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按平台查找All Delphi(702) 

[前端开发] 张量代数和多维 MIMO 雷达信号处理中的谐波恢复

"2010 年 11 月 1 号 11 卷 58、 信号处理汇刊 张量代数和多维谐波 MIMO 雷达信号处理中检索 迪米特里负离子和尼古拉斯 D.Sidiropoulos、 院士、 IEEE" (2022-07-06, Delphi, 930KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] 基于LMS算法的自适应均衡器(滤波器)

论文针对数字通信系中,由于码间串扰(ISI)和信道加性噪声的干扰,导致信号在接收端产生误码,设计了基于LMS算法的自适应均衡器(滤波器),并通过硬件描述语言VHDL和现场可编程逻辑器件FPGA实现均衡器的硬件实现。是一篇标准的毕业论文,有需要的朋友可以拿来做参考 (2022-07-06, Delphi, 546KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] pca+lda+粗糙集+模糊神经网络saveORL

(压缩包里一共有5个代码)pca+lda+粗糙集+模糊神经网络saveORLimage.m将ORL人脸库分为测试集ptest和训练集pstudy存为imagedata.mat1.savelda.m将人脸库先进行pca降维,再用lda进行特征提取,得到新的测试集ldatest和训练集ldastudy存为imageldadata.mat2.对ldastudy进行散化(discretimage.m),得 (2022-07-06, Delphi, 627KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] 基于LMS算法的自适应均衡器(滤波器)

论文针对数字通信系中,由于码间串扰(ISI)和信道加性噪声的干扰,导致信号在接收端产生误码,设计了基于LMS算法的自适应均衡器(滤波器),并通过硬件描述语言VHDL和现场可编程逻辑器件FPGA实现均衡器的硬件实现。是一篇标准的毕业论文,有需要的朋友可以拿来做参考 (2022-07-06, Delphi, 739KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] Essential_Pascal

Pascal  语言最初由瑞士苏黎士理工学院的尼古拉斯-沃斯(Niklaus  Wirth)教授在1971年设计,  作为Algol语言(1960年设计)简化本用于教学目的。 设计Pascal时,许多编程语言业已存在,但只有FORTRAN、C、Assembler、COBOL等少数语言在广泛应用。Pascal这种新语言的灵魂是其语言规则,Pascal 语言规则的管理是通过强健的数据类型概念、强制性的数据类型声明与程序结构化控制来实现的,当时设计Pascal的初衷是想把这种语言用作程序设计课程的教学工具。
delphi (2016-05-20, Delphi, 907KB, 下载3次)


[网络编程] Net-IP-Phone1.1

开机:打开监听服务,以便别人可以和你通话。如果你有多个IP地址,会提示让你选择用哪个地址开机。 关机:关闭监听服务,已经接受的连接不受影响,你可以继续通话。 拨号:连接已经开机的机器,弹出对话框后必须输入对方的IP和端口,如果需要使用代理,请正确设置代理服 务器。 挂机:断开正在进行的通话。 开机后会显示你监听的IP和端口,别人可以通过这个IP和端口和你连接。 连接成功(你拨号连接别人或别人来连接你)后会显示对方的IP和端口。
netip phone (2014-07-18, Delphi, 215KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] Demo

使用VCLZip带密码解压缩,并对压缩的文件带密码加密,逆向解密、解压。 解压、加密过程有进度条显示解压缩、加解密的当前进度。 下载文件附送VCLZip控件
Password encryption, reverse decryption, decompression. Decompression, a progress bar shows the encryption process decompression, the current progress of the encryption and decryption. Download file included VCLZip controls (2014-07-16, Delphi, 1438KB, 下载47次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] SDeanComponents28900

