83KB, 下载6次)


[C#编程] WinApp_CollegeCalendar

课程表-日程表(C#) 先依次录入: 1.学期开始日(周一),学期周数 2.本学期调停情况 3.课程开始周,结束周 4.课程某次上课:周几第几大节,教室 5.自动产生某周,某日上课情况 6.自动产生Excel课程表 带有日期周次节次的Excel课程表,打印后方便老师安排时间,不会漏上课! 学生也可以用! 带有日期周次节次的Excel课程表 可以完美解决: 不在一个教室上课! 1-8周上课,或者3-18周上课,还是5-15周上课,或者是其他加仨儿时间上课! 单双周上课节数不同的课! 运动会 节假日调课停课!
Class Schedule- Schedule (C#), followed by entry: 1. Semester start date (Monday), semester week number 2. Mediation of the semester. Courses start week, end of week 4. Course of a class: week a few Festival, classroom 5 a week, One day in class. automatically generate automatically generated the Excel curriculum with Date Week Session Excel curriculum after printing convenience teacher to arrange a time, will not leak class! Students can also use! The Excel curriculum with Date Week Session can be the perfect solution: not in a classroom! 1-8 weeks of class, or 3-18 weeks of class, or 5-15 weeks of classes, or other plus Sa children time to attend classes! Odd and even weeks of lessons taught different lessons! Games holidays transfer courses be closed! (2013-01-16, C#, 1229KB, 下载11次)


[C#编程] CSharp

Learning C# source code, including a call-by call by reference, recursive factorial method overloading learning (2012-11-13, C#, 7KB, 下载21次)


[C#编程] CSharp

适用于C#初学者的几个小程序,可以加深对这门语言的理解 包括有以下内容: 1.C#获取当前程序所在的文件夹.rar 2.C#界面皮肤(带例子).rar 3.C#如何使用托盘控件的实例源码.rar 4.C#文本加密解密算法示例源代码.rar 5.C#在开机时自动启动程序.rar 6.C#自定义皮肤.rar 7.CS聊天程序.rar 8.WPF模拟Windows+7气象源码.rar 9.玻璃按钮.rar 10.导出Excel格式.rar 11.导出excel列表.rar 12.动态创建控件并获取值.rar 13.读Eexcel文件.rar 14.读入写出excel.rar 15.根据cpu序列号、磁盘序列号设计软件注册程序.rar 16.滑块改变透明度,C#透明窗体实例.rar 17.加解密文件.rar 18.进度条.rar 19.可拖动控件.rar 20.漂亮Vista风格按钮示例.rar 21.启动其他程序.rar 22.上传下载文件.rar 23.生成文本为Word格式.rar 24.实现程序互斥运行 只能运行一个.rar 25.实现的Excel 2007表格读写实例.rar 26.线程启动窗口form.rar 27.研究生信息管理系统.rar 28.扬声器发声.rar 29.拖放文件超级列表框.rar
Several small programs in C# beginners can deepen the understanding of this language Include the following: 1.C# Get the current program where folder. Rar 2.C# interface skin (with examples). Rar 3.C# Examples of how to use the tray control source. Rar 4.C# text encryption algorithm example source code. Rar 5.C# program start automatically at boot time. Rar 6.C# custom skin. Rar 7.CS chat program. Rar 8.WPF analog Windows 7 meteorological source. Rar Nine glass buttons. Rar 10 Export Excel format. Rar 11 export excel list. Rar 12. Dynamically create controls and get the value. Rar 13 Read Eexcel file. Rar 14 reads write excel.rar 15 according to the registration process cpu serial number, disk serial number design software. Rar 16. Slider to change transparency, C# transparent form instance. Rar 17. Encrypt and decrypt files. Rar 18. Progress bar. Rar 19 draggable controls. Rar 20 beautiful Vista style buttons example. Rar 21 start other programs. Rar 22. Upload (2012-10-09, C#, 14103KB, 下载1087次)


[C#编程] CSharp

C# 小数进位、舍位操作方法,操作的数字、保留几位小数和保留几位小数逢几进位(设置成5为四舍五入)
C# (2012-02-09, C#, 1KB, 下载8次)


