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[游戏] teris

Can achieve a left shift in the square moves to the right move down quickly, and other functions. The overall interface is concise, is a good data as spare leisure time to tr (2016-11-30, Visual C++, 1109KB, 下载2次)


[游戏] RFExpEd

RF国度G4服务端修改游戏升级经验开源工具 生成DAT文件后改名为“EXP.dat” 拷贝到服务端目录 (X为服务端所在盘符) 覆盖同名文件 开源工具自带说明,请注意使用说明。 畅玩无限
RF country G4 server to modify the game to upgrade the experience of open source tools After the DAT file is generated, it is renamed as EXP.dat Copy to server directory (X server where drive) Overlay file Open source tool comes with instructions, please note that the use of. b:Play unlimited (2016-10-05, Visual C++, 121KB, 下载9次)


[游戏] taiqiu

Based on 6603 net fox snooker game ball into a white ball, (2015-11-25, Visual C++, 930KB, 下载3次)


[游戏] games

The compressed package program is written by c 5 small games. Respectively include continuous keystroke games, dice games, bouncing ball, Tetris, 24-point game of poker. C language suitable for a certain basis readers learn from. (2015-02-22, Visual C++, 11KB, 下载6次)


[游戏] tanchishe.tar

snake game (2014-12-22, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[游戏] Joseph

约瑟夫问题 这是17世纪的法国数学家加斯帕在《数目的游戏问题》中讲的一个故事:15个教徒和15 个非教徒在深海上遇险,必须将一半的人投入海中,其余的人才能幸免于难,于是想了一个办法:30个人围成一圆圈,从第一个人开始依次报数,每数到第九个人就将他扔入大海,如此循环进行直到仅余15个人为止。问怎样排法,才能使每次投入大海的都是非教徒。
Joseph problem which is the 17th-century French mathematician Gaspard is a story in the " number of game problems" in the talk: 15 Christians and 15 non-believers in deep distress, half of the people must be put into the sea, and the rest of the people in order to survive, then thought of a way: 30 people surrounded by a circle, started from the first turn reported the number of individuals per count will be his ninth thrown into the sea, and so on until the only remaining 15 people so far . Q. How row method, in order to make each into the sea are non-believers. (2014-05-05, Visual C++, 4KB, 下载4次)


[游戏] fiveAndroidgames

这是五款经典的安卓游戏的源码,包含的 五个经典游戏有: 跳跳龙游戏源码 布偶兔战争TD游戏源码 鸭子快跑游戏源码 Wifi俄罗斯方块游戏源码 疯狂足球游戏源码
Jumping dragon puppet rabbit War TD game source code Ducks game Run game Tetris game source code Wifi crazy football game source code (2013-11-21, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载3次)


[游戏] guess-number-game

使用 VC++ 6.0 编写的 控制台版 猜数字 游戏, 比如 要 猜 3589, 第一次玩家输入 1234, 会提示 0A1B, A表示 位置和数值都对,B表示位置不对,但数值对。 以前网上有好几多朋友加我QQ 要这个程序
Prepared using VC++ 6.0 guessing game console version, for example, to guess 3589, the first player input 1234, will prompt 0A1B, A represents the location and value are all, B represents the wrong place, but the value for (2013-06-11, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载3次)


[游戏] 24card-game

Game content is as follows: a king size cards in removing the remaining 52, a random selection of four cards (known as deck), with the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division (can be added in brackets) surface of the cards count as 24 . Requires each card must be used once and only once. (2013-06-11, Visual C++, 29KB, 下载3次)


[游戏] Tetris

This program is a game of Tetris, the basic functions. The highlight is the use of object-oriented design, and the use of the factory pattern design of the underlying data. (2012-12-30, Visual C++, 23KB, 下载5次)


[游戏] RussianGame

VC++ source code version of Tetris, the left control button personalization, and other game modes basically the same form and a child play with the box very similar to the classic type, the VC++ programmers to provide reference to it. (2011-05-10, Visual C++, 75KB, 下载7次)


[游戏] epoch

Playing the game a mouse source code, using VC6.0 development, set with yellow, gray, pink three-color mouse, rat beat the yellow and gray mouse to play the three, the pink mouse can not fight, time limit 15 seconds, breaking a gray Mouse plus a second of time! (2010-05-23, Visual C++, 66KB, 下载32次)


[游戏] c3

炸弹超人吧,qq堂编程 两个人碗的,A控制WASD空格,B控制光标键和回车 命数,关的风格自己在文件头自己搞定;可以吃的道具由种分别加威力和雷数(最多8个)--简单的16色游戏
Zhatanchaoren it, qq two bowls hall programming, A control WASD space, B control the cursor keys and Enter order number, style of relating to their own buttoned in the file header can eat the props from the kinds of forces and mine were Grandmark number ( Up to 8)- a simple 16-color games (2010-05-21, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载2次)