The domestic no more than pieces of Delphi package pkcs# 11 interface, the manpower essential components developed encryption and decryption application, looking for a long time to find, mainly interface directory (SDeanSecurity),. (2013-03-19, Delphi, 3913KB, 下载12次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] TOPAPI

delphi淘宝接口调用,包括:基本类,用户信息,交易信息,交易发货. 上海华克斯 版权所有。
delphi called Taobao interface, that include: basic class, user information, transaction information, transaction delivery. Shanghai Hua Alex Copyright. (2012-11-15, Delphi, 3KB, 下载96次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] XBarCode

Control the source code generated by one-dimensional bar code, ripe use more than five years, please rest assured that use. (2012-07-29, Delphi, 7KB, 下载52次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] ButterWorth

Written in delphi the Butterworth 2,4-order low-pass filter demonstration program. (2012-05-31, Delphi, 300KB, 下载40次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] Enjoy

Happy drawing, DELPHI small program, friendly interface, simple operation, with the draw for the collective unit, but also adjust the festive atmosphere, the source added pictures for all to study and reference. (2011-05-25, Delphi, 15909KB, 下载36次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] Students_select_classes

Using Delphi to achieve additional SQLSever student elective system. Database has been exported to SQL script. Features include: Display of personal information, show programs, details of the curriculum, course selection, curriculum display, modify your password (2010-05-01, Delphi, 464KB, 下载4次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] CryptoAPI_For_Delphi

CryptoAPI' s Delphi header files to supplement the deficiencies in Windows header files, so that programmers can use the Crypt Group Delphi encryption and decryption functions (2010-03-07, Delphi, 264KB, 下载53次)


[界面编程] 1

Form a very useful increase in the shadow of the procedure, there are many ways people have too much trouble, but this process is very convenient, very simple code. Had to look at. (2009-04-22, Delphi, 12KB, 下载44次)


[数据结构] TranslateCalc

实现数据结构中的数学中序表达式转换为后继表达式. 并且运算出后序表达式的结果. 运算符号包括 + - * / & | ! ( ) 加 减 乘 除 与 或 非
Implementation data structure in the math expression in the sequence is converted to a subsequent expression. And after computing the result of the expression sequence. Computing symbols include+-*/& |! () Addition and subtraction or multiplication and division with (2009-03-06, Delphi, 176KB, 下载104次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] StringGrid

StringGrid is commonly used in a Delphi component, this component can be very complicated functions. For example, in the cell (2007-10-30, Delphi, 359KB, 下载100次)


[界面编程] DBGrid3D

BEA TUXEDO是在企业、Internet 这样的分布式运算环境中开发和管理三层结构的客 户/服务器型关键任务应用系统的强有力工具。它具备分布式事务处理和应用通信功能,并提供完善的各种服务来建立、运行和管理关键任务应用系统。开发人员能够用它建立跨多个硬件平台、数据库和操作系统的可互操作的应用系统。BEA TUXEDO是企业、 Internet 分布式应用中的基础主干平台。它提供了一个开放的环境,支持各种各样的客 户、数据库、网络、遗留系统和通讯方式
BEA TUXEDO in the enterprise, the Internet distributed computing environment development and management of the three-tier structure of the client/server-based mission critical Application System powerful tool. It has distributed transaction processing and communications applications, and provide better services to build, Operation and management of mission-critical applications. Developers can use it to establish across multiple hardware platforms, databases and operating systems interoperable applications. BEA TUXEDO enterprises and the Internet distributed applications based on the trunk platform. It provides an open environment to support a wide range of clients, databases, networks, legacy systems and means of communication (2006-06-02, Delphi, 3KB, 下载14次)


[家庭/个人应用] sunnote

Sunweijiang the notebook I write more than one page of the notebook Programming mind some messy things more pages on the plus tab to preserve his update about me. practical (2006-01-17, Delphi, 190KB, 下载6次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] wavelet transform-n point

n点长度的DB系列小波多分辨分解程序。 可以实现一维信号的分解和重构
length of the point n DB series multiresolution wavelet decomposition process. Peacekeeping can achieve a signal decomposition and reconstruction (2005-12-13, Delphi, 179KB, 下载45次)
