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[数据结构] stacksofwax

Home to the codebase of a dynamic music streaming social network that connects users through their love of music. Here, you ll find everything that powers our community s ability to explore, share, and discuss their favorite tunes and podcasts. (2024-04-08, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据结构] Stanford_CS106B_Assignments

My solutions to the assignments I have undertaken for the CS106B (Programming Abstractions in C++) course, in Stanford University. (2017-2018) (2018-12-22, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据结构] 《数据结构与算法》课程上机实验一(线性表)

In the data structure, the basic operations of the sequence table, the addition, deletion, modification and query of elements are performed. One dimensional array of C language is used to realize the sequential storage of linear table. (2020-09-16, C/C++, 14KB, 下载0次)


[数据结构] simple-guidance

I have written and debugged the successful operation of a simple guide system, based on the Dijkstra algorithm. After inputing the destination, you can get the distance and route the current place. (2016-02-15, Java, 13KB, 下载2次)


[数据结构] TestExpr

四则混合运算表达式求值: 当用户输入一个合法的算术表达式后,能够返回正确的结果。 能够计算的运算符包括:加、减、乘、除、括号; 能够计算的操作数要求在实数范围内;
The four mixed computing expression evaluation: When the user enters a valid arithmetic expression, they can return the correct results. Operators can be calculated include: add, subtract, multiply, divide, brackets Can count the operation requirement in the number range (2014-08-01, Visual C++, 428KB, 下载7次)


[数据结构] Dijkstra

Arithmetic operations, Dijkstra algorithm using vs2008 and opencv , arbitrary construct a directed graph and calculate the shortest path between any two points on the map and its length (2014-06-16, Visual C++, 15412KB, 下载12次)


[数据结构] Matlab

至少都是 的角色的巴萨和健康的哈桑 达科技时代那是的美白精华萨本大师的 阿斯顿小撒大商场
Barcelona and at least the age of technology are healthy and that is the role of the master Whitening Sa Aston Xiaosa big mall (2014-03-20, matlab, 1KB, 下载4次)


[数据结构] 5

假设有一个数据类型为整型的一维数组A,A 中的数据元素呈无序状态,编写一个采用堆排序法将A中的数据元素按由小到大进行排序的程序。
Suppose there is a data type integer one-dimensional array A, A data element was disordered state, the preparation of a heap sort using the data elements of A are sorted by ascending process. (2013-08-03, C/C++, 5KB, 下载3次)


[数据结构] graph

Figure includes almost all the operations, the adjacency matrix, adjacency list creation, deep search recursive non-recursive traversal wide ship, floyd, prim, kruscal, boundary Stella algorithm, topological sorting, the critical path (2013-06-01, C/C++, 1415KB, 下载4次)


[数据结构] cpp

数组元素为指针的数组称为指针数组 例: int *pa[3] 数组有三个元素, 每个元素是一个int型指针 pa是指向该一维一级指针数组的指针,是二级指针
Array element as pointer to array of pointers to arrays example: int* pa [3] array has three elements, each element is an int pointer pa is a pointer pointing to the one-dimensional array of pointers, the two pointers (2011-11-04, Visual C++, 13KB, 下载2次)


[数据结构] good

第4章 数组 1. 定义一个int型的一维数组,包含10个元素,分别赋一些随机整数,然后求出所有元素的最大值, 最小值,平均值,和值,并输出出来。
Chapter 4 Array 1. Define a one-dimensional array of type int, contains 10 elements, respectively, assigned some random integer, then find all the elements of the maximum, minimum, average, and values, and output them. (2011-10-28, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载5次)


[数据结构] cPPalgorithm

C++ algorithm for Guinness, which contains the unit increases, the underlying programming, Tower of Hanoi, inverse matrix, find the binary, data structures, mathematical problems, array, documentation procedures, the problem algorithms, lower case to upper case figure numbers, calibration algorithm, coins situation, character, and various lists (2011-05-02, Visual C++, 621KB, 下载17次)


[数据结构] SFLA_testfuntion_lt

I wrote this code mixed leapfrog procedure, there are about four high-dimensional test function. Strong that leapfrog procedure is an effective procedure available to researchers want to leapfrog friends. Thank you (2011-04-26, Visual C++, 985KB, 下载74次)


[数据结构] Unary-polynomial-operations-(list)

Using a single linked list to achieve a polynomial addition, subtraction, multiplication (2011-03-29, Visual C++, 84KB, 下载4次)


[数据结构] test

A two-way circular linked list, and in which an additional freq, initialization is 0, when lcate (l, x) access to a phase freq X plus 1, but also by freq list the size of the order of non-increasing order (2011-03-05, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载3次)


[数据结构] park

Is a park path search c++ implementation method is relatively simple functions, curriculum design. Use the Dijkstra algorithm and the greedy algorithm for the shortest path (2010-06-08, Visual C++, 5KB, 下载2次)


[数据结构] shiyanliu

假设有一个数据类型为整型的一维数组A,A 中的数据元素呈无序状态,编写一个采用堆排序法将A中的数据元素按由小到大进行排序的程序。
Suppose a data type for the integer one-dimensional array A, A in the data element was disorder, to write a heap sort method used in the data elements A sort of process by small to large. (2010-05-11, C/C++, 1KB, 下载6次)


[数据结构] gausss

The use of C language to achieve high斯塞德尔iterative algorithm, GS-fat is a kind of iterative equations used to calculate the classical method. (2008-04-07, C/C++, 1KB, 下载6次)


[数据结构] eightQueens

Queen s classic eight questions- data structure of the curriculum design report, although a lot of places, I this is based on the teacher asked to do a good job, and add the cover can be directly handed over. (2008-01-21, C/C++, 103KB, 下载184次)


[数据结构] Apple

是一个精典的递归加动态规化的题 题目:有M个苹果要求放入N个篮子中,求出放法的总数(N个篮子中放的苹果数不限定,有的也可以不放)
Is a classical recursive plus dynamic regulation of the title subject: M has an apple basket request Add N months, the release method to derive the total number (N a basket of apples put a few non-limiting, some can not release) (2007-09-06, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载43次)
