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[其他] 201222514494536

在这里,随便说一下pb10以下版本的程序,如果升级到pb10以上版本,需要注意的地方: PB10以下版本的程序,字符串使用的ANSI编码,pb10或以上版本,使用的是Unicode编码,所以在API函数定义上,会有些出入.大部分在参数或返回值中使用了字符串的Windows API函数,都提供了两个版本的API,一个是支持ANSI的,一般在函数后面加个A作为标记,一个是支持Unicode的,一般在函数后面加W(WideChar)作为标记.如GetWindowTextA和GetWindowTextW,所以在pb9时,定义API函数一般使用的是ANSI版本(因为PB9使用的是ANSI编码),如果是升级到PB10或以后版本,则可以把API函数定义为使用Unicode版本即可,而不是使用PB程序直接升级的那样,继续采用Ansi版本. 此外,PB在定义Windows Api时,大小写是敏感的,这个跟PBScript不同,也是需要注意的地方. PB9新增加了两个函数 TOAnsi 和ToUnicode,分别可以把字符串转换为Uncicode编码的Blob类型的数据,或把Uncicode编码类型的Blob数量,转换为使用Ansi的字符串.而pb11.5,这两个函数在使用的时,提示该函数在以后的版本可能不支持,所以不直接使用.PB 11.5使用String和Blob函数进行字符串编码数据类型的转换,并且可以指定字符编码的类型.
Here, casually talk about the pb10 version of the program, if upgraded to pb10 version or more, the need to pay attention to: PB10 version of the program, strings using ANSI encoding, pb10 or more version, using Unicode encoding, so in the definition of API functions, there will be some discrepancies. Most of the parameters or return values used in the string of Windows API functions, have provided two versions of API, one is to support ANSI, generally add a tag after the function, one is to support Unicode, generally in the Unicode. (2019-01-02, PowerBuilder, 1638KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] pb9(orca)

loc: 很好的一个调用orca的例子. pbcomment7: 给pb自动加注释的软件. PowerBuilder-ORCA-0.04: orca用于C/C++的头文件. orca7.pdf: 帮助手册. 下面几个是自己做的: dw_restore: 从pbd中提取dw对象 highlighter: 语法高亮显示 minipb: 想做个mini版pb,刚开了头 pic_extract: 从pbd提取图片 version_convert: pbl版本降级
Some Source Code (2009-03-14, PowerBuilder, 2550KB, 下载51次)


[其他] JDGL

业务管理:包括客房预订、入住登记、续住、换房、转账、其他服务提供、留言板、意见簿、走客结账、欠费结算。 ¯ 查询统计:包括历史单据、预订表、在住客人表、换房查询、转账查询、日经营状况、月收入状况、客房利用率、实时房态。-system design focus of this chapter describe the development of small PowerBuilder 9.0 Rooms Management System process, through the study of this chapter, readers should be familiar with PowerBuilder 9.0 TreeView control and the right mouse button menu of use, master GroupBox, SingleLineEdit, CommandButton, RadioButton, PictureButton controls such as the similarities and differences to further understanding of data objects window displays various occasions the application. System to complete the task Macr system maintenance include : corporate information, the operator management, change passwords, management succession, dictionary management. Macr basic information : Rooms management system for the basic information management (including new, modify or delete), which is the basic informat
err (2009-01-07, PowerBuilder, 133KB, 下载50次)


[其他数据库] kfgl

业务管理:包括客房预订、入住登记、续住、换房、转账、其他服务提供、留言板、意见簿、走客结账、欠费结算。 ¯ 查询统计:包括历史单据、预订表、在住客人表、换房查询、转账查询、日经营状况、月收入状况、客房利用率、实时房态。-system design focus of this chapter describe the development of small PowerBuilder 9.0 Rooms Management System process, through the study of this chapter, readers should be familiar with PowerBuilder 9.0 TreeView control and the right mouse button menu of use, master GroupBox, SingleLineEdit, CommandButton, RadioButton, PictureButton controls such as the similarities and differences to further understanding of data objects window displays various occasions the application. System to complete the task Macr system maintenance include : corporate information, the operator management, change passwords, management succession, dictionary management. Macr basic information : Rooms management system for the basic information management (including new, modify or delete), which is the basic informat
err (2009-01-07, PowerBuilder, 33KB, 下载5次)



业务管理:包括客房预订、入住登记、续住、换房、转账、其他服务提供、留言板、意见簿、走客结账、欠费结算。 ¯ 查询统计:包括历史单据、预订表、在住客人表、换房查询、转账查询、日经营状况、月收入状况、客房利用率、实时房态。-system design focus of this chapter describe the development of small PowerBuilder 9.0 Rooms Management System process, through the study of this chapter, readers should be familiar with PowerBuilder 9.0 TreeView control and the right mouse button menu of use, master GroupBox, SingleLineEdit, CommandButton, RadioButton, PictureButton controls such as the similarities and differences to further understanding of data objects window displays various occasions the application. System to complete the task Macr system maintenance include : corporate information, the operator management, change passwords, management succession, dictionary management. Macr basic information : Rooms management system for the basic information management (including new, modify or delete), which is the basic informat
err (2009-01-07, PowerBuilder, 765KB, 下载8次)