[C#编程] MyNote

摘要:C#源码,菜单窗体,托盘提示   C#日志托盘提示代码+源程序,本例主要是练习如何在Windows托盘处显示一个图标,支持右键菜单,这在编程中比较常见,也比较基矗   一个小的日志提示程序,一运行,就会出现首页,按alt+f4隐藏首页,该图标会在显示在右下角托盘上。4当到一定的时间,就会自动运行别外一个页面,打开你的主页,主页上写上你的要做的事情就OK,我设定的是17:55:18分,大家可以根据需要,我加几个窗口,来提示某时做什么。 可以通过这个程序学会托盘程序的编写方法。   文件中有源文件和安装文件,安装前请先安装.netFramework运行环境。vs2008制作
Abstract: C# source code, menus, forms, trays tips C# source code to log tray tips, how to practice in this case mainly in the Windows tray displays an icon, right-click menu support, which are more common in programming, but also more base-chu A small log reminders, a run, there will be home, hidden by alt f4 page, the icon will be displayed in the lower right corner of the tray. 4 When a certain time, it will automatically run the other outside a page, open your home page, write on things you do OK, I was 17:55:18 set points, we can according to need I added a few windows, to prompt a certain time to do. Tray can be learned through this process procedures for the preparation method. File in the active files and installation files, installation before installing. NetFramework environment. vs2008 production (2011-11-28, C#, 300KB, 下载8次)


[C#编程] CSharp-Access-to-sql-server-database

数据库文件为ImageDatabase,其中表名为:Image,里面已有5组图像信息的数据,包括图像序号,图像名称 图像宽度,图像高度和像素深度。 ConnectionDemo文件夹里面是C#源程序 双击第二个生成好的solution文件,然后可以打开项目文件,点击“解决方案资源管理器”的“Form1.cs”文件可以 看到winform界面。 实现了以下几个功能: 1)."连接数据库测试",即c#和数据库连接,如果连接成功,则会显示“连接数据库成功”的显示框。 2)“向数据库中加入数据”,在左边的图像信息数据库几个文本框中输入数据以后,然后点击“向数据库中加入数据” 按钮,则会向数据库中添加数据,你可以打开数据库ImageDatabase的表Image,查看你加的数据是否写入到数据库中 从而可以验证程序的正确性。 3)“查询插入的数据信息”可以显示你刚添加的数据信息,并以Messagebox形式显示出来,这里实现的只是显示数据库中
1 I establish the database file for the ImageDatabase, wherein the table name : Image, which already has 5 sets of image data, including image sequence, image nameImage width, height and depth of image pixels.The 2.ConnectionDemo folder there is a C# source ( my computer is used in the 2008 version, do not know in 2005 whether can also be used, if there are any problems contact me again! )3 double-click the second generated a good solution file, then you can open the project file, click on" the solution explorer" "Form1.cs" files can beSee the WinForm interface.4 here I carry out the following functions:1)." To connect to the database test", namely c# and the database connection, if the connection is successful, it will display" to connect to the database successfully" display box.2)" to the database by adding data", in the left image information database for text data, then click on" add data to the database"Button, will be adding to the database data, you can open the database table (2011-08-18, C#, 1417KB, 下载23次)


[C#编程] CSharp-TABLE

强大的制表能力,特别适合制作中国式的复杂报表,解决您所有的制表难题 · 丰富的单元格类型,支持数值、货币、日期、文本等类型。 Cell的单元格囊括了几乎所有的Windows标准控制 · 丰富的打印设置,美仑美奂的打印预览和打印效果,轻松输出各种报表 · 无须系统安装Excel,就可以和Excel文件完全转换,转换效率更高,效果更完美
TABLE EDITION (2011-07-02, C++ Builder, 346KB, 下载22次)