[游戏] Tetris

利用VC++语言编写的一个俄罗斯方块游戏 可以自定义游戏速度 可以通过上下左右键控制 游戏中形状数不少于6种
Using VC++ language written in a Tetris game.You can customize the game speeds.up and down left and right buttons can control the game.There are not less than six kinds of shapes in the game (2010-03-30, Visual C++, 1654KB, 下载9次)


[游戏] tinytetris

超迷你俄罗斯方块游戏。console做的。 工程是VC2008Express。没有这个的同学自己建工程把所有的源文件拷贝过去就行了。
Ultra-Mini Tetris game. console to do. Project is VC2008Express. Without this project the students to build their own all the source files are copied in the past on the list. (2009-11-16, Visual C++, 11KB, 下载5次)


[游戏] RussianBlocks

This procedure for the classic Tetris game, realized in C++ and mfc console under the procedures under the realization of the game for the box. To be expressed in the form of dot-matrix box. (2009-11-08, Visual C++, 396KB, 下载7次)


[游戏] elsfangkuai

一个俄罗斯方块的程序 左、右、下移动光标键: 可移动下落的方块 空格、回车分别按顺时针和逆时针方向旋转下落的方块 Esc: 暂停/继续 F10: 开始新游戏
Procedures for a Russian box left, right, move the cursor under the key: the whereabouts of the box movable spaces, carriage returns, respectively, clockwise and counterclockwise rotation of the whereabouts of the box Esc: Pause/continue F10: the beginning the new game (2009-04-18, Visual C++, 16KB, 下载2次)


[游戏] joins

游戏名:印第安纳琼斯.之.世界的尽头 概要:基于《WINDOW编程大师技巧卷1》中的BOB引擎写的游戏,捎给迷茫中的人们。
Game Name: Indiana Jones. s. The world at the end of a summary: Based on WINDOW programming skills Masters Vol 1 in the engine written by BOB games,捎给of people confused. (2008-02-26, Visual C++, 822KB, 下载7次)


[游戏] chuangame

枣子穿纽游戏: 在本游戏中,你将作为一名裁缝,将尽可能多的纽扣穿成 一个闭合的路线。游戏初始有 15 个纽扣,随着时间的增 加,纽扣数目也增加,当达到70个时游戏即结束。
Dates to wear New Game: In this game, you will as a tailor, will be wearing buttons as much as possible into a closed route. Initial game there are 15 buttons, as time increased, also increased the number of buttons, when the reach 70, when that is the end of the game. (2007-11-05, Visual C++, 57KB, 下载55次)


[游戏] hexmine

自己用C编写的小游戏,DOS界面哦,可以运行。 浮点数基本运算 浮点数的基本运算主要有四则运算、符号处理、大小比较,以及浮点数分柝等。 包含头文件 "fn.hpp" #include "fn.hpp" 浮点数基本运算 浮点数的基本运算中有加、减、乘、除、取负、绝对值、相等比较等。 加减乘除 加、减、乘、除四个运算极为相似,都是需要两个参数,结果当然也是浮点数了。 例子: // 加 减 乘 除 btil::fn::plus<f1, f2>::value // f1+f2 的结果 btil::fn::minus<f1, f2>::value // f1-f2 的结果 btil::fn::multiplies<f1, f2>::value // f1*f2 的结果 btil::fn::divides<f1, f2>::value // f1/f2 的结果 plus<f1, f2>::value::f_val // f1+f2 的结果的值 struct one { static const double f_val = 1.0 } // 两个浮点数 struct two { static const double f_val = 2.0 } minus<two, plus<divides<one, two>::value, one>::value >::value::f_val == 0.5 取负 取负运算就是取一个浮点数的负数。
prepare themselves with a small C games, DOS interface, oh run. Float Float basic operations of the basic operations are four major operations, symbols, sizes, and float-watchman's rattle so. The first document contains "fn.hpp"# include "fn.hpp" float float basic operations of the basic operations are, plus or minus, riding, except from negative, in absolute terms, a comparison of the same. The arithmetic, plus or minus, multiplication and four Operational very similar, two parameters are needed, of course, is the result of the float. Example :// arithmetic btil : : fn : : pluslt; F1, f2gt; : : Value// f1 f2 results btil : : fn : : minuslt; F1, f2gt; : : Value// f1- f2 btil the results : : fn : : multiplieslt; f1, f2gt; : : value// f1- f2 results btil : (2005-05-02, Visual C++, 267KB, 下载4次)
