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[Node.js] node-tds-2023-alunos

Repositório modelo em NodeJS para os alunos do curso técnico em desenvolvimento de sismas-塞内加尔
Repositório modelo em NodeJS para os alunos do curso técnico em desenvolvimento de sistemas - SENAI (2024-03-23, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Node.js] reactSaxPracticeApp-v

Daily Shed是一款萨克斯管练习应用程序。它由React前端、node.js express后端和烧瓶服务器构建,以使用abjad库渲染音乐符号图像。
The Daily Shed is a saxophone practice app. It is built with a React frontend, node.js express backend and flask server to render music notation images using the abjad library. (2024-02-09, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Node.js] beach-bar-emacs-theme

Gulp down your happy shake, listen to the reggae tunes and slowly do "M-x load-theme" ... You deserve it. Beach Bar is a sunny theme inspired by eink-like themes. It appears calm, wears colors sparingly, and only where really neccessary. (2024-01-31, Emacs Lisp, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Node.js] SourceQuote

"I always have a quotation for everything - it saves original thinking." — Dorothy L. Sayers (2023-12-26, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Node.js] pokemon

Pokédex. A fully responsive Application built with Node.js, Express, Postgre, Secqualize, React, and Redux consuming the public PokéApi. (2023-12-06, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Node.js] whatsapp-bot

WhatsApp机器人可以创建贴纸并向 ChatGPT发送消息。发送照片用作贴纸,并发送问题以供查韦斯回答...
WhatsApp bot to create stickers and send messages to chatGPT. Send photos to be used as stickers and send questions to be answered by chatGPT. The bot is built using the whatsappweb js library and uses express js frameworks and retrieves data from the chatGPT API (2023-11-05, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Node.js] ndarray-base-reverse

Return a view of an input ndarray in which the order of elements along each dimension is reversed., (2023-10-15, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Node.js] stats-base-dists-laplace-mgf

Laplace (Double Exponential) distribution moment-generating function (MGF)., (2023-09-24, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Node.js] gulp-webpack-react-bootstrap-sass-template

Web App客户端模板:React。萨斯,咖啡,JSX。Sass的引导程序。使用Gulp和Webpack.编译。,
Web App Client Template: React. Sass, Coffee, JSX. Bootstrap for Sass. Compiled with Gulp and Webpack., (2015-07-28, CoffeeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Node.js] RTheme

新一代现代化极客风多功能横版静态博客主题框架 - 高性能 自动化 响应式 SEO友好 全站搜索 自动订阅更新 SPA 音乐播放器 原生实现 代码高亮 标签&分类自索引 语言&设置自定义 内置高级下载器 自动目录索引,
A new generation of modern geek style multi-function horizontal static blog theme framework - high-performance automatic responsive SEO friendly whole station search automatic subscription update SPA music player native implementation code highlighting tag&classification self indexing language&setting custom built-in advanced downloader automatic directory indexing, (2023-09-02, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Node.js] Job-Finder-App

waa app aad ka raadsan karto dhamaan shaqooyin ka banaan oo lasoo post-加里耶,西多卡莱waxaa ka raadi kartaa Shaqooin-ka aad jecesh...,
waa app aad ka raadsan karto dhamaan shaqooyin-ka banaan oo lasoo post-gareeyay, sidoo kale waxaa ka raadi kartaa shaqooyin-ka aad jeceshahay iyo company-ga aad rabto (2023-08-24, Dart, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Node.js] OtavioMiranda-JS-TS

我在奥塔维奥·米兰达(Otavio Miranda)的Javascript和udemy的打字课程中学习,
My studies at Otavio Miranda Javascript and Typescript course at udemy, (2023-08-03, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Node.js] istanbuljs

monorepo containing the various nuts and bolts that facilitate istanbul.js test instrumentation, (2023-07-07, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Node.js] GateWayProject_Node-js

This project is made to manage the gate of Addis Ababa Science And Technology University. (2022-06-29, EJS, 161983KB, 下载0次)