[C#编程] Setup1.1.1

华夏SEO软件更新至beta1.1.1版。 1.本次更新修正了整站检测部分网站无故退出的BUG 2.修正了立即运行软件部能运行的错误   华夏SEO软件是一款应用于网站在互联网进行营销的多功能检测与信息群发软件,众所周知给网站做SEO基础工作要从两方面入手,网站内部代码优化与搜索引擎外部优化,针对这两大特性,我公司推出华夏SEO软件主要功能有两大类:1、网站营销分析检测功能; 2、搜索引擎排名优化功能。准确的根据用户需要,提供完美的网站优化服务。   华夏SEO软件不仅是一个群发软件,还是一款真正的SEO软件,真正能够实现业务不用跑,订单送上门。是中小企业产品推广,淘宝客推广,广告联盟,网赚一族,商务人士网络赚钱的首选网络营销工具。 http://www.w3si.com
SEO software is used in Chinese websites on the Internet for a multi-function testing and information marketing mass software, well known to the site to do the basic work to be two ways SEO, website optimization and search engine within the outer code is optimized for these two properties , I introduced Chinese SEO software, there are two main functions: 1, website marketing analysis and detection capabilities 2, the search engine ranking optimization. Accurate based on user needs and provide the perfect Web site optimization services. China SEO software is not only a mass software, or a true SEO software can achieve real business is no need for orders delivered to their doorsteps. SMEs, product promotion, Taobao off promotion, advertising alliance, Wangzhuan owners, business people make money online internet marketing tool of choice. http://www.w3si.com (2011-02-12, C#, 26895KB, 下载11次)


[C#编程] SPL_Robot

SPL_Robot是配合SmartPersistenceLayer使用的一个XML数据库框架的代码生成工具。 SmartPersistenceLayer(SPL)是.NET系统框架持久层。强调是框架带来的灵活性与扩展性。 一、 引用 SPL的发布形式是一个名为PersistenceLayer.Dll的DLL文件,可以在我的BLOG上下载目前最新版:SmartPersistenceLayer3.2,因此只需要在项目中“添加引用”即可: 若要使用ODP.NET连接Oracle数据库,则用以上方式添加Oracle.DataAccess.dll 若要使用SPL连接MySql数据库,则用以上方式添加MySql.Data.dll 二、 配置文件与实体类 SPL的配置文件与实体类可以使用我提供的SmartRobot进行生成(SPL_Robot已经公开源码,请看这里),这可以大大加快开发效率,但工具毕竟是工具,不属于SPL持久层的必选部分。 连接数据库: 目前SmartRobot支持Ms Sql Server、Ms Access、Oracle数据库,如果是其他数据库只能只好手写实体类了或者等我升级喽 ) 确定好要生成的实体类存放的地址,到时生成时会生成到相应的目录里。 配置每个表对应的实体类属性,默认实体类名称为“表名”加“Entity”字符,属性名默认与列名相同,上图中的“2”“3”操作对每个表都要
<database name="Northwind" type="MsSqlServer"> <parameter name="Provider" value="SQLOLEDB.1" /> <parameter name="Password" value="tintown" /> <parameter name="Initial Catalog" value="Northwind" /> <parameter name="User ID" value="sa" /> <parameter name="Data Source" value="(local)" /> <classMapFile path="ClassMap.xml" /> </database> Ms Access例如下: <database name="DMBCN" type="MsAccess"> <parameter name="Provider" value="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" /> <parameter name="Data Source" value="dmbcn.mdb" /> <classMapFile path="ClassMap.xml" /> </database> (2010-01-19, C#, 152KB, 下载9次)


[C#编程] WindowsApplication1

1、点击操作时左上角显示倒计时30秒提示,超时自动返回首页; 2、星期一至五,会按设定时间关机,你可以在出现关机提示时点取消(倒计时30秒); 3、星期六日,启动程序即提示关机,无操作则自动关机,若点取消,还会在设定的时间再一次提示关机(倒计时30秒); 4、按*号加数字密码,可以退出程序回到桌面,密码可以在配置文件中修改; 5、参数设置:找到目录下的SystemConfig.xml文件,其中starturl为起始网页地址;returntime为无操作返回起始网页(单位:分钟);offtime为每天关机时间;exitkey为退出程序密码; 6、适用于工作日启动的触摸屏,如公积金管理中心; 7、作者QQ:11624317 寻求合作机会。
1, click on the top left corner displays the countdown operation for 30 seconds prompt time-out automatically return home 2, Mondays to Fridays will be turned off by setting the time, you can point in time in the event of the shutdown prompted cancellation (countdown to 30 seconds) 3, Saturday day, start the program that prompted the shutdown, no action will automatically shutdown, if the point of cancellation, but also at a set time once again prompted to shut down (the countdown for 30 seconds) 4, press* to increase the number password, you can exit the program back to the desktop, the password can be modified in the configuration file 5, the parameter settings: find the directory SystemConfig.xml paper starturl starting page address returntime-free operation returns to the Home Page (unit: minutes) offtime hours a day shutdown exitkey to exit the program password 6, for touch-screen to start on working days, such as the provident fund management center 7, the au (2010-01-06, Windows_Unix, 71KB, 下载7次)


[C#编程] bank1

[问题描述] 客户业务分为两种。第一种是申请从银行得到一笔资金,即取款或借款。第二种是向银行投入一笔资金,即存款或还款。银行有两个服务窗口,相应地有两个队列。客户到达银行后先排第一个队。处理每个客户业务时,如果居于第一种,且申请额超出银行现存资金总额顺得不到满足,则立刻排入第二个队等候,直至满足时才离开银行;否则业务处理完后立刻离开银行。每接待完一个第二种业务的客户,则顺序检查相处理(如果可能)第二个队列中的客广,对能满足的申请者予以满足,不能满足者重新排列第二个队列的队尾。注意,在此检查过程中,一旦银行资金总额少于或等于刚才第一个队列中最后一个客户(第二种业务)被接待之前的数额,或者本次已将第二个队列检查或处理了一遍,就停止被盗(因为此时已不可能还有能满足者)转而继续接待第一个队列的客户。任何时刻都只开一个窗口。假设检查不需要时间。营业时间结束时所有存户立即离开银行。 写一个上述银行业务的事件驱动模拟系统,通过模拟方法求出客户在银行内逗留的平 均时间。
[description] Our clients are divided into two kinds. The first kind is obtained from the bank for a loan or withdraw funds, namely. The second is to put a fund, bank deposits or payments that. Banks have two service window, correspondingly has two cohort. After the bank customers arrive first row first team. With each customer service, in the first, and if the application amount exceeds the amount remaining Banks can not satisfy, immediately into the second waiting until satisfaction before leaving the bank, After processing otherwise leave immediately. Each receives a second business customers order inspection and handling (if possible), the queue for the guest can satisfy the applicant shall meet, cannot satisfy the rearranged second queue queue. Note that in the process of inspection, once the total capital is equal to or less than Banks had first queue last client (second) is the amount, or before the second queue inspection or already will handle again, because this has stolen ( (2009-07-22, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载4次)


[C#编程] xpshop20060706

新普网络商城!C#语言开发,非常值得借鉴! 使用方法: 安装顺序: 本地: 1、在web目录(默认为c盘的wwwroot目录)新建XpShop目录; 2、将XpShop目录设为虚拟目录; 3、将XpShop4.0.rar压缩包里面的文件解压在XpShop目录中; 4、设定XpShop的db、upload和Template文件夹有可写权限; 5、需要修改web.config文件的“<add key="ShopFolder" value="" />”为“<add key="ShopFolder" value="XpShop/" />”,切记后面加“/”; 网络空间: 1、将XpShop上传到根目录即可. 环境要求: MSSQL版: Windows2000 + IIS5 + .NET Framework 1.1 + MS SQL Server 2000 或各更高版本 Access版: Windows2000 + IIS5 + .NET Framework 1.1 + MDAC2.7 或各更高版本
Simplo network Mall! C# Language development, is worth learning! Usage: install order: Local: 1, in the web directory (default is c disk wwwroot directory) XpShop new directory 2, will set the virtual directory XpShop directory 3, will XpShop4.0.rar compressed package files inside Pressure in the XpShop directory 4, set XpShop the db, upload and Template folder permissions can be written 5, need to amend the web.config file <add key= ShopFolder value= /> as <add key= ShopFolder value= XpShop/ /> , bear in mind behind / cyberspace: 1, will XpShop can be uploaded to the root directory. environmental requirements: MSSQL Edition: Windows2000+ IIS5 2B !. NET Framework 1.1+ MS SQL Server 2000 or higher version of Access version: Windows2000+ IIS5+. NET Framework 1.1+ MDAC2.7 or later (2009-01-14, ASP, 2336KB, 下载7次)
